Winnipeg: Energy East: Our Risk - Their Reward
April 11, 2015
TransCanada's Energy East project would convert an existing natural gas pipeline - parts of which are up to 40-years old - to ship 1.1 million barrels of oil every day through the Prairies to export ports in Quebec and New Brunswick. Join us to talk about why TransCanada's proposed Energy East pipeline is all risk and little reward.
The tour, supported by the Council of Canadians, the National Farmers Union and local partners, will present key information to people living along the pipeline path. This includes information on TransCanada's questionable pipeline safety record, the risks to waterways and farms of shipping diluted bitumen, what it means for tar sands expansion, and experiences opposing TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline.
Time: 7:00 PM
Venue: Fort Garry Hotel, Provencher Ballroom
Location: 222 Broadway Winnipeg, MB
Website: http://www.canadians.org/event/winnipeg-energy-east-our-risk-their-reward
Categories: Environment
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