Written: Written November 5, 1903
First published in 1928.
Sent from Geneva to Kiev.
Printed from a copy written out by N. K. Krupskaya.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 34,
page 188.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
D. Moros
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November 5
1) Yesterday Lalayants set out to visit you.
2) I already wrote yesterday about the row here and that Plekhanov has taken fright and entered into negotiations with them.[1] They put forward the conditions: 1) restoration of the old editorial board, 2) co-optation of several persons, on to the Central Committee, 3) two votes in the Council, 4) recognition of the League Congress as lawful. In other words, they agree to peace only on condition of complete surrender of the position, disavowal of Wolf and rendering the present Central Committee “harmless”. My personal opinion is that any concessions on the part of the C.C. would be degrading and would completely discredit the present Central Committee. It is necessary that Deer and Nil come here as soon as possible, everything is at stake—and if the C.C. is not prepared for a determined struggle, a fight to the bitter end, it would be best to give up everything to them at once. To permit such demoralisation, to enter into such deals, means to ruin everything. I repeat, that is my personal opinion. In any case, come here at once so that we may jointly decide what to do.
[1] See p. 186 of this volume.—Ed.
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