Contents of Red Menace #2 - Volume 2, Number 1 - 1977
Red Menace: A Libertarian Socialist Newsletter
to Work and Daily Life in The Red Menace - A
forum through which people can communicate what they feel about
their jobs and the others things that happen to them every day.
Tale of Two Offices - Daily life and office
politics viewed through the experience of working in two libraries
with very different management styles.
In Memoriam: Beloved Chairman Mao - A Long,
Long Life to Chairman Mao.
The Red Menace Interviews Prime Minister Trudeau - An
exclusive interview with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, published
in The Red Menace and nowhere else.
Co-op meets Wages for Housework - The story
of the struggle that gave birth to a housing co-operative and destroyed
the credibility of the Wages for Housework sect.
is Libertarian Socialism? - Revolution is
a collective process of self-liberation: people and societies are
transformed through their struggles for freedom and for a better
world. Also available in Spanish.
Why the Leninists Will Win - Clark argues that the failure of the libertarian left to take organizing seriously makes it likely that capitalism will be overthrown by Leninists who will preside over a social system as undemocratic as the old.
Libertarian Socialism - There must be a revolt against bureaucracy - the predominant trend of societal organization.
The Crisis of Dialectical Materialism and Libertarian Socialism - Libertarian socialism is defined first and foremost by the negation of political authoritarianism and theoretical determinism.
Portugal: The Impossible Revolution (Book Review) - A clear analysis of events in Portugal 1974-1975.