
Connexions Calendar

This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate

January 11, 2015

Discussion of Naomi Klein's new book This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate

The great contribution of Naomi Klein's new book, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate, is the argument that the main culprit of runaway climate change is the system itself: capitalism. She explains that a system that requires endless growth is incompatible with sustainability and meaningful climate action. Klein insists and shows that market solutions will not do the trick, and that even "Big Green" environmental groups are part of the problem because they falsely suggest we can solve the crisis without fundamental changes in society.

In reality, Klein asserts, in order to rein in climate change and maintain a habitable planet for human beings, we must seek new economic and political models. Some critics have commented that Klein's proposed solutions are still within the capitalist logic and do not go far enough. Is this the case?

Join us as our speakers review and assess the book and offer additional thoughts on steps forward.

Sam Gindin, Patricia E. (Ellie) Perkins, Umair Muhammad

Time: 3:00 - 5:30 pm
Venue: 612 Markham
Location: Toronto, ON
Categories: Environment

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