MIA: M.I.A. Library: Baruch Hirson
Baruch Hirson
On the Death of S-P Bunting, 1936
Report on PAC Conference, 1959
South Africa: Ten Years of the Stay-at-Home, 1961
Once Again on the Stay-at-Home, 1961
Bukharin, Bunting and the ‘Native Republic Slogan’, 1989
‘Native Republic Slogan’: Response of the Trotskyists, 1989
Communalism and Socialism in Africa, 1989
Inside Quadro: End of an Era, 1990
Class and Community Struggles in South Africa (Review)
Lies in the Life of “Comrade Bill”, 1990
Entrism and Nationalist Movements (letter), 1996
Interviews with Wang Fanxi (book review), 1996
Archive maintained by Andy Blunden.