Pablo, Michel (Raptis) |
Pacifism |
Padmore, George (1902-1959) |
Paine, Thomas (1737-1809) |
Pakkiriswamy Pillai, S. |
Pal, Kanai |
Palani Velayutham, G. |
Palante, Georges (1862-1925) |
Palm, August (1849-1922) |
Palmer Raids |
Panamas |
Pankhurst, Adela |
Pankhurst, E. Sylvia (1882-1960) |
Pannekoek, Anton (1873 - 1960) |
Pantheism |
Pareto, Vilfredo (1848-1923) |
Parija, Murlidhar |
Paris Commune (1871) |
Parliamentary Cretinism |
Parsons, Albert (1848-1887) |
Parsons, Lucy (ca. 1853-1942) |
Parsons, Talcott (1902-1979) |
Particular |
Party of Order |
Parvus, Alexander Helphand (1869 - 1924) |
Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662) |
Pashukanis, Yevgeniy Bronislavovich (1891 - 1937) |
Patchamuthu, Appavoopillai (1921-present) |
Patents |
Paul, William (1884-1958) |
Pavlov, Ivan (1849-1936) |
Pavlović, Živojin (1898-1941) |
Peace Movement (1950s/60s) |
Peaceful (‘Parliamentary’) Road to Socialism |
Peaceful Coexistence |
Peasantry |
Peirce, Charles Sanders (1839-1914) |
Peiris, Henry (?- 1959) |
Peking Review (1958-) |
Peking Review (Beijing) |
Peng Shu-Tse (1895-1983) |
Peng Zhen (1902 - 1997) |
People’s Republic and People’s Democracy |
People's Party |
People's Will (Narodnaia Volia) |
People, The |
Perera, Arthur Reginald (1915– 1977) |
Perera, K.V. Lorenz |
Perera, Margaret Selina (1909– 1986) |
Perera, Nanayakkarapathirage Martin (1905– 1979) |
Perera, Wilmot A. (1905-73) |
Perestroika |
Perlman, Fredy (1934-1985) |
Permanent revolution |
Peshekhonov, A. V. (1867-1934) |
Petit-Bourgeoisie |
Petrograd |
Petrogradskaya Storona |
Petrović, Gajo (1927-1993) |
Petty, William (1623-1687) |
Petty-bourgeois |
Phenomenology |
Phenomenon |
Phil Ochs (1940-1976) |
Philanthropy |
Phillippe, Louis (1773-1850) |
Philosophy / ‘Philosophy’ (Althusser) |
Physiocrats |
Piaget, Jean (1896-1980) |
Pichugina, M. |
Piece Work |
Pieper, Wilhelm (1826 - ) |
Pilling, Geoff (1940 - 1997) |
Pilnyak, Boris (1894-1938) |
Pilsudski, J. (1867-1935) |
Pipes, Richard ( - ) |
Pisarev, Dimitri (1840-1868) |
Pishevari, Seyyed J’afar Javādzādeh (1892-1947) |
Pitt, William ‘The Younger’ (1759-1906) |
Pivert, Marceau (1895-1958) |
Planned Economy |
Planson, A. A. |
Plato (428-347 BCE) |
Plekhanov, Georgi Valentinovich (1856-1918) |
Pletnev, Valerian F. (1886-1942) |
Plunkitt, George Washington (1842-1924) |
Pluralism |
Pocket Battleship |
Podkulachniki |
Poincare, Henri (1854-1912) |
Pokrovsky, N.N. |
Polish Insurrection (1863-64) |
Politburo (Political Bureau) |
Political Economy |
Political Party |
Political Revolution |
Political Terrain |
Politics |
Politzer, Georges (1903-1942) |
Pollitt, Harry (1890-1960) |
Pollock, Friedrich (1894-1970) |
Polovstev, P. |
Pomerania |
Pood |
Poor Peasants Committees |
Popper, Karl (1902-1994) |
Popular Front (aka People’s Front) |
Popular Socialists |
Positive & Negative |
Positive knowledge |
Positivism |
Possession |
Possibilists |
Possibility and Reality |
Post World War Two Settlement |
Postmodernism |
Potemkin mutiny |
Potresov, Aleksander Nikolalevich (1869-1934) |
Pottier, Eugene (1816-1887) |
Pouget, Emile (1860 -1931) |
Pouliopoulos, Pantelis (1900-1943) |
Poverty |
Power |
Practical Idea |
Practice & Theory |
Practice, Economic, Political, Ideological and Theoretical (Althusser) |
Practico-inert |
Pragmatism |
Prague Spring, 1968 |
Pravda (Truth) |
Praxis |
Preobrazhenskiy Yevgeny Alekseyevich (1886-1937) |
Presidium |
Presse |
Preussische Jahrbucher |
Pribicevic, Branko (1928-2003) |
Priboi |
Price |
Price, Morgan Philips (1885-1973) |
Primitive accumulation |
Princip, Gayrilo (1895-1918) |
Private Labour |
Private Property |
Privatisation and Nationalisation |
Prizyv |
Problemas: Revista Mensal de Cultura Política (Rio de Janeiro) |
Problematic (Althusser) |
Production / Discovery of a Knowledge (Althusser) |
Production and Consumption |
Production, Mode of (Althusser) |
Productive and Unproductive Labour |
Productive Forces |
Productive Forces / Relations of Production (Althusser) |
Professional Revolutionary |
Professionalisation |
Profit |
Progressive Bloc |
Progressive Party |
Proletarian Cause |
Proletarian Democracy (Socialist Democracy) |
Proletarian Party of America |
Proletarian Revolution (previously Socialist Voice) |
Proletariat |
Proletary |
Property |
Prosveshcheniye |
Protest |
Protesto Operário (Lisbon) |
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (1809-1865) |
Proudhonism |
Provisional Committee |
Provisional Government |
Prussia |
Public Sphere |
public sphere |
Pud |
Purcell, Albert A. (1872-1935) |
Purdy, Murray Gow (aka Purdy-Singh) |
Pure Being |
Purohit, Vinayak (1927– present) |
Pushparajan, T.E. |
Pyat, Felix (1810-1889) |
Pyatakov, Yuri (1890-1937) |