Comments on: OWS and the working class Journal of Communist Theory and Practice Sat, 20 Apr 2013 17:33:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: William William Tue, 22 May 2012 06:33:32 +0000 Well said I fully agree.

By: Kadir Kadir Sat, 21 Jan 2012 19:07:48 +0000 Mike B,

I hope it will be of some use. I would like to address one concern I see in your argument, however. I think the point I was trying to get across is that any extension of demands which, while have been at best resistant to co-optation into the capitalist system, necessarily means the end of the Occupy movement. The union form is already enmeshed in capitalist social relations, and although that does not preclude that some sort of struggle take place within them, workers know that such limited struggles are limited by the unions themselves in addition to the capitalists. In light of capitalist decadence, I see really no worker struggle pushing forward any union (be it the IWW or something else), but rather having to go outside it as we’ve already seen in the events in Egypt and in Wisconsin. You can place as many demands on an ever-growing list, but no amount of calls for a general strike or the abolition of wage labor will make people confront the issue of production.



By: Mike B) Mike B) Wed, 18 Jan 2012 01:30:03 +0000 I’ll share your report with my fellow Wobblies in Australia. The wage system and shorter work time need to be placed at the top of the movement’s agenda. The landlord class (even in their bankers guises) need to be struggled with over the question of homes for the workers/homes for the homeless/homes are not rental vehicles for the accumulation of Capital. Homes built for use and need.
