Poverty and Policy in Canada
Implications for Health and Qualityof Life

Raphael, Dennis
Publisher:  Canadian Scholars' Press, Canada
Year Published:  2007
Pages:  424pp   ISBN:  978-1-55130-323-9
Library of Congress Number:  HC120.P6R36 2007   Dewey:  362.5'0971
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX8051

Raphael writes with authority on the problem of inequality and poverty in Canada. Income variability has increased while social assistance and minimum wages have not kept people up.

Raphael writes with authority on the problem of inequality and poverty in Canada. Income variability has increased while social assistance and minimum wages have not kept people up. All levels of government have slashed monies that could have been used to diminish inequality. He holds that inequality is the root of poverty and to change that we must seriously reconsider our social justice policy so that it gives the most vulnerable adequate income and employment, assess to education and support for social networks.

Table of Contents

Forward by: Jack Layton


Note from the Publisher

Part I: Defining and Measuring Poverty in Canada

Chapter One: Poverty and the Modern Welfare State
Chapter Two: Canadian Perspectives on Poverty
Appendix 2.1
Chapter Three: Who Is Poor in Canada?
Chapter Four: Making Sense of Poverty: Social Inequality and Social Exclusion

Part II: The Experience Of Poverty

Chapter Five: Pathways to Poverty
Chapter Six: The Lived Experience of Poverty
Chapter Seven: Interactions with the Social Assistance and Health Care Systems

Part III: Poverty, Health, And Quality of Life

Chapter Eight: Poverty and Health
Chapter Nine: Poverty and Health: Mechanisms and Pathways
Chapter Ten: Poverty and Quality fo Life

Part IV: Public Policy and Poverty

Chapter Eleven: The Politics and Poverty
Chapter Twelve: Canadian Public Policy and Poverty in International Perspective
Chapter Thirteen: Poverty and the Future of the Canadian Welfare State

Copyright Acknowledgments


Subject Headings

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