An Analysis of the Canadian Nuclear Program

Publisher:  Energy Probe, Canada
Year Published:  1977
Pages:  6pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX303

Written for the layman, CANDU clearly and concisely describes the basics of nuclear power including atomic fission, ionizing radiation and its affects on man and fuel cycles.

The CANDU Technical Handbook is back in a revised edition. Written for the layman, CANDU clearly and concisely describes the basics of nuclear power including atomic fission, ionizing radiation and its affects on man and fuel cycles. The handbook also contains an up-to-date description of the Canadian nuclear program, possibility of accidents, chronic pollution, management of radioactive wastes and many other topics of concern in the very "hot" issue of nuclear power. Section Five especially deals with some of the implications of the Nuclear power development for the environment, occupational safety, potential major disasters, handling of waste and security in the face of military threat or terrorism. For the purposes of the handbook, only the more technical issues have been dealt with. Part Two, to be published later, will attempt to deal with some of the social and economic implications.
Canada has played a major role in the world uranium industry, since the discovery in 1930 of pitchblende on the edge of the Great Bear Lake. It was not until the Second World War that a market developed for uranium for the American and British Nuclear Weapons programs. Uranium exports then grew rapidly reaching a peak in 1959 when $331 million worth were exported. At present, four companies produce uranium in Canada. Two companies, Denison and. Rio Algom, are private. They operate in the Elliot Lake area of Ontario. Eldorado Nuclear and Gulf Minerals operate in Saskatchewan. Ontario health reports
indicate that miners of uranium between the ages of 40 and 57 are four times as likely to die of lung cancer as the ordinary resident of the area.

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