A Bioregional Reader

Andruss, Van, Plant, Christopher, Plant, Judith, Wright, Eleanor
Publisher:  New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, Canada
Year Published:  1990
Pages:  181pp   ISBN:  1-55092-007-3
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX4571

A guide to the vision and strategy of bioregionalism.

Home! is a guide to the vision and strategy of bioregionalism. It is a collection of articles, short stories and poems that advocate a better relationship between human communities and the Earth. The writings are by activists and supporters of the environmental movement who want to go beyond green consumerism and wilderness preservation to make it possible for us to live harmoniously with the land. Contributors aim to describe their own experiences with supporting the environment and living within the limits of its regenerative powers. An obvious goal is to stop mass-consumption of the Earth's resources.

The articles are divided under five headings: What is Bioregionalism?; Living in Place; Nature, Culture and Community; Reinhabitation and Restoration; and Bioregional Organizing and Politics. They provide resources for understanding what should be done about environmental crises and why. The visions of these activists are meant to encourage ecologically sustainable communities. These communities should be self-governed, and this book is a resource to guide such a project. It provides information and advice for aspiring green communities.

"The bioregional perspective recreates a widely-shared sense of regional identity founded upon a renewed critical awareness and respect for the integrity of our ecological communities." It is an alternative way of living, one that seeks to support the Earth for generations to come.

[Abstract by Mia Manns]

Table of Contents


Part One: What is Bioregionalism?
Living by Life: Some Bioregional Theory & Practice
More Than Just Saving What's Left
Bioregional Perspectives
Revaluing Home: Feminism & Bioregionalism
In Pockets of Resistance: The Back-to-the-Land Movement Matures
Where You At? A Bioregional Quiz

Part Two: Living in Place
Reinhabiting California
Future Primitive
Living Here
Speaking in the Haida Way
The Hudson River Valley: A Bioregional Story
The Salmon Circle

Part Three: Nature, Culture, & Community
Design Should Follow, Not Oppose, the Laws of Life
Totem Salmon
How Humans Adapt
Home Is Here
Searching for Common Ground: Ecofeminism & Bioregionalism
Community: Meeting Our Deepest Needs
Bioregionalism/Western Culture/Women
Earth Diet, Earth Culture
The Council of All Beings

Part Four: Reinhabitation & Restoration
A Green City Program for San Fransisco Bay Area Cities & Towns
To Learn the Things we Need to Know: Engaging the Particulars of the Planet's Recovery
Taking Steps Toward a Restoration Ethic
Fantasy of a Living Future

Part Five: Self-Government
Devolutionary Notes
Growing a Life-Place Politics
Municipal Libertarianism
Spiritualism: The Highest Form of Political Consciousness
Strategies for an Alternative Nation
LETS: The Local Exchange Trading System
Building a Bioregional, Sustainable Alternative
Organizing a Bioregional Congress
Welcome Home!

Recommended Readings, Bioregional Directory, Biographies

Subject Headings

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