
Connexions Calendar

Bottles, Not Cans - Day of Action - The Sequel

January 24, 2015

Come and show your support and solidarity for the 120 Crown Strikers (Local 9176) by spending one or two hours on Saturday, January 24 at your local Beer Store or LCBO to remind the public to buy beer in bottles, not cans made by scabs. The USW members on strike at Crown Metal Packaging are into their 17th month and second winter on the picket line while their union-busting employer is using scabs to make cans for all the major breweries and some craft brewers.

Come and send the company a strong message by asking the public to buy bottles not cans until these workers get a fair deal. For all those who have participated before: Thank you!! Your help is making a difference! The previous Day of Action on December 13 was a great success, and there is hope for a contract on the horizon, but only if the company knows the strikers have the support of their union and of the community.

Now more than ever, these 120 men and women and their families need your support.

Venue: Beer Stores and LCBOs across Ontario
Location: , ON
Categories: Labour, Workplace, Unions

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