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Connexions Library

The Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy
Bookchin, Murray
Bookchin's synthesis of ecology, anthropology and political theory traces conflicting legacies of hierarchy and freedom from the first emergence of human culture to today's globalized capitalism, cons...
The Phenomenology of Mind
Hegel, G.W.F.
The birthplace and essence of Hegel's dialectic.
A Short Course in Intellectual Self-Defense: Find Your Inner Chomsky
Baillargeon, Normand
What must a citizen in a democracy know to make the word democracy meaningful? Baillargeon provides readers with the tools to see through everyday spin and jargon -- from politics to advertising, from...

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Sources Library

Has Trump Stolen Philosophy's Critical Tools?
Williams, Casey
Williams analyzes how U.S. President Trump is able to exploit the post-modernist view of the subjectivity of truth in order to wield power over how Americans perceive their own reality.
It's Not All Relative
Levinovitz, Alan Jay
Can a devotion to cultural tolerance lead to the triumph of alternative facts?