The quoting urge
I promised some quotes from Bakunin on his social theory:
"The co-operative workers' associations are a new fact in
history. It is possible and even likely that they will someday transcend
the limits of towns, provinces, and even States. They may entirely
reconstitute society, dividing it not into nations but into different
industrial groups, organized not according to the needs of politics
but those of production ... when the free productive associations
voluntarily organize according to their needs and special skills,
they will transcend all national boundaries and form an immense
world-wide economic federation. This will include an industrial
parliament supplied by the associations with precise and detailed
global scale statistics; by harmonizing supply and demand the parliament
will distribute and allocate world industrial production to the
various nations. Commercial and industrial crises, stagnation, waste
of capital, etc., will no longer plague mankind; the emancipation
of human labour will regenerate the world."
- 1866 Revolutionary Catechism

." is absolutely necessary for any country wishing to
join the free federations of peoples to replace its centralized,
bureaucratic, and military organizations by a federalist organization
based only on the absolute liberty and autonomy of regions; provinces,
communes, associations, and individuals. This federation will operate
with elected functionaries directly responsible to the people; it
will not be a nation organized from the top down, or from the centre
to the circumference. Rejecting the principle of imposed and regimented
unity, it will be directed from the bottom up, from the circumference
to the centre, according to the principles of free federation. Its
free individuals will form voluntary associations, its associations
will form autonomous communes, its communes will form autonomous
provinces, its provinces will form regions, and the regions will
freely federate into countries, which, in turn, will sooner or later
create the universal world federation."
- 1866 National Catechism
"Our aim is the creation of a powerful but always invisible
revolutionary association which will prepare and direct the revolution.
But never, even during open revolution, will the association as
a whole, or any of its members, take any kind of public office,
for it has no aim other than to destroy all government and make
government impossible everywhere...It will keep watch so that authorities,
government, and States can never be built again…"
- 1869
You published some anti-Jewish remarks by Bakmin in his
critique of Marx and Rothschild. Bakunin made some introductory
remarks is his related "Study on the German Jews" (1869):
"I begin by begging you to believe that I am in no way the
enemy nor the slanderer of the Jews. Although I may be considered
a cannibal, I do not carry savagery to that point, and I assure
you that in my eyes all nations have their worth. Each moreover,
is an ethnographically historic product, and is consequently responsible
neither for its faults nor its merits. It is this that we may observe
in connection with the modern Jews that their nature lends itself
little to frank Socialism. Their history, long before the Christian
era, implanted in them an essentially mercantile and bourgeois tendency..."
G. Jewell
Published in The
Red Menace, Number 5, Summer 1980.
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