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Connexions Library

Bosnia's Magnificent Uprising: Heralding a New Era of Class Politics?
Karadjis, Michael
Beginning in February 2014, mass protests led by workers, students, and other citizens, have rocked most major industrial cities in Bosnia. Whatever the current uprising is or is not, it is the larges...
Connexions Library: Europe Focus
Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on Europe.
Golden Silences in the Propaganda System
Herman, S. Edward
Propaganda shapes the flow of information in many different ways, including, obviously, the choice of the news fit to print, its placement, and the selection of authorities to make those facts credibl...
International Injustice: the Conviction of Radovan Karadzic
Johnstone, Diana
Last Thursday, news reports were largely devoted to the March 22, 2016 Brussels terror bombings and the US primary campaigns. And so little attention was paid to the verdict of the International Crimi...
Nowhere Man
Hemon, Aleksandar
Special Report: Truth, Justice and Reconciliation
Smith, David; Tremlett, Giles; Hodal, Kate; Franklin, Jonathan; Borger, Julian; Brodzinsky, Sibylla
An examination of how countries around the world affected by civil war or internal conflict have approached justice.
Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky
Chomsky, Noam; edited by Peter R. Mitchell and John Schoeffel
In a series of enlightening and wide-ranging discussions, all published here for the first time, Chomsky radically reinterprets the events of the past three decades, covering topics from foreign polic...

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

Bringing up the bodies in Bosnia
Vulliamy, Ed
Using cutting edge scientific research, an international organization is digging up mass graves to give victims' families some sense of closure and justice.
For the Love of Books: A Sarajevo Story - in pictures
During the Bosnian war, a group of men and women risked their lives to rescue thousands of irreplaceable Islamic manuscripts -- and preserve a nation's history. Amid bullets and bombs, this handful of...
War is Over - Now Serbs and Bosniaks Fight to Win Control of a Brutal History
Borger, Julian
Serb nationalists are striving to suppress reminders of atrocities committed in the name of separatism, mostly against the country's Muslims (known as Bosniaks) and to construct an alternative history...

From the Connexions Archives

Embassy Row Online
Contact names and numbers for all embassies to Canada and all Canadian embassies abroad.