First published in 1928 in Lenin Miscellany VIII.
Sent from London to Kiev.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 36,
page 126.
Translated: Andrew Rothstein
R. Cymbala
Public Domain:
Lenin Internet Archive.
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To Kurtz
January 17, 1903
Yesterday we received Kievski S.-D. Listok No. 1, dated November 30 (sic!), through an outsider. It is simply a scandal that our Iskrists always lag behind! Why didn’t Zarin send us this leaflet in time? Why hasn’t he written a single word about this undertaking? We implore Zarin to link us up directly with some member of the Committee, someone who is conscientious and mobile and who knows everything that is going on. Every leaflet (whoever issues it) must be sent immediately to two different addresses in two copies, one in an envelope, another wrapped up in a Russian newspaper. Then we must immediately be given contact with Vakar. We are very much afraid that the Kiev Iskrists, owing to their inactivity and onlooker attitude, will suffer the same fate as that of the St. Petersburg Iskrists. Not a word either about receipt and distribution (N.B.) of the literature! This is a desperate situation!
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