A Threat from Within
A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism

Rabkin, Yakov M.
Publisher:  Fernwood Publishing/Zed Books
Year First Published:  {18807 A Threat from Within THREAT FROM WITHIN A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism Rabkin, Yakov M. Fernwood Publishing/Zed Books Rabkin brings to light continuing Jewish opposition to Zionism, a religious tradition which presents a fundamental challenge to the idea of Israel as a Jewish state. 2004 2005 261pp BC18807-ThreatWithin.jpg B Book 1552661717 DS149.R245 2005 320.54'095694 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>About the Author <br>Foreword <br>Prologue <br> <br>Part I: Orientations <br>Secularization and Assimilation <br>History as Battlefield <br>Anti-Zionists and Non-Zionists <br>Notes <br> <br>Part II: A New Identity <br>From Messianism to Nationalism <br>The Birth of the Secular Jew <br>An Incomplete Transformation <br>Jew, Hebrew, Israeli <br>Modern Hebrew and Secular Identity <br>Notes <br> <br>Part III: The Land of Israel, Exile and Return <br>Transgression and Exile <br>Messianic Caution <br>The Zionist Idea <br>The Zionist Enterprise <br> <br>Part IV: The Use of Force <br>Codified Pacifism <br>The Jews of Russia: Frustration and Violence <br>Pride and Self-defense <br>An Ambivalent Nationalism <br>Israel's Victories <br>The Roots of Terrorism <br>Notes <br> <br>Part V: Collaboration and Its Limits <br>Resistance to Zionism in the Holy Land <br>Rejection of Zionism in the Diaspora <br>Relations with the State <br>The State and Judaism <br>Notes <br> <br>Part VI: Zionism, the Shoah and the State of Israel <br>The Catastrophe and Its Causes <br>The Zionists and the Shoah <br>Miraculous Rebirth or Continued Destruction? <br> <br>Part VII: Prophecies of Destruction and Strategies for Survival <br>The State of Israel in Jewish Continuity <br>Public Debate and Its Limits <br>Promise or Menace? <br>Notes <br> <br>Epilogue <br>Afterword <br>Acknowledgements <br>References <br>Glossary <br>Biographical Notes <br>Index CX7785 1 false true false CX7785.htm [0xc000427bc0 0xc00074f590 0xc0007875f0 0xc0007b6630 0xc000945530 0xc001d3c4b0 0xc0017fdad0 0xc002a98330] Cx}
Year Published:  2005
Pages:  261pp   ISBN:  1552661717
Library of Congress Number:  DS149.R245 2005   Dewey:  320.54'095694
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7785

Rabkin brings to light continuing Jewish opposition to Zionism, a religious tradition which presents a fundamental challenge to the idea of Israel as a Jewish state.


Table of Contents

About the Author

Part I: Orientations
Secularization and Assimilation
History as Battlefield
Anti-Zionists and Non-Zionists

Part II: A New Identity
From Messianism to Nationalism
The Birth of the Secular Jew
An Incomplete Transformation
Jew, Hebrew, Israeli
Modern Hebrew and Secular Identity

Part III: The Land of Israel, Exile and Return
Transgression and Exile
Messianic Caution
The Zionist Idea
The Zionist Enterprise

Part IV: The Use of Force
Codified Pacifism
The Jews of Russia: Frustration and Violence
Pride and Self-defense
An Ambivalent Nationalism
Israel's Victories
The Roots of Terrorism

Part V: Collaboration and Its Limits
Resistance to Zionism in the Holy Land
Rejection of Zionism in the Diaspora
Relations with the State
The State and Judaism

Part VI: Zionism, the Shoah and the State of Israel
The Catastrophe and Its Causes
The Zionists and the Shoah
Miraculous Rebirth or Continued Destruction?

Part VII: Prophecies of Destruction and Strategies for Survival
The State of Israel in Jewish Continuity
Public Debate and Its Limits
Promise or Menace?

Biographical Notes

Subject Headings

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