Lung Disease

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Connexions Library

Uranium Mine and Mill Workers are Dying, and Nobody Will Take Responsibility: In the Southwest, poisoned uranium workers are still seeking justice
Sorrentino, Joseph
To talk to former uranium miners and their families is to talk about the dead and the dying. Brothers and sisters, coworkers and friends: a litany of names and diseases. Many were, as one worker put i...
VW, GM and Takata: the Case for Jailing Corporate Executives
Mokhiber, Russell
Making the case that executives at VW, Takata and General Motors should be jailed for corporate crime. The crimes committed by the corporations they head are extremely serious, and have caused and wil...

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Non-Smokers' Rights Association
To eliminate the discomfort, disease and risk of premature death caused by environmental tobacco smoke. As a preventive approach, the NSRA is committed to eliminating the tobacco epidemic through the ...

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