
Connexions Calendar

Journey of an Unrepentant Socialist

March 27, 2015

Brewster Kneen is known as one of the foremost analysts of the food system, in Canada and globally, through his books and the Ram’s Horn newsletter. Now he has turned his analytical gaze to his own life.

In Journey of an Unrepentant Socialist he focuses on the New Left and the Church of the l960s and 1970s, with extensive excerpts from original documents of the period, and probes the rise of anti-Communism. It was this, he suggests, that eventually overcame the Utopian spirit of the age
and buried the Left and any Socialist program, creating an open space for the Right and neoliberalism.

Analysis is balanced with story-telling, as Kneen tells his own life story and traces his political and theological metamorphoses, including his move from urban intellectual to sheep farmer and back again.

This is a compelling and charming book. It is also timely, as we appear to be entering a new age of global upheaval and potential disaster; nevertheless, it is not a story of despair.

Light refreshments will be served.

Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Venue: Trinity-St. Paul’s Church
Location: 427 Bloor Street West Toronto, ON
Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives

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