Lévi-Strauss, Claude (1908-2009) |
L'Atelier |
L'Electeur Libre |
L'Etendard |
L'Humanité |
La Follette, Robert M. (1855-1925) |
La Mettrie, Julien Offray de (1709-1751) |
Labor Action (New York 1940-1958) |
Labor Day |
Labor Defender (1926-1927) |
Labour |
Labour Defender |
Labour Leader |
Labour Popular Socialist Party (Popular Socialists) |
Labour Power |
Labour Review (1952-1963) |
Labour Review (London 1952-1963) |
Labour Standard |
Labour Theory of Value |
Labriola, Antonio (1843-1904) |
Lacan, Jacques (1901-1981) |
Lafargue, Charles Étienne (Schnappy) (1868-1872) |
Lafargue, Francois (-1870) |
Lafargue, Laura (1845-1911) |
Lafargue, Paul (1841-1911) |
Laing, R D (1927-1989) |
Laissez Faire |
Landau, Kurt (-) |
Lane, Joseph (1851-1920) |
Lange, Friedrich Albert (1828-75) |
Language |
Lanti, Eugene (1879-1947) |
Lao Tzu (~600-~450 BCE) |
Laplace, Pierre Simon de (1749-1827) |
Lashevich, Mikhail (1884-1928) |
Laski, Harold Joseph (1893-1950) |
Lassalle, Ferdinand (1825 - 1864) |
Lassalleans |
Last Testament |
Lavrov, Pyotr (1823-1900) |
Law |
Law, Andrew Ronar (1858-1923) |
Law, Harriet (1832-1897) |
Laws of Dialectics |
Lazare, Bernard (1865-1903) |
Le National |
Le Socialiste |
Le Sueur, Meridel (1900-1996) |
League of Nations |
League of Peace and Freedom |
League of Russian Revolutionary Social-Democracy Abroad |
League of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class |
Left Hegelians |
Left Opposition |
Left Socialist-Revolutionaries (Left SRs) |
Left-wing / Right-wing |
Legien, Carl (1861-1920) |
Legitimation |
Legitimists |
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646-1716) |
Lenin’s Last Testament |
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924) |
Lensch, Paul (1873 - ?) |
Leon Blum (1872-1950) |
Leon, Abram (1918-1944) |
Leont'ev, Alexei (1904-1979) |
Lesoil, Leon (1892-1942) |
Lessner, Fredrick (1825 - 1910) |
Leucippus (c. 500BC) |
Levellers |
Levi, Paul (1886-1930) |
Lewin, Kurt (1890-1947) |
Lewis, John L. (1880-1969) |
Lewis, Lena Morrow (1862-1950) |
Li Dazhao (Li Ta-chao) (1888-1927) |
Li Hsüeh-feng |
Li Lisan (Li Li-san) (1889-1967) |
Liberalism |
Libertad (1875-1908) |
Libertarianism |
Libre Belgique (Free Belgium) |
Lichtstrahlen (Rays of Light) |
Lieber, M. I. (Mikhail Issakovich Goldman) (l885-l937) |
Liebknecht, Karl (1871-1919) |
Liebknecht, Wilhelm (1826-1900) |
Life |
Limit |
Lin Biao (1907-1971) |
Lingg, Louis (1870-1887) |
Linnaeus, Carolus (1707-1778) |
Liquidator |
Litvinov, Maxim (1876-1951) |
Liu Shaoqi (1898-1969) |
Lloyd George, David (1863-1945) |
Locke, John (1632-1704) |
Lockhart, Robert Hamilton Bruce (1887-1970) |
Logic |
Logicism |
Lomov (Oppokov), George |
London, Jack (1876-1916) |
Longuet, Charles (1833-1901) |
Longuet, Charles (1873-1874) |
Longuet, Edgar (1879-1950) |
Longuet, Felicitas |
Longuet, Henri (Harry) (1878-1883) |
Longuet, Jean-Laurent-Frederick (Johnny) (1876-1938) |
Longuet, Jenny (1882-1952) |
Longuet, Jenny Marx (Jennychen) (1844-1883) |
Longuet, Marcel (1881-1949) |
Longuetist |
Lorenz, Konrad (1903-1989) |
Loriot, Fernand (1870-1932) |
Lorulot, André (1885-1963) |
Louis, Paul (1872-1948) |
Louvain |
Louzon, Robert (1882- ) |
Lovestone, Jay (1898- ) |
Lowe, Adolph (1893-1995) |
Lowenthal, Leo (1900-1993) |
Lozovsky, Solomon (Alexandr) (1878-1952) |
Lu Xun (Lu Hsun) (1881-1936) |
Luch (The Ray) |
Lukács, Georg (1885-1971) |
Lumpenproletariat |
Lumumba, Patrice (1925-1961) |
Lunacharsky, Anatoly Vasilyevich (1875-1933) |
Lupus |
Luria, Alexander Romanovich (1902-1977) |
Luxemburg, Rosa (1871-1919) |
Lvov, Prince Georgi Yevgenyevich (1861 - 1925) |
Lyakhov, V. P. (1869-1919) |
Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich (1898-1976) |