V. I.   Lenin


To:   L. Y. GALPERIN[2]

&xwhatthe; / &whatthe;

Written: Written between June 18 and 22, 1901
Published: First published in 1928. Sent from Munich to Baku. Printed from the original.
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1974, Moscow, Volume 34, page 72.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
Transcription\Markup: D. Moros
Public Domain: Lenin Internet Archive (2005). You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.
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A further shipment to Persia via Vienna was made only recently, so it is premature to talk of failure. It may be successful. Inform the addressee in Tabriz that he will be receiving books from Berlin and write us when they are received.

As regards arrangements for printing Iskra in the Caucasus, we have already sent X a detailed inquiry but have not yet had an answer.[1] We must know exactly what the plan is (whether a legal or an illegal printing-press), how feasible it is, what amount of printed matter it reckons on (can Iskra be printed monthly?), how much money is needed initially and per month. Our funds just now are very low, and we cannot make any promises until we have detailed information, which please send immediately.

Make every effort to obtain money. We have already written about this through X to one of your acquaintances and advise you to ask ZZ also to take up the matter; one of the members of the Iskra group already spoke to him about money at the beginning of last year (remind him of the conversation in a theatre in one of the capitals).[3]

As regards the Eastern shore of the Black Sea, you must look for routes without fail. Devote your efforts especially to the French steamships—we hope to find a means of contact with them from here.


[1] See p. 70 of this volume.—Ed.

[2] Galperin, L. Y. (1872-1951)—a Social-Democrat, joined the revolutionary movement in 1898. While in exile, in Astrakhan Gubernia, he established contact with Iskra organisation and was sent to Baku as its agent in the spring of 1901, where he worked at setting up the Baku Committee of the R.S.D.L.P., and an illegal printing-press, and at organising the transportation of illegal literature from abroad and its distribution in Russia.

After the Second Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. he joined the Bolsheviks and for a time represented the editorial board of the Party’s Central Organ on the Party Council and was afterwards co-optated to the Central Committee. Adopted a conciliatory attitude towards Menshevism and was against convening the Third Congress of the Party. Retired from active political work in 1906. p. 72

[3] Lenin refers to his visit to the Moscow Art Theatre with I. Lalayants, of which he wrote to his mother M. A. Ulyanova in his letter dated February 20, 1901. p. 72

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