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Clicking on the title of an item takes you to the bibliographic reference for the resource, which will typically also contain an abstract, a link to the full text if it is available online, and links to related topics in the subject index. Particularly recommended items have a red Connexions logo beside the title.

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  1. Ahwazi Exiles Hold Four Massive Freedom Rallies in London, The Hague, Canberra, And Berlin
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    Demonstrators hold flags of the region of Al-Ahwaz as they take part in a rally in support of the Ahwazi people in Iran, in Berlin, Germany, 21 April 2017. Dozens of demonstrators took part in the march striving for the recognition of this population and their human rights.
  2. AIPAC: Israel's U.S. Spy Den
    Against The Current vol. 113

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2004
    The socialist Left must remain clear in its avoidance of a conspiratorial view of history. The entire U.S. political spectrum in the aftermath of the 2000 election, and especially since 9/11, has been awash with conspiracy theories. With deep roots in our political culture, ahistorical conspiratorial views of the workings of the world, devoid of any class understanding or a structural and institutional analysis of what we live in, come bubbling to the surface, especially during times of "national crisis."
  3. The Algiers Accords: Decades of Violations and Silence
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    This week marks the 37th anniversary of a pledge made by the United States in 1981:
    The United States pledges that it is and from now on will be the policy of the United States not to intervene, directly or indirectly, politically or militarily, in Iran’s internal affairs.
    This week also marks 37 continuous years of the United States failing to uphold its pledge: the 1981 Algiers Accords.
  4. Anti-Imperialism and the Iranian Revolution
    Fetters of the past, potential for the future

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    The Iranian Revolution, and the anti-imperialist ideology that corresponded to its rise and demise, was indeed a tragedy from the perspective of proletarian revolution; to hold such an ideology today is indeed farcical. It does nothing but bring workers, students, and women’s organizations into an illusory harmony with those who maintain their oppression and exploitation.
  5. The Battle of the Titans
    Who is Pulling the Strings?

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
    This is not merely a fight between Israel and the US. Nor is it only a fight between the White House and Congress. It is also a battle between intellectual titans. Intellectual theories can seldom be put to a laboratory test. But this one can. It is happening now. Between Israel and the US a crisis has developed, and it has come into the open.
  6. A Better World: Programme of the Worker-communist Party of Iran 
    Resource Type: Article
    The actual lives and actions of people themselves reveal a deep-seated belief in the possibility and even the certainty of a better future.
  7. Beyond Iraq: The Spreading Crisis
    Against The Current vol. 122

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    The disaster and carnage of the Iraq occupation is the center of a crisis now spreading through the region—to Iran, to Afghanistan and the India-Pakistan subcontinent, and especially to Israel-Palestine—with implications far beyond.
  8. Binge and Hangover
    Against The Current vol. 124

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    The lords of empire set out to show that the United States, not Iran or any other potential rival, will rule the "new" Middle East. Unable to attack Iran directly, however, they instead employed the willing regional branch office of the U.S. military-industrial complex, the Israeli Defense Force, to destroy Lebanon. A war that began as a triumphal imperial binge has ended, at least as of August 14 if the fragile ceasefire holds, with uncertainty and a hangover. (The ceasefire's fate, following the failed Israeli commando raid in the Bekaa Valley, is uncertain as we go to press.)
  9. The CIA's Greatest Hits
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1994
    Brief case studies of the CIA's greatest 'triumphs'.
  10. Climate Crisis Threatens Food Security of Iran, Kuwait, Libya, Maldives, Togo, Comoros, and Many Other Countries
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    Climate crisis is threatening seafood and fish in gulfs, seas, and oceans. As a result, countries dependent mainly on fish and seafood are threatened.
  11. Connexions Library: Middle East Focus
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2009
    Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on the Middle East.
  12. The Coup
    1953, the CIA, and the Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2013
    In 1953, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency organized the overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected leader and installed Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in his place. Over the next 26, the U.S. backed the unpopular, authoritarian shah and his secret police; in exchange, it reaped a share of Iran’s oil wealth. The blowback was almost inevitable, as this new and revealing history of the coup and its consequences shows.
  13. The Coup of Coups
    Putting the Shah of Shahs on the Peacock Throne

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
  14. The Culture of Terrorism
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    Chomsky argues that the United States elites are dedicated to the rule of force, and that their commitment to violence and lawlessness has to be masked by an ideological system which attempts to control and limit the domestic damage done when the mask occasionally slips.
  15. Dirty Wars
    Britain's Collusion with Radical Islam

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2008
    Historian Mark Curtis, presents the history of the British government's sponsorship of radical Islamic terrorism, from Iran, Afghanistan and Libya to the July 7 bombings.
  16. Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2010-2011 
    Capital devours lives, labor, land; masses seek paths to freedom

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    A revolutionary organization can no longer allow any separation between theory and practice, philosophy and revolution, workers and intellectuals, "inside" and "outside."
  17. Embassy Row Online
    Resource Type: Website
    Contact names and numbers for all embassies to Canada and all Canadian embassies abroad.
  18. The Face of Imperialism
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2011
    Parenti redefines empire and imperialism to connect the current crisis in America to its own bad behavior worldwide.
  19. Grave contradictions of 1979 Iranian Revolution
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1979
    In what proletarian revolution, exactly, was the taking of hostages, and not the rulers, but some fairly low embassy personnel, held to be a revolutionary tactic? Since when has war and revolution been made synonymous? Isn't it about time that Marxist revolutionaries labeled Khomeini's endless repetition of "we are men of war" "looking forward to martyrdom" for what it is by citing Marx, who wrote that Napoleon, the ultimate COUNTER-revolutionary, "substituted permanent war for permanent revolution"?
  20. Hekmat, Mansoor
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    Iranian Marxist theorist and leader of the worker-communist movement. (1951-2002).
  21. Hekmat, Mansoor - Writings - Index
    Resource Type: Article
    Writings of Mansoor Hekmat (1951-2002).
  22. The Historical Moment That Produced Us 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    As we emerge, hopefully, from this dismal period of rollback, we recall Rosa Luxemburg's remark, shortly before her murder in 1919: "The revolution says: I was, I am, I shall be!" We assert the ongoing reality of communism, "the real movement developing before our eyes," as Marx put it in the Manifesto. Like Hegel's "knights of history," we locate our identities not in any immediacy but in the emerging new universal that must be the cutting edge of the next global offensive.
  23. The History of the Undefeated
    A few words in commemoration of the 1979 Revolution

    Resource Type: Article
  24. Hitting nature where it hurts: Iran feels the pernicious effects of US sanctions on biodiversity conservation
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2019
    Iran is home to a rich and complex array of biodiversity. Efforts to protect its biodiversity have been challenged by decades of economic sanctions and political isolation.
  25. How not to understand Islamist politics
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
  26. The Illusion of Debate
    Consensus for the People that Matter

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    A recent article in FAIR reviewed the findings of its latest study on the quality of political “debate” being aired on the mainstream networks. It studied the run-up to the military interventions in both Iraq and Syria. Perhaps the arbiters of the study intended to illustrate what we’ve learned since the fraudulent Iraq War of 2003. Well, it appears we’ve learned nothing.
  27. Inside Iran
    New Internationalist March 2007

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2007
    A look at Iran from history to present. Discussion of women's rights and the youth of Iran.
  28. Iran and Leftist Confusion
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Why are some leftists siding with the Iranian rulers rather than the popular demonstrations against the regime?
  29. Iran: Compulsory veiling is abusive, discriminatory and humiliating; end the persecution of women for peacefully protesting against it
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    Amnesty International criticizes Iran's compulsory veiling laws, arguing that they are not only harmful to women, but fundamentally unconstitutional.
  30. Iran on the Verge of Revolution?
    Against The Current vol. 108

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2004
    Interest in the political situation in Iran has grown noticeably in recent months. In large part, this is due to the far more aggressive policies of the current U.S. administration, which has used the attacks of September 11 as the excuse to intervene directly in the region and bring about “regime change” in accordance with its own longstanding interests.
  31. Iran - The War Dance
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
  32. Iran: Which side are you on?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Why are some U.S. leftists siding with the repressive Iranian regime against pro-democracy protesters?
  33. Iran will be the Scene of a Mass Anti-Islamic Offensive
    Interview with with Radio Hambastegi

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1999
    We have seen in the last 20-25 years the emergence and considerable development of political movements that have organised themselves under the banner of Islam. There are a series of extremely Right-wing, anti-human and violent movements in North Africa, the Middle East and today, in all countries in which the so-called official religion is Islam or which have significant Muslim minorities. Their conduct is primarily in the form of opposition to the freedom of women, women's civil liberties, freedom of expression in the cultural and personal domains and the enforcement of brutal laws and traditions against people, and even killing, beheading, and genocide of people from young children to the elderly.
  34. Iranian police arrest 29 women over protests against compulsory hijab
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    Iranian police have arrested 29 women in the capital, Tehran, after they protested against a law that makes wearing the hijab compulsory.
  35. The Iranian Revolution and the Role of the Proletariat (Theses)
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1978
  36. Islamic Peril
    Media And Global Violence

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2000
  37. Killing Hope 
    U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2008
    Is the United States a force for democracy? William Blum serves up a forensic overview of U.S. foreign policy spanning sixty years. For those who want the details on the U.S.'s most famous actions (Chile, Cuba, Vietnam, to name a few), and for those who want to learn about lesser-known efforts (France, China, Bolivia, Brazil, for example), this book provides a window on what U.S. foreign policy goals really are. "If you flip over the rock of American foreign policy of the past century, this is what crawls out… invasions … bombings … overthrowing governments … occupations … suppressing movements for social change … assassinating political leaders … perverting elections … manipulating labor unions … manufacturing “news” … death squads … torture … biological warfare … depleted uranium … drug trafficking … mercenaries … It’s not a pretty picture. It’s enough to give imperialism a bad name."
  38. Leader and Vassal
    Bringing Death and Destruction to Muslims

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    Americans do not think of themselves or of Israel as terrorist states, but the evidence is complete and overwhelming. Thanks to the power of the Israel Lobby, Americans only know the Israeli side of the story, which is that evil anti-semite Palestinians will not let blameless Israelis live in peace and persist in their unjustified terror attacks on an innocent Israeli state.
  39. Letters to My Torturer
    Love, Revolution, and Imprisonment in Iran

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2010
    In these letters, Asadi confronts the man who tortured him while he was held prisoner in Iran.
  40. The Make-Believe Crisis in Iran
    More lies and Misinformation

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    The Iranian nuclear program scenario has been in place for years and is becoming tedious, but we now seem to have arrived at a new plateau of mass hysteria thanks to the 2012 U.S. Presidential campaign. Why?
  41. Media Lies And The War Drive Against Iran
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2009
    Iran's crime is its independence. Having thrown out the US's favourite tyrant, Shah Reza Pahlavi, Iran remains the only resource-rich Muslim state beyond US control. As only Israel has a 'right to exist' in the Middle East, the US goal is to cripple the Islamic Republic. This will allow Israel to divide and dominate the region on Washington's behalf, undeterred by a confident neighbour.
  42. The Moral Economy of the Iranian Protests
    Beset by inequality and corruption, Iran's provincial working classes are revolting against the revolution's broken promises

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    A look at the root causes of the widespread protests that have been taking place, primarily in provincial towns, throughout Iran. Persistent unemployment and inflation, overdue wages and pensions, environmental degradation, and ponzi schemes are a far cry from the social justice vision that animated and united the revolutionary forces of 1979.
  43. Mossad contradicted Netanyahu on Iran nuclear programme
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    Spy cables reveal that Mossad concluded that Iran was not producing nuclear weapons, even though Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu told the UN the opposite.
  44. My Stealthy Freedom: The Hijab in Iran and in the West
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    An interview with Masih Alinejad, an outspoken critic of the forced hijab policy in Iran, about how the Islamic Revolution affected women, compulsory hijab laws, and her activism.
  45. The Next War on Washington's Agenda
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    It could not be more obvious that Washington’s war preparations against Iran have nothing to do with deterring Iran from a nuclear weapon. So, what are the war preparations about?
  46. The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Media
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2004
    Peter Steven aims to make readers realize the power and influence of dominant media but, at the same time, also understand that they are not "omnipotent" and that there are alternative forms available.
  47. The No-Nonsense Guide to Terrorism
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2003
    An in-depth look at the nature of terrorism that discusses questioning terrorism, assessing it, the difference between state terrorism and group terrorism, morality and history, and war and politics.
  48. Noam Chomsky And The BBC: A Brief Comparison
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    A recent interview with 88-year-old Noam Chomsky once again demonstrates just how insightful he is in providing rational analysis of Western power and the suffering it generates. By contrast, anyone relying on BBC News receives a power-friendly view of the world, systematically distorted in a way that allows the state and private interests to pursue business as usual.
  49. Nuclear Deceit: The Times and Iran
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Is the Times engaged in reporting or propaganda in its coverage of Iran's nuclear program?
  50. On Atena Farghadani and the longstanding repression of artistic expression in Iran
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    It all started with a harmless political cartoon posted on Facebook. What followed was extreme retaliation to say the least; imprisonment, and physical abuse. Unfortunately, this is not an extraordinary story for artists in Iran.
  51. On Oil and Quicksand
    Against The Current vol. 114

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2005
    The end of 2004 finds the Middle East sliding toward an even bloodier morass, thanks in large part to imperial and colonial arrogance which has rarely been on such open display.
  52. The Opposites Game
    All the Strangeness of Our American World in One Article

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    The surpassing strangeness of the American way of war in distant lands.
  53. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 9, 2015
    Resisting Neoliberalism

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2015
    Resisting neoliberalism: "free markets" and "free trade" are an ideological cover for what is actually a form of state capitalism in which working people subsidize and bail out corporations and the rich. In this edition of Other Voices, and more extensively on the Connexions website, we look at both neoliberalism and the resistance to it. The version of capitalism which became dominant by the 1980s has been given the name neoliberalism. The term refers to the global economic restructuring which has taken place, and to the accompanying shifts in the structures of power under which local and national governments have seen their ability to act independently curtailed by international treaties and by institutions which owe their ultimate allegiance to corporate capital. The essence of neoliberalism has been an unending campaign of class struggle by the rich against the rest. Yet resistance continues, and indeed continues to grow.
  54. Our Differences
    Interview about Worker-communism

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1989
    There are two parts to the interview. The first deals with issues of working class and communism at a general level. The second focuses on more specific problems concerning the Iranian left and, particularly, the Communist Party of Iran (CPI).
  55. Our Generation
    Volume 18 Number 2

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1987
  56. Overthrowing other people's governments: The Master List 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
    Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War.
  57. Press for Conversion #43
    December 2000

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2000
  58. Press for Conversion #51
    May 2003

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2003
    Why is the U.S. government reviled by so many people in the Middle East and North Africa? This issue looks at the past 50 years of wars and regime changes in the region and unveils a consistent pattern of U.S. involvement.
  59. Pride parade in Vancouver rejects Iranian over veil float
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    Iranian Shawn Shirazi and his group Cirque de So Gay were denied entry to the Pride Parade in Vancouver, Canada this year because their float criticising the veil was deemed to be 'culturally [in]sensitive'.
  60. The Profits of War: Planning to Bomb Iran
    Against The Current vol. 125

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    It is no longer a secret that the Bush administration has been methodically paving the way toward a bombing strike against Iran. The administration’s plans of an aerial military attack against that country have recently been exposed by a number of reliable sources.
  61. Radical Priorities
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1981
    Otero presents an analysis and overview of Chomsky's social and political philosophy. For the first time the roots of Chomsky's politics are examined and the relationship to his theory of linguistics demonstrated.
  62. Reading Lolita in Tehran
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2003
  63. Recovering Nonviolent History
    Civil Resistance in Liberation Struggles

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2013
    Essays showing, in considerable detail, the varied roles played by civil resistance in fifteen liberation struggles in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas.
  64. The rise of humanism and secularism in Iran
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2005
    The backlash and opposition in Iran is at its essence strongly humanist, secularist and modern. You can see it clearly in the rational, popular, and spontaneous acts and the
    establishment of hundreds of organisations outside government structures and restrictions that are non-religious and purely for the defence of the human being via reliance on human will.
  65. Rogue State 
    A Guide to the World's Only Superpower

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2005
    A mini-encyclopedia of the numerous un-humanitarian acts perpetrated by the United States since the end of the Second World War.
  66. Russia's Fantasy "Stray Missiles," America's Real Ones
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    Even to those who do not watch closely it has to be apparent that Washington's vast disinformation machine is finally out of control, seriously awry, or desperate.
  67. Selective Outrage - Iran And Libya
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
  68. Selective Vision: Iran, Israel and Nuclear Arms
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    For many years, the corporate media has been amplifying supposed "fear" in the West about Iran becoming a nuclear-armed nation alongside the US, the UK, France, Russia - and Israel.
  69. Sex & Iran's Upstoppable Resistance
    Against The Current vol. 145

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Since Iran's presidential “election” in June 2009 and the protests that followed, the world has caught a partial, albeit highly mediated, glimpse inside that country and its politically active citizenry. The state, frequently misrepresented as a monolith and in neoconservative circles tarred as “Islamo-fascist,” is now more accurately understood as a diverse and fractured set of actors. The reform movement that had ushered in President Khatami suffered defeat by the hardliners with Ahmadenijad’s 2005 election, and hailed by many as dead, has come back to life. To many, it appears unstoppable.
  70. The Socialist Register 1989
    Volume 25: Revolution Today. Aspirations and Realities

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1989
  71. Stones Aimed at Us
    An Overview of the Discourse and Strategies of the Stop Stoning Forever Campaign

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    This report provides an overview of the discourses around stoning in Iran, and the Stop Stoning Forever Campaign.
  72. Stoning in Muslim Contexts: A Mapping Report
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    This report locates where the punishment of stoning still exists, either through judicial or extrajudicial methods.
  73. Stuxnet on the Loose
    Security for the One Percent

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    Suspicions that the Stuxnet computer worm was indeed developed by the United States and Israel has once again exposed American exceptionalism. Espionage and sabotage are presented as intolerable criminal transgressions, normally causing our elected officials and military leaders to erupt in fits of righteous indignation. That is, unless the United States is doing the spying and the sabotaging.
  74. Stuxnet-Like Digital Attack on Iran Nuclear Talks May Have Come from Israel, Security Researchers Say
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    Moscow-based technical security company Kaspersky Lab last week revealed evidence of a new cyber attack on both its own network and those of several European hotels that hosted nuclear negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 (US, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany) last year.
  75. Support the Iranian people, oppose Tehran's clerical fascism
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Tragically, the leadership of the UK and US anti-war movements have been sleep-walking into making the same mistakes over Iran as they made over Iraq. They are silent about the regime's despotism and oppression. Mirroring the neo con indifference to human rights abuses in Iran, they refuse to show solidarity with the Iranian peoples' struggle for secularism, democracy, social justice, human rights and self-determination for national minorities. There is nothing remotely left-wing about this is sad and cruel betrayal. Put bluntly: it is collusion with tyranny.
  76. Targeting Iran
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2007
    A critical analysis of the Bush administration's policies towards Iran.
  77. They Found Nothing. Nothing.
    The IAEA, Iran And ‘Fantasy Land’

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    What is so breathtaking is that the apparent consensus on Iran, like the case against Iraq, is a fraud.
  78. The Third Camp
    Against U.S. militarism and Islamic terrorism

    Resource Type: Website
    We must stand up with all our power to the US government's and its allies' bullying. We must put an end to the crimes of the opposite pole, i.e. Islamic terrorism. We must help the people of Islam-stricken countries to get rid of the menace of Islamic terrorist states and forces. American militarism and Islamic terrorism have brutalised the world. Neither of them has a solution to the present crisis and its resulting problems. Rather, they are themselves the cause of this crisis and its aggravation. Civilised humanity must rise up against both these poles and the suffering that they have imposed on the world.
  79. Towards a New Cold War
    Essays on the Current Crisis and How We Got There

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1982
    A sobering assessment of American foreign policy from the end of the Vietnam era to Ronald Reagan.
  80. Unveiled
    Art and Censorship in Iran

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    This report seeks to illustrate the manner in which artistic censorship in Iran is both shaped and shapes; to demonstrate where the focus of the conflict lies between the Islamic Republic of Iran and individual expression.
  81. US Media Keep Saying Iran is "In Violation" of a Nuclear Agreement the US Withdrew From
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2019
    US Media portray Iran as having violated the US-Iran nuclear agreement. That's because the Trump administration, acting on its own, foolishlypulled out unilaterally from that agreement, and has been imposing sanctions on Iran, all of which has been in violation of the agreement, and which, by violating its terms, effectively terminates the agreement.
  82. The Veil and Violence against Women in Islamist Societies
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2007
    The ongoing battle between the Islamic authorities and women over the veil clearly reveals why it has become a symbol like no other of the violence women face under Islam and why 'improper' or 'bad' veiling and unveiling have become a symbol of resistance to Islam in power and its violence against women. It is for this very reason that the slogan 'neither veil nor submission' has become a rallying cry ever since the regime imposed compulsory veiling on women after expropriating and crushing the revolution to consolidate its rule.
  83. A War Plan Scuttled?
    Against The Current vol. 133

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    As the Bush era draws to a close, there been increasing speculation on whether or not the United States will attack Iran. Spurred by the posturing and rhetoric coming from the White House and a subservient media, much of that discussion has narrowly focused on Iran potential nuclear threat and the character of the current administrations in Washington and Tehran.
  84. We Own the World
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2007   Published: 2008
    The whole debate about the Iranian 'interference' in Iraq makes sense only on one assumption, namely, that we own the world. If we own the world, then the only question that can arise is that someone else is interfering in a country we have invaded and occupied.
  85. What has happened to the Iranian revolution?
    Has it already run its course into its opposite, counter-revolution? Or can it be saved and deepened?

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1981
    The Iranian Revolution has not yet run its course. The Iranian masses have not had their last word.
  86. What the Left Should be Learning From Iran 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    There are those on the left who mirror neocon thought: They argue that since Washington is in opposition to it, Iran must therefore be considered a 'good' government, worthy of solidarity. Others argue that if the Iranian state offers social programs and even if it only somewhat resists global capitalism then therefore its violent and authoritarian actions can somehow be justified, forgiven or denied.
  87. What the Media Does Not Say About the Anti-Iran Leaks
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    The media is interested in one and only one subject: advancing the anti-Iran narrative that is advocated by the neoconservatives, the War Party, and the Israel lobby.
  88. What Was Missing From Coverage of Netanyahu's Speech
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    Reading the lead stories on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress about Iran in five prominent US papers – the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today (all 3/3/15) – what was most striking was what was left out of these articles.
  89. Which side are you on? 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    The women's question has haunted the Islamic regime from the start. The Islamic Republic has been in continuous conflict with the women's liberation movement, which has grown considerably in the past decade in opposition to the misogyny and gender apartheid of the Islamists. Despite brutal assaults on this movement, the regime has not succeeded in silencing it.
  90. Who Should Bomb Iran First?
    The Myth Of Left-Leaning Media Bias

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2007
    Mainstream media discussions of media balance are limited to a single question: Is the media too critical of powerful interests?
  91. Whom Should We Support in Iran?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    The people we should support in Iran are those who are trying to make Iran more equal, more democratic and more friendly to the principle of solidarity--concern for one another. Since we want the world to move in this direction, we should support those who are pushing it in that direction. The people doing this are working class Iranians.
  92. Why Not Sanctions for Israel?
    Gross Violations of Human Rights

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    The US led the imposition of sanctions against South Africa because of South Africa's apartheid practices. The sanctions forced the white government to hand over political power to the black population. Israel practices a worse form of apartheid than did the white South African government. Yet, Israel maintains that it is 'anti-semitic' to criticize Israel for a practice that the world regards as abhorrent.
  93. Wikileaks Exposes Complicity of the Press
    Documents Show NYT and Washington Post Shilling for US Government on Iran Missile "Threat"

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    A key Wikileaks document which should have resulted in stories calling into question the thrust of the Obama administration's ballistic missile defense policy in Europe based on an alleged Iranian missile threat has instead produced a spate of stories buttressing anti-Iran hysteria.
  94. Will the Iran Deal Hold?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    Finkel explores the underlying reasons behind Israel and Saudi Arabia's disapproval over the United States' nuclear weapon deal with Iran.
  95. Women of the revolution
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Thirty years after the toppling of the Shah in Iran, Azar Sheibani looks at how Iranian women have defied the reign of misogynist terror.
  96. Worker-communist Party of Iran
    Resource Type: Website
    To change the world and to create a better one has always been a profound aspiration of people throughout human history. It is true that even the present-day so-called modern world is dominated by fatalistic ideas, religious as well as non- religious, which portray the present plight of humanity as somehow given and inevitable. Nevertheless the actual lives and actions of people themselves reveal a deep-seated belief in the possibility and even the certainty of a better future. The hope that tomorrow's world can be free of today's inequalities, hardships and deprivations, the belief that people can, individually and collectively, influence the shape of the world to come, is a deep-rooted and powerful outlook in society that guides the lives and actions of vast masses of people.
    Worker-communism, first and foremost, belongs here, to the unshakable belief of countless people and successive generations that building a better world and a better future by their own hands is both necessary and possible.
  97. Workers and Revolution in Iran
    The Third World Experience of Workers' Control

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1989
    Industrial workers in Iran played a major role in the overthrow of the Shah. This account of the shuras, or factory councils, they set up throws new light on the Shah's defeat, and the consequent revolutionary impulses Ayatollah Khomeini subsequently crushed so ruthlessly. This and other Third World examples show how uneven capitalist development can create conditions conducive to struggles for workers' control in advanced as well as in backward economies.
  98. World Orders Old and New
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1994
    Chomsky surveys the international scene since 1945.

Experts on Iran in the Sources Directory

  1. The British Museum
  2. Economic Cooperation Organization
  3. The Hermitage
  4. International Crisis Group
  5. United Nations
  6. Wikileaks

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