V. I. Lenin

Note by the Vperyod Editorial Board to a Resolution by a Group of Workers of the St. Petersburg Metalworks{2}

Published: Vperyod No. 14, April 12 (March 30), 1905. Printed from the Vperyod text verified with the original.
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1977, Moscow, Volume 41, page 141.2.
Translated: Yuri Sdobnikov
Transcription\Markup: R. Cymbala
Copyleft: V. I. Lenin Internet Archive (www.marxists.org) © 2004 Permission is granted to copy and/or distribute this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
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From the Editors. We publish this resolution by the worker-comrades as a characteristic manifestation of the mood that in certain circumstances may sway a considerable section of the fighting proletariat.{1} A Party split—especially a secret split—undoubtedly inflicts countless calamities on the labour movement. The above-mentioned Kharkov resolution{3} shows that there are Mensheviks in Russia who are much more conscientious about their Party duty than the comrades abroad. This is also shown by the new declaration issued by the C.C. together with the Majority Committees’ Bureau.{4} Let us once again wish success to this latest attempt at unification.


{1} The first sentence was written by M.S. Olminsky.—Ed.

{2} In a resolution earned by No. 14 of Vperyod on April 12 (March 30), 1905, the workers condemned the split in the Party and demanded immediate unity. p. 141

{3} A reference to the resolutions of the Menshevik Kharkov Commit tee, on the election of a delegate to the Third R.S.D.L.P. Congress, and of the Kharkov Bolshevik group, on the need to unite the Party “on the basis of a common, strictly principled tactics and centralised organisation”. Both were published in No. 14 of Vperyod. p. 141

{4} A reference to the agreement between the M.C.B. and the R.S.D.L.P. Central Committee on the convocation of the Third Party Congress. The principles of the agreement were set out in the appeal “To the Party” on behalf of the Central Committee and the M.C.B. on March 12 (25), 1905, which was published in No. 13 of Vperyod on April 5 (March 23), 1905, in Lenin’s article “The Second Step”. The agreement said that “further work in connection with convening the Congress is to be carried jointly by the M.C.B. and the C.C., which form an Organising Committee”. Lenin gave an assessment of the agreement in his articles “The Second Step” and “The Council Is Caught Out” (see present edition, Vol. 8, pp. 262–66, 330–34). p. 141

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