Child Protection

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Connexions Library

Disaster and Mental Health: The Palestinian Experience
El Sarraj, Eyad; Qouta, Samir
The continuing Israeli military occupation of Gaza is the cause of deep and widespread trauma for Palestinian children and adults.
Privatise Child Protection Services, Department for Education Proposes
Butler, Patrick
Experts sound alarm over UK proposal to outsource children's services to private firms.
The Rape of Irish Children
McCann, Eamonn
A State which had genuine concern for its children would have responded to the report by taking decisive action to remove the Catholic bishops as patrons of primary schools. Three thousand of 3,200 pr...

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Beyond Borders -- Ensuring Global Justice for Children
Beyond Borders, a charitable organization, works to end all sexual crimes against children, especially cross-border crimes including sex tourism and child pornography. Beyond Borders is the Canadian a...
Pueblito Canada
Community development projects in Latin America. Development education materials for children in Canada.

Sources Experts & Spokespersons