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  1. Bolivia's Autonomist Right -- A Dangerous Threat
    Against The Current vol. 135

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    Autonomist right-wing forces in the Bolivian department (state) of Santa Cruz — acting through the offices of the prefecture (governorship) and Santa Cruz Civic Committee — held an illegal May 4 rerendum on departmental autonomy. According to the consulting agency Captura Consulting the “yes” side won 85% of the votes cast, with 15% against. However, many organizations within the left-indigenous bloc of the department had called for a boycott of the referendum, and were successful in obtaining an abstention rate of over 40%. Compare that to the remarkably low abstention rate of 15% in the December 2005 general elections that brought Evo Morales, the country’s first indigenous president, to office at the national level. Nonetheless, the right declared results a triumphant victory.
  2. The Caribbean Left's Legacy
    Against The Current vol. 112

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2004
    Sara Abraham interviews Eusi Kwayana of The Working People's Alliance (WPA) in Guyana. The WPA continued to organize and build its ranks through a democratic socialist multi racial agenda, but has continuously been marginalized by the two party system, wining only one or two seats in each election.
  3. Elections and Regime Crisis
    Against The Current vol. 124

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    Will the Democrats "regain control of Congress"? Will Joseph Lieberman change parties? Will Hillary Clinton be the Democratic frontrunner for 2008? How much does any of this matter?
  4. Elections in the Southern Cone
    Against The Current vol. 85

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2000
    During the last three months of 1999, presidential elections took place in the three southernmost countries of the Latin American continent.
  5. From PRI to Foxismo
    Against The Current vol. 88

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2000
    Mexico on July 2 experienced an alternation of parties in power at the national level. But the more fundamental shift away from the one-party state had begun already with the Salinas administration (1988-1994), when he tried to replace the ruling PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party) with his own political and patronage apparatus, "Solidarity."
  6. From Yeltsin to Putin: Modern Democrat Gives Way to Modern Nationalist
    Against The Current vol. 85

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2000
    The power brokers in and around the Kremlin have orchestrated a transfer of power that could serve as a model for modern democratic rule—the kind of demonstration democracy (demonstrate the form, forget the content) practiced to a high art form in the United States.
  7. How to Rig an Election
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    Election fraud in the United States in the era of computerized voting machines controlled and programmed by far-right corporate executives.
  8. Kenya's Opposition Party
    Against The Current vol. 133

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    That the elections in Kenya were rigged is no longer in question. And for most people that the culprit is the sitting president, sworn in so quickly that the ceremony has been jokingly likened to a lightning wedding, is no longer a question.
  9. Korea: The Elections and Sexual Violence
    Against The Current vol. 87

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2000
    In the April 13 South Korean parliamentary elections, the closest the Democratic Labor Party came to victory was in the Hyundai company town of Ulsan. Their candidate was defeated by a small margin (43% to 41.8%) by the Grand National Party, the traditional party of the military dictatorship, anticommunism, and Kyongsang chauvinism (Ulsan is in South Kyongsang Province). The combination of money, regionalism and boss politics still exerts influence in the working class.
  10. Letter to a Progressive Democrat
    Against The Current vol. 110

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2004
    Dear Progressive Democrat: I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 and I'm proud of it. You voted for Nader and you regret it (or, you voted for Gore, even though you liked Nader better).
  11. Nader, Greens and Socialists
    Against The Current vol. 91

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2001
    Blaming Ralph Nader for Bush is like blaming the abolitionists for slavery. The Greens ran Nader to end corporate oligarchy, not to support one wing of the oligarchy as a lesser evil against the other wing. Nevertheless, the Democrats, their liberal satellite organizations, and the corporate media are playing the blame game for all it is worth.
  12. The Socialist Register 1983
    Volume 20: A Survey of Movements & Ideas

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1983
  13. Thieving Sons of Bushes
    Against The Current vol. 91

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2001
    “Never Trust a Son of Bush” was one of many signs at George W. Bush's presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C. on January 20. Some 25,000 marched in Washington and 15,000 rallied in San Francisco. The D.C. protest was the largest one at a presidential inauguration since 1973 -- at President Nixon's second term.
  14. 25 Years After the Gdansk Uprising
    Against The Current vol. 121

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    Suzi Weissman interviews David Ost. The occupation of the Gdansk shipyard by Polish workers in 1980, demanding recognition of their independent trade union Solidarnosc, rocked the Eastern bloc and inspired the world. A quarter century later, Communist rule is only a bad memory but the present realities for the Polish working class are a grim choice between neoliberalism and reactionary psedo-populism. The following interview with David Ost, conducted by Suzi Weissman November 28, 2005 for her radio program “Beneath the Surface” on KPFK in Los Angeles (90.7 FM), explores what’s happened to post-Solidarity Poland. It has been edited for publication here.

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