Written: Written In the Swiss mountains, sent to Geneva
First published In 1930.
Printed from a copy written out by N. K. Krupskaya.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 34,
pages 248-249.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
D. Moros
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August 24, 1904
Being rather far from Geneva, I learnt only today that the editors of the Central Organ intend to publish a “declaration” said to have been adopted by the Central Committee.[2]
I consider it my duty to warn the editors of the C.O. that already on August 18, 1904, I made a statement contesting the lawfulness of this declaration,[1] i.e., the lawfulness of the decision on this question allegedly adopted by a majority of the C.C.
There are at present six members of the C.C. (owing to Comrade Mitrofan’s resignation and, if the rumour is to be believed, the recent arrest of Zverev and Vasiliev).
According to my information, it is even probable that only three members out of the six had the audacity to speak for the whole C.C. and to do so not even through the two representatives abroad, who are formally bound by the agreement of May 26, 1904 (this agreement was signed by Glebov, Zverev and myself).
I enclose herewith a copy of my statement of August 18, 1904, and I must state that the editorial board of the C.O. will be responsible for giving press publicity to the whole incident and conflict in the event of the “declaration” being published before the matter of my protest against the validity of the decision has been settled within the C.C.
N. Lenin,
C.C. member and representative abroad
P.S. In any case I consider it absolutely obligatory that publication of the “declaration” should be withheld until I have thrashed out the matter with Comrade Glebov who, according to my information, is today leaving Berlin for Geneva. Not even I, a member of the C.C., have any knowledge of the latter’s decision concerning the publication of this declaration.
If, nevertheless, the editorial board decides to publish the declaration, then I consider it is morally bound to publish also my protest against its lawfulness.
[1] “To Five Members of the Central Committee” (see present edition, Vol. 7)—Ed.
[2] Lenin did not attend the Amsterdam Congress and transferred his mandate to M. N. Lyadov and P. A. Krasikov, who were included in the delegation of the R.S.D.L.P. to the Congress.
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