Voice of Women/La Voix des Femmes
Organization profile published 1981

Publisher:  Voice of Women (VOW), Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1981
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2268

Voice of Women (VOW) is a national organization with branches in most provinces, founded in 1960 when women across Canada united to stop what appeared to be imminent nuclear war.

Voice of Women (VOW) is a national organization with branches in most provinces, founded in 1960 when women across Canada united to stop what appeared to be imminent nuclear war. Dismayed by the collapse of the Summit Conference, they felt that women around the world must unite to demand an end to war.

In the 1960's, VOW organized two international women's peace conferences, drawing women from thirty countries. During the Vietnam war, it sponsored in Canada a meeting of women from Vietnam and from the US. Other activities included holding seminars for students, lobbying and presenting briers to External Affairs and other governmental committees, a campaign against war toys, collecting baby teeth for testing of strontium - 90 content, attending international conferences, and supporting women everywhere in their struggles for peace and justice.
, conservation, pollution control, and human rights, but its main focus is against war and the threat of war as the accepted method of exercising power. Members lobby for an independent foreign policy for Canada, for aid to underdeveloped countries, and against ever-increasing military expenditures.
Voice of women is represented at the United Nations as a non-governmental organization. It is a member of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, and the Consultative Group on Disarmament and Arms Control Affairs in Ottawa. It is a member of the Sponsoring Board of Project Ploughshares, and it supports the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility.

A national newsletter is published three times a year.

This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1981.
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