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Connexions Library

Bus Driver
Dominique Basi (Director)
Follows Karnel Basi, a public transit driver in South Vancouver, along his regular route through the downtown east side to the heart of the city and back again. Along the way he picks up a variety of ...
Driverless Cars: Hype, Hubris and Distractions
Nader, Ralph
The driverless personal car is quickly emerging without a legal, ethical and priorities framework, when priorities should be placed on safer, more efficient and less polluting means of transport.
Why truck driving is one of the deadliest jobs in America
Veronese, Keith
What incredibly important profession combines horrible hours, bad pay, and a poor lifestyle? Truck driving. This is a job that destroys so many lives that it could soon become unsustainable.

Sources Library

The True Costs of Driving
Cortright, Joe
Cortright highlights the costs behind building and maintaining roads as well as what part of public taxes fund such an expensive venture.