Non-Profit Associations

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Connexions Library

Frequently Asked Questions about Sources
SOURCES is a media service that connects journalists, editors, authors and researchers with the sources they need for their work. SOURCES spotlights organizations, institutions, government agencies, c...
Trying to change the world?: We can help.
Getting your story across is an uphill battle when you’re challenging the status quo. SOURCES can help you get your message out.

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Connexions Archive & Library
The Connexions Archive & Library is Toronto-based project dedicated to keeping alive the rich history of grassroots movements for social justice. Connexions preserves 'alternative' histories that r...
Sources specializes in collecting, indexing, and disseminating information to help journalists, editors, and researchers quickly reach articulate experts and spokespersons who can provide background i...

Sources Library

The Connexions Directory
A Directory of Social and Environmental Alternatives
An electronic directory of Canadian non-profit advocacy organizations concerned with social and environmental issues; indexed by subject.
Non-profit organization
Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia

From the Connexions Archives

Benton Foundation
Concerned with the use of communications in the public interest.
Minnesota Council on Foundations
Site describng the ways people and companies can support a nonprofit organization. Written from a donor perspective.
Seven Things Nonprofits Can Learn from Profits
Lessons for non-profits from the for-profit sector.