The Red Menace

Creeping contradictions


Revolution ruled out

Joe Clark, the leader of Canada's Progressive Conservative party, has ruled out revolution as a way of dealing with Canada's economic problems. While there are serious problems, which are all the Liberals' fault, they can be dealt with without resorting to economic revolution, Clark, the leader of the federal Conservatives, told an audience of businessmen recently. Mr. Clark is federal leader of the Conservative party.

What's the world coming to, anyway?

The United States Department of Commerce has reported that crime in the service industries alone costs U.S. business $9.2 billion a year, mainly due to dishonest workers. Total loss to all business is estimated at $30 billion a year.

Ripping off business takes all forms, according to the report. Truck drivers and dock workers steal cargo, teachers and students rob schools, bank clerks and loan officers juggle accounts and make fictitious loans. (One vault teller walked out of the bank with $168,000 in a brown paper bag, telling the security guard it contained his pet rabbit.)

Lawyers and doctors collude to swindle insurance companies. Doctors and nurses steal from hospitals. Hotel employees take home linen, towels, curtains, rugs, etc. One in three hotel guests steals something from his hotel. Professional lockpickers prey on coin-operated machines. Computer operators use computers to rip off clients.

The $30 billion figure is said to underestimate the true cost, because it does not include insurance premiums, police and security costs, expenses for prosecution, etc. Sad, isn't it?

Don't sponge off government, says Philip

Britain's Prince Philip, who has won considerable attention and popularity in the media recently for his outspoken views, has put himself on the record as calling for more individual initiative and less dependence on the government. Philip, while noting he is not an anarchist, said the main problem with society today is the way people rely too much on the government, and not enough on their own hard work and initiative. The virtues of free enterprise and the work ethic are being lost, said the prince. Philip, looking healthy and in good spirits despite the fact that he himself has been without work and on the dole for the past 58 years, called on state-owned enterprises to reduce their work forces and strive for greater efficiency. His comments were welcomed by British leftwingers, who praised his seeming willingness to lead the way in making sacrifices for the good of the nation: Prince Philip's own wife holds a government job in an industry where both the number of people on the payroll and the wages being paid them have been rising rapidly.

Discrimination Exposed

In a series of exclusive articles, 'Canada's National Newspaper', The Globe and Mail, has revealed that class discrimination exists in China. In a much praised expose, the Globe's Ross H. Munro - who was immediately expelled by Peking - says that in China people of certain class backgrounds have better chances of getting higher education and getting more desirable jobs. He also discovered that some people in China get paid much better than others, and that not everyone has access to free medical care.

In this, of course, China stands in vivid contrast to Canada, where - thank God - the most complete equality and social justice prevail, thanks at least in part to the Globe's militantly socialist defense of egalitarianism and social justice on the home front.


We received a great deal of help in producing this issue from friends of the Red Menace. Thanks to Joe Szalai, Steve lzma, Bill Culp, Wayne Bell and Goz Lyv.


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