MIA: Encyclopedia of Marxism: Glossary of People



Eberlein, Hugo (1887–1944) .

Industrial draughtsman, trade-unionist in 1905, in SPD (Sozialistische Partei Deutschlands, Social-Democratic Party) in 1906. Member of opposition nucleus in August 1914, organiser of group responsible for an important SPD (Sozialistische Partei Deutschlands, Social-Democratic Party) Berlin group. Joined USPD in 1917. Member of Zentrale in November 1918 in charge of finances, active in workers’ council in Neukölln. Elected to KPD(S) Zentrale at its foundation, delegate under the name Max Albrecht to Comintern Foundation Congress, unsuccessfully defended KPD(S) thesis opposing its ‘premature’ foundation, and abstained in the vote. Enjoyed confidence of ECCI, which entrusted money to him, and was a leader of M-Apparat. Played important role in organising ‘provocations’ during March Action. Compromised by revelations in Vorwärts, took refuge in Moscow, from where he returned at unknown date, still working in underground apparatus. Supported Brandler. Supported centre tendency at end of 1923, associated with ‘conciliators’ in 1928, eliminated from Politbureau and then from Central Committee, retained his seat in Prussian Landtag (1921–33) and appears to have worked in international apparatus. Emigrated to France in 1933, was arrested there and deported, went to USSR. Arrested in 1937, deported and included in 1940 in list of prisoners to be handed over to Germany, died shortly afterwards of pulmonary asthma without being transported. According to other sources died in 1944.



Ebert, Friedrich (1871-1925)

German Social Democratic leader and first President of the German counter-revolutionary Weimar republic. One of Bebel's closest collaborators, he together with Scheidemann led the SPD after Bebel's death in 1913, and was a prominent social-patriot during the war. In the last days of the Hohenzollern monarchy Ebert entered the government in order to prevent the revolution and save the monarchy. Failing in this effort the German Social Democrats then undertook - successfully - to restore capitalism in Germany on the basis of the bourgeois republic. Ebert was elected President in 1919.