'This Time We Went Too Far'
Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion
Finkelstein, Norman G.
Date Written: 2011-05-05
Publisher: OR Books
Year Published: 2011
Pages: 343pp Price: $15 ISBN: 978-1-935928-43-0
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX19787
For the Palestinians who live in the narrow coastal strip of Gaza, the Israeli invasion of December 2008 was a nightmare of unimaginable proportions: In the 22-day-long action 1,400 Gazans were killed, several hundred on the first day alone. And yet, while nothing should diminish Palestinian suffering through those frightful days, it is possible something redemptive is emerging from the tragedy of Gaza. For, as Norman Finkelstein details, the profound injustice of the Israeli assault was widely recognized by bodies that it is impossible to brand as partial or extremist.
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