Understanding Capital
A Guide to Volume I

Fox, John; Johnston, William
Publisher:  Progress Books, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1978
Pages:  111pp   ISBN:  00919396-39-9
Library of Congress Number:  HB501.M37F69   Dewey:  335.4/12
Resource Type:  Book

A study guide to Marx's Capital, Volume I. The guide grew out of a reading and discussion group organized by the Marxist Institute, Toronto.

A study guide to Marx's Capital, Volume I which grew out of a reading and discussion group organized by the Marxist Institute, Toronto.

Volunme I of Capital, dealing with capitalist production, lays the foundation for Marx's great work on the structure, nature and development of capitalism. A careful reading of Capital is central to an understanding both of contemporary capitalism and Marx's thought. However, first attempts to read Capital often meet with frustration and failure. Understanding Capital begins by discussing this common experience and sets out a systematic approach to Volume I.

Divided into eleven (11) readings, the guide consists of relatively detailed chapter summaries which explain the main lines of argument in Volume I, a glossary of terms and a set of questions on the text.

Subject Headings

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