MIA: Encyclopedia of Marxism: Glossary of Periodicals
Neue Rheinische Zeitung
New Rhenish Gazette, Organ of Democracy ("Organ der Demokratie")
"Those were such revolutionary times, and at such times it is a pleasure to work in the daily press. One sees for oneself the effect of every word, one sees one's articles strike like hand-grenades and explode like fired shells."
Frederick Engels
The Neue Rheinische Zeitung was a daily paper published in Cologne between June 1 1848 and May 19 1849. As implied by its name, it was envisioned to continue the tradition of the Rheinische Zeitung – which Marx edited in 1842 and 1843.
The Neue Rheinische Zeitung, despite its regional name, considered its audience to be all of Germany – beyond the Rhine Province (which centred on Cologne). During April/May 1848, Marx and Engels raised funds for it by selling shares, while drumming up talented correspondents and establishing contacts with democratic periodicals in other countries.
The paper would ultimately be shut down in 1849 by an act of Prussian censorship. The last issue was printed entirely in red ink, see Karl Marx's last article for the newspaper: Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
Statement from the editorial board of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung
upon the publication of the first issue (Written May 31, 1848)"Originally the date of publication of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung was to be the first of July, and arrangements with correspondents, etc., were made with that date in view.
"But since the brazen attitude reassumed by the reactionaries foreshadows the enactment of German September Laws in the near future, we have decided to make use of every available day and to publish the paper as from June the first. Our readers will therefore have to bear with us if during the first days we cannot offer so wide a variety of news and reports as our widespread connections should enable us to do. In a few days we shall be able to satisfy all requirements in this respect too.
Editorial Board:
Editor-in-Chief: Karl Marx
Editors: Heinrich Burgers, Ernst Dronke, Friedrich Engels, Georg Weerth, Ferdinand Wolff, Wilhelm WolffSee also: Articles by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung
Neue Zeit (Stuttgart 1883-1923)
Die Neue Zeit [Stuttgart] was a magazine – the theoretical organ of German Social-Democratic Workers’ Party, published in Stuttgart from 1883 to 1923.
In World War I the journal took a centrist stand.
The journal was edited by K. Kautsky from its creation until October 1917, and then by H. Cunow. Some of the writings of the founders of Marxism were first published in this journal, among them K. Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Programme and Engels’s “Criticism of the Draft Social-Democratic Programme of 1891.” Other prominent leaders of the German and international labour movement who contributed to the journal at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries were A. Bebel, K. Kautsky, W. Liebknecht, R. Luxemburg, F. Mehring, Clara Zetkin, G. V. Plekhanov and P. Lafargue.
Beginning with the late nineties, the journal raised controversy by publishing articles by revisionists, including a series of articles by E. Bernstein “Problems of Socialism.” During World War I the journal took a centrist stand.
New York Daily Tribune
An American newspaper published from 1841 to 1924. Until the middle eighteen fifties it was the organ of the Left wing of the American Whigs, and thereafter the organ of the Republican Party. Karl Marx contributed to the paper from August 1851 to March 1862, and at his request Frederick Engels wrote numerous articles for it. During the period of reaction that set in Europe, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels used this widely circulated, and at that time progressive, newspaper to publish concrete material exposing the failings of capitalist society.
During the American Civil War Marx's contributions to the newspaper stopped. His break with The New York Daily Tribune was largely due to the growing influence on the editorial board of the advocates of compromise with the slave-owners, and the papers's departure from progressive positions.