Comments on: BOOK REVIEW: Michael D. Yates, ed., Wisconsin Uprising: Labor Fights Back (2012) Journal of Communist Theory and Practice Sat, 20 Apr 2013 17:33:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: S. Artesian S. Artesian Sun, 30 Dec 2012 02:12:35 +0000 What a brilliant comment from the owner of that assisted living listserv for disabled ex-Trotskyists and current Stalinists.

Proyect says exactly what every clown who supported, or indeed was a member of, popular fronts, “lesser evil” Democrats, trade-union bureaucrats, social democrats has said: “I’ve been doing this for thirty years, kid. Have some respect.”

To which one can only reply. “You’ve been doing it wrong for more than thirty years. Drop dead.”

By: Connor Donegan Connor Donegan Fri, 14 Dec 2012 08:42:08 +0000 Thanks for the review. I’d like to point out that your interpretation of my chapter is inaccurate. You claim that my theoretical background is informed by A. G. Frank and the Monopoly Capital thesis, when in fact I cite Frank only for some of the empirical findings from his book Crisis: In the World Economy. This chapter is grounded theoretically in a number of areas, but in terms of crisis theory (which is a relatively minor part of the chapter anyways for obvious reasons) I draw most heavily from David McNally whose recent book Global Slump offers an explicit critique of and alternative to the Monopoly Capital thesis. There are similar misinterpretations and unfounded claims regarding almost every chapter reviewed here.

By: You Suck You Suck Thu, 25 Oct 2012 21:06:31 +0000 Hopefully not where you are Louis, a washed up Trotskyist reject begging your imperialist rulers to up the anti and drop some bombs on Syria.

By: Louis Proyect Louis Proyect Tue, 16 Oct 2012 02:28:17 +0000 How amusing to see an ultraleft attack on MR from a young Amherst graduate. The people she [he] is trashing have been in the trenches for 30 years and up. Where will she [he] be in 30 years, let along 3?
