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Connexions Library

Consumption: Domestic Imperialism
Gilbert, Dave
This article deals with the social organization of production under modern American capitalism. The author considers the impact of technological development on labour and its potential for liberation ...
A Dictionary of Marxist Thought
Bottomore, Tom
Karl Marx: Economist or Revolutionary?
Cleaver, Harry
Cleaver illustrates how, in the history of Marxist work on the theory of crisis, many have forgotten the revolutionary content of Marx’s own work and thus left themselves open to the dangers of capita...

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Marxists Internet Archive
Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable.
News and Letters
An organization of Marxist-Humanists standing for the abolition of capitalism, both in its private property form and ins its state property form. We stand for the deveopment of new human relations; wh...

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

From the Connexions Archives

Marxists Internet Archive
Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable.
News and Letters
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Articles from a Marxist-Humanist perspective.