Export Development/Developing Countries

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Chocolate Nations : Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa
Ryan, Orla
Speculation, pests, political corruption, taxation, land rights, civil war and the IMF are forces at play in this investigation of cocoa agriculture and export in West Africa.
India : The United Tea Workers Front (UTWF) launched to break a vicious circle of poverty
The United Tea Workers Front (UTWF) has been launched, primarily to raise the issue of a living wages and related matters in the forthcoming wage negotiations in North Bengal.
Recolonization or Liberation: The Bonds of Structural Adjustment and Struggles for Emancipation
According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, structural adjustment is the goal of the economic and social programs which they impose upon indebted Third World governments. Th...
The Silent Revolution in Africa: Debt, Development and Democracy
Cheru, Fantu
Cheru ascribes the crisis in Africa to its origins as export-led development rather than the natural factors such as drought and famine. He praises the evolution of ordinary Africans opting out of the...