Secrecy and Revolution
A Reply to Trotsky

Serge, Victor
Publisher:  Peace News
Year First Published:  {25540 Secrecy and Revolution SECRECY REVOLUTION A Reply to Trotsky Serge, Victor Peace News Whether Trotsky wills it or not, no limit has been set to the analysis of the Russian revolution, which he has served so outstandingly, so tremendously - despite the measure of responsibility which must be laid to his name for certain tragic errors. 1938 1963 ART Article CX10834 0 false true false CX10834.htm [0xc0023b8960 0xc00017a780] Cx}
Year Published:  1963
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX10834

Whether Trotsky wills it or not, no limit has been set to the analysis of the Russian revolution, which he has served so outstandingly, so tremendously - despite the measure of responsibility which must be laid to his name for certain tragic errors.

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