Comments on: The Radicalization of Decolonize/Occupy Seattle (Guest Article) Journal of Communist Theory and Practice Sat, 20 Apr 2013 17:33:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: whateves whateves Sun, 29 Apr 2012 01:19:40 +0000 Do you people ever stop talking, and will you ever stop tilting at “liberal” windmills? Such self aggrandizement. Such hubris. If faux self-importance was all we needed we would have socialism yesterday. As it stands, all of the members of your collective have a poor track record for listening, and many of us have long memories.

By: Occupy, revolutionaries & the dock workers: Unity and struggle on the west coast « Kasama Occupy, revolutionaries & the dock workers: Unity and struggle on the west coast « Kasama Tue, 07 Feb 2012 21:07:03 +0000 [...] the political content of Decolonize/ Occupy Seattle.  In the past few months in Seattle, our collaboration has included attempts to stop Democratic Party co-optation, to organize for the December 12th [...]

By: Longview, Occupy, and Beyond: Rank and File and the 89% Unite! | Advance the Struggle Longview, Occupy, and Beyond: Rank and File and the 89% Unite! | Advance the Struggle Thu, 02 Feb 2012 18:43:51 +0000 [...] the political content of Decolonize/ Occupy Seattle.  In the past few months in Seattle, our collaboration has included attempts to stop Democratic Party co-optation, to organize for the December 12th [...]

By: Longview, Occupy, and Beyond: Rank and File and the 89% Unite! [Black Orchid] « GREY COAST ANARCHIST NEWS Longview, Occupy, and Beyond: Rank and File and the 89% Unite! [Black Orchid] « GREY COAST ANARCHIST NEWS Wed, 01 Feb 2012 02:57:59 +0000 [...] the political content of Decolonize/ Occupy Seattle.  In the past few months in Seattle, our collaboration has included attempts to stop Democratic Party co-optation, to organize for the December 12th West [...]

By: Longview, Occupy, and Beyond: Rank and File and the 89% Unite! | Black Orchid Collective Longview, Occupy, and Beyond: Rank and File and the 89% Unite! | Black Orchid Collective Mon, 30 Jan 2012 21:08:03 +0000 [...] the political content of Decolonize/ Occupy Seattle.  In the past few months in Seattle, our collaboration has included attempts to stop Democratic Party co-optation, to organize for the December 12th port [...]

By: Articles on Decolonize/Occupy Seattle in Insurgent Notes and the Hella Occupy ‘zine | Black Orchid Collective Articles on Decolonize/Occupy Seattle in Insurgent Notes and the Hella Occupy ‘zine | Black Orchid Collective Fri, 27 Jan 2012 09:10:37 +0000 [...] by blackorchidcollective Hi folks, just a heads up that Black Orchid Collective published an article in the most recent issue of Insurgent Notes, outlining the development of Occupy Seattle and it’s radicalization over the past few [...]
