B U R E A U   O F   P U B L I C   S E C R E T S


Ngo Van

Adventures of a Vietnamese Revolutionary





[This is a verbatim copy of the Index in the printed book. The page-number references will obviously be of little use for online readers, but I have included it here since in some cases it includes additional information about the numerous persons and groups mentioned in the book.]


Vietnamese accents are omitted throughout this book. As in many other East Asian cultures, Vietnamese family names precede personal names. When consulting other sources, note that there are different ways of anglicizing Vietnamese place names. Yen Bai, for example, can also be found as Yen Bay, Yen bai, Yen bay, Yen-bai, Yen-bay, Yenbai and Yenbay. Note also that names of organizations are translated in a variety of ways. Thanh Nien Cach Mang Dong Chi Hoi, for example, can be found as Revolutionary Youth League, League of Young Revolutionary Comrades, Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth Association, Association of Revolutionary Vietnamese Youth, etc. In a few cases we have indicated common alternative versions to the ones used in this book, but it is often best to use the original Vietnamese names when searching the Web or consulting book indexes.

In order to help sort out the sometimes confusingly similar names of persons, groups and publications, brief parenthetical information is given for most entries. This information is intended only as a rough preliminary guide for readers who may be interested in following up some topic, and there are probably a few errors. In particular, the memberships and interrelations among the diverse Trotskyist groupings are not always clear. Some of the persons described simply as comrades or fellow prisoners were undoubtedly Trotskyists even if that is not specified in the book. “TR” means that a person is described as a Trotskyist but without any specific group membership being indicated. “LO” means that a person is described as belonging to a particular Left Opposition group or, more generally, simply to “the Left Opposition.” But “Left Oppositionist” was simply an early synonym for “Trotskyist”; and since many of the La Lutte members and all of the LIC members were more or less Trotskyist, many of them (along with others identified simply as “TR”) were undoubtedly also Left Oppositionists during the earlier period when that label was more frequently used. And most of the LIC members had probably previously been La Lutte participants or supporters, and some may have remained so despite their differences (see Note 153 on the “October group”).

This index covers the entire book except for the Bibliography. “N79” means Note 79, not page 79. Entries in boldface indicate biographies in Chapter 9.



CP: Communist Party
TR: Trotskyist
VF: Vietnamese radical who had spent time in France
AIP: member of Annamite Independence Party (1927-1929)
TN: member of Thanh Nien (1925-1930)
ICP: member of Indochinese Communist Party/Communist Party of Vietnam (1930-)
LO: member of one or more Left Opposition groups (ca. 1928-1934)
LL: member of La Lutte group (1933-1946)
LIC: member of League of Internationalist Communists (1935-1939, 1945-1946)
WM: member of Workers’ Militia (1945-1946)
UOI: member of Union Ouvrière Internationale (France, 1948-1952)
CCG: member of Council Communist Group (Paris, 1954-1996)

Abelard, Peter [Pierre Abélard] (medieval philosopher), xv
action committees [uy ban hanh dong], 3, 12, 76-78, 91, 119, 125, 153, 155, 166, 170-171, 242, N77. See also people’s committees
Agostini (Head Guard at Saigon Central Prison), 10, 12, 14-15, 69, 72-74, 82
anarchism; anarchists, viii-ix, xv, 2, 56, 197, 202, 237, Nviii, N2, N201, N211
Anderson, Andy: Hungary ’56, N2
[Anh = “Brother”]
Anh Bay (Ngo Van’s Brother Seven), 17-18, 20, 27, 29, 34, 36-39, 118, N20
Anh Duc [pseudonym of Ngo Van in WM], 137
Anh Gia [Dao Hung Long] (TN, ICP, LO), 52-53, 55, 86-87, 90-91, 93-94, 147, 153, 155, 167-168, 169-170, 171-172
Anh Lo (Moi slave), 21-22
Anh Sau (radical restaurant owner), 110
Anh Tu (village magician), 19
Annam, L’ (Saigon journal 1926-1928; successor to La Cloche Fêlée), Nviii
Annam Communist Party [An Nam Cong San Dang] (1929-1930), N170
Annamite Independence Party [Parti Annamite d’Indépendance] (1927-1929), 159, 163, 165
Anti-Imperialist League (1927-1935), 159, 165
Armstrong, Louis (jazz musician), 96
Arnoux, Louis (Sûreté Inspector in Cambodia), 100
Assassination Assault Committee (1945), 124
Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal (Turkish nationalist leader), N4
Aupick, Jacques (Baudelaire’s stepfather), 43
“Auprès de ma blonde” (French popular song), 79, N79
Avant-garde, L’ [The Vanguard] (ICP paper following 1937 split from La Lutte), 89, 92, 161, 242
Avrich, Paul: Kronstadt 1921, N2

Ba [Great-Lady] (guardian spirit), 17-19, 38
Ba Duong (Binh Xuyen pirate leader), 147
Balazs, Étienne: Chinese Civilization and Bureaucracy, 202
Balzac, Honoré de (French novelist), 52
Ban Dan [The People’s Friend] (Hanoi newspaper), 177
Bao Dai (puppet emperor of Vietnam 1926-1945 & 1949-1955), 107, 116, 169, 200, N116, N145
Bataille Internationale, La [The International Battle] (UOI bulletin), 199
Baudelaire, Charles (French poet), xiv, 40, 43, 78, 188, Nxiv, N40, N60, N67, N188
Bavaria (1918-1919 workers councils & “Council Republic”), 2, 197, N2
Bay Vien [Le Van Vien] (Binh Xuyen pirate leader), 147, 169
Bazin assassination (1929), 45, N45, N46
Bich Khe [Le Quang Luong] (radical poet), 90, 177-178
Bilbao, Esteban (POUM, UOI), 199
Binh (TR in Cambodia), 95
Binh Xuyen river pirates, xviii, 124, 128-129, 147, 169, 194
Blum, Léon (French socialist politician; leader of Popular Front government), 65, 83, 90
Bo (nephew of Ngo Van), 132
Bolloten, Burnett: The Spanish Civil War, N2
Bolshevik Party; Bolsheviks; Bolshevism, 2, 85, 96, 197-198, 234, 237, N2, N77, N201. See also Leninism; Trotskyism; Russian Communist Party
Bolshevik-Leninist Group for the Construction of the Fourth International (Vietnam, 1936), 168, N153
Bon (Stalinist bureaucrat), 178
Bouin (Saigon prosecutor), 74, 76
Bouygues (personnel chief in Nanterre), 186
Brahma (Hindu god), 106
Brassens, Georges (French poet-singer), xix, 194, Nxix
Brévié, Jules (Governor-General of Indochina 1936-1939), 84, 92, 100, 161
Brinton, Maurice: The Bolsheviks and Workers’ Control: 1917-1921, 234
Brocheton (Sûreté Inspector in Cambodia), 100
Buddha (Shakyamuni), 26-27, 29, 106
Buddhism, 26-27, 106, 114, 124
Buddhist Anchorites Group [Tinh Do Cu Si], 121
Bui Duy Tu (TR; comrade of Thai Van Tam), 177
Bui Quang Chieu (leader of Constitutionalist Party), 41, N41
Bulletin de la Ligue contre l’oppression coloniale et l’impérialisme [Bulletin of the Anti-Imperialist League], 165

Cach Mang Thuong Truc
[Permanent Revolution] (LIC theoretical journal, 1935), 65, 74, 168
Cahiers de discussion pour le Socialisme des conseils [Journal for Discussion of Councilist Socialism] (CCG, 1962-1969), 218, 221
Cambodia, 95, 100, 102, 239, N50, N145
Camus, Albert (French writer), 169
Canh (TR friend), 103-105, 107
Cao Dai sect (1926-), 105-107, 117, 121-122, 124, 128, 145-146, 245, N45
capitation tax, 27, 47, 92, 106-107, 239, 241, N27
Catholicism; Catholics, 30, 95, 134, 238
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand (French novelist), xv-xvi, 79-80, N81
Center for Mutual Education (Saigon, 1933), 58, 81
CFDT [Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail/French Democratic Confederation of Labor] (socialist-leaning national labor union), 207-213, 215, N207
CFTC [Confédération Française des Travailleurs Chrétiens/French Confederation of Christian Workers] (Christian national labor union), 187
CGT [Confédération Générale du Travail/General Confederation of Labor] (national labor union dominated by French CP), 187, 204, 208-215, N208
Chanh [Thong Chanh] (assassin of Public Prosecutor Jaboin, 1893), 109-110
Chanh Tri Tuan Bao [The Political Weekly] (Tonkin TR paper, 1939; successor to Thoi Dam), 177
Chau Van Giac (prisoner), 70
Cheng Bilan (Chinese TR; partner of Peng Shuzi), 148-149
[Chi = “Sister”]
Chi Day. See Nguyen Thi Dai
Chi Muoi. See Tran Thi Muoi
Chi Nam Thin (ICP; Ngo Van’s partner’s sister), 104, 114, 148-150
Chi Nguyet. See Nguyen Trung Nyuget
Chi Quy (WM nurse), 131
Chi Sau (Vo Buu Binh’s partner), 94
Chiang Kai-shek [Jiang Jieshi] (military dictator of China 1928-1948, then of the “Republic of China” on Taiwan 1949-1975), 235, 244
Chien Dau [Combat] (Tonkin TR bulletin), 120, 162, 178
Chin Ngoc (torturer), 6, 16, 109
China, ix-x, xv, xvii, 175-176, 200, 202, 220, 245, Nxvii, N4, N145, N155
 — revolution of 1925-1927, 157, 175, 235
Chinese Communist Party, 149, 235
Chinh Phu Ngam [Lament of a Soldier’s Wife] (poem by Dang Tran Con), N179
Chirac, Jacques (French conservative politician), N210
Christ, Jesus (Jewish religious innovator), 30, 106
Christianity, 106, 238. See also Catholicism
CIA, 244
Ciliga, Ante: The Russian Enigma, 234
Class Struggle, The (American TR journal, 1931-1937), 3
classes in French Indochina, 239-240
Cloche Fêlée, La [The Cracked Bell] (Baudelaire poem, 1851), xiv, 78, Nxiv
Cloche Fêlée, La (Saigon journal edited by Nguyen An Ninh, 1923-1926), xiv, 78, 158, 240
CNT [Confederación Nacional del Trabajo/National Confederation of Labor] (Spanish anarchist labor union), 193
Co Do [Red Flag] (Saigon ICP paper, 1929-), 47
Co Do [Red Flag] (Hanoi TR paper, 1944-1945), 120, 176
Co Giai Phong [Banner of Liberation] (Hanoi ICP paper), 144
Co Vo San [Proletarian Flag] (ICP paper, 1930-), 50
Cognacq, Maurice (Governor of Cochinchina 1921-1926), 44
Cohn-Bendit, Daniel (May 1968 anarchist spokesman), N211
Cold War (ca. 1945-1991), 200, 220
Colonial Council. See elections
Comintern. See Third International
Communist League [Lien Minh Cong San Doan] (LO group within ICP, 1931-1932), 153, 167, 170
Communist League [full name: Communist League (Opposition)/Ligue Communiste (Opposition)] (French LO group, 1930-1934), 175. See also Indochinese Group of the Communist League
Communist League of China, 148
Communist Left Opposition (underground Vietnam group). See Ta Doi Lap
Communist Manifesto (Marx & Engels), 4, 52, 148, 164, N4
Communist parties, 57, 217-218, 220, 235-236, N77
 — Chinese, 149, 233
 — French, 64-65, 76, 82, 89, 159, 161, 173-175, 210-212, 221, 240, 242, N12, N208, N210, N221
 — German, 233
 — Russian/Soviet, 77, 89, 234, 236-237, N86. See also Bolshevik Party
 — Spanish, N2
 — Vietnamese. See Indochinese Communist Party
See also Stalinism
Confucianism, 106, N155
Confucius (ancient Chinese philosopher), 106
Constitutionalist Party [Parti Constitutionaliste], 41, 57, 90, 99, 107, 147, 156-157, 168, 171, 243, N41
Contre le Courant [Against the Current] (French LO paper), 159
Coulet, Georges: Les Sociétés secrètes en terre d’Annam, 130, 133
Council Communist Group [Groupe Communiste de Conseils] (Paris, 1954-1996), 203, N148
Craipeau, Yvan (French LO), 174
Cuong De (rebel prince), 152, 240, N155

Da (Ngo Van’s younger son), xxiii, 148, 184, 193-194, N184
Daladier, Édouard (French prime minister 1938-1940), 99, 168
Dan Chung [The People] (ICP paper, ca. 1938-), 98-99, 126
Dang Van Long (LL; friend in France), 185, N185
Dao Hung Long. See Anh Gia
d’Argenlieu, Admiral Georges-Thierry (High Commissioner of Indochina 1945-1947), 146
Dau (ICP peasant prisoner), 107
de Gaulle, Charles (leader of “Free French” forces in World War II; French president 1958-1969), 204, 221, 244, N221
De La Chevrotière, Henry Chavigny (editor of L’Impartial), 41, N41
De Leon, Daniel (American socialist leader), 202
Debord, Guy: The Society of the Spectacle, 237
Decoux, Jean (Governor-General of Indochina 1940-1945), 112, 116-117, N162
Delamarre, Émile (labor inspector), 240
Democratic Front (ICP electoral coalition, 1939), 98, 156-157
Dépêche d’Indochine, La [Indochina Dispatch] (Saigon newspaper), 12-13, 54, 58
Diem (puppet dictator). See Ngo Dinh Diem
Dien Tin (newspaper), 107
Diet (TR friend in Cambodia), 95-97
Do (Ngo Van’s older son), xxiii, 148, 154, 184, N184
Do Ba The (friend of Ta Thu Thau), 162, 179
Doan Van Truong (TR), 93-94
Dolgoff, Sam: The Anarchist Collectives, N2
Dong (tortured prisoner), 60
Dong (WM), 131
Dong Vu [Ngo Van pseudonym], 199
Dormoy, Marx (French Minister of the Interior 1936-1938), 90
Dornier, Lambert (UOI, CCG), 199, 201, 203
Duc (ICP prisoner), 114
Duoc Nha Nam [The Torch of Annam] (Saigon Constitutionalist paper), 90, 171
Duoc Vo San [The Torch of the Proletariat] (paper of the Indochinese Group of the Communist League), 175
Duong Bach Mai (VF, ICP, LL; organizer of Vietminh secret police in Cochinchina), 59, 65, 99, 115, 122, 124, 127, 144, 156-158, 165
Duong Van Tu (imprisoned worker), 94
Duong Van Tuong (TR), 94
Duy Tan (Vietnamese emperor 1907-1916; exiled for plotting against the French), 107-108
Dzu (radical lawyer), 140

Eastern Study Movement [Dong Du] (1905-1909), N155
Échanges et Mouvement, N203
Eisner, Kurt (German independent socialist leader), N2
elections, N56
 — Saigon City Council (1933), 56-58, 81, 160, 163, 165, 167, 242
 — Saigon City Council (1935), 59, 163, 165
 — Saigon City Council (1937), 86, 161
 — Cochinchina Colonial Council (1939), 98-99, 156-157, 161, 163-164, 166, 175, 243
Engels, Friedrich (revolutionary theorist), 164, 189, N4
Estonia (failed 1924 coup), 157, 235
Étoile Nord-Africaine [North African Star] (Algerian nationalist organization 1926-1937), 90

fascism, 82, 235
Fernández, Jaime (POUM, UOI), 199
Ferry, Jules (French prime minister 1880-1885), 238
“Five Dragons,” 240
Flambeau d’Annam, Le [The Torch of Annam] (Saigon Constitutionalist paper), 90-91, 115, 147
Fourth International (1938-), 87, 90, 93, 95, 98, 144, 148, 156, 161, 166, 169, 174-175, 177-178, 237
 — Enlightenment (18th century), 241, N155
 — Revolution (1789-1794), 210-211, 241
 — revolution of 1830, N9
 — revolution of 1848, 43, 208
 — Paris Commune (1871), 204, 210, 238, 241, N210
 — Popular Front (1936-1938). See Popular Front
 — Vichy regime (1940-1944), 112, 236, 243, N112, N116, N148
 — May 1968 revolt, 204, 207-216
Franco, Francisco (Spanish fascist general; dictator 1939-1975), 193, 243, N2
Frank, Pierre (French LO), 167, 179
French Communist Party, 64-65, 76, 82, 89, 159, 161, 173-175, 210-212, 221, 240, 242, N12, N208, N210, N221
French Confederation of Business Enterprises [Conseil National du Patronat Français], N210
French Socialist Party, 82, N12. See also Popular Front

Gaido (fascistic foreman in Nanterre), 187, 191-192
Gallienne, Jacques (UOI), 199
Gandhi, Mohandas (Indian anticolonial leader), 106
Ganofsky, Edgar (LL), 172, 176-177
Garros, Georges: Forceries humaines, 4, N4
Gélot (torturer), 5, 16, 72
General Confederation of Labor [a.k.a. Workers for National Salvation] (Vietminh national labor union), 130, 178
General Workers Federation. See Saigon-Cholon Workers Federation
Geneva Conference (1954), N145
Gentizon, Paul: Mustapha Kémal ou l’Orient en marche, 4, N4
German Communist Party, 235
Germany, 157, 200, 235
 — Nazis; Nazi regime (1933-1945), 235-236, 243, N112
See also Bavaria
Gide, André (French writer), 90, 177, N90
Gitton, Marcel (French CP leader), 89
Go Vap streetcar workers’ action committee, 119. See also Workers’ Militia
Gómez, Paco (POUM; Spanish emigrant friend in France), 192-193
Gontarbert, Sania (UOI, CCG), 197-199, 201
Gracey, Douglas (commander of Allied forces in Indochina 1945-1946), 126-127, 131, 244
Great-Lady [Ba] (guardian spirit), 17-19, 38
Grenelle Accords (May 1968), 210-211, 213, 215, N210
Guérin, Daniel (French libertarian socialist), 159, 163
Guillaume (fellow worker in Nanterre), 186
Guomindang [Kuomintang] (Chinese Nationalist Party), 235, N4
Guyon (boss in Saigon), 54
Guyot (worker friend in France), 194

Han Thuyen
(Tonkin journal of historical analysis), 178
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (German philosopher), 202
Héloïse (lover of Peter Abelard), xv
Hémery, Daniel (historian), 144
Hien (Hongai-Campha workers council delegate), 143
Hieu, Lady (generous lady memorialized by banyan tree), 30-31, N30
Histoire de la Résistance, Saigon-Cholon-Giadinh 1945-1975 (Stalinist history), 125
Hitler, Adolf (dictator of Nazi Germany 1933-1945), 236, 244, N2
Hitler-Stalin Pact (German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, 1939-1941), 101, 236, 243
Ho Chi Minh [Nguyen Ai Quoc] (VF; leader of TN, ICP & Vietminh; president of North Vietnam 1945-1969), vii, x, xvi-xviii, 1, 68, 120, 143-145, 162-163, 179, 198-201, 219-221, 236, 240-245
Ho Huu Tuong (VF, LO, LL, LIC; leading figure of “October” tendency), 8, 11, 15, 52, 55, 59, 61, 64, 86-88, 115, 153, 156, 167-169, 170-172, N153
Ho Van Duc (WM), 131
Ho Van Nga (VF; founder of National Party for the Independence of Vietnam & of National United Front), 144
Hoa Hao sect (1939-), 114, 117, 121-122, 124, 144-145, 245
Hoang Van Dao: Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang: A Contemporary History of a National Struggle, 1927-1954, N45
Hon (Marseilles smuggler), 63
Hongai-Campha workers-councils “Commune” (August-November 1945), viii, 120-121, 143, 147, 244, N2
Hugo, Victor (French writer), 9, 52, 106, N9, N101
Humanité, L’ (French CP paper), 159
“Hundred Flowers” movement (China, 1956-1957), xvii, Nxvii
Hungary (1956 revolution), xvii, 2, 197, N2
Huong (TR in Cambodia), 95
Huot (assassinated dignitary), 48
Huynh Phu So. See Mad Monk
Huynh Van Dam (alleged assassin of an informer), 54
Huynh Van Phuong (VF, AIP, LO, LL), 56, 159, 164

ICO [Informations et Correspondance Ouvrières/Workers’ News and Letters] (French ultraleftist paper & group), 203, 216, N203
ICP. See Indochinese Communist Party
Impartial, L’ (Saigon right-wing colonial paper), 41
India, 217
Indochina, French conquest of, 238-239
Indochina War (1945-1954), vii, 145, 183, 199-200, N116, N145
Indochinese Communism group [Dong Duong Cong San] (TR group, 1931-1932), 153, 160
Indochinese Communist Party (ICP) (1930-1945; later renamed Vietnam Workers Party, then Communist Party of Vietnam), vii, x, xiv, 1, 50, 52, 54-56, 64-65, 70, 87, 99-100, 104, 126, 143-144, 153, 167, 170, 175, 198, 240-243, N50, N169. See also Vietminh
Indochinese Communist Party (1929-1930: one of the early groups that merged into the above-mentioned party), 169, N169
Indochinese Congress movement [Dai Hoi Dong Duong] (1936-1937), 76-78, 153, 166, 173, 177, 242, Nviii, N77
Indochinese Group of the Communist League [Groupe Indochinois de la Ligue Communiste] (LO group in France, ca. 1930-1934), 117, 156, 167, 172-175
Indochinese Left Opposition group (in France). See Indochinese Group of the Communist League
Indochinese Mutual Aid Association (Paris), 165, 173
Indochinese Section for the Fourth International (1935), 175
Informations et Correspondance Ouvrières. See ICO
Insomniaque, L’ (Ngo Van’s publishers in Paris), ix, xv
Intellectuals’ Group [Groupe des Intellectuels], 121
International Antiwar Congress (Amsterdam, 1932), 173
International War Crimes Tribunal (1966-1967), N220
“Internationale” (revolutionary song), 123, 136, 215
Internationalist Communist Party [Parti Communiste Internationaliste] (French TR party), 174, 199
Internationalist Workers (anticonscription group in Gia Dinh, 1939), 152
Isaacs, Harold: The Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution, vii, x, 149, 176, 235
IWW [Industrial Workers of the World] (anarcho-syndicalist union), 202

Jaboin (assassinated public prosecutor), 110
JAG [Jeunesse d’Avant-Garde/Thanh Nien Tien Phong/Vanguard Youth] (1945), 117-118, 121-124, 128, 130
Japan, 99, 240, N155
 — occupation of Indochina (1940-1945), 116-119, 236, 243-244, N116
Jeune Annam [Young Annam] (1920s nationalist group), 41, 158, Nviii
Jeunesse d’Avant-Garde. See JAG
Jeunesse Patriotes [Patriotic Youth] (French fascistic group), 159
Johnson, Lyndon Baines (US president 1963-1969), 220
Journal des Étudiants Annamites [Annamite Students’ Newspaper] (France, ca. 1927-1929), 163-165
Justice (Saigon socialist paper), 141

Kamenev, Lev (Bolshevik), 77
Kha (imprisoned school principal), 101
Khai Dinh (puppet emperor of Vietnam 1916-1925), 107-108
Khanh (prison guard), 107
Khrushchev, Nikita (USSR head of state 1953-1964), N86
Kierkegaard, Soren (Danish philosopher), 201
Kim Van Kieu [The Tale of Kieu] (epic poem by Nguyen Du), 161
Kinh An Do (ICP workmate), 122, 126
Korsch, Karl (revolutionary Marxist theorist), 237
Kronstadt revolt (Russia, 1921), 2, 197, 234, N2

La Lutte
[Struggle] (newspaper & group; included both Stalinists & Trotskyists 1933-1937, then only Trotskyists 1937-1946), 56-57, 64-65, 69-70, 74, 77, 84-86, 89, 92, 95, 97-99, 123, 127, 129, 131, 136-138, 144, 148, 156-158, 160-168, 172, 175-177, 242, Nviii, N11, N57, N153
La Van Rot (VF, LO), 167, 172
Lacombe (Sûreté Chief), 58
Lam Thanh Thi (Saigon friend), 112
Lan (Hongai-Campha workers council delegate), 143
Landauer, Gustav (German anarchist), N2
Lao Cong [The Worker] (LO paper, 1932), 170
Lao Dong (official Vietnam labor union paper), 178
Lao Tzu (ancient Chinese sage), 106
Laos, 239, N50, N145
Larousse Élémentaire (French dictionary), 33
Lascaux (lawyer), 96
Laval, Pierre (French prime minister 1935-1936), 64
Laval-Stalin Pact (Franco-Soviet Mutual Assistance Pact, 1935), 64-65, 81, 174, 242
Lavau (Saigon judge), 74
Le (Hongai-Campha workers council delegate), 143
Le Ky (WM), 137
Le Ngoc (LIC, WM), 119, 130-131, 137
Le Petit, Claude (French poet), xv
Le Quang Luong. See Bich Khe
Le Thanh Long (LL), 144
Le Thi Dinh (woman prisoner), 68
Le Van Hoach (French puppet president of “Republic of Cochinchina” 1946-1947), 146
Le Van Huong (WM), 131
Le Van Kim (lawyer), 7, 76
Le Van Oanh (TR), 94, 153-154
Le Van Phat [a.k.a. My] (TN; Rue Barbier victim), 67
Le Van Sanh [Léon Sanh] (student accused of Bazin assassination), 45
Le Van Thu (VF, LL), 56, 157
Le Van Vung (LL), 129
League for the Rights of Man, 41
League of Internationalist Communists for the Construction of the Fourth International [Chanh Doan Cong San Quoc Te Chu Nghia — Phai Tan Thanh De Tu Quoc Te] (TR group 1935-1939), 11, 64-66, 74-75, 81, 111, 151-153, 168, 171, 237, 242, N11, N153
League of Internationalist Communists (revival of the above, 1945-1946), 117, 119, 123, 125-127, 130, 171, 173-174, 176, 244-245, N153
Leclerc, Jacques-Philippe (commander of French forces in Indochina 1945-1947), 133, 137, 145
Left Opposition, 170, 175, 236, 241, 250
 — French, 159
 — Russian, 175, 236
 — Spanish, 192
 — Vietnamese, 56, 58, 70, 153-154, 164, 167, 170, 242. See also Ta Doi Lap; Indochinese Group of the Communist League
See also Trotskyism
Legrand (Sûreté Inspector), 50-51
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (Bolshevik leader), 86, 168, 234, 237, N86
Leninism, 2, 173, 197, 237, N201
Lien minh cong san doan [Communist League] (LO group within ICP, 1931-1932), 153, 167, 170
Life magazine, N18
Liu Jialiang (Chinese TR), 149, 174, 175-176
Liu Khanh Thinh (LIC, WM), 119, 142-143, 148-149, 174
Lo (peasant prisoner), 72
Loye (lawyer), 76
Lu Sanh Hanh [a.k.a. Lucien/Luc] (ICP, LO, LIC, UOI), 3, 5, 11, 15, 58, 64, 74-76, 82, 87, 96, 116-117, 119, 127, 142, 149, 153, 155, 168, 170-172, 184, 199, 242, N11
Luc Van Tien (epic poem by Nguyen Dinh Chieu), 20, 39, 71
Luong Duc Thiep (TR), 120, 162, 178-179
Lutte, La. See La Lutte
Luxemburg, Rosa (Marxist revolutionary), 237
Ly Thai Bach (poet), 106
Ly Tu Trong [a.k.a. Nguyen Huy] (alleged killer of Inspector Legrand), 51

Mad Monk [le Bonze Fou] (Huynh Phu So, founder of Hoa Hao sect), 113-114, 117, 124, 145
Malaquais, Jean (radical French writer), 148, N148
Malraux, André (French novelist) 79
Mandel, Georges (French Colonial Minister 1938-1940), 161
Mangano, Romeo (UOI), 199
Manifesto (by LIC, 1945), 171
Manifesto (by Nguyen Te My, Tonkin 1945), 120
Manifesto of Annamite Students (by Tran Van Thach, 1928), 165
Mao Zedong [Mao Tse-tung] (Chinese CP leader), xvii, 148, N204
Maoism; Maoists, x, 204, Nxvii, N204
March 22nd Movement (France 1968), 211- 212, N211
Marr, David: Vietnamese Anticolonialism 1885-1925, N155
Marx, Karl (revolutionary theorist), 2, 4, 51, 156, 160, 189, 197, 201-202, 237, N2, N4, N189, N201
Marxism; Marxists, ix, 201-202, 237, N201
Marxist Cultural Group [Groupe Culturel Marxiste] (French group in Saigon, 1945- 1950), 141
May 1968 revolt (France), 204, 207-216
Mendès-France, Pierre (French moderate socialist politician), 212
Mett, Ida: The Kronstadt Uprising [a.k.a. The Kronstadt Commune], N2
Michel, Louise (French anarchist), xv
Militant, Le (Saigon TR paper, 1936-1937), 86, 90, 168, N153
Minh (“The Swimmer”) (TR of Ta Thu Thau group), 138
Minh Mang (emperor of Vietnam 1820-1841), 105
Minoda Fujio (Japanese Governor of Cochinchina, 1945), 117
Moen, Sophie (UOI, CCG; Ngo Van’s partner in France), xiv, 199, 201, 203-204, and painting facing p. 193
Mohammed (founder of Islam), 106
Moi tribespeople, 21, 58
Molinier, Raymond (French LO), 156, 167, 174
Montaigut (Provincial Administrator), 110
Montesquieu, Baron de (18th-century French political philosopher), N155
Moscow Trials (1936-1938), 1, 77, 85, 90-91, 96, 103, 144, 157, 166, 168, 198, 243, N77
Moutet, Marius (French socialist; Colonial Minister 1936-1938), 72, 78, 83
Mühsam, Erich (German anarchist), N2
Munis, Manuel [Manuel Fernández Grandizo y Martínez, a.k.a. G. Munis] (UOI), 199
Muoi Tri (Binh Xuyen pirate leader), 147
Mussolini, Benito (Fascist dictator of Italy 1922-1945), N2
My, Michel (“The Tiger of Cho Lach”; father of Nguyen Van Nam), 142, 172

Nadaillat (assassinated colonial judge), 45
Nadeau, Maurice (LO), 175
Nagy, Imre (Hungarian reformist politician), N2
Nam Bo Provisional Executive Committee (Vietminh self-appointed government in Cochinchina 1945-1946), 122-123, 126-127, 162, 244
Nam Ha (Binh Xuyen pirate leader), 147
Nam Lua [Fifth Fire] (guerrilla gang & Hoa Hao leader), 113, 145
Nam Nu Gioi Chung (Saigon bourgeois journal), 52
Napoleon III [Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte] (French emperor 1852-1870), 238
National Party for the Independence of Vietnam [Viet Nam Quoc Gia Doc Lap Dang] (1945), 117, 121
National Party of Vietnam. See VNQDD
National United Front [Mat Tran Quoc Gia Thong Nhut] (August 1945), 121-122, 144, 147
NATO, N221
Naville, Pierre (French LO), 156, 167, 174, N174
Nay (prisoner sentenced to death), 10
Nazis; Nazi Germany, 235-236, 243, N112
Nehru, Jawaharlal (prime minister of India 1947-1964), 169
Nghe-Tinh soviets [peasant soviets of Nghe An & Ha Tinh provinces, 1930-1931], viii, 48-49, 167, 169, 200, 241
Nghi (WM), 137, 139
Ngo Chinh Phen (LIC), 5, 75-76, 147, 152
Ngo Dinh Diem (American puppet president of South Vietnam 1955-1963), 169, 194, N116, N145
Ngo Thiem (TN; Rue Barbier assassin), 51
Ngo Van’s relations:
 — mother, 3-4, 17-22, 24, 26, 29-32, 34-36, 38, 42, 76, 87, 109, 111, 118-119, 130, 132, 179, 183
 — father, 18, 20-22, 25-26, 29, 32-33, 39
 — Sister Two, 140-141, N20
 — Sister Five (living near Saigon), 18, 34, 37, 87, 111, N20
 — Brother Seven [Anh Bay], 17-18, 20, 27, 29, 34, 36-39, 118, N20
 — Brother Ten, 20, 132, N20
 — Brother Twelve, 20, 38, 132, 140, N20
 — Great Aunt, 29
 — Great Uncle, 21
 — Uncle Four, 29
 — female cousin (living near Saigon), 35
 — female cousin (living in Saigon), 40, 42
 — male cousin (generous), 29
 — male cousin (sons massacred), 118
 — Bo (nephew), 132
 — Xung (nephew), 132
 — nephew (seen in 1997), xviii
 — partner (in Vietnam), 108, N184
 — Aunt Two (partner’s mother), 107
 — Chi Nam Thin (ICP; partner’s sister), 104, 114, 148-150
 — Do (older son), xxiii, 148, 154, 184, N184
 — Oanh (daughter), xxiii, 148, N184
 — Da (younger son), xxiii, 148, 184, 193-194, N184
Ngo Van’s writings:
 — Au pays de la Cloche fêlée (2000), ix, xiv, xviii
 — Au pays d’Héloïse (2005), ix, xv
 — Avec Maximilien Rubel, une amitié, une lutte 1954-1996 (1997), N201
 — Bien Ca Chieu Hom (poem, ca. 1931), 51
 — Contes d’autrefois du Vietnam (2001), N30
 — Divination, magie et politique dans la Chine ancienne (1976), xv
 — Le Joueur de flûte et l’Oncle Hô: Vietnam 1945-2005 (2005), ix, xvi-xvii
 — Revolutionaries They Could Not Break (1995), 238
 — “Ta Thu Thau and Bolshevik-Leninist Politics” (1939 article), 97
 — Utopie antique et guerre des paysans en Chine (2004), xv
 — Vietnam 1920-1945: révolution et contre-révolution sous la domination coloniale (1995), ix, xiv-xv, 1, 238, Nviii, N45
 — Vu an Moscou (1937 pamphlet on the Moscow Trials), 91
 — “Workers and Peasants, Turn Your Guns in the Other Direction!” (1951 article), 199
See also Bibliography, pp. 246-249.
Ngo Van Xuyet [full name of Ngo Van], 76
Ngon (Arsenal worker), 138, 157
Nguyen Ai Quoc. See Ho Chi Minh
Nguyen An Ninh (VF, LL; one of the “Five Dragons”), xiv, 40-42, 44-45, 56-57, 60, 77-79, 81-82, 107, 155-156, 158, 163, 165, 201, 240, Nviii, N45
“Nguyen An Ninh Secret Society” [Hoi Kin Nguyen An Ninh] (probably nonexistant movement, 1928-1929), 45, N45
Nguyen Binh [Nguyen Phuong Thao] (ICP; Vietminh commander), 143, 147
Nguyen Binh Khiem (poet), 106
Nguyen Dinh Chieu [a.k.a. Do Chieu] (anticolonialist poet), 39
Nguyen Hoa Hiep (VNQDD member & “Third Division” leader), N124
Nguyen Hue Minh (LO; partner of Ho Huu Tuong, sister of Nguyen Trung Nguyet), 153, 167
Nguyen Huu Dung [a.k.a. Ba De] (Tonkin TR), 121
Nguyen Huu The (prisoner), 70
Nguyen Kim Luong (TR), 87
Nguyen Ngoc Dien (Cao Dai leader), 105-107
Nguyen Ngoc Suong (executed woman doctor), 138
Nguyen Ngoc Tot (woman prisoner), 68
Nguyen Te My (Tonkin TR), 120
Nguyen Thai Hoc (VNQDD leader), N46
Nguyen The Truyen (VF; founder of AIP; one of the “Five Dragons”), 159, 240
Nguyen Thi Ba (woman prisoner), 68
Nguyen Thi Dai [“Chi Day”] (woman prisoner), 67-68
Nguyen Thi Loi (LL), 129
Nguyen Thi My. See Vo Thi Bang
Nguyen Thi Nam (woman prisoner), 69
Nguyen Thi Nho (woman prisoner), 68
Nguyen Thi Sau (woman prisoner), 68
Nguyen Ton Hoan (Tonkin TR student), 120
Nguyen Trung Nguyet [“Chi Nguyet,” a.k.a. Bao Lan] (TN; Rue Barbier accomplice), 51, 67-69, 153
Nguyen Uyen Diem (TR; comrade of Thai Van Tam), 177
Nguyen Van Be (tortured prisoner), 60
Nguyen Van Chuyen (LIC, WM), 127, 144
Nguyen Van Cu (VF, LO), 167
Nguyen Van Dai (LO; partner of Tran Thi Chin), 153
Nguyen Van Dut (prisoner), 70, 73
Nguyen Van Hoang (LO; tortured prisoner), 60
Nguyen Van Huong (WM), 137
Nguyen Van Kim (TR), 87
Nguyen Van Linh [a.k.a. René] (VF, LO, LIC, WM), 116, 119, 128-132, 139-142, 149, 155, 167, 172, 173-174, N174
Nguyen Van Man (imprisoned worker), 94
Nguyen Van Nam [a.k.a. Antony] (VF, LO, LL, LIC), 119, 128, 130, 132, 142, 149, 155, 167, 172-173, 197
Nguyen Van Nguyen (ICP, LL), 59
Nguyen Van Nhi (VF, LO), 167
Nguyen Van Nho (imprisoned worker), 94
Nguyen Van Nu (prisoner, author of Memories of Poulo Condore), 71
Nguyen Van Sam (Constitutionalist editor of Le Flambeau d’Annam), 90, 147
Nguyen Van Sang (peasant prisoner), 11, 72-73
Nguyen Van So (VF, LL), 138, 157, 163
Nguyen Van Soi (TR), 93-94
Nguyen Van Tam (“The Tiger of Cai Lay”), 146
Nguyen Van Tao (VF, ICP, LL; head of Vietminh police in Cochinchina; later Ho Chi Minh’s Minister of Labor), 56-59, 65, 77-78, 82, 86, 89, 99-100, 119, 122, 126, 156, 161, 165
Nguyen Van Thieu (American puppet president of South Vietnam 1965-1975), 169
Nguyen Van Thinh (TN; Rue Barbier assassin), 51
Nguyen Van Thinh [Dr. Thinh] (French puppet president of “Republic of Cochinchina,” 1946), 146
Nguyen Van Thuong (LO, WM), 55, 60, 176
Nguyen Van Tien (LL), 94, 138, 157, 166-167
Nguyen Van Trong (TR), 94
Nguyen Van Trong (ICP; provincial Vietminh chief), 133-135, 137
Nguyen Van Vang (LIC), 131, 144
Nietzsche, Friedrich (German philosopher), 201, Nviii
NLF [National Liberation Front, a.k.a. Vietcong] (successor of the Vietminh, 1960-1975), xviii, 220-221, N145, N219
North Africa, 90, 174
Notre Voix [Our Voice] (Hanoi ICP paper), 243

Oanh (Ngo Van’s daughter), xxiii, 148, N184
“October” group (LO group associated with Thang Muoi), 153, N153
“On the March” [Len Dang] (patriotic song), 117, 123, 136
Ong Thiet (district school teacher), 31
opium, 97
Orwell, George (radical English writer), vii, 2, Nxiii, N2
OSS [American Office of Strategic Services], 120, 244
Ouvrard (Sûreté Inspector in Cambodia), 100

Pagès, Pierre-André (Governor of Cochinchina 1934-1939), 86, 92
Pannekoek, Anton (theorist of workers councils), 237, N2
Paris Commune (1871), 204, 210, 238, 241, N210
Pascal, Blaise (French philosopher), 1, N1
Paz, Abel (anarchist historian), xviii
Paz, Maurice (French LO), 159
peasant revolts:
 — 1908, 41, 49
 — 1916, 18, 106
 — 1930-1931, 4, 47-50, 56, 165, 169, 241. See also Nghe-Tinh soviets
 — 1938, 96
 — 1940, 108, 111, 243
 — 1945, 126, 143
Pellico, Silvio: My Prisons, 4, N4
Pennetier, Marcel (UOI), 199
Peng Shuzi (Chinese TR), 148
people’s committees, viii, 121, 123, 125, 127, 131, 144, 171, 173, 177, 244. See also action committees
“Père Duchêne” (radical song), xv
Péret (boss in Saigon), 54
Péret, Benjamin (surrealist poet; UOI), 199
Perrard, Guy (CCG), 201, 203
Perroche (head torturer), 6, 16, 75
Pesch, Edgar (UOI, CCG), 199, 201
Pétain, Philippe (Vichy France head of state 1940-1944), 111-112, N112
Pham Ngoc Thach (doctor & anticolonialist; founder of JAG), 112, 117, 122
Pham Thi Loi (TN; Rue Barbier participant), 68
Pham Van Dong (LO), 55
Pham Van Dong (ICP; prime minister of Vietnam 1955-1987), 68
Pham Van Kinh [“An Do”] (ICP prisoner), 70, 115
Pham Van Muoi (LIC), 76, 152
Phan Boi Chau (pioneer anticolonial leader), 155, 240, Nviii, N155
Phan Chau Trinh [a.k.a. Phan Chu Trinh] (VF; one of the “Five Dragons”), 41-43, 172, 240, N155
Phan Khanh Van (worker & writer friend), 52
Phan Thanh Hoa (Tonkin TR student), 120
Phan Van Chanh (VF, AIP, LO, LL), 55-56, 138, 157, 159, 163-164
Phan Van Hai (TR), 53
Phan Van Hum (VF, LO, LL), 44-45, 58-59, 78, 88, 99, 144, 155-158, 166-167
Phan Van Kim (assassin of Judge Nadaillat), 45
Phan Van Truong (VF; one of the “Five Dragons”), 7, 43-44, 240, N44
Phnong tribespeople, 58
Phuc (UOI), 184, 199
Phung (timorous roommate in Saigon), 44-46
Phung (helpful contact in My Tho), 108
Phuong Lan (friend of Ta Thu Thau), 161, 179
Piatakov, Georgy (Bolshevik), 85
Plato (ancient Greek philosopher), 4
Plutarch (ancient Greek biographer), 4
Politzer, Georges: Elementary Principles of Philosophy, 163
Pompidou, Georges (French prime minister 1962-1968; president 1969-1974), 215
Popular Front (France 1936-1938), 65, 76-77, 82-84, 87, 89-90, 161, 168, 170, 173, 177, 235-236, 242-243, N12, N77, N210
Popular Front (Spain 1936-1939), 235, N2
Porte des Lilas (1957 film by René Clair), 194
Poulo Condore (penal colony), N18
POUM [Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista/Workers Party for Marxist Unification] (Spanish revolutionary Marxist party), 2, 192, 197, 243, N2

Quan Thuong Hao (Tonkin TR), 179
Quatrième Internationale [Fourth International] (French TR journal), 171-172
quoc ngu (Vietnamese writing system), 238
Quoc Te IV [Fourth International] (TR monthly in Paris), 173-174

Radek, Karl (Bolshevik), 85
Radical Party [Parti Radical] (French centrist party), 82
Ravachol (French anarchist), xv
Reed, John: Ten Days That Shook the World, 4, N4
Remarque, Erich Maria: All Quiet on the Western Front, 4, N4
Résurrection, La (AIP paper, 1928-1929), 159
Revolutionary Workers Party [Dang Tho Thuyen Cach Mang] (TR party, 1945), 166
Revolutionary Youth League. See Thanh Nien
Riazanov, David (Bolshevik Marx scholar), 4, N4
Richepin, Jean (French poet) 43, N43
Rivoal, Henri-Georges (Acting Governor of Cochinchina, 1936), 78
Rodríguez, Agustín (POUM, UOI, CCG), 199, 201, 203
Rosmer, Alfred (French LO), 159
Rossi, Tino (popular French singer), 96
Roubaud, Louis: Vietnam: la tragédie indochinoise, 4, 46-47, N4
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (18th-century French writer), 4, 43, Nviii, N43, N155
Rousset, David (French LO), 174, N174
Rubel, Maximilien (“Maxime”) (CCG; radical Marx scholar), 2, 197, 201-203, 237, N201
Rue Barbier affair (1928-1930), 44, 50-51, 67-68, 153
Russell, Bertrand (British philosopher), 220, N220
Russia [USSR/Soviet Union], vii, xvii, 1-2, 57, 65, 85, 89-90, 157, 160, 174-175, 197-198, 200, 220, 234-237, 242-244, N2, N4, N77, N90
 — 1905 revolution, N2
 — 1917 revolution (February & October), 1, 107, 198, 200, 234, N2, N4, N77, N201
See also Moscow Trials
Russian Communist Party [Communist Party of the USSR], 77, 89, 234, 236-237, N86. See also Bolshevik Party
Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905), N155

Saigon (newspaper), 162
Saigon City Council. See elections
Saigon-Cholon Workers Federation [General Workers Federation/Syndicalist Workers Federation] [Lien Doan Tho Thuyen/Lien Uy Tho Thuyen] (1937), 86-87, 93, 154
Saigon-Shanghai-Osaka [Saigon-Thuong hai-Hoanh tan] (travel account), 60
Sartre, Jean-Paul (French writer), 220, N220
Second International (1889-), 235
Sedov, Leon [Lev] (Trotsky’s son), 177
Séguy, Georges (CGT leader), 211-212, 215, N210
Serge, Victor: Memoirs of a Revolutionary, vii, 234
Sino-Japanese war (1937-1945), 176
Situationist International (innovative revolutionary group, 1957-1972), 237
Social Studies Circle (Paris, 1934), 173
Socialisme ou Barbarie [Socialism or Barbarism] (French ultraleftist journal & group, 1948-1965), 237, N203
socialist parties, 235
Socialist Workers Party of North Vietnam [Dang Tho Thuyen Xa Hoi Viet Bac] (TR party, 1945), 178
Souvarine, Boris: Stalin: A Critical Survey of Bolshevism, 234
soviets, N2. See also workers councils; Nghe-Tinh soviets
Spain (civil war & revolution, 1936-1939), vii-viii, 2, 90, 130, 157, 192-193, 197, 199, N2
Spanish Communist Party, N2
Spinoza, Baruch (17th-century philosopher), 202
Staël, Madame de (French author), 52
Stalin, Josef (USSR dictator 1927-1953), xvii, 1, 57, 64, 71, 77, 85-86, 89, 101, 168, 198, 234-237, N77, N86
Stalinism; Stalinists, ix, xvii, 2, 198, 234-237, N201
 — Chinese, x, N145
 — French. See French Communist Party
 — Russian, 1, 91, 232-233, 235, N86
 — Spanish, 192, N2
 — Vietnamese, vii-viii, 56-57, 64, 77, 82, 85, 87, 89-92, 98-100, 115, 119-123, 126-130, 136, 138, 144, 152, 156-157, 160-162, 164-171, 173-174, 177-178, 197, 236, 240, 242-245, etc. See also Indochinese Communist Party; Vietminh
See also Communist parties
State Employees Federation [Fédération des Fonctionnaires], 121-122
 — 1930-1931, 50, 54, 65
 — 1936-1937, 83-84, 86, 92-94, 153-154, 242
 — 1938, 96
Sun Tzu: The Art of War, 85
Sun Yat-sen (Chinese nationalist leader), 4, 106, N4
Sung (Saigon housemate & comrade), 4
Suu (Saigon friend), 141
Suzanne (wife of Paco Gómez), 193-194
Swift, Jonathan (17th-century satirist), xv
Syndicalist Workers Federation. See Saigon-Cholon Workers Federation

Ta Doi Lap [Communist Left Opposition] (1931-ca. 1935), 52, 54-55, 154, 160, 164, 167. See also Left Opposition (Vietnamese)
Ta Khac Triem
(TR), 87, 93-94, 154
Ta Thu Thau
(VF, AIP, LO, LL), 55-58, 60, 65, 77-78, 81-82, 86, 89, 97-100, 105, 127, 138, 148, 156-157, 158-163, 164-167, 175, 179
Tai, Hue-Tam Ho: Radicalism and the Origins of the Vietnamese Revolution, Nviii, N45
Tan Lo [Ngo Van pseudonym], 97
Tan Viet [Tan Viet Cach Mang Dang/New Vietnam Revolutionary Party] (1925-1929), 51
Taoism; Taoists, xv, 106
Tay (prison guard), 8
Terauchi Hisaichi (Japanese general), 126
Tet Offensive (1968), 219, N219
Thai Van Tam (Tonkin TR), 177
Than Chung (newspaper), 155, 158
Thang Muoi [October] (theoretical journal of Ta Doi Lap, 1931-1932; revived 1938-1939), 52, 95, 167, 169, 172, N153
Thanh Nien [Thanh Nien Cach Mang Dong Chi Hoi/Revolutionary Youth League] (1925-1930; precursor of ICP), 44, 50-51, 67-68, 169, 241, N170
[Thay = “Teacher”]
Thay Giao Dong (village school teacher), 22
Thay Giao Nai (district school teacher), 31
Thay Ung (district school teacher), 31
Thay Tho [Wage and Salary Workers] (TR bulletin, 1938), 169-170, N153
Thi Nhut [Tran Thi Nhut; some other sources give “Tran Thu Thuy”] (TN; “femme fatale” in Rue Barbier affair), 68
Thien (WM), 131
Thiet (schoolmaster), 34-35
Thieu (puppet dictator). See Nguyen Van Thieu
Thinh, Dr. See Nguyen Van Thinh
“Third Division” [De Tam Su Doan] (independent nationalist anticolonialist army, 1945-1946), 124, 131-133, 137, 142, N46, N124
Third International [Comintern] (1919-1943), 1, 90, 144, 160, 198, 234-236, 241, N50
Third World anticolonial struggles, ix-x, xiii, 217-218
Tho Thuyen Tranh Dau [Workers’ Struggle] (paper of Bolshevik-Leninist Group, 1936), 168
Thoi Dam [Chronicles] (paper of Tonkin Tia Sang group, 1938), 177
Thorez, Maurice (French CP leader 1930-1964), N210
Thu (LL), 136
Tia Sang [The Spark] (Saigon TR paper, 1939), 97, 170-172, 177, N153
Tia Sang [The Spark] (Tonkin TR paper & group, ca. 1938-1939), 177
Tien Dao [Vanguard] (newsletter of LIC), 4, 65, 74, 76, 242
Tien Quan [Vanguard] (LO broadsheet, Brussels, 1930), 156, 167
Tieng Tho [Workers’ Voice] (TR paper in postwar France), 199
To Hoai (writer), 179
Toller, Ernst (radical German writer), N2
Ton Duc Thang (TN, ICP; instigator of Rue Barbier murder; Vietnam president 1969-1980), 51, 68
Ton Thanh Nien [“Ton the Young”] (prisoner), 71
Tong (ICP prisoner; later Vietminh police agent), 114
Tran Chanh (Sûreté Inspector), 108
Tran Dang (journalist), 178
Tran Dinh Minh [a.k.a. Nguyen Hai Au] (Tonkin writer; LIC, WM), 120-121, 130, 142, 176
Tran Huu Do (fellow exile in Mekong Delta), 110
Tran Nguon Phieu (resistance fighter), 158
Tran Quang Vinh (Cao Dai leader), 145
Tran Quoc Kieu (WM), 131
Tran Thi Chin (TN, ICP, LO; sister of Tran Thi Muoi), 153
Tran Thi Day (woman prisoner), 69
Tran Thi Hanh (woman prisoner), 69
Tran Thi Muoi [“Chi Muoi”] (ICP, LO, LIC; partner of Anh Gia), 55, 152-153
Tran Tien Chinh (Tonkin LO), 121
Tran Trong Kim (prime minister of Japanese puppet government in Vietnam, 1945), 116
Tran Truong (TN; Rue Barbier assassin), 51
Tran Van An (independent anticolonialist, later a leader of the National United Front), 57
Tran Van Giau (VF, ICP, Vietminh; head of Nam Bo Provisional Executive Committee), 65, 70-71, 82, 115, 122-127, 129, 133, 142, 144-145, 162, 164, 166, 171, 244
Tran Van Si (VF, LO, LL), 167, 172-173, 174-175
Tran Van Thach
(VF, AIP, LL), 56-59, 65, 92, 99, 115, 123, 138, 156-157, 163, 164-166, N138
Tran Van Thanh (WM), 131
Tran Van Ty (judge), 8-9, 15-16, 146
Tran Van Vi (ICP prisoner), 70, 85
Tranh Dau [Struggle] (Vietnamese-language paper of La Lutte group), 95, 98-99, 148, 156, 166
Traven, B. [Ret Marut] (anarchist novelist), xv, N2
Tricoire (prison chaplain), 125
Trinh Dinh Thao (lawyer), 76
Trinh Hung Ngau (VF, LL; anarchist), 56, Nviii
Trinh Van Lau (LIC), 64, 75-76, 111, 122, 152, 242, N11
Trotsky, Leon (Bolshevik leader), 1, 4, 71, 77, 85, 103, 105, 168, 175, 177, 198, 234-237, 241, N4, N77, N86
Trotskyism; Trotskyists, ix, 2, 197-198, 234-237, 242-243
 — Chinese, 176
 — French, 199, N174
 — Russian, 57, 85, 235
 — Vietnamese, vii-viii, 56-57, 64, 85-87, 89-90, 92-93, 98-100, 121, 131, 144, 149-179, 199-200, 234, 242-245, N11, etc.
See also Left Opposition
Trum Nhut (impoverished neighbor), 32
Truong Minh Hai (imprisoned teacher), 158
Tsuchihashi Yuichi (Japanese Governor-General of Indochina, March-August 1945), 116
Tu Cao (Marseilles barber), 63
Tu Duc (emperor of Vietnam 1847-1883), 238
Tu Ty (Binh Xuyen pirate leader), 147
Tu Van Hon (TR typographer-journalist in Cambodia), 95, 100-101
Tuan (village school inspector), 26
Tuan (Tonkin TR student), 120
Ty (sailor friend), 60-61
Typographers Trade Union Federation (Hanoi), 178

UNEF [Union Nationale des Étudiants de France/French National Student Union], 211-212, N211
Ung Hoa (LL), 157
United States of America (in Vietnam War), vii, xvi-xvii, 120, 219-221, N18, N145, N219
UOI [Union Ouvrière Internationale/International Workers’ Association] (France-based ultraleftist group, 1948-1952), 199, 201
USSR. See Russia

Van Tien [nickname of blind prisoner], 71, 73
Van Van Ba (LIC), 76, 152
Van Van Ky
(LIC), 15, 75-76, 122, 151
Vandenstein (worker friend in France), 194
Vanguard Women (female counterpart of Vanguard Youth), 118
Vanguard Youth. See JAG
Varenne, Alexandre (French socialist; Governor-General of Indochina 1925-1928), N155
Vérité, La [The Truth] (French Communist League paper), 160
Vichy France (1940-1944), 112, 236, 243, N112, N116, N148
Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang. See VNQDD
Vietcong [National Liberation Front/NLF] (successor of Vietminh, 1960-1975), xviii, 220-221, N145, N219
Vietminh [Viet Nam Doc Lap Dong Minh Ho/Front for the Independence of Vietnam] (ICP front group, 1941-1950s), 114, 119-123, 126-128, 130-137, 140, 142-147, 149-150, 157, 162-163, 166-167, 169, 173-174, 176, 179, 200, 243-245, N124
Vietnam Modernization Society [a.k.a. Vietnam Reformation Society/Viet Nam Duy Tan Hoi] (1904-1912), 240, N155
Vietnam Restoration Society [Viet Nam Quang Phuc Hoi] (1912-1920s), 240, N155
Vietnam War (1960-1975), vii, xvi-xvii, 219-221, N18, N145, N219
Vietnamese Communist Party. See Indochinese Communist Party
Vishinsky, Andrey (prosecutor in Moscow Trials), 77, 82
Vishnu (Hindu god), 106
VNQDD [Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang/National Party of Vietnam, a.k.a. Vietnamese Nationalist Party] (1927-1930), 44, 51, 241, N45, N46, N124
Vo Buu Binh (LO), 87, 93-94, 154
Vo Nguyen Giap (ICP; Vietminh military leader), 120
Vo Thi Bang [a.k.a. Nguyen Thi My] (LO), 60, 153
Vo Thi Van
(ICP, LO, LIC; partner of Lu Sanh Hanh), 87, 153
Vo Van Don
(LIC; coolie workmate), 4, 64, 75-76, 85, 122, 151-152
Voix Libre, La [The Free Voice] (Saigon paper 1923-1932), 176
Voline: The Unknown Revolution, vii, 234

Waldeck-Rochet (French CP leader), 210, 221, N210
Wilde, Oscar (British writer), xv
women rebels, viii, 47, 67-69, 92
workers councils, viii, 2, 120, 143, 173, 177, 197, 200, 244, N2
Workers for National Salvation [Cong Nhan Cuu Quoc] (Vietminh national labor union), 130
Workers’ Militia [Doan Cong Binh] (formed by Go Vap streetcar workers, 1945-1946), viii, 130-134, 137, 142, 144, 174, 176, 245
Workers’ Slate (So lao dong), 57-59, 160
World War I (1914-1918), 17, 219-220, 234-235, N2
World War II (1939-1945), 101, 116, 118, 185, 219-220, 236, 243-244, N185

Xung (nephew of Ngo Van), 132

Yen Bai revolt (1930), 46-47, 50, 155-156, 160, 163, 165, 167, 241, N46

Zinoviev, Grigory (Bolshevik), 77


Index from Ngo Van’s book In the Crossfire: Adventures of a Vietnamese Revolutionary (AK Press, 2010). Prepared by Ken Knabb.

In the Crossfire is a translation of Ngo Van’s Au pays de la Cloche fêlée (Paris: L’Insomniaque, 2000) and of excerpts from Ngo Van’s Au pays d’Héloïse (L’Insomniaque, 2005). It has been edited by Ken Knabb and Hélène Fleury and translated by Hélène Fleury, Hilary Horrocks, Ken Knabb and Naomi Sager.




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  www.bopsecrets.org   knabb@bopsecrets.org