Palestine & Palestinians Guidebook

Publisher:  Alternative Tourism Group, Ramallah, Palestine
Year First Published:  {24140 Palestine & Palestinians Guidebook PALESTINE & PALESTINIANS GUIDEBOOK Alternative Tourism Group Ramallah Palestine More than an ordinary tourist guidebook, this book provides an in-depth discovery of the entire range of Palestinian culture: historical, archaelogical, religious, and architectural, as well as the daily realities of the Israeli occupation. 2003 2005 B Book 9950-319-01-3 CX9493 0 false true false CX9493.htm [0xc001fb36e0 0xc00124c7b0 0xc00202b650 0xc001f375f0] Cx}
Year Published:  2005
ISBN:  9950-319-01-3
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX9493

More than an ordinary tourist guidebook, this book provides an in-depth discovery of the entire range of Palestinian culture: historical, archaelogical, religious, and architectural, as well as the daily realities of the Israeli occupation.

Subject Headings

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