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  1. The Button, the Wall and the Myth of Nations
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    North Korean sanctions, the border wall with Mexico, and the "toxic" role of nationalism with regards to international relations and domestically in the US are discussed.
  2. Endless Atrocities: The US Role In Creating The North Korean Fortress-State
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    An overview of the history that informs North Korea's relations with the United States and "drives its determination never to submit to any American diktat".
  3. The Face of Imperialism
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2011
    Parenti redefines empire and imperialism to connect the current crisis in America to its own bad behavior worldwide.
  4. Hegemony or Survival 
    America's Quest for Global Dominance

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2003   Published: 2004
    Chomsky documents how, for more than half a century, the United States has been pursuing a grand imperial strategy with the aim of dominating the globe.
  5. Here's what war with North Korea would look like
    A full-blown war with North Korea wouldn't be as bad as you think. It would be much, much worse

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    A look at the chilling logistics and devastating loss of life a full-blown war between the USA and North Korea would cause.
  6. Humanity Imperiled: The Path To Disaster 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
    For the first time in the history of the human species, we have clearly developed the capacity to destroy ourselves. That's been true since 1945. It's now being finally recognized that there are more long-term processes like environmental destruction leading in the same direction, maybe not to total destruction, but at least to the destruction of the capacity for a decent existence.
  7. If John Bolton Is Right, Pearl Harbor Was Perfectly Legal
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    Michigan attorney Kary Love explores the legal basis for a pre-emptive attack on North Korea by the USA.
  8. Noam Chomsky And The BBC: A Brief Comparison
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    A recent interview with 88-year-old Noam Chomsky once again demonstrates just how insightful he is in providing rational analysis of Western power and the suffering it generates. By contrast, anyone relying on BBC News receives a power-friendly view of the world, systematically distorted in a way that allows the state and private interests to pursue business as usual.
  9. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 30, 2017
    Affirming life, resisting war, reporting UFOs

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2017
    What do we do when those in power recklessly put the future of the entire planet at risk with their acts of aggression and military provocations, while they ignore the growing disaster of climate change? We fight back and organize, on every level, wherever we are, doing whatever offers the hope of resisting and of building a movement that can stop and overturn the out-of-control monster of late capitalism.
  10. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 28, 2017
    Resisting Injustice

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2017
    In this issue, we look at the relentless persistence of people challenging injustice and entrenched power in places around the world, including Palestine, Korea, China, Canada, and the United States. We spotlight the hunger strike by Palestinian political prisoners languishing in Israeli prisons, workers’ strikes in China, and people in South Korea taking on a corrupt government. In the United States, the Equal Justice Initiative is collecting soil from places where blacks were lynched as a way of remembering their lives and the brutally racist society that murdered them. An article on recent terrorist attacks in Britain asks what underlies ideological violence and sociopathic rage. Ralph Nader asks why people who are supposed to be professional questioners avoid asking hard questions of those in power.
  11. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - August 27, 2017
    Official Enemies

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2017
    Why and how do some countries become 'enemies'? How and why do governments and media work in tandem to demonize official enemies? Who are the people who live in those countries, what are their lives like, and why should we consider them our enemies?
  12. Understanding Power
    The Indispensable Chomsky

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2001   Published: 2002
    In a series of enlightening and wide-ranging discussions, all published here for the first time, Chomsky radically reinterprets the events of the past three decades, covering topics from foreign policy during Vietnam to the decline of welfare under the Clinton administration. As he elucidates the connection between America's imperialistic foreign policy and the decline of domestic social services, Chomsky also discerns the necessary steps to take toward social change.
  13. The U.S. Pushed North Korea to Build Nukes: Yes or No?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    Washington's policy toward North Korea for the last 64 years entirely based on the assumption that you can persuade people to do what you want them to do through humiliation, intimidation and brute force.
  14. What Corporate Media Never Tells You about North Korea
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    There is a great deal of propaganda and deliberate misinformation about North Korea, which the public should know. While neocons, a cheering corporate media, and Deep State, rush to war with North Korea, information is the ultimate weapon. For example, did you know that North Korea, China, and India, are the only three nations who have committed to a "no nuclear first" policy.
  15. Why "Coercive Diplomacy" is a Dangerous Farce
    Offering to talk while threatening military force hasn't worked in 30 years.

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    In the context of rising tensions between the USA and North Korea 2017-2018, historian and journalist Gareth Porter, details the history of failure of "Coercive Diplomacy" as a tool in US foreign policy.
  16. The World Without Us 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2007
    A thought experiment to see what would happen to the planet if human beings simply disappeared.
  17. Worse Than North Korea
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    The reality is that we are dealing with a pariah state, no better at this point in its respect for international law and basic human rights (where non-Israelis are concerned), than North Korea. And maybe worse. At least the North Koreans fired their weapon at a South Korean military vessel. The Israeli Defense Force attacked a vessel filled with civilian peace activists, including elderly Holocaust survivors, members of foreign parliaments, and young children.

Experts on Nordkorea in the Sources Directory

  1. International Crisis Group
  2. United Nations

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Ein Katalog mit mehr als 7000 Büchern, Artikeln, Filmen, Zeitschriften, Webseiten und anderen Quellen.
Sortiert nach Autor, Titel, Format, Fachgebiet, Dewey-System Nummer, Library of Congress Systematik, Erscheinungsjahr.
Connexions Verzeichnis Verbände und nichstaatliche Organisationen die sich mit sozialen und ökologischen Themen beschäftigen — A-Z Index oder Fachgebiete Index.
Für Fachleute und Medienvertreter, besuchen Sie auch das Sources Verzeichnis und den umfangreichen Sources Fachgebiete Index.
Links Ausgesuchte Internet-Quellen mit Informationen über Alternativen.
Kalender Veranstaltungen in ganz Kanada. Siehe auch: Sources Kalender and Pressemeldungen.
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Medien Quellen, Publikationen und Artikel die Ihnen helfen die Aufmerksamkeit der Medien zu bekommen und das Bewusstsein für Ihr Anliegen zu schärfen. Außerdem: Verzeichnis von Namen & Nummern aus der kanadischen Medienwelt, ein Verzeichnis von Namen & Nummern aus dem kanadischen Parlament, und Adressenlisten.
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Mission Connexions ist gedacht für die Unterstützung von Personen und Gruppen, die sich für Freiheit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit einsetzen. Unser anliegen ist es die Aufzeichnungen vom wirken von Menschen und deren Kampf gegen Unterdrückung und für gesellschaftlichen Wandel zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir glauben daran, dass je mehr wir über die Konflikte, Siege und Niederlagen der Vergangenheit und über diejenigen die daran Teilgenommen haben wissen, desto besser sind wir dazu in der Lage eine neue Welt zu gestallten. Connexions verfügt sowohl über einen Bestand an Büchern und Dokumenten und ist außerdem bemüht das bereits bestehende digitale Archiv an Dokumenten weiter auszubauen. Wir arbeiten daran einen weiten Themenbereich abzudecken, der eine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Ansichten und Herangehensweisen für Gesellschaftlichen Wandel umfasst, alles mit dem Grundsätzlichen anliegen der Unterstützung der Demokratie, Bürgerrechte, freie Meinungsäußerung, Menschenrechen, Säkularität, Gleichheit, wirtschaftlichen Gerechtigkeit, ökologisches Verantwortungsbewusstsein und dem erschaffen und dem erhalt von Gemeinschaft. Wir sind International orientiert, allerdings haben wir als kanadisches Projekt eine besonders große Auswahl an kanadischen Dokumenten und Informationen über kanadische Organisationen.