Organization profile published 1978

Year Published:  1978
Pages:  3pp   Price:  Free   Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX815

This Toronto project was initiated in 1976 to respond to the need for jobs, education and cultural development for youth in downtown low income areas.

"Immi-Can means Immigrants and Canadians working together."
"Immi-Can means Immigrants and Canadians can both live together without either Canadian or Immigrants neglecting their cultural identity.
"Immi-Can means Immigrants, contrary to what others may believe, CAN contribute positively to the development of their new society."

This Toronto project was initiated in 1976 to respond to the need for jobs, education and cultural development for youth in downtown low income areas. Based on a L.E.A.P. grant, this non-profit organization produces a variety of items including furniture, clocks, crafts, Afro-combs and posters. It has also developed an educational component focusing on technical, management, analytical and literary skills as well as cultural development.
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