Encyclopedia of Marxism: W


Wage Hustling Wage Labour
Wagenknecht, Alfred (1881–1956) Wages
Walesa, Lech (b. 1943) Wall Street Crash (October 1929)
Wallace, Henry (1888-1965) . Wallon, Henri (1879-1962)
Walras, Léon (1834-1910) Wang Ching-wei (1884-1944)
War War Communism
War Industries Committees Warren, Fred (1872-?)
Wealth Webb, Beatrice (1858-1943)
Webb, Sidney (1859-1947) Weber, Max (1864-1920)
Weerth, Georg (1822-1856) Weisbord, Vera Buch (1895-1989)
Weitling, Wilhelm (1808-71) Welfare
Wellington, Duke of (1769-1852) Wells, H.G. (1866-1946)
Wels, Otto (1873-1939) Western Federation of Miners
Western Worker (San Francisco 1932-1937) Weston, John
Westphalen, Christian von (1724-1792) Westphalen, Edgar von (1819-1890)
Westphalen, Ferdinand Otto von (1819-1890) Westphalen, Heinrich von (1768-1855)
Westphalen, Jenny von Westphalen, Karl von (1803-1840)
Westphalen, Karoline (-1856) Westphalen, Ludwig von (1770-1842)
Weydemeyer, Joseph (1818-1866) White Army
Wickremasinghe, Cyril Esmond Lucien (1920-1985) Widgery, David (1947-1992)
Wijnkoop, David (1876-1941) Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900)
Wilkinson, Ellen (1891-1947) Will
Willich, August (1810-78) Wilson's Fourteen Points
Wilson, Theodore Woodrow (1856-1924) Winstanley, Gerrard (1606-1660)
Wischnewetsky, Florence Kelley (1859-1931) Wittfogel, Karl August (1896-1988)
Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889-1951) Wolff, Wilhelm (1809-1864)
Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759-1797) Woman Question
Woman Rebel Woman’s National Committee
Woman’s National Socialist Union Women’s Liberation Movement
Women’s Liberation Unions Women’s Studies
Woodhull, Victoria (1838-1927) Woodsworth, James Shaver (1874-1942)
Wooler, Thomas Jonathan (1786-1853) Workers Opposition
Workers’ International News (London 1938-1949) Workers' Group
Working Class Working Day
Works of Marx, Eearly transitional and Mature (Althusser) World Trade Organization (WTO)
World War I World War I — Germany
World War I — Russia Wrangel affair
Wrangel, Pyotr Nikolaevich (1878 - 1928) Wundt, Wilhelm (1832 - 1920)