The Battle of Chile
Chile, Obstinate Memory
Guzman, Patricio (director)
Year First Published: {45923 The Battle of Chile BATTLE OF CHILE Chile, Obstinate Memory Guzman, Patricio (director) The Battle of Chile is a documentary film directed by the Chilean Patricio Guzman, in three parts: The Insurrection of the Bourgeoisie (1975), The Coup d'état (1976), Popular Power (1979). It is a chronicle of the political tension in Chile in 1973 and of the violent counter revolution against the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende. It won the Grand Prix in 1975 and 1976 at the Grenoble International Film Festival. 1975 1979 FLM Film/Video 9786313085064 CX18832 0 false true false CX18832.htm [0xc0000f1e60 0xc000304ed0] Cx}
Year Published: 1979
ISBN: 9786313085064
Resource Type: Film/Video
Cx Number: CX18832
The Battle of Chile is a documentary film directed by the Chilean Patricio Guzman, in three parts: The Insurrection of the Bourgeoisie (1975), The Coup d'état (1976), Popular Power (1979). It is a chronicle of the political tension in Chile in 1973 and of the violent counter revolution against the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende. It won the Grand Prix in 1975 and 1976 at the Grenoble International Film Festival.
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