City Limits

Year Published:  1982
Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX2584

CITY LIMITS is a community newspaper published monthly by Syntax, a non-profit society whose objectives are to foster local and international exchange and interaction. The newspaper attempts to document individual responses to the general political climate. The editors see politics, or the process of becoming political, as an assumption of personal responsibility.

"Toward a Global View: contains a series of short essays featureing Palestine, Ireland, Namibia, El Salvador, and Afghanistan. These essays show that there are more facets to world problems than much of the media coverage of these situations would lead us to believe. The article contends that mcuh of the global information is controlled by governmental, economic, or military pressures. We need to investigate alternative news sources.

Another article, "Rental Crisis in Calgary", notes that the rate of population increase is five percent per year. This creates a demand for the least 10,000 units of housing per year notwithstanding demolition or new household formation.

Migration is the single most important factor fuelling the demand for rental units in Calgary. Approximately two thirds of Calgary's growth can be attributed to new migration. 30 percent of the newcomers are aged 18 to 34, and 71 percent of them rent. For the most part they are people who come from lower cost housing areas and have neither the income nor the accumulated resources to consider home ownership. Although the number of building permits issued seems adequate, most of the housing constructed is intended for ownerhship rather than rental. The current vacancy is 0.7% and 0.5% for the more affordable row housing. Nevertheless, demolitions remove over 500 units per year. "White-painting" eliminates much of the lower cost rental accommodation, and conversion of rental units to condominiums further reduces the supply of afforadable housing.
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