Connexions Quotations
Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.
- Andre Gide
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
- George Orwell
Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper.
- George Orwell
Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.
- I.F. Stone
A great truth is a statement whose opposite is also a great truth.
- Niels Bohr
I like to have my news from different sources; How else find out the truth?
- Alexander Pushkin
(from Boris Godonov)
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
- George Orwell
Objectivity does not mean detachment, it means respect, that is, the ability not to distort and to falsify.
- Erich Fromm
Since the knowledge and survey of vice is in this world so necessary to the constituting of human virtue, and the scanning of error to the confirmation of truth, how can we more safely and with less danger scout into the regions of sin and falsity than by reading all manner of tractates and hearing all manner of reason? And this is the benefit which may be had of books promiscuously read.
- John Milton
There are no whole truths; all truths are half-truths. It is trying to treat them as whole truths that plays the devil.
- Alfred North Whitehead
Though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play on the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously, by licensing and prohibiting, to misdoubt her strength. Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter?
- John Milton
Though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play on the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously, by licensing and prohibiting, to misdoubt her strength. Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter?
- John Milton
If you do not expect it, you will not find out the unexpected, for it is trackless and unexplored.
- Heraclitus
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