Dene Nation
Organization profile published 1983
Year Published:  1983
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2832

DENE NATION looks at the struggles of the Dene for self -determination, both in the present day and in the past. It examines the first treaty negotiation in 1900 and then at the recent corporate expansion of natural resource exploration and extraction, followed by the threat of the pipeline. The anger at the imposition of the territorial government and the hope raised by the Berger Inquiry have only led to fustration in dealing with intransigent federal government.

Dene spokesperson George Erasmus states that "We are seeking a new relationship with the rest of Canada. We insist that we will be able to negotiate all of our rights in one sitting; political rights, traditional rights, the whole rights of our nation. What we are seeking is recognition of our right to set up a system of government. We want to define a boundry within our traditional homeland. All citizens living in this area will have full rights, whether they are Dene or non-Dene."

This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1983.

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