V. I.   Lenin



Published: First published in 1929 in the journal Proletarskaya Revolyutsiya No. 11. Sent from Munich. Printed from the original.
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1977, Moscow, Volume 37, pages 315-316.
Translated: The Late George H. Hanna
Transcription\Markup: D. Moros
Public Domain: Lenin Internet Archive.   You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work, as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.
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Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova,
Sharonov’s House,
Bakhmetyevskaya Street,

January 27, 1901

Mother dearest,

A few days ago I received a letter and a postcard from Manyasha and also a photo of Mitya, and Protopopov’s book. Thanks for everything. I was very glad to get Mitya’s photo—I think it is a good one. I have already begun to long for photographs and will certainly ask Nadya to bring my album, and if you have any new photographs, please send them.

I don’t need any warm clothing now. Winter here seems to be over—I mean real winter with snow and temperatures below zero. It was warm and rainy right up to the end of December. Then it snowed and the temperature began to drop to 10°–15° below zero R (mornings) and the Germans complained of the “terrible” cold. In their houses it really is terribly cold, even when there are only three degrees of frost outside; the houses are badly built. A thaw set in about a week ago, all the snow disappeared in one night, and the weather is now like March in Russia or April in Siberia. It is possible—even probable—that there will be some more snow, but only for a very short time. The coldest period is over; last month I had to spend five rubles   on Holz und Kohle[1] instead of one or two rubles, as in previous months.

I am quite well and there are no changes. I correspond with Anyuta and hope to see her soon.

Many kisses for you, my dear, and best regards to all.

V. U.

P.S. Less than two months remain to the end of Nadya’s term of exile; she will be coming soon and will, of course, be seeing you. And in summer I hope that we shall be together.


[1] Wood and coal (Ger.).—Ed.

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