Environmental Sciences Symposium: Environmental Outlook on Agriculture - A Public PerspectiveJanuary 21, 2011 Guelph, ON
Every year, University of Guelph students take part in hosting an Environmental Sciences Symposium (ESS) which focuses on a current environmental issue. This student-run, non-profit event seeks to enhance the knowledge of University of Guelph students, general public, and anyone willing to learn.
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Buyer Beware: Deceptive Food LabelsJanuary 22, 2011 Toronto, ON
Did you know that your whole-grain bread is actually made with about 40 percent white flour? Canadian food labelling requirements do not make it easy for consumers to determine the nutritional value of packaged foods. This lecture will expose some of the most common pitfalls of nutritional labelling
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Tarek Fatah, Linda McQuaig and Bob Rae readingJanuary 26, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Kama Reading Series presents readings by Tarek Fatah, Linda McQuaig and Bob Rae in support of World Literacy Canada. Cost: $60
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The Body Series: The Colour of BeautyJanuary 27, 2011 Toronto, ON
This workshop explores the commercialisation of beauty: how it gets marketed, what the industry norms are, who decides, and finally who has the power to change it. The session includes a screening of The Colour of Beauty, a short documentary by Elizabeth St. Philip (Breakin' In: The Making of a
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GTWA coffeehouse: Occupy DebriefJanuary 27, 2011 Toronto, ON
2011 - maybe it wasn't quite 1968 but it was a year of great social upheaval. With 2011 behind us, the GTWA is holding the first in what will be a new series of Coffeehouses to discuss where we are as a movement, with this particular one featuring two local activists who were very involved in Occupy
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Guelph Organic ConferenceJanuary 27, 2011 to January 30, 2011 Guelph, ON
Celebrating its 30th year, the 4-day event includes international speakers, seminars & intro workshops on key topics including, G.E. foods, organic production/certification, changing climates, eco-villages, earth buildings, farmland protection & food security. From producer to consumer, the
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Annual Holiday Appeal for Class-War PrisonersJanuary 28, 2011 Toronto, ON
Come to a fundraising event sponsored by the Partisan Defense Committee. This is not a charity - it's a duty and an act of solidarity with those in prison.
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Hamilton Day of ActionJanuary 29, 2011 Hamilton, ON
USW Local 1005 and its 900 members and 9000 pensioners are waging a battle on behalf of ALL of us. Foreign-owned companies think we're just body parts to be thrown away at the end of our work lives.
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Eurozone from Greece to Germany – Explaining the CrisisJanuary 29, 2011 Toronto, ON
Karl Marx talked about the contradictions between the forces of production and the relations of production as the basic impediment to human progress under capitalism. We are seeing this playing out in real time in the unfolding crisis in Europe.
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Building The Working Class MovementJanuary 29, 2011 to January 30, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Labour Committee of the Greater Toronto Workers' Assembly (GTWA) is organizing a conference where activists can come together to talk about the attacks on the working-class in every dimension of our lives, reframe the public discussion and launch a united activist network of workers from all
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Budrus Documentary - TV Premiere on CBCJanuary 30, 2011
Just Vision is pleased to announce the Canadian television premiere of its new film, Budrus. Hailed in The New York Times as " this year's must-see documentary."
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Marx's Capital, Volume I: a visual guideJanuary 30, 2011 to March 06, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Foundation for Social Economics, dedicated to the promotion of economic education, empowerment and ethics among working people, students and the unemployed, offers a rare opportunity to unravel the mysteries of Karl Marx's notorious classic, Das Kapital. Long cloaked in misunderstandings, fear
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Gabor Gasztonyi presents: A Room in the CityJanuary 31, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Award winning photographer Gabor Gasztonyi presents A Room in the City (Anvil Press), his five-year project of photographing the residents of the Cobalt, Balmoral, Regent and Sunrise Hotels in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, the poorest postal code in the country. The residents are represented in
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Screaming Queens screeningJanuary 31, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Trans Inclusion Group hosts a FREE screening of SCREAMING QUEENS: The Riot at Compton's Cafeteria.
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Never Again for Anyone: Hajo Meyer, Auschwitz survivorFebruary 01, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join us in welcoming Dr. Hajo Meyer, who will be sharing the lesson of his experience in Auschwitz: Never Again for Anyone. Dr. Meyer will be on tour in the U.S. and Toronto is his only Canadian stop.
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CINÉ-JEUDI presents Avenue ZeroFebruary 03, 2011 Toronto, ON
2009, 52min, Hélène Choquette
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Highway 63: The Fort Mac ShowFebruary 03, 2011 to February 26, 2011 Toronto, ON
This is the show that fuels you.
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Whose security? Our security! Popular Forum on Countering the National Security AgendaFebruary 04, 2011 to February 06, 2011 Montreal, QC
The People's Commission Network is organizing a conference to mobilize our networks to collectively address the growing threat of the national security agenda.
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Radical History ConferenceFebruary 04, 2011 to February 06, 2011 Windsor, ON
Several groups and individuals are collaborating to bring you a weekend long conference that examines a narrative of history focusing on working peoples and their struggles toward a more equitable, sustainable, and beautiful world.
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Beit Zatoun: 1st Anniversary Open HouseFebruary 05, 2011 Toronto, ON
1st Anniversary Open House at Beit Zatoun
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Our Way to Fight: Canadian Book LaunchFebruary 10, 2011 Toronto, ON
Our Way to Fight - Canadian Book Launch
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My journey to Afghanistan: Eye witness report and launch of Afghans for PeaceFebruary 10, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join us for music, dinner, dance performances and hear first hand account of the situation in Afghanistan from Spogmai Akseer, spokesperson for Afghans for Peace. Spogmai recently visited Afghanistan and will talk about the realities facing the Afghan people under the NATO occupation.
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Media that Matters 2011: Storytelling across platformsFebruary 10, 2011 to February 11, 2011 United States, DC
Don't miss this opportunity to join established and aspiring filmmakers, non-profit communications leaders, funders and students working to learn and share cutting-edge practices to make their media matter, February 10 and 11, 2011 at American University in Washington, DC. This year's Media That
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Media that Matters 2011: Storytelling across platformsFebruary 10, 2011 to February 11, 2011 United States, DC
Don't miss this opportunity to join established and aspiring filmmakers, non-profit communications leaders, funders and students working to learn and share cutting-edge practices to make their media matter, February 10 and 11, 2011 at American University in Washington, DC. This year's Media That
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Media that Matters 2011: Storytelling across platformsFebruary 10, 2011 to February 11, 2011 United States, DC
Don't miss this opportunity to join established and aspiring filmmakers, non-profit communications leaders, funders and students working to learn and share cutting-edge practices to make their media matter, February 10 and 11, 2011 at American University in Washington, DC. This year's Media That
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Sustainable Business ConferenceFebruary 11, 2011 Ottawa, ON
The 3rd Annual Sustainable Business Conference (SBC) is a day of discussion devoted to issues of economic, environmental and social sustainability in business. While the content of the conference is targeted at individuals with an interest in business, the range of topics and quality of speakers
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Jeff Halper and Why We Need the Canadian Boat to GazaFebruary 12, 2011 Toronto, ON
Jeff Halper is an Israeli author and speaker about non-violent strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He is a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD); and was on the Free Gaza flotilla that broke the Gaza siege.
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Be The Change Film Series: The Economics of HappinessFebruary 15, 2011 Collingwood, ON
The Economics of Happiness describes a world moving simultaneously in two opposing directions. On the one hand, government and big business continue to promote globalization and the consolidation of corporate power. At the same time, all around the world people are resisting those policies,
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Grace, Milly, Lucy... Child SoldiersFebruary 15, 2011 to February 19, 2011 Toronto, ON
Presented in recognition of International Day for Child Soldiers.
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Dirty Oil (Be The Change Film Series)February 16, 2011 Collingwood, ON
Be The Change Film Series - presented by Investors Group (Live music 6:30pm/ Film screening 7:00pm /Discussion with guest speaker 9:00pm)
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Law Reform for Nature, Climate and CommunitiesFebruary 16, 2011 Vancouver, BC
West Coast is pleased to host the second in our Dialogues for Legal Innovation series: Law Reform for Nature, Climate and Communities
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WTF: There's Lead in Your LipstickFebruary 16, 2011 Toronto, ON
Women’s Healthy Environments Network is pleased to invite you to the Centre for Social Innovation for an informative and fun evening with Gillian Deacon. She will be discussing her lasted must read, There’s Lead in Your Lipstick.
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Sweater Day - Wear your sweater for climate change! Thu Feb 17, 2011, CanadaFebruary 17, 2011
National Sweater Day
On February 17, join Canadians across the country in turning down your thermostat by 3 degrees, and throw on a fun, quirky sweater to show your support for the planet.
Additional Contacts & Websites:
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Solar PV Sales Workshop (1 day)February 17, 2011 Vaughn, ON
The 1-Day Solar PV Sales Workshop has been designed for those looking to start or advance their knowledge in solar PV sales and marketing. It provides industry specific details and technical knowledge enabling the graduate to effectively market and sell solar systems to residential and commerical
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Norman FinkelsteinFebruary 17, 2011 Kitchener, ON
In his lecture -- Israel and Palestine: Past, Present, Future -- Dr. Norman Finkelstein will speak on the present situation in Gaza, the peace process and the prospect of another regional war.
Admission $15, $7 for students with ID
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Norman Finkelstein speaksFebruary 18, 2011 London, ON
In his lecture -- Israel and Palestine: Past, Present, Future -- Dr. Norman Finkelstein will speak on the present situation in Gaza, the peace process and the prospect of another regional war.
Admission $15, $10 for students with ID.
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2011 Association for Women Journalists Chicago Annual MeetingFebruary 18, 2011 Chicago
The evening begins at 6:30 p.m. with a reception and hors d’oeuvres. The annual meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. with a welcome and election of board members. That will be followed by a keynote speech by Elizabeth Brackett, correspondent and substitute host for WTTW11′s flagship nightly public
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Your Food, Your Choice - The Promise of Organic (Conference)February 19, 2011 Toronto, ON
Imagine a country choosing to prioritize its citizens' happiness over traditional economic measures. Bhutan is doing just that. This remote South Asian country is choosing to value "Gross National Happiness" above conventional economics as it deals with the modern world. This philosophy will be
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Experience Winter Conference, at Camp Kawartha Environment CentreFebruary 19, 2011 Peterborough, ON
The Camp Kawartha Environment Centre in Peterborough, is running a one-day FREE educational conference for Teachers, Student Teachers, Outdoor Educators, and Parents. The conference is on Saturday, February 19th, 2011 and will go from 9am to 4:30pm.
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Hamilton Farmers' Market: Stories from the Farm SeriesFebruary 19, 2011 Dunnville, ON
Hear real stories from farm interns whose journeys have taken them into the heart of local agriculture. Through images and tales, they will share their experiences, lessons learned, and will leave you with plenty of food for thought. Meet Kevin Hamilton, former farm intern and Organic Farmer at
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Pruning (one-day course)February 19, 2011 Vancouver, BC
A blend of classroom and field discussion with hands-on learning of the basics of pruning, including: safety, tools and their maintenance, reasons for pruning, methods and timing of pruning, and more!
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Overland Hike Series – Snowshoe Hike with Matthew LawsonFebruary 19, 2011 Cambridge, ON
Overland Hike Series – Snowshoe Hike with Matthew Lawson
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Seedy Saturday in Sault Ste. MarieFebruary 19, 2011 Sault Ste. Marie, ON
Our 4th Annual SEEDY SATURDAY event will be held on Saturday, February 19h, 2011 from 10 am to 3 pm in the Cafeteria located in B Wing West of Sault College. This event is co-hosted by Clean North, Sault College, Sault Ste. Marie Horticultural Society and Seeds of Diversity Canada.
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reConvergenceFebruary 19, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Join the Lower Mainland's community organizations for a day of workshops, discussions, activities and information tables, all from an anti-capitalist, anti-colonial, and anti-imperialist perspective. One year later: An anti-capitalist gathering, is an opportunity to look forward and envision a
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Norman Finkelstein speaksFebruary 19, 2011 Hamilton, ON
In his lecture -- Israel and Palestine: Past, Present, Future -- Dr. Norman Finkelstein will speak on the present situation in Gaza, the peace process and the prospect of another regional war.
Admission $15, $10 for students with ID
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Greater Toronto Workers' AssemblyFebruary 19, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Assembly calls on activists to join together in a democratic process to create a new politics. It is both a space for dialogue and learning within the popular left movement and an organ of common action. Seeking to move beyond coalition and network politics the Assembly is an organization that
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Family Fishing Weekend with Credit Valley ConservationFebruary 19, 2011 to February 21, 2011 Orangeville, ON
Ontario Family Fishing days make it easy to try fishing for the first time (or the first time in a long time). For those fishing without a license this weekend, Conservation Limits apply. For more information visit www.familyfishingweekend.com.
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Translating our Faith into Action: Making a Difference for the EnvironmentFebruary 20, 2011 Toronto, ON
Translating our Faith into Action: Making a Difference for the Environment
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Gamiing Nature Centre's WinterludeFebruary 21, 2011 Lindsay/ Bobcaygeon, ON
Gamiing Nature Centre will be hosting a series of events and activities on Monday, February 21st, such as snowshoeing, cross country ski trails, guided nature trail walks, skating, hot refreshments, games and more. Please come visit us anytime from sun up until sun down.
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Culture forum: Left film and videoFebruary 21, 2011 Toronto, ON
Left film and video: a discussion with Frank Saptel, President and founder, Canadian Labour International Film Festival (CLIFF)
Performances by
Wally Brooker (saxophone)
Jerry Lee Miller (stand-up comedy)
Mike Constable (animation films)
plus short films by invited guests
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Movie - The Economics of HappinessFebruary 21, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Economics of Happiness describes a world moving simultaneously in two opposing directions. On the one hand, an unholy alliance of governments and big business continues to promote globalization and the consolidation of corporate power. At the same time, people all over the world are resisting
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Solar PV Design & Installation Course (Feb 21- Feb 25)February 21, 2011 to February 25, 2011 Toronto, ON
Price: $2,995 Canadian. Register 3 weeks in advance, save $350!
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Farmer Training Webinar: Record Keeping for Organic Growers - Part 2February 22, 2011
Description: One of the most challenging and important aspects of organic certification is the requirement to maintain records which enable the inspector to conduct a field to table audit of organic production. This 2-part webinar will help you learn the best way to set up a record keeping system,
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Trees Ontario Free Landowner Workshops - various locations & datesFebruary 22, 2011 to March 03, 2011 Various Locations, ON
Want to save money and the environment? Plant trees.
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Nordic Nights presents Draumalandið (Dreamland)February 23, 2011 Toronto, ON
Wednesday, February 23 - reception at 6 PM, film at 7 PM.
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Sexual outliers: Censorship, advocacy journalism and the gay pressFebruary 23, 2011 Toronto, ON
A lively and titillating salon discussion on moral puzzles involving censorship and free expression as covered in the gay press. How are queer communities struggling to reconcile the fights for freedom of sexual and political expression with their desire to fight homophobic expression? Case studies
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Pathways 2 Sustainability - Food, Fuel & FinanceFebruary 23, 2011 to February 25, 2011 Red Deer, AB
Pathways began as a community sustainability conference in Cochrane Alberta in May of 2009. P2S 2009 explored the five phases of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) sustainable community planning. Participants attended from across Alberta to learn about how to participate in creating
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Environmental Impact Assessments - courseFebruary 23, 2011 to February 26, 2011 Edmonton, AB
In this course you will explore project selection, process steps, information sources, key issues, and responsibilities of Environmental Impact Assessment. You will examine provincial and federal requirements through case studies and will present and discuss current needs and opportunities of
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A working class alternative to capitalismFebruary 23, 2011 to March 09, 2011 Vancouver, BC
A series made up of three evenings of discussion on Al Engler's new book Economic Democracy: A Working Class Alternative to Capitalism.
Registration required -- space is limited -- $20 (does not include book -- no one turned away)
Book is available at People's Coop Bookstore for $15.95.
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Youth Job Fair 2011 - focus on the Solar energy sector !February 24, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Your invitation to participate in 2011 Youth Job Fair
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GreenWorks Green Energy Career FairsFebruary 24, 2011 Various, ON
GreenWorks Green Energy Career Fairs
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Ecology Ottawa's 2011 Clean Energy LaunchFebruary 24, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Ecology Ottawa's 2011 Clean Energy Launch!
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Black history month celebrationFebruary 24, 2011 to February 25, 2011 Toronto, ON
The OFL and CBTU (Coalition of Black Trade Unionists) present the acclaimed exhibition "And Still I Rise: A History of African Canadian Workers in Ontario." This travelling exhibit originally developed by the Workers Arts and Heritage Centre explores the rich legacy of Ontario's black Community.
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What we talk about when we talk about hateFebruary 25, 2011 Toronto, ON
How should we define hate speech? Who should censor it, and when should the right to free expression be invoked? Join us in a provocative panel discussion as part of Freedom to Read Week 2011.
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Eco Farm Day 2011 - For the sake of Food Safety and SecurityFebruary 25, 2011 to February 26, 2011 Cornwall, ON
The theme of Eco Farm Day 2011 is 'For the Sake of Food Safety and Security'. The safety and security of food supply is in deep trouble throughout the world. Chronic and acute food-borne diseases emanate from the industrial production of food, involving longer than normal storage and delivery to
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A tribute to Phil OchsFebruary 26, 2011 Toronto, ON
A tribute to the late folksinger Phil Ochs, featuring David DePoe, Honey Novick and Sandy Crawley. In addition, David and Honey will share some of their experiences with Phil, and comment on the continuing relevance of his music.
$5 at the door.
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Winter of Our Discontent: let the right not prevailFebruary 26, 2011 Toronto, ON
Moving Forward after the G20: Mass Movement Defence Debrief
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Stop The Meter - National Day of ActionFebruary 26, 2011
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are about to impose usage-based billing on YOU.
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Coalition of Progressive Electors winter galaFebruary 26, 2011 Vancouver, BC
COPE is celebrating winter in style with a masquerade ball at the beautiful Museum of Vancouver! The COPE Winter Gala is a chance for you to dress up and spend a wonderful evening with fellow
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An evening with Amy GoodmanFebruary 26, 2011 Edmonton, AB
Award-winning investigative journalist and syndicated columnist, author and the host of Democracy Now! in a discussion about the role of independent media in promoting social justice. Book Signing to follow. Free.
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NOW ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Tunisia, Egypt and the Arab World?February 26, 2011 Toronto, ON
What began as a single act of desperation in Tunisia has led to a series of significant uprisings of millions of people in Egypt and beyond.
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Everdale's Sustainable Citizen Workshop: Beyond the top 10 tip listsFebruary 26, 2011 Erin, ON
You’ve changed your light bulbs, bring reusable cloth bags to the grocery store, and recycle every day. Now what? This interactive workshop lays out what can you do as an individual to take real action in your life towards sustainable living. We will cover terminology and environmental jargon,
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Circle of Life: Plant Kingdom (High Park Stewards)February 27, 2011 Toronto, ON
High Park Stewards is honoured to have Elder Andrew Wesley present "Circle of Life: Plant Kingdom," a First Nations teaching of traditional medicinal and other uses of plants in both healing practices and as part of the spiritual connection to the earth and all its creatures.
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Trans film screening series: XXYFebruary 28, 2011 Toronto, ON
XXY: An intimate and moving drama about an intersex teenager named Alex who has been raised as a girl but now, at the age of fifteen, has to decide which gender they actually want to choose to live as, or whether that's even a choice they necessarily have to make. XXY offers a story about the
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Sustainable FoodFebruary 28, 2011 Ottawa, ON
The choices we make about food can have a significant impact on the planet. This session discusses some of the ways our food production system impacts the environment and how local eating and organic agriculture can mitigate these impacts.
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Yes In My Back Yard (YIMBY) - garden sharing orientationFebruary 28, 2011 Toronto, ON
Yes in My Back Yard Would you like to grow your own food, but don’t have space to garden? Do you have a backyard that you would like to put to use?
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Pink Mountain Revisited (Lecture)February 28, 2011 Vancouver, BC
You may have heard Ron Long speak about the rare and unique plants of Pink Mountain in the past. This year Ron returned to the mountain and was horrified to learn of plans to literally wipe the plants off the mountaintop. Because it is so far to the north, Pink Mountain is out of sight and out of
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Demystifying the Components of the Local Food Value ChainFebruary 28, 2011 Guelph, ON
Stakeholders in the local food value chain will be making new links at SOURCE IT HERE, the third annual business to business networking event, to be held on Monday February 28th from noon to 5:30pm at the Loyola House at Ignatius Jesuit Centre. Presented by Guelph Wellington Local Food, the event
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HRCarbon’s Certified GHG Inventory Quantifier ProgramFebruary 28, 2011 to March 04, 2011 Toronto, ON
With the demand for GHG professionals expected to increase rapidly over the next five years, organizations will be faced with the challenge of identifying and hiring qualified GHG quantifiers.
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Solar PV Design & Installation CourseFebruary 28, 2011 to March 04, 2011 Windsor, ON
Course Description
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Growing FoodFebruary 28, 2011 to September 26, 2011 Victoria, BC
If you are concerned about where your food comes from, what’s in it (or on it), or simply getting the best nutrition possible for your family – growing your own vegetables and fruit is the answer.
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The Last Rite: Understanding Death and Dying in a Multicultural SocietyMarch 01, 2011 Toronto, ON
Couchiching (www.couch.ca) is Canada's oldest and most recognized public affairs organization. A not-for-profit, volunteer-based organization whose mission is to increase awareness and understanding among Canadians on important public affairs issues, we do not advocate any position or lobby for
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Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Management - courseMarch 01, 2011 to March 22, 2011 Edmonton, AB
An introductory and pragmatic course designed to give participants a solid background in global climate change. Learn about the most recent scientific evidence indicating that humans are interfering with the climate system. Become aware of emerging and projected impacts of climate change and
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Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Management - courseMarch 01, 2011 to March 22, 2011 Edmonton, AB
An introductory and pragmatic course designed to give participants a solid background in global climate change. Learn about the most recent scientific evidence indicating that humans are interfering with the climate system. Become aware of emerging and projected impacts of climate change and
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Manitoba Environmental Career FairMarch 02, 2011 Winnipeg, MB
MEIA Environmental Career Fair
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Geothermal Energy Opportunities in BCMarch 02, 2011 Vancouver, BC
BC Sustainable Energy Association (Vancouver Chapter) presents
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Green Infrastructure Ontario WorkshopMarch 02, 2011 Toronto, ON
Training and consultative workshops will be held in six cities across Ontario to share the latest information on how living green infrastructure can address a wide range of urban environmental issues and to determine how policy and program development by municipal and provincial governments can help
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Conserving Biodiversity in the Greater Toronto AreaMarch 02, 2011 Toronto, ON
Please join us on the evening of Wednesday, March 2, 2011 to learn about some of the latest developments to protect local functional biodiversity as the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) increases in population from 6 million to 8 million people over the next 20 years.
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Environmental Innovation Forum at Electronic ArtsMarch 02, 2011 Burnaby, BC
Please pre-registration is required as the seating is limited.
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Solar Power and the MicroFIT program: Opportunities for Homeowners - Free WorkshopMarch 02, 2011 Peterborough, ON
This free workshop is an amazing opportunity to learn all the important details around including solar power for your home energy system. Also it will be a rare chance to learn and ask questions about Solar Power in general.
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Green Infrastructure Ontario WorkshopMarch 02, 2011 to April 14, 2011 Cornwall, ON
Training and consultative workshops will be held in six cities across Ontario to share the latest information on how living green infrastructure can address a wide range of urban environmental issues and to determine how policy and program development by municipal and provincial governments can help
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Growing Food - BurnabyMarch 02, 2011 to October 01, 2011 Burnaby, BC
If you are concerned about where your food comes from, what’s in it (or on it), or simply getting the best nutrition possible for your family – growing your own vegetables and fruit is the answer.
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University of Toronto Environmental Career DayMarch 03, 2011 Toronto, ON
We are looking forward to a great new year when we will be hosting our 10th Annual Environmental Career Day at the University of Toronto. We hope you can join us!
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GreenWorks Green Energy Career Fairs, at Cambrian College and across OntarioMarch 03, 2011 Sudbury, ON
Hosted by CONNECT and funded by Employment Ontario, GreenWorks aims to introduce this exciting and expanding sector to jobseekers who may not have considered it before.
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Benefit Concert - "Know Your Food" fundraiserMarch 03, 2011 Victoria, BC
Benefit Concert - Lunar Intentions/"Know Your Food" fundraiser
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Sustainable Local Food Systems in Europe and the AmericasMarch 03, 2011 to March 05, 2011 Ottawa, ON
On behalf of Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue housed at Carleton University (www.canada-europe-dialogue.ca) you are cordially invited to a series of free events on Sustainable Local Food Systems in Europe and the Americas to take place in Ottawa from March 3-5th.
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Sustainable Campuses NOW! ConferenceMarch 03, 2011 to March 06, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Call for Delegates!
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Holistic Management / Whole Farm Planning - 6 Day Intro CourseMarch 03, 2011 to March 19, 2011 Lucknow, ON
Introduction to Holistic Management; Getting Better Results by Making Better Decisions. The first 3 days of a comprehensive six day course (usually taken in 2 three day segments) assists farm families to create a vision of the life they want together on their farm, today and into the future. With
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Free film screening -- Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of ChildhoodMarch 04, 2011 Toronto, ON
Free screening of Consuming Kids, a documentary film that is critical of corporate advertising to children. After the film viewing, a discussion about it will be led by Sheila Cary-Meagher, Trustee for the Toronto District School Board.
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12 Palestines: Lebanon's Forgotten PalestiniansMarch 05, 2011 Toronto, ON
The greatest number of Palestinian refugee camps in the Middle East exists in Lebanon, a small country battling its own internal demons. Since 1948, this exiled community swelled to 400,000 or roughly 10% of Lebanon's population. As the fourth generation of Palestinian refugees is raised on Lebanese
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National Farmers Union - Ontario Regional Convention & Annual General MeetingMarch 05, 2011 Guelph, ON
The National Farmers Union in Ontario promotes policies that will revitalize agriculture in Ontario by strengthening family farms. On local, national and international levels, the NFU advocates alternative structures and government policies that resist corporate control of food. With farmers and
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Green Jobs WorkshopMarch 05, 2011 Duncan, BC
Green Jobs Workshop
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Parade of the century: International Women's Day Centenary 1911-2011March 05, 2011 Vancouver, BC
The 2011 IWD Organizing Committee extends an invitation to all to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day in Vancouver. Come and join us from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., for an Imaginative Widely Diverse Parade along Commercial Drive, followed by an indoor Festival at the WISE
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Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish in OttawaMarch 05, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, is a Palestinian medical doctor and infertility specialist who has dedicated his life to peace in the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
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Reclaiming the revolutionary road towards women's liberation - Fundraiser, Dinner, Lecture & PerformancesMarch 05, 2011 Toronto, ON
During this 100th year anniversary of International Women's Day, the Philippine Women Centre of Ontario (PWC-ON) in collaboration with UKPC@UofT invites everyone to an empowering night featuring a fundraising dinner with a public lecture and cultural performances in celebration of the century-long
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Halifax Media Co-op Birthday PartyMarch 05, 2011 Halifax, NS
We're two! Come support and celebrate independent media in this city!
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Women Like Me: An Evening of Poetry by Arab WomenMarch 06, 2011 Toronto, ON
We write because we want to choose the words that tell our stories. "Women Like Me" is a poetry and open mic night held to celebrate the work of Arab women who share a passion for arts, poetry, writing and music. It is a gathering where we will read to each other the words we have written or recite
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Jenin Cinema SchoolMarch 07, 2011 Toronto, ON
Jenin Cinema School at the Art Gallery at York University
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Rouge Park Trails Master Plan - Public MeetingMarch 07, 2011 Markham, ON
The Rouge Park Alliance is in the process of developing a Trails Master Plan for Rouge Park. This meeting will present the visions, principles and the draft Trails Plan for review and input. Rouge Park staff and members of the consulting project team will be on hand to answer questions and receive
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Environmental Crimes, an Argentinian perspective - WorkshopMarch 07, 2011 Ottawa, ON
WORKSHOP: Addressing environmental crimes, an Argentinian perspective with Argentinian Federal Attorney Antonio Gómez
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Israeli Apartheid Week 2011March 07, 2011 to March 11, 2011 Toronto, ON
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an annual international series of events held in cities and campuses across the globe. The aim of IAW is to educate people about the nature of Israel as an apartheid system and to build Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns as part of a growing global BDS
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The Story of Electronics with Annie Leonard and Mary Jean O'DonnellMarch 08, 2011 Sarnia, ON
The Story of Electronics - the film and the Canadian Perspective.
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Practical Workshop for Redevelopment in Edmonton, ABMarch 08, 2011 Edmonton, AB
The City of Edmonton and OCETA have developed a full-day practical workshop to take place in Edmonton, Alberta on March 8 at the Shaw Conference Centre. The workshop is designed for Brownfield Stakeholders including: Municipal Officials, Planners, Brownfield Coordinators, and Economic Development
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Does Ottawa need an urban tree-planting NGO?March 08, 2011 Ottawa, ON
This lecture explores the role of an NGO in protecting and expanding Ottawa's urban forest canopy. Two speakers will present: Tracey-Lee Schwets (Senior Landscape Architect in the City of Ottawa's Forestry Services Branch) and Janet McKay (Founder and Executive Director of Local Enhancement and
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Free Charity Law Webinar: Receipting Practices and Legal Compliance for Environmental CharitiesMarch 08, 2011 Toronto, On-line, ON
Please join the Sustainability Network and Capacity Builders of the Ontario Community Support Association online or at our office for this special webinar led by lawyer Mark Blumberg.
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'IF I HAD ONLY KNOWN' - Publications Launch for Abuse Project Engaging Newcomer CommunitiesMarch 08, 2011 Toronto, ON
Family Service Toronto has chosen the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day (March 8, 2011) to launch a series of publications for its If I Had Only Known project - a groundbreaking initiative that engages newcomer communities in the development of powerful messages around abuse in close
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International Women's DayMarch 08, 2011
International Women's Day (8 March) is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. In some places like China, Russia, Vietnam and Bulgaria, International Women's Day is a national holiday.
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International Women's Day CelebrationMarch 09, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join us for an evening of international music and delicious foods
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Reducing Saskatoon's Environmental ImpactMarch 09, 2011 Saskatoon, SK
Ever wondered what the City of Saskatoon is doing to reduce the community's environmental impact and ensure that Saskatoon is sustainable into the future? Meagan Hinther, Environmental Coordinator with the City's Environmental Services Branch will present numerous projects and programs that are
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Green Connections South SimcoeMarch 10, 2011 Bradford, ON
Looking for something new in Networking?
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A Child's View From Gaza - art exhibitMarch 10, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Exhibit of 25 paintings and drawings created by children in Gaza, reflecting the horrors of Israel's bombardment of Gaza in 2008 and the ongoing occupation of Gaza. The exhibition is now touring N. America after a showing at an Oakland, California museum was cancelled as a result of pressure from
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Holistic Management / Whole Farm Planning - 6 Day Intro CourseMarch 10, 2011 to March 12, 2011 Kingston area, ON
Introduction to Holistic Management; Getting Better Results by Making Better Decisions. This comprehensive six day course (usually taken in 2 three day segments) assists farm families to create a vision of the life they want together on their farm, today and into the future. With that vision as the
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Applied Hydrology - courseMarch 10, 2011 to March 18, 2011 Edmonton, AB
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Organic Master Gardener Course - CourtenayMarch 11, 2011 to March 28, 2011 Courtenay, BC
Be prepared for a major shift in paradigms! This is a gardening course, and so much more. Students have called it "life changing" - because once you truly understand the connection between soil health, plant health, human health and environmental health you will look at the world with different
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No Apathy! presents our next All Ages DIY-Punk Matinee!March 12, 2011 Toronto, ON
No Apathy! presents our next All Ages DIY-Punk Matinee!
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Uprisings Rock tunisia, Egypt - Capitalist Dictatorships RemainMarch 12, 2011 Toronto, ON
Forum: Only Workers Revolution Can Liberate the Masses!
Against military, bonapartist rule
For revolutionary constituent assemblies!
No to bourgeois nationalism, Islamic reaction!
For permanent revolution across North Africa - Forge revolutionary workers parties!
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Seedy SaturdayMarch 12, 2011 Toronto, ON
It's time to plant a seed about attending Scarborough's Seedy Saturday 2011. Come and see a unique mix of seed and gardening supply merchants, environmental groups providing interesting workshops. Learn what it takes to setup your own vermicomposter. See how easy it is to setup, maintain and harvest
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A Child's View From GazaMarch 12, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Paintings and drawings created by children from Gaza depict the horrors of Israel's assault on Gaza in 2008 and the massacre of 1,400 Palestinians, including more than 350 children. A planned showing of this art in Oakland, Ca. was cancelled as a result of pressure by pro-Israel groups. In defence
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Introduction to PermacultureMarch 12, 2011 to March 13, 2011 Nelson, BC
Permaculture is the design & implementation of sustainable & ecological human habitats. It is based on the observation of natural system and uses ecological principles to increase diversity and productivity of local human ecosystems. It can be used both in urban and rural areas. The participants
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Forest Gardening WorkshopMarch 14, 2011 Toronto, ON
Mother Nature never uses pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, or machinery. And yet her ecosystems seem to have a steady law of ever increasing fertility, diversity and abundance. How does she do it?
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Sustainability Week 2011 at Saint Mary's UniversityMarch 14, 2011 to March 17, 2011 Halifax, NS
The 4th Annual Sustainability Week at Saint Mary's University is on March 14-17 2011. Our Keynote Event during the week:
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Solar PV Design & Installation CourseMarch 14, 2011 to March 18, 2011 Windsor, ON
Solar Academy's 5-Day Solar PV Design and Installation Course (Level One) covers fundamental knowledge and reviews the design, installation, and evaluation of residential and commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.
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Canada Water WeekMarch 14, 2011 to March 22, 2011
Do you have an interest in clean and healthy lakes and rivers?
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March Break Nature Retreat - for Teachers, Parents & Nature LoversMarch 15, 2011 to March 18, 2011 Oxtongue, ON
- A Nature Retreat for Teachers, Parents, Educators & Nature Lovers-
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Growing Food - CoombsMarch 15, 2011 to October 22, 2011 Coombs, BC
If you are concerned about where your food comes from, what’s in it (or on it), or simply getting the best nutrition possible for your family – growing your own vegetables and fruit is the answer.
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Champions of Sustainability Speaker SeriesMarch 16, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Algonquin College and the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the City of Ottawa present the Champions of Sustainability Speaker Series.
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Green Connections York RegionMarch 16, 2011 Keswick, ON
Looking for something new in Networking?
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Environmental Stewardship - courseMarch 17, 2011 to March 19, 2011 Edmonton, AB
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Plant Knowledge for Organic Gardeners - BurnabyMarch 17, 2011 to October 01, 2011 Burnaby, BC
If you are concerned about where your food comes from, what’s in it (or on it), or simply getting the best nutrition possible for your family – growing your own vegetables and fruit is the answer.
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Plant Knowledge for Organic Gardeners - VictoriaMarch 17, 2011 to October 01, 2011 Victoria, BC
If you are concerned about where your food comes from, what’s in it (or on it), or simply getting the best nutrition possible for your family – growing your own vegetables and fruit is the answer.
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Sustain-a-City Film FestivalMarch 19, 2011 Swift Current, SK
Sustain-a-City, the first event of its kind in Swift Current, SK will feature a pair of highly acclaimed environmental films Saturday, March 19 at the historic Lyric Theatre downtown.
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GardenFestMarch 19, 2011 Surrey, BC
Get inspired to work in your garden this season!
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Community march against racismMarch 20, 2011 Vancouver, BC
The International Day for the Elimination of Racism marks the anniversary of the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre in South Africa when police opened fire on hundreds of South Africans protesting against apartheid's passbook laws, killing 67 and wounding 186.
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SWITCH Green Profit Conference and ExhibitionMarch 20, 2011 to March 21, 2011 Kingston, ON
Sustainable Solutions
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Aboriginal Youth ConferenceMarch 21, 2011 to March 24, 2011 Prince Rupert, BC
Gathering Our Voices 2011 Aboriginal Youth Conference
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REpower Ontario - A Comprehensive Green Training ProgramMarch 21, 2011 to March 25, 2011 Aurora, ON
One Week In-class or On-line Program
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Sustainable Waterloo's 2nd Annual Evening of RecognitionMarch 22, 2011 Kitchener, ON
On March 22nd please join us in recognizing these organizations’ efforts at our 2nd Annual Evening of Recognition, where we will launch Sustainable Waterloo’s 2010 Report, which celebrates the progress made by Regional Carbon Initiative members, as well as the environmental leadership shown
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Greenbelts Conference: Local Solutions for Global ChallengesMarch 22, 2011 to March 24, 2011 Toronto, ON
From March 22nd to 24th, 2011, the world’s leading Greenbelts will converge in Toronto, Canada. You can exchange ideas with leading experts from far and wide, including the Sao Paulo City Green Belt Biosphere Reserve, the San Francisco Bay Area, the European Green Belt, the Mazovia Region in
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International Greenbelts ConferenceMarch 22, 2011 to March 24, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation is hosting an International Greenbelts Conference in Toronto, Canada, March 22nd - 24th, 2011. Through the sharing of diverse experience and perspectives, the Conference will spark new ideas about the possibilities that greenbelts offer, and generate new ways
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David Suzuki Foundation Green Cafe VancouverMarch 23, 2011 Vancouver, BC
What does it mean to be an environmentalist?
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The Passage of a Jewish Boat to GazaMarch 24, 2011 Toronto, ON
Beit Zatoun and Canada Boat to Gaza are proud to host Glyn Secker for one night only in Toronto, as part of his North American speaking tour. Mr Secker is a long-time human rights activist who captained the catamaran ‘Irene’, a boat crewed by Jews opposed to the Occupation of Palestine that
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Environmental Project Management - courseMarch 24, 2011 to March 26, 2011 Edmonton, AB
Addressing environmental impacts is a critical component of any project undertaking. A fundamental objective for project owners is to minimize the risk of regulatory and civil liabilities.
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Permaculture Design Certificate PDC (6 weekends)March 25, 2011 Nanaimo, BC
Taught in an urban setting this full 72 hour course is based on the curriculum created by Bill Mollison in Permaculture: A Designer's Manual. From this course you will acquire the skills and abilities to begin critically evaluating any site from windowsills to rolling hills. Taking "sustainability"
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Permaculture Design Certificate PDC (6 weekends)March 25, 2011 Nanaimo, BC
Permaculture is not organic gardening, nor catching rainwater, it is understanding the relationships that create abundance and designing them into our landscapes for sustainable human habitat. Through relevant classroom settings, instructional theory creating solid design processes and hands-on
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Introduction To PermacultureMarch 25, 2011 to March 28, 2011 London, ON
Permaculture: The Path of Regenerative Design
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Green Choices for Faith Communities Forum (Mar 26 - 27)March 26, 2011 to March 27, 2011 Toronto, ON
Come and join the Green Awakening Network and Greening Sacred Spaces for our annual networking and training event. We welcome individuals from all faith backgrounds to network with others who are responding to the challenge of climate change in their faith communities.
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Four-Season Permaculture Design Course (March 2011 - January 2012)March 26, 2011 to January 22, 2012 London, ON
Learn about Permaculture Throughout the Seasons, with a Focus on Cold Climates
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Sustainable TransportationMarch 28, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Sustainable Transportation - A workshop on how to move around sustainably.
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Leadership Edmonton Webinar - Introduction to the Human VentureMarch 28, 2011 On-Line/Web/Edmonton, AB
Join us for a Free webinar from your desk. Learn about community leadership and explore human learning. How do we become truly effective leaders for our families, our communities, our societies and our planet.
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Professional Solar Installation Training at KortrightMarch 28, 2011 to April 01, 2011 Vaughan, ON
To meet the growing demand for trained installers and educators, Kortright offers a five-day training session that includes extensive photovoltaic theory, hands-on labs and the full installation experience of mutiple system types. This course will prepare partcipants to write the NABCEP (North
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Permaculture Training ProgramMarch 28, 2011 to May 05, 2011 Nelson, BC
Learn the basic Permaculture design principles and techniques and develop the practical skills to design and implements sustainable designs for ecological landscape and backyard. This six week intensive training program combines theory with practical hands-on activities. The Permaculture Training
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Café Scientifique: Healthcare: Right or Privilege?March 29, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Café Scientifique is a forum where, for the price of a coffee or glass of wine, adults can get together and talk about recent - and sometimes controversial - developments in science and technology. The Canada Science and Technology Museum moderates the discussion between invited experts and the
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Organic Master Gardener Course - VictoriaMarch 29, 2011 to May 19, 2011 Victoria, BC
Be prepared for a major shift in paradigms! This is a gardening course, and so much more. Students have called it "life changing" - because once you truly understand the connection between soil health, plant health, human health and environmental health you will look at the world with different
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No Health in Occupation, No Health in Apartheid: At the Intersection of Public Health and the Israel-Palestine ConflictMarch 30, 2011 Toronto, ON
Graduate students from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto are calling for a discussion on the ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories. The Public Health Social Justice Collective challenges medical and public health practices that are complicit in the ongoing
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Green Infrastructure Ontario WorkshopApril 01, 2011 Cambridge, ON
Training and consultative workshops will be held in six cities across Ontario to share the latest information on how living green infrastructure can address a wide range of urban environmental issues and to determine how policy and program development by municipal and provincial governments can help
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Eidaneh: An Intimate Concert of Classical and Folk Music from IranApril 01, 2011 to April 02, 2011 Toronto, ON
Nowrouz (نوروز meaning 'New Day') is an ancient Iranian festival and the start day of Iranian New Year. Nowrouz marks the first day of spring and rebirth of nature.
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Land Trust Alliance of BC's Annual Seminar SeriesApril 01, 2011 to April 03, 2011 Victoria, BC
Land Trust Alliance of BC's Annual Conservation and Stewardship Seminar Series
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Can't Sit Still: Animation workshop for children aged 3 to 5April 02, 2011 Toronto, ON
$5 per child; an adult must accompany children at no extra charge. Call 416-973-3012 to register.
April showers bring . . . April flowers! Spring into Daffodil Month by creating your own garden (2-D animation)! Followed by a complimentary screening program at 12 PM.
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Animate This! Animation workshop for children aged 6 to 13April 02, 2011 to April 03, 2011 Toronto, ON
$5 per child; an adult must accompany children at no extra charge. Call 416-973-3012 to register.
April showers bring . . . April flowers! Spring into Daffodil Month by creating your own garden (2-D animation)! Preceded by a complimentary screening program at 12 PM.
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Green Infrastructure Ontario WorkshopApril 05, 2011 Thunder Bay, ON
Training and consultative workshops will be held in six cities across Ontario to share the latest information on how living green infrastructure can address a wide range of urban environmental
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Unpaid Work Day (first Tuesday in April)April 06, 2011
Unpaid Work Day aims to raise public awareness of the social and economical value of unpaid work (also known as invisible work) and of the need to include it in the calculation of our national wealth.
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Free Favourites at Four presents Four Wings and a PrayerApril 06, 2011 Toronto, ON
Directed by Nick de Pencier, 2007, 81 min.
A documentary about one of the world's most beautiful and mysterious creatures: the Monarch butterfly. Nowhere in nature is there a more powerful mix of scientific marvel, awesome beauty, and epic struggle for survival.
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The Last 15 SecondsApril 06, 2011 to April 16, 2011 Toronto, ON
This is the experience that makes every second count.
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World Health DayApril 07, 2011
World Health Day provides a forum for discussion on worldwide health conditions and issues.
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Ciné-Jeudi presents Printemps fragiles (The Bell Jar)April 07, 2011 Toronto, ON
$6, $4 for students, seniors, partners and Front Row passholders.
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Remediation Technologies - courseApril 07, 2011 to April 09, 2011 Edmonton, AB
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EarthDream: A Peace Film FestivalApril 08, 2011 to April 10, 2011 Mahone Bay, NS
The South Shore Chapter of the Council of Canadians presents: EarthDream 2011: A Peace Film Festival.
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Organic Magic with WormsApril 09, 2011 Midland, ON
A fun and entertaining afternoon featuring Cathy of Cathy's Crawly Composters. Learn all about worms and vermicomposting - a viable solution for your organic waste. Discover how to convert organic matter (food scraps and paper) into nature's finest fertilizer. Find out why worms are an essential
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Preserving Canada's Arctic North with Dr. David SuzukiApril 09, 2011 Toronto, ON
We are delighted to have Dr. David Suzuki as our keynote speaker on Saturday, April 9th, 2011 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
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Introduction to Permaculture (April 9 - 10)April 09, 2011 to April 10, 2011 Lethbridge, AB
Permaculture is a system for designing sustainable human habitat.
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Living Green in Quinte Show (Apr 9) & Green Building Tours (Apr 10)April 09, 2011 to April 10, 2011 Belleville, ON
Saturday April 9th, 2011 Living Green in Quinte Show & Expo
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Calgary Horticultural Society Garden ShowApril 09, 2011 to April 10, 2011 Calgary, AB
A weekend packed with things to see, do, learn, smell and grow! This annual event brings together over 10,000+ gardening and outdoor living enthusiasts complete with vendors, speakers from across Canada, local gardening experts, hands-on activities, how to clinic demonstrations and more!
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Regeneration: A Call to ActionApril 09, 2011 to April 11, 2011 London, ON
Regeneration: The Art of Sustainable Living
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Lines of Resistance: Prison Art from the Middle EastApril 09, 2011 to April 17, 2011 Toronto, ON
Lines of Resistance: Prison Art from the Middle East is a mixed media work produced by former political prisoners from the Middle East, notably Iran, as well as artists standing in solidarity with them. The exhibition is an instance of visualizing atrocities committed by states in the region
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Permaculture Design Certificate Course (Apr 10 - 23)April 10, 2011 to April 23, 2011 Cranbrook, BC
Clear Sky Center & Farm is excited to be hosting a full Permaculture Design Certificate Course this April 10-23 2011 at its beautiful retreat setting in the Rocky Mountains.
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Log Home Building CourseApril 11, 2011 to June 17, 2011 Lanark, ON
Since 1975, the Pat Wolfe Log Building School has been offering one, week introductory courses, four week basic course and ten week advanced courses in safely and efficiently building log homes or cabins using the most effective practices and methods.
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Sustainability for Leaders Level 1April 12, 2011 to April 13, 2011 Ottawa, ON
The Natural Step Canada invites you to register for our upcoming Sustainability for Leaders Course (Level 1): A Transformative Approach to Sustainability Thinking, Strategy, and Results. This is a 2-day intensive and interactive course for current and emerging sustainability practitioners.
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The Future Survival of the Boreal CaribouApril 13, 2011 Saskatoon, SK
Description: Boreal caribou are magnificent creatures of great beauty that can survive under austere conditions few other species could tolerate. They are revered by the indigenous people of the north and have provided them with subsistence for millennia. But they have declined greatly in numbers
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Green Energy, Agriculture & Bio-Science Career FairApril 13, 2011 to April 14, 2011 Sarnia, ON
The Sarnia Lambton Workforce Development Board will be hosting a Green Energy, Agriculture & Bio-Science Career Fair at Clearwater Arena in Sarnia, Ontario.
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A Drummer's DreamApril 14, 2011 Toronto, ON
$6, $4 for students, seniors, partners and Front Row passholders.
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Green Infrastructure Ontario WorkshopApril 14, 2011 Windsor, ON
Training and consultative workshops will be held in six cities across Ontario to share the latest information on how living green infrastructure can address a wide range of urban environmental issues and to determine how policy and program development by municipal and provincial governments can help
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EEON - Environmental Education Ontario - Annual General Meeting 2011April 16, 2011 Toronto, ON
Mark your calendars for the EEON Annual General Meeting.
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Wildlife Rescue Association's Annual Earth FestApril 16, 2011 Burnaby, BC
Enjoy family-friendly fun at our free Earth Fest nature festival. Discover more about our wonderful wildlife, build your own bird house or bee box, explore Burnaby Lake, win prizes, play games and learn how to live in harmony with the environment.
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Bloomin Earth Eco-FairApril 16, 2011 Kitchener, ON
Join us April 16th at Kitchener City Hall for the Bloomin Earth Eco-Fair to celebrate the earth from recycled art to expert advice on sustainable living
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30-Hour Famine (dates vary)April 16, 2011 to April 17, 2011
The 30-Hour Famine is an annual fundraising activity that aims to help combat hunger around the world.
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The Tantra of PermacultureApril 18, 2011 to April 22, 2011 Nicaragua
Introduction to the Tantra of Permaculture: Connecting Inner and Outer Landscapes
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National Soil Conservation WeekApril 18, 2011 to April 24, 2011
National Soil Conservation Week aims to raise public awareness of soil conservation activities across Canada.
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National Volunteer WeekApril 18, 2011 to April 24, 2011
National Volunteer Week celebrates Canadians who contribute their time to volunteering. Volunteer Canada produces and distributes National Volunteer Week promotional material with support from Canadian Heritage.
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National Organ Donor Week (dates vary)April 18, 2011 to April 25, 2011
First held in 1997, National Organ Donor Week aims to educate the public with regard to the benefits of organ and tissue donation.
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A World of Shorts: A Space OdysseyApril 20, 2011 Toronto, ON
$6, $4 for students, seniors, partners and Front Row passholders.
Celebrate Astronomy Week with a dose of short films that step outside the Sci-Fi box!
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Earth Day (fixed date; part of Earth month)April 22, 2011
Earth Day promotes public participation in activities organized to improve environmental conditions, such as tree plantings and community cleanups.
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Ottawa Eco ExpoApril 24, 2011 to April 25, 2011 Ottawa, ON
* Admission by donation
* Up to 100 exhibitors
* Workshops, demonstrations, samples
* Nearby public transport and free parking
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Free Favourites at Four: The Strangest DreamApril 27, 2011 Toronto, ON
Directed by Eric Bednarski, 2008, 89 min.
The Strangest Dream tells the story of Joseph Rotblat, the history of nuclear weapons, and the efforts of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs - an international movement Rotblat co-founded - to halt nuclear proliferation.
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Newcomer Speaker's Bureau at Toronto City Hall!April 27, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Mennonite New Life and our partners from Voices from the Street would like to invite you to attend the Graduation Ceremony of the Newcomer Speakers Bureau. This ceremony will take place in the Council Chambers at Toronto City Hall on Wednesday, April 27th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. We expect to
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National Day of MourningApril 28, 2011
The National Day of Mourning is observed in remembrance of workers who were killed or injured in the workplace or who have suffered from work-related illnesses.
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Organic Magic with WormsApril 28, 2011 Collingwood, ON
The Collingwood Horticultural Society presents Organic Magic with Worms with guest speaker, Cathy Nesbitt of Cathy's Crawly Composters. Learn all about worms and vermicomposting - a viable solution for your organic waste. Discover how to convert organic matter (food scraps and paper) into nature's
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EcoLinks 2011April 28, 2011 King City, ON
EcoLinks 2011 is the annual conference of the Ontario Society for Environmental
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Permaculture Design CourseApril 29, 2011 to May 01, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Permaculture Design Course
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Canadian Peace Alliance ConventionApril 29, 2011 to May 01, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Canadian Peace Alliance Convention will take place this April in Toronto. The Convention is a great opportunity for activists to get together, share strategies and plan our work to build the broadest and most effective peace movement in Canada.
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Seedy SaturdayApril 30, 2011 Hillsburgh, ON
Kick off the gardening season with a visit to the farm! Find all those wonderful, hard to get organic and heritage seeds and transplants to start your vegetable garden off right. Learn what it takes to setup your own vermicomposter. See how easy it is to setup, maintain and harvest your own
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Alberta Native Plant Council Annual WorkshopApril 30, 2011 Canmore, AB
This year's workshop is entitled "Fragments of the Rocky Mountains".
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Ottawa Solar Power FairApril 30, 2011
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Green ExpoApril 30, 2011 Peterborough, ON
The Green Expo is extremely pleased and excited to be entering its 8th year of showcasing the best in green products, services and technologies to residents of central and eastern Ontario. The Green Expo was one of the first and continues to be one of the longest running events of its kind in the
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Don River -- Photographs by Surendra LawotiApril 30, 2011 to June 04, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Don River series by Surendra Lawoti documents the users of the shores of the Don River Valley in Toronto. Lawoti's detailed large-scale images focus on the makeshift shelters and their inhabitants that can be found along the river, as well as the recreational users of this green urban space.
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International Composting Awareness Week (first full week of May)May 02, 2011 to May 08, 2011
International Composting Awareness Week aims to raise public awareness of the benefits of composting.
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North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (first complete week of May)May 02, 2011 to May 08, 2011
North American Occupational Safety and Health Week promotes the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace.
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St. Lawrence River Great Lakes basin: scoping the futureMay 04, 2011 to May 05, 2011 Cornwall, ON
The St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences, in partnership with the Great Lakes Research Consortium and the Great River Center at Clarkson University, is pleased host its 18th annual international conference on the St. Lawrence River Great Lakes Ecosystem.
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Photogaphy: What Isn'’t ThereMay 04, 2011 to June 05, 2011 Toronto, ON
What Isn'’t There is an ongoing collaboration between filmmaker and photographer Elle Flanders and architect Tamira Sawatzky, documenting the places where Palestinian villages once stood. The creation of the State of Israel in 1948 signaled the end of these villages, through force and exile,
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International No Diet DayMay 06, 2011
International No Diet Day aims to raise public awareness of the dangers of improper dieting, weight loss and weight-related obsessions.
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Ottawa Accessibility UnconferenceMay 06, 2011 to August 04, 2011 Ottawa, ON
We're organizing an accessibility unconference here in Ottawa and want you to attend. Encouraged by the grass roots potential of bringing folks together interested in improving accessibility, we've decided it's time to have one here.
Social Media: Follow @a11yYOW for more information.
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Palestinian Cuisine at Beit ZatounMay 07, 2011 Toronto, ON
This first class consists of prize-winning recipes and methods for the "BIG 3" appetizers - hummus, babaghannouj and tabbouleh. PLUS, bonus of a dish which is lesser-known in the west but highly appreciated in Palestine - "fuul mudammas" (made with fava beans).
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26th annual Mayworks Festival of working people and the artsMay 07, 2011 to May 15, 2011 Toronto, ON
Mayworks! Where else can you find Juno nominated musicians, CBC Poetry Face-off winners, works by emerging Indigenous playwrights, provocative dance, a walking tour, a writing workshop, evocative video, storytelling, mural making for kids, visual arts galore and more? Mayworks celebrates artists as
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World Red Cross DayMay 08, 2011
World Red Cross Day is an international event that aims to celebrate the humanitarian work of millions of Red Cross volunteers and staff worldwide.
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Unspoken Dreams: Stories from RumiMay 08, 2011 Toronto, ON
Unspoken dreams is the place where stories, music and art live when they aren’t being seen or heard.
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Waste - The Social ContextMay 08, 2011 to May 11, 2011 Edmonton, AB
People, Policies, Persuasions and Payoffs. This international conference on the social, environmental and econimical aspects of waste management. Hosted by the Edmonton Waste Management Centre of Excellence.
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Reel Waste Film FestivalMay 08, 2011 to May 11, 2011 Edmonton, AB
This is presented with the international conference Waste - The Social Context.
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Freedom of Expression DayMay 09, 2011 to May 15, 2011 Toronto, ON
The National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada is celebrating the Freedom of Expression Day this year, with a weekly exhibition of the member publications of the Ethnic Press of Canada. The official opening of the exhibition is scheduled for Monday, May the 9th, 6:00 pm, at the Rotunda of the
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END:CIV with director Franklin LópezMay 10, 2011 to April 18, 2011 ON
END:CIV illustrates the brutality of a civilization addicted to systematic violence and environmental destruction, and the heroism of those who confront it head-on. Rapid-fire video-game graphics, interviews, war footage and satire mock the excesses of the global economic system, even as it implodes
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Jaffa: The Orange's ClockworkMay 11, 2011 Toronto, ON
Special Screening and Conversation with Osnat Trabelsi, producer
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How We Stopped Loving the Bomb -- Book launch and discussionMay 11, 2011 Calgary, AB
How We Stopped Loving the Bomb: An insider's account of the world on the brink of banning nuclear arms
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The Yes Men fix CanadaMay 11, 2011 Toronto, ON
This illustrated presentation by Yes Man Andy Bichlbaum will explore the tactical strategies behind some of the Yes Men's greatest triumphs: from their legendary 'identity corrections' of Dow, Enbridge, HUD, Exxon, and WTO, to their brilliant punking of Environment Minister Jim Prentice in
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Young Mothers and Empowerment ForumMay 11, 2011 to May 12, 2011 Toronto, ON
Canada Health DayMay 12, 2011
Canada Health Day provides an opportunity for discussion on Canadian health issues.
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(Un)Lawful Access: Cyber-surveillance, Security and Civil Liberties -- Experts and advocates speak outMay 12, 2011 Toronto, ON
Digitally mediated surveillance is an increasingly prevalent, but still largely invisible, aspect of everyday life. As we work, play and negotiate public spaces, on-line and off, we produce a growing stream of personal digital data of interest to unseen others.
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Post-election round table discussionMay 12, 2011 Vancouver, BC
The morning after (the 2011 federal elections)
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Wetlands Ecology and RemediationMay 12, 2011 to May 14, 2011 Edmonton, AB
This is an applied course designed to help resource managers, policy makers, government regulators, agricultural professionals, and environmental consultants understand how water and pollutants interact in the landscape, changes resulting from land use, and remediation techniques to return
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Celebrating Community Voices - Building Momentum in Global, Environmental and Outdoor EducationMay 12, 2011 to May 15, 2011 Nordegg, AB
The Global, Environmental and Outdoor Education Council (GEOEC) is hosting their annual conference in Nordegg.
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Cyber-Surveillance in Everyday Life: An art exhibitMay 12, 2011 to May 15, 2011 Toronto, ON
Surveillance & Social Sorting, is pleased to present Cyber-surveillance in Everyday Life: An Art Exhibit. This group exhibition examines many aspects of surveillance, particularly the growing prevalence of cyber-surveillance in our daily lives and social habits.
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Stop Wage Theft! Campaign LaunchMay 13, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join the Workers' Action Centre at the community launch of their Stop Wage Theft! campaign. Hear from Workers' Action Centre leaders on their fight to stop employers from stealing wages and watch undercover footage of how employers break the law in a new video expose. See also how workers are
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Women entrepreneurs for social change Conference with Lauren Bacon, Pam Chaloult and Emira MearsMay 13, 2011 to May 14, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Women Entrepreneurs for Social Change will be an intensive, interactive Vancouver based gathering that focuses on ways to lead a successful, socially conscious enterprise. This unique forum offers women from small and large organizations the chance to explore their business challenges in an intimate
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Not just a bag of tricks: A smorgasbord of popular education tools, techniques and thoughtsMay 13, 2011 to May 15, 2011 Tatamagouche, NS
Popular education is a democratic practice of education rooted in social and economic justice struggle, with intention to make social change. Learn to utilize popular education (both the tools and the theory) as a keen, radical means for analyzing power, oppression and resistance, and for
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Good Evidence TorontoMay 14, 2011 Toronto, ON
Test your knowledge of Toronto the Good !
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National Day of Action for Federal ReformMay 14, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Only 40 percent of Canadians supported our government in the May 2 election, and yet we wound up with a Conservative majority. The fact that Stephen Harper now controls Parliament after gaining only 1.8 percent more of the popular vote than in 2008 is a testament to the arbitrary and antiquated
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Sounds of the RevolutionMay 15, 2011 Toronto, ON
A fundraising event that brings together authors, artists, and performers to celebrate the strength and dignity of people fighting for their political and human rights in the Arabic-speaking world.
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Eyes on the Street screeningMay 15, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join Dr. Andrew Clement for a reprisal of his Jane’s Walk that sets its sights on CCTV surveillance in downtown Toronto.
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Free Trade versus Fair TradeMay 15, 2011 Toronto, ON
The fifth and final session of the Toronto Bolivia Solidarity (TBS) study group series, "Extracting Profits" will be held Sunday, May 15 at 2 p.m.
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Draft 6.6 reading seriesMay 15, 2011 Toronto, ON
Please join us for...
Draft 6.6
with new work by
Michelle Alfano
Baila Ellenbogen
Catherine Graham
Kathryn Kuitenbrouwer
Nicholas Power
With the $5 admission fee comes a copy of Draft, a limited-edition publication available only at these readings.
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Hydrogen + Fuel Cells 2011: International Conference and ExhibitionMay 15, 2011 to May 18, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Hydrogen + Fuel Cells 2011: International Conference and Exhibition is one of the leading international events for the hydrogen and fuel cell industry. The event will be celebrating its fifth edition and will be held from May 15 - 18, 2011. It will take place at the Vancouver Convention Centre in
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Permaculture Design CourseMay 15, 2011 to May 18, 2011 Winlaw, BC
The Permaculture Design Course is a 13-day (72 hours minimum) intensive program, combining theory and hands-on activities. Through lectures, discussions, slide shows, field trips and hands-on projects, participants learn the basic permaculture design principles and develop the practical skills to
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Evaluating Community Impact: Capturing and Making Sense of Community OutcomesMay 16, 2011 to May 18, 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo, ON
"Moving the needle" on community-wide issues requires cross-sector coordination and an engaged community. There are countless numbers of community change initiatives working on diverse issues such as early childhood development, health care, education, poverty and homelessness, immigration,
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Intergenerational Week (starts on the third Sunday in May)May 16, 2011 to May 22, 2011
First held in Canada in 1993, Intergenerational Week pays tribute to those who work towards promoting communication between generations through voluntary activities in their communities.
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Book launch of Persistence: All Ways Butch and FemmeMay 17, 2011 to April 17, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join us at Buddies for the launch of an amazing new anthology: Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme.
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Book Launch: Canadian Labour in CrisisMay 17, 2011 Toronto, ON
Reinventing the Workers’ Movement
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Webinar: Cities of migration learning exchange series -- Listen up! Media strategies for diverse citiesMay 17, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join Cities of Migration online for a 60-minute webinar to learn about media diversity and the strategies behind the success of local radio broadcasters in Barcelona and Toronto. Find out how to improve your audience ratings by responding to changing demographics and sharing your city's immigrant
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Permaculture gardening in the city workshopMay 17, 2011 Ottawa, ON
The permaculture gardening in the city workshop will feature speaker Graeme O'Farrell.
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Mimi Award NominationsMay 17, 2011 to June 01, 2011
We're seeking nominees who:
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Community conversation on LGBTQ aging (new date)May 18, 2011 to April 18, 2011 Toronto, ON
LGBTQ people age 50+ are invited to attend a community conversation about what is important in our lives. We'll come together to talk about building community, sexuality and aging, ageism and homophobia/transphobia, where we live and how we are cared for.
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Conference Call on Arts, Culture, Media & Economic JusticeMay 18, 2011 United States
We invite you to join us for a nation-wide conference call discussing the role of the arts, culture and media in economic justice organizing and movement building in communities across the United States.
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Something Fierce: Memoirs of a Revolutionary Daughter by Carmen AguirreMay 19, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Join Carmen Aguirre and Douglas & McIntyre celebrating the publication of her new book, Something Fierce: Memoirs of a Revolutionary Daughter. There will be a reading, book signing and a little dancing.
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Going green 101May 19, 2011 Vancouver, BC
No guilt, just pure empowerment. Going green 101 is a 3-hour workshop with everything you need to know about going green without going broke or crazy! Led by best-selling author Tracy Lydiatt, The Green Families Guru, workshop participants will receive a take home package of highly practical tips,
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Socialism 2011: An international educational conference in TorontoMay 19, 2011 to May 22, 2011 Toronto, ON
Socialism 2011: Their Crisis, Our Solutions
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World Press Freedom Day ExhibitionMay 20, 2011 to May 21, 2011 Penang, Malaysia
Suaram Penang and Pertubuhan Wartawan dan JurugambarAkhbar Cina Pulau Pinang.
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RebELLEs: Notre Révolution Féministe, Our Revolution is Now - the 2nd Pan-Canadian Young Feminist GatheringMay 20, 2011 to May 23, 2011 Winnipeg, ON
We are the young RebELLEs who have answered a feminist call and we are proud to call ourselves feminists. Our struggle is not over. We will be post-feminist when we have post-patriarchy.
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CLMP's 6th Annual Hudson Valley Literary Festival All LIT Up!May 21, 2011 New York
The 6th Annual Hudson Valley Literary Festival: All LIT Up is back after a one-year hiatus. The daylong festival, produced by The Council of Literary Magazines and Presses, with The Hudson Opera House and Hudson Wine Merchants, celebrates literature and literary publishing. From 11 AM – 4 PM a
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CanSIA Summer Solstice 2011: Here Comes the SunMay 21, 2011 to June 22, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join CanSIA member, friends, solar colleagues & The Honourable Brad Duguid MPP, Minister of Energy. Stand up for Solar at the Third Annual Canadian Solar Industries Association Summer Solstice event.
Event cost $60.00 (includes HST & covers food and drinks)
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SMOC: Social Media Optimization Conference 2011May 23, 2011 to May 24, 2011 California
WHAT SMOC gives you the lowdown on organic user engagement and advertising.
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Organic Magic with WormsMay 24, 2011 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
Niagara-on-the-Lake Horticultural Society present Organic magic with worms featuring guest speaker Cathy Nesbitt of Cathy's Crawly Composters. Learn all about worms and vermicomposting - a viable solution for your organic waste. Discover how to convert organic matter (food scraps and paper) into
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Insomniac Press spring literary launchMay 24, 2011 Toronto, ON
Please join us in celebrating Insomniac's Spring literary launch, featuring new books by Sam Cheuk, Stan Rogal and Mike Spry.
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Asia Media Summit 2011 "Digital Media Everywhere: Repositioning Broadcasting"May 24, 2011 to May 25, 2011 Hanoi, Vietnam
We are expecting 500 top-ranking broadcasters, decision makers, media professionals, regulators, scholars, and stakeholders from Asia, Pacific, Europe, Africa, North America and the Arab World to attend the Asia Media Summit and to examine issues that impact the highly competitive and dynamic media
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Bright Futures in Canada ConferenceMay 24, 2011 to May 26, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Bright Futures in Canada Conference is the national conference dedicated to the electricity and renewable energy industry workforce. Within the next five years, this sector will experience labour shortages due to the pending retirement of skilled workers and a massive regeneration of the
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Elizabeth Neuffer FellowshipMay 24, 2011 to May 27, 2011 worldwide
The International Women's Media Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2011-12 Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship, named for the 1998 IWMF Courage in Journalism Award winner and The Boston Globe correspondent who was killed in Iraq in May 2003. The fellowship will run from September 2011 to
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Call for Entries: Plural + 2011 Youth Video Festival on Migration, Diversity & Social InclusionMay 24, 2011 to June 01, 2011 USA & Worldwide
Early submissions are encouraged. Building on the successes of the first two years, PLURAL+ again invites the world’s youth to submit dynamic and forward-thinking videos focusing on the issues of migration, diversity and social inclusion.
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Women Peace Writers Program accepting applicationsMay 24, 2011 to June 15, 2011 USA & Worldwide
International women writers whose work focuses on peace can apply for an eight-week residency in San Diego, California. The program covers all travel, accommodation and living costs during the program. Peace Writers will stay on campus at the University of San Diego.
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The Rubaiyat of Omar KhayyamMay 25, 2011 Toronto, ON
Translation by Edward Fitzgerald
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Technical Editing SIG now accepting scholarship applications!May 25, 2011 to June 12, 2011 Virginia, US
Technical Editing SIG now accepting scholarship applications!
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OSEA FIT Webinar Series: OPA Feed-in Tariff Review - Discussing the Future of FITMay 26, 2011
The Ontario Power Authority is expected to begin its review of the Feed-in Tariff programs this summer. To mark this occasion, the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association has gathered a panel of experts on Ontario's Green Energy Act and Feed-in Tariff programs as well as project developers and
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61st Annual International Communication Association ConferenceMay 26, 2011 to May 30, 2011 Boston
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE ONLY (Not attending Boston) $50.00 23 May 2011 10 Jun 2011
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Moving from Fear to Trust: Building Compassion and CommunityMay 27, 2011 to May 28, 2011 Calgary, AB
An informative workshop exploring:
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Marxism 2011: Recession. Resistance. RevolutionMay 27, 2011 to May 29, 2011 Toronto, ON
Marxism 2011: Recession. Resistance. Revolution
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Congress of Secular Jewish Organizations Spring ConferenceMay 27, 2011 to May 30, 2011 Toronto, ON
A gathering of secular, progressive, humanistic Jews. CSJO conferences offer an opportunity to come together with like-minded organizations and schules (schools) across North America to learn, to network, to develop and to strengthen the work of the affiliate groups. The warm camaraderie from the
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Our Greener Side CelebrationMay 28, 2011 Kortright / GTA, ON
Inspired by the idea that small changes add up to make a world of difference, Our Greener Side Celebration was created to enable change-ready individuals to learn about local and convenient choices that support an eco-friendly lifestyle.
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Documentary in Tribute to Ka BelMay 28, 2011 Toronto, ON
"Ka Bel, A Documentary" is a film featuring the life and struggles of Crispin B. Beltran. Ka Bel, as he is commonly called, was the labour leader of Kilusang Mayo Uno (May First Movement) and the Representative of Anakpawis (Toiling Masses) Partylist in the Philippine Congress.
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Our Greener Side CelebrationMay 28, 2011 Toronto, ON
Looking for a FUN way to spend time with your FAMILY and learn how easy it is to be ECO-FRIENDLY? Join us at the 3rd annual Our Greener Side Celebration!
Admission is free.
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Permaculture Design Certification CourseMay 28, 2011 to June 10, 2011 London, ON
Earth Wisdom Permaculture Design Certification Course (PDC)
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World Partnership WalkMay 30, 2011
The World Partnership Walk aims to raise public awareness of international development activities and collects funds to fight world poverty.
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A sanctions-busting fundraiser for Abousfian AbdelrazikMay 30, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Please join us in a fundraiser to support Abousfian Abdelrazik, in active
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Indie Lit at the StarlightMay 30, 2011 Waterloo, ON
Featuring Sean Dixon ( The Many Revenges of Kip Flynn ), Helen Guri ( Match ), Jonathan Bennett, Tony Burgess, Gerry Fostaty and Gillian Sze.
Book sales by Words Worth Books
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2012 SSP 34th Annual MeetingMay 30, 2011 to June 01, 2011 Arlington, VA USA
The SSP Annual Meeting is the focal point for those engaged in scholarly communication. By bringing professionals together in an open exchange of the newest technical information, the meeting provides the highest standard in professional communication.
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Café Scientifique: Biofuels: Are We Saving or Starving the World?May 31, 2011 Ottawa, ON
As the world population increases, is the production of biofuels a wise undertaking? Since some biofuels are derived from agricultural products such as corn and wheat, should we be using these resources to produce fuel rather than food? What are the benefits of biofuels and can we produce enough of
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PALESTINE: A people in ResistanceMay 31, 2011 Toronto, ON
Report from Palestine and from Algeria
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Suits, Solar Panels and Silverbacks: Sustainability Workshop for BusinessMay 31, 2011 Toronto, ON
Durham Sustain Ability (DSA) is pleased to announce an exclusive EcoBusiness engagement at the Toronto Zoo Tuesday, May 31, 2011.
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The 3rd Annual Accessibility ConferenceMay 31, 2011 to June 01, 2011 Guelph, ON
This year’s conference programming will move attendees beyond a theoretical and technical understanding of accessibility by providing a practical framework for action.
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2nd Annual Greening Government ConferenceMay 31, 2011 to June 01, 2011 Toronto, ON
Greening initiatives are an integral part of modeling and achieving environmental sustainability to reduce our country’s ecological footprint. Delegates at this conference will come away with innovative strategies, proven solutions, best practises and a firm understanding of the latest information
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Organic Master Gardener CourseMay 31, 2011 to June 30, 2011 Shawnigan Lake, BC
Be prepared for a major shift in paradigms! This is a gardening course, and so much more. Students have called it "life changing" - because once you truly understand the connection between soil health, plant health, human health and environmental health you will look at the world with different
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The 36th Annual Community Radio ConferenceJune 01, 2011 to June 04, 2011 San Francisco
With or without federal funding, Community Radio stations that are providing their communities with a valuable public service and are using best practices will survive. And thrive. We need creativity, determination, openness to change and new ideas, a commitment to our core values and a focus on the
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National Young Writer's MonthJune 01, 2011 to June 30, 2011 Australia
Welcome to National Young Writers' Month. June 2011 is your month to set a writing goal, and with our support and encouragement, reach it! Your goal can be as complex or simple as you want. Sign up for the challenge and get writing.
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Clean Air Day (Wednesday of Canadian Environment Week)June 02, 2011
Clean Air Day aims to increase public awareness of two key environmental priorities: clean air and climate change, as well as to encourage the public to take action in these sectors.
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8th Annual Young Journalists Scholarship Kick-Off Gala MixerJune 02, 2011 Oakland
Corporate and small business partners, media friends, and the general community are invited.
Refreshments, Networking Opportunities, Entertainment, Door Prizes, and more!.
Free Admission
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SmartMeme Advanced Story-based Strategy TrainingJune 02, 2011 to June 05, 2011 Oakland, Carolina
SmartMeme was founded in 2002 to help grassroots organizations harness the power of narrative to effectively frame issues, build stronger alliances and create more compelling messages. Our story-based strategy model links traditional organizing techniques with new strategy, training, and
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Collective Impact! The Environment and Our Diverse SocietyJune 03, 2011 Toronto, ON
Collective Impact! The Environment & Our Diverse Society; is a signature event of the Environment & Diversity Project, a collaborative led by the Sustainability Network.
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12th European Conference on Traumatic StressJune 04, 2011 Vienna, Austria
In Vienna, Austria, at the 12th Annual European Conference on Traumatic Stress, a panel discussion on the conflicts and opportunities that may arise when journalists and mental health professionals need to speak to each other.
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VerdeXchange Toronto 2011June 05, 2011 to June 06, 2011 Toronto, ON
This international conference brings together leaders from all sectors of the economy – finance, energy, water, waste, transportation, consumer goods, mining, forestry, government, innovation centres, academia and more – to address the challenges and embrace the opportunities for creating
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The Tatamagouche Model of Education, Design and LeadershipJune 05, 2011 to June 10, 2011 Tatamagouche, NS
Experience our foundational program (also known as "Ed Design") for effective facilitation skills and creative program design, leading to transformational community learning and development. Our experiential approach allows you in-depth practice, discussion, and reflection. Gain skills, clarify
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Personal Democracy ForumJune 06, 2011 to June 07, 2011 New York, NY
Personal Democracy Forum is the world’s leading conference exploring and analyzing technology's impact on politics and government.
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The 30th annual National Campus and Community ConferenceJune 06, 2011 to June 10, 2011 Halifax
Running June 6-10th and hosted by CKDU-FM in Halifax it brings together c/c radio producers and enthusiasts from across the country. In addition to the Community Radio Awards and the Women in Radio conference, this year it also features keynotes from CBC and This American Life contributor Jonathan
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National Water Safety Week (dates vary)June 06, 2011 to June 12, 2011
National Water Safety Week aims to raise public awareness of the importance of water safety.
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EECOM 2011 - Exploring the Socioecological in Education and Culture: Becoming Active Participants in ChangeJune 08, 2011 SK
The 2011 EECOM conference will focus on exploring the issues of learning and being active in society AND our environment. The word "Socioecological" attempts to foreground the intertwined nature of environmental education with cultural and social justice issues. We need to continue to consider our
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World Oceans DayJune 08, 2011
First celebrated in 1992, World Oceans Day aims to raise public awareness of the beauty of oceans and of the need to protect our seas and coasts from pollution.
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Investigating Private Companies and Non-ProfitsJune 08, 2011 Orlando, Florida
Come to a free Reynolds Center workshop on June 8, the afternoon before the Investigative Reporters and Editors’ Conference June 9-12 in Orlando, Fla., and discover the many public documents that are available on private companies and nonprofits. Even if private companies don’t have to disclose
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Internships: opportunity or cheap labour?June 08, 2011 London, UK
Ross Perlin, an ex intern himself and the author of Intern Nation will be at the Frontline Club to take part in a panel discussion about internships and his investigation into a trend which, he argues, is destroying "what's left of the ordered world of training, hard work and fair compensation".
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EECOM 2011 - Exploring the Socioecological in Education and Culture: Becoming Active Participants in ChangeJune 08, 2011 to June 11, 2011 Regina, SK
The 2011 EECOM conference will focus on exploring the issues of learning and being active in society AND our environment. The word "Socioecological" attempts to foreground the intertwined nature of environmental education with cultural and social justice issues. We need to continue to consider our
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Transnational migration and adult education: Global issues and debatesJune 09, 2011 Toronto, ON
A pre-conference held in conjunction with the 52nd Adult Education Research
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Secret Trial Five in Canada screening and fundraiserJune 09, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Justice for Mohamed Harkat Committee will be holding a special documentary evening/fundraiser with Amar Wala, director and his film crew from Toronto. They are producing this terrific documentary on
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Sustainabilty Applied 2011June 09, 2011 to June 10, 2011 Windsor, ON
Sustainability Applied 2011 will be a practical, interactive event focused on inspiring and driving action on sustainability and breaking down barriers to change. It will highlight experiences, approaches and expertise of leaders and practitioners on the practical application of sustainability
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12th Annual Lit Mag Marathon WeekendJune 09, 2011 to June 10, 2011 New York, NY
New York, NY The magazines may be little, but the weekend is big, big, big! It's time once again for CLMP's annual Lit Mag Marathon Weekend, a massive showcase of America's diverse literary magazines and journals.
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10th International Newsroom SummitJune 09, 2011 to June 10, 2011 Zurich, Switzerland
New ways of storytelling, in English.
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Séminaire Francophone INMAJune 09, 2011 to June 11, 2011 Montpellier, France
The INMA French Seminar is a hands-on, intimate seminar designed to explore the practicalities of what's happening at newspapers in France and the French-speaking regions of Switzerland and Belgium. The theme of this year's 13th annual seminar be will be 'Stay Ahead Of Your Audiences' and feature
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2011 IRE ConferenceJune 09, 2011 to June 12, 2011 Orlanda, Florida
You won't want to miss IRE's annual conference in Orlando.
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The Silences of The PalaceJune 11, 2011 Toronto, ON
Screening of The Silences of The Palace
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Randa Jarrar & AQSAzineJune 11, 2011 Toronto, ON
Randa Jarrar is the author of the critically acclaimed novel "A Map of Home" which was published in half a dozen languages and won a Hopwood Award, an Arab-American Book Award, and was named one of the best novels of 2008 by the Barnes and Noble Review.
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Ecofest BarrieJune 11, 2011 to June 12, 2011 Barrie, ON
Ecofest Barrie celebrates the beauty of the Lake Simcoe Region.
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Eco-Fest Barrie 2011: Celebrating Sustainable FuturesJune 11, 2011 to June 12, 2011 Barrie, ON
Working as a community to celebrate our earth and to offer a message of new possibilities and alternate lifestyles. We agree to teach and learn following these principles.
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Windfall Ecology FestivalJune 11, 2011 to June 12, 2011 Newmarket, ON
Windfall Ecology Centre presents the 10th Annual Windfall Ecology Festival, York Regions largest Environmental and Energy Conservation Exposition! Learn, share & experience live music, local & organic foods, buskers, the Kid's Eco Zones, workshops and so much more. An outdoor event for the whole
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Canadian Rivers Day (second Sunday in June)June 13, 2011
Canadian Rivers Day is an annual celebration that promotes Canada's waterways.
c/o Canada Parks Canada Agency
(This event is currently under the administration of the Parks Canada Agency, but remains a non-governmental event.)
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OSEA/CanSIA Present Solar DrinksJune 13, 2011 Toronto, ON
Solar Drinks is an opportunity for solar stakeholders to meet and network with each other. Come join us for this monthly opportunity to meet and greet solar industry members, talk to OSEA and CanSIA staff, and discuss the industry over beverages and delicious finger foods.
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What Does the Earth Sound Like? Launch partyJune 15, 2011 Toronto, ON
Please join us for the launch of What Does the Earth Sound Like? by Eva Everything on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at Nicholas Hoare Books in Toronto. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served. For more information, please contact Sarah Dunn at sarah@ecwpress.com.
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National Association of Hispanic Journalists' Multimedia Convention & Career ExpoJune 15, 2011 to June 18, 2011 Orlando, Florida
NAHJ turns several rooms at the center into training labs with strong Wi-Fi for a hands-on learning experience. Back by popular demand, the two-room CyberLab@NAHJ will offer continuous online skills training in English and Spanish on everything from podcasting and live webcasting to blogging and how
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Rivers to Oceans WeekJune 15, 2011 to June 21, 2011
Rivers to Oceans Week aims to raise the public awareness of the importance of Canada's watersheds, rivers and oceans.
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Alive with BreathJune 15, 2011 to July 03, 2011 Toronto, ON
Installation by Jules Koostachin
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Video Activism for PalestineJune 16, 2011 Toronto, ON
Video Activism for Palestine - Toronto Style
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World Refuge Week 2011 OttawaJune 16, 2011 to June 21, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Portraits, Videos and Live Performances of Artists from Canada, Asia, Africa and the Americas. In it's 4th year of production, WORLD REFUGEE WEEK CELEBRATIONS features the work of artists, academics and activists from across the world within a large scale multimedia installation.
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Art of negotiationJune 17, 2011 Toronto, ON
From finalizing the details of a new job to addressing concerns with coworkers, effective negotiation is a critical skill, especially for those who work in stressful, challenging and dynamic work places. Using a combination of lectures, participatory exercises, and discussion, this workshop will
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Ness Creek Forest Garden WorkshopJune 17, 2011 to June 20, 2011 Big River, SK
4 Day Intensive, All Inclusive Permaculture Workshop
Establishing a Cold Climate Food Forest with Earthworks & Planting
Low Income/Student - $475 + 5% GST = $498.00
Standard Price - $500 + 5% GST = $525.00
Space is limited; a $50 non-refundable deposit must be made to secure your spot.
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Geek Girl Con All-Hands MeetingJune 18, 2011 Seattle
Come join GeekGirlCon staff to talk about upcoming initiatives, hear new announcements, and give your thoughts and feedback. Everyone is welcome.
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Americans for the Arts 2011 Annual ConventionJune 18, 2011 San Diego, CA
The 2011 Americans for the Arts Annual Convention is the one meeting where you will gain the professional development you need in local arts development, advancement, and policy and also connect with colleagues from across the country including local, state, regional, and national arts leaders.
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Rethinking Toronto Police: a Public ForumJune 20, 2011 Toronto, ON
This public forum provides an opportunity to discuss new and alternative ideas about police issues in Toronto.
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CanSIA Summer Solstice 2011: Here Comes the SunJune 21, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join CanSIA member, friends, solar colleagues & The Honourable Brad Duguid MPP, Minister of Energy. Stand up for Solar at the Third Annual Canadian Solar Industries Association Summer Solstice event.
Event cost $60.00 (includes HST & covers food and drinks)
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Environmental Defence's First Annual Wine BluffJune 23, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join us for a full-bodied evening of bluffing and satire as we taste locally grown wines. Test your wine knowledge and your ability to spot a bluffer!
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2011 Convention: Association for Women in Sports MediaJune 23, 2011 to June 25, 2011 North Carolina
AWSM's annual convention will run from Thursday, June 23 to Saturday, June 25 in the exciting city of Charlotte, N.C.! The Omni Charlotte Hotel in the heart of uptown Charlotte will be the host hotel for our meeting. Located at the corner of Trade and Tryon streets, the hotel features oversized
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Celebrate the Sun and Olive TreesJune 25, 2011 Toronto, ON
Celebrate the Sun and Olive Trees
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Ecovillage Network of Canada Annual General MeetingJune 25, 2011 to June 26, 2011 Ham-Nord, QC
A weekend of sharing and inspiration for ecovillagers and community seekers. Organized By: ENC Board of Directors in partnership with La Cité Écologique de Ham-Nord
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Popular education: Learning to organize for changeJune 25, 2011 to June 29, 2011 Toronto, ON
Popular Education: Learning to Organize for Change is designed to build your understanding and experience in processes to lead groups in social justice education and activist organizing. If you are an educator, community organizer or worker looking for an experiential process to help you build
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Reclaiming the Future of Mining 36th CLRA/ACRSD National ConferenceJune 25, 2011 to June 30, 2011 Sudbury, ON
Please join us in Sudbury, the heart of the mining world.
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Authors of Deep Green Resistance and Seven Stories Press host YouTube video contest!June 27, 2011 to September 15, 2011 New York City
What does “deep green resistance” mean to you? How do you enact this in your daily life? Do you organize protests in your local community? Publish a radical eco zine? Whether through a narrative film, music video, an animation, or anything in between, now’s your chance to speak up;
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CanWEA/ AWEA International Wind and Radar ForumJune 28, 2011 to June 29, 2011 Ottawa, ON
The International Wind and Radar Forum, organized by CanWEA in collaboration with AWEA, will provide an exclusive opportunity for government and industry stakeholders from Europe and North America to openly share their ideas and experiences regarding the interaction of wind turbines and radar
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Vancouvers 125th Birthday Poetry Submissions!!June 28, 2011 to June 30, 2011 Vancouver, BC
subTerrain is accepting poetry submissions for its Special Summer Issue celebrating Vancouver's 125th Birthday.
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The Berlin Blues - 4th Line TheatreJune 30, 2011 to July 23, 2011 Millbrook, ON
A consortium of German developers shows up at a First Nations reserve with a seemingly irresistible offer to improve the local economy : the creation of “Ojibway World,” a Native theme park designed to attract European tourists to this new destination resort, causing hilarious personal and
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Support Canadian Boat to Gaza: Gathering in TorontoJuly 01, 2011 Toronto, ON
Please join us this Friday 1 July 2011 @ the Israeli Consulate where we will be holding a special vigil to show our support of the "Tahrir", the Canadian Boat to Gaza, which is part of the upcoming international flotilla aimed at breaking the illegal blockade of Gaza.
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Support Canadian Boat to Gaza: Anti-War Picket in WindsorJuly 02, 2011 Windsor, ON
Support the Canadian Boat to Gaza "Tahrir" and Freedom Flotilla II against Israel's illegal blockade of Gaza and threatened attack on the flotilla and its passengers!
The Canadian government has the duty to defend the rights of its citizens and international law - not those who violate both!
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Support Canadian Boat to Gaza: Gathering in OttawaJuly 03, 2011 Ottawa, ON
At this event, we will symbolically "launch" a boat to show our solidarity with the people of Gaza and our support for the participants in the Freedom Flotilla II and the Canadian Boat, the Tahrir.
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Women's Worlds 2011: Global feminist conferenceJuly 03, 2011 to July 07, 2011 Ottawa, ON
WW 2011 is a global convergence to advance women's equality through research, exchange, leadership, and action.
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Omar Barghouti speaks on BDSJuly 04, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join us for a public forum on:
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UBC Summer Institute in Sustainability LeadershipJuly 04, 2011 to July 08, 2011 Vancouver, BC
The UBC Summer Institute in Sustainability Leadership is designed to bring together and empower those from a variety of sectors - including business, academic institutions and government - to take a leadership role in developing policy, creating plans, and managing sustainability projects.
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Storyteller Guitar: Author visual presentationJuly 06, 2011 Cambridge, ON
This will be a multimedia event in which Doug Larson, author of the newly-released book, Storyteller Guitar, will make a visual presentation about the book and the guitar, and will also play the guitar for the audience. At the end, people from the audience will be invited to play.
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International Conference on Applied and Creative Arts: Beyond BoundariesJuly 06, 2011 to July 07, 2011
ICACA 2011 will be the 3rd international conference organized by FACA, UNIMAS and sponsored by PETRONAS. This conference is unique in nature as it covers all areas in the arts, namely visual and performing arts, design technology and management of the arts. It also provides discussion opportunity
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Toronto Fringe FestivalJuly 06, 2011 to July 17, 2011 Toronto, ON
The 23rd Toronto Fringe Festival features 150 theatre companies performing at 30 venues across downtown Toronto's west side. The Festival includes a Fringe Club at Bathurst and Bloor with free nightly programming, a beer tent and food service by local restaurants. FringeKids! hosts special
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Stop Signs: Cars and Capitalism on the Road to Economic, Social and Ecological Decay by Yves EnglerJuly 07, 2011 Winnipeg, MB
Join us for a lunch-time book launch - Stop Signs: Cars and Capitalism on the Road to Economic, Social and Ecological Decay, by Yves Engler and Bianca Mugyenyi, Fernwood Press.
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Transition Toronto’s Video Workshops and Film ContestJuly 07, 2011
July 7, 21 & Aug. 4 - Transition Toronto’s Video Workshops and Film Contest
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Becoming an Outdoors Communicator WorkshopJuly 08, 2011 Salt Lake City, Utah
Would you like to communicate the joys of our many outdoor recreational pursuits? Are you interested in telling people about the issues facing our natural resources?
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Blogging While Brown Conference 2011July 08, 2011 to July 09, 2011 Los Angeles, California
For Bloggers of color, BWB2011 is a great way to learn, meet, connect and collaborate with each other.
Angel Laws Creator, ConcreteLoop.com
James Rucker Executive Director,Color of Change
Joel Dreyfuss, Managing Editor, TheRoot.com
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BITE ME! Toronto Int'l Body Image Film & Arts FestivalJuly 08, 2011 to July 10, 2011
Adults: $40.00 All Access 3-day Transferable Festival Pass OR $20.00 per day
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Sustainable Cycling: Pedal to Plate TourJuly 09, 2011 to July 17, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Tasting your way across the landscape of Ottawa's food systems - meeting local producers, pitching in on farms, connecting with food-oriented organizations and cooking up a storm. Unlike our Spring & Fall tours, we will consider youth and adult applicants of any age.
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2011 Native American Journalists Association "Storytelling Through New Media"July 10, 2011 to July 17, 2011 Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The Native American Journalists Association serves and empowers Native journalists through programs and actions designed to enrich journalism and promote Native cultures.
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Marx in SohoJuly 13, 2011 to July 14, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Howard Zinn's Marx in Soho
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The 2011 Native American Journalists Association ConferenceJuly 13, 2011 to July 17, 2011 Florida
The conference will include workshops for professionals and students, as well as the presentation of the 2011 NAJA Media Awards.
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International Association for Media and Communication Research 2011 IstanbulJuly 13, 2011 to July 17, 2011 Turkey
At the locus of 2011 IAMCR Conference at Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey, are Cities, Connectivity and Creativity.The city today as the noted urban sociologist Robert Park once wrote, is:man's most consistent and on the whole, his most successful attempt to remake the world he lives in more
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Enhancing Soil Fertility and Crops through Biodynamics: Hands-on Workshop SeriesJuly 13, 2011 to October 01, 2011 Thornhill, ON
Come Learn With Us CARRVILLE COMMUNITY GARDEN presents a series of 8 hands-on workshops
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Book Launch: Two Billion Trees and CountingJuly 14, 2011 to August 14, 2011 Norfolk County, ON
A Forest Fest is being held at the St. Williams Forestry Station and Interpretive Centre on August 13 & 14, 2011. The 13th is a Family Day, and on the 14th a memorial plaque dedicating the forest at St. Williams in honor of E.J. Zavitz will be installed. The newly published biography of Zavitz by
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Connexions Website maintenance and upgradingJuly 15, 2011 to July 18, 2011
The Connexions website server will be undergoing technical upgrades on the weekend of July 15-17. During this time, the website will be down for a period of time, as will the Connexions email server.
The upgrades are part of a series of improvements being made to Connexions online presence.
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Ballarat workshop - Introduction to ProofreadingJuly 16, 2011 Australia
Introduction to Proofreading, with Pamela Hewitt (Ballarat)
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Live Green Toronto FestivalJuly 16, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Live Green Toronto Festival is Toronto's largest outdoor green festival. It will hit the streets of Yonge-Dundas Square on Saturday, July 16. Featuring hundreds of green products and services, kids zone and more, the Festival attracts more than 30,000 green consumers.
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Permaculture Design Course, at Whole Village Ecovillage (July 17 - 30)July 17, 2011 to July 30, 2011 Caledon, ON
Whole Village Farm and Ecovillage is hosting the Permaculture Design Course for the first time on our permaculture designed farm. The course is a 13-day (72 hour minimum) intensive program combining theory and practical activities.
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Feminist Book Discussion GroupJuly 17, 2011 to August 17, 2011 Toronto, ON
The group will discuss Lisa Moore's February. Admission: Free
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Tour For Kids OntarioJuly 18, 2011 to August 21, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join a two- or four-day ride to support camps for kids with cancer. Benefit for: Camp Oochigeas/Camp Quality/Camp Trillium. Admission: $375-$475.
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Informational Picket re: major Israeli shipping company ZIMJuly 19, 2011 to July 09, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Activists in BC will gather early Tuesday morning 7AM to 8AM PDT, at Deltaport , near Vancouver, for an information picket targeting a major Israeli shipping company, ZIM. Returning delegates from the Canadian Boat to Gaza, the Tahrir, will be among the participants in the picket Tuesday morning.
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Demo: Israeli consulate, Toronto; Tuesday 5 pmJuly 19, 2011 Toronto, ON
Demonstrate against the Israeli attack on the boat Dignite en route to Gaza.
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Words Alive: Open Mic Night with Bianca LakoseljacJuly 21, 2011 Newmarket, ON
Join guest author Bianca Lakoseljac at the July Open Mic Night. Bianca will read from new book of short stories Bridge in the Rain.
All are welcome to read from their own works of poetry or prose before our appreciative audience.
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Freedom FlotillaJuly 21, 2011 Montreal, QC
Stephan Corriveau and other Montreal area delegates from the Tahrir will be at an event in Montreal Thursday, from 11:30-12:30, in front of the Israeli consulate (Wood St., one west of Atwater at Ste. Catherine; Atwater metro station). Bring Palestinian flags and signs against the blockade and in
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Calgary Folk Music FestivalJuly 21, 2011 to July 24, 2011 Calgary, AB
Over the water and through the trees an island teems with the sights and sounds of musical exploration and community, a magic place that springs to vivid life every July for four wonderful days. Step off the edge of Calgary’s concrete jungle and feel the grass beneath your toes, hang with your
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Mission Folk Music FestivalJuly 21, 2011 to July 24, 2011 Mission, BC
The tradition of presenting a brilliant mix of amazing music from around the world continues!
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Andy Laties leads “Rebel Booksellers” panel at Greenlight Bookstore in BrooklynJuly 22, 2011 Brooklyn, New York
Andy Laties will lead a panel titled “Rebel Booksellers” Laties, author of Rebel Bookseller: Why Indie Bookstores Represent Everything You Want to Fight for from Free Speech to Buying Local to Building Communities, will be in conversation with Christine Onorati from WORD, Jessica Stockton
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Gaza Freedom FlotillaJuly 22, 2011 Hamilton, ON
Protest to support the Gaza Freedom Flotilla.
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Towards Eden Music FestivalJuly 22, 2011 to July 24, 2011 Boston Bar, BC
We would like to introduce to you an upcoming green music festival called Towards Eden, taking place July 22-24, 2011 in Sandy Pines campground, Boston Bar, BC. The mission of this festival is to bring communities and families together through live music and educational workshops for the purpose of
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Islands Folk Festival, DuncanJuly 22, 2011 to July 24, 2011 Duncan, BC
The Islands Folk Festival is held at beautiful Providence Farm near Duncan on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. We've got an excellent line up planned for 2011.
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Hillside Festival, GuelphJuly 22, 2011 to July 24, 2011 Guelph, ON
One of Canada's Great Summer Music Experiences
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Growing Green! Sustainability FestivalJuly 23, 2011 Bridgewater, NS
Bridgewater is Growing Green! This summer, the Town of Bridgewater is hosting the 3rd Annual Growing Green Festival to highlight and celebrate green community initiatives.
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Ecology and freedom workshop seriesJuly 23, 2011 to September 17, 2011 Windsor, ON
Come to Windsor to explore this series of workshops that focus on the intersection of sustainability and freedom. These free workshops will offer lots of hands-on approaches to environmentalism and grassroots organizing.
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International Conference on Mercury as a Global PollutantJuly 24, 2011 to July 29, 2011 Halifax, NS
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP) to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada from July 24-29, 2011. The ICMGP was initiated in Gävle, Sweden in 1990, and is now the preeminent international forum for discussion
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Festival Mémoires et Racines, JolietteJuly 27, 2011 to July 31, 2011 Joliette, QC
The Lanaudière region is the living heart of Québec’s rich musical tradition, and Festival Mémoire et Racines is the shining example of this dynamic heritage. Over the course of five days, musicians, singers, dancers and storytellers share with festival-goers unforgettable moments in a joyous
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Purdy Country LitFest Potluck SupperJuly 29, 2011 Malone, ON
Come out and celebrate Purdyfest #5 !
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Blueberry Bluegrass and Country Music Festival, Stony PlainJuly 29, 2011 to July 31, 2011 Stony Plain, AB
This year's Blueberry Bluegrass & Country Music Festival is on July 29, 30, 31 2011 in the Heritage Park (formerly Stony Plain Exhibition Park) in beautiful Stony Plain just minutes from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
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Mill Race Festival of Traditional Folk Music, CambridgeJuly 29, 2011 to July 31, 2011 Cambridge, ON
The Mill Race Folk Society is a non-profit, registered charity and its purpose is to host folk music events in the area of Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.
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Brenda Chapman SigningJuly 30, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Brenda Chapman will sign copies of her popular mystery novels at Collected Works Bookstore in Ottawa.
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Projet ÉCOSPHÈRE, Environmental and Green Building Fair / Foire de l'environnement d'OttawaJuly 30, 2011 to August 01, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Group ECOSPHERE - a non-profit organization - will hold, in collaboration with the Rideau Canal Festival, its second multidisciplinary environmental fair dedicated exclusively to ecology and the environment. The main goal of this event is to raise collective awareness by bringing together key
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Canmore Folk FestivalJuly 30, 2011 to August 01, 2011 Canmore, AB
The Canmore Folk Music Festival is the longest running folk music festival in Alberta and one of its finest. Adhering to a philosophy and legacy of pure folk, world, blues and roots music, the festival since 1978 has attracted up to 15,000 music fans annually from across southern Alberta, western
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Folklorama, WinnipegJuly 31, 2011 to August 13, 2011 Winnipeg, MB
Folklorama began in 1970 as a one time multicultural event to celebrate Manitoba's Centennial. It was so successful it has returned every year since then.
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Emancipation Day Picnic: Natasha Henry Reading and SigningAugust 01, 2011 Oakville, ON
Join Natasha Henry in George's Square to commemorate Emancipation Day. Natasha will read and sign copies of her book. The picnic will feature performances and other guests.
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Fame by Frame: drop-in pixillation workshopsAugust 01, 2011 to August 31, 2011
AUGUST WEEKENDS ONLY: 12 PM to 5 PM - FREE. For all ages. No registration required.
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African Arts & Culture FestivalAugust 01, 2011 to August 31, 2011 Toronto, ON
An African savannah, performances, visual art and African vendors. This event is free with admission to the zoo.
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FREE Favorites at Four presents: Confessions of an Innocent ManAugust 03, 2011 Toronto, ON
Directed by Academy Award®-nominated David Paperny, this is a raw exposé that examines William Sampson's harrowing experience while imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for a crime he did not commit.
NFB Mediatheque, 150 John St. (at Richmond St. W) 416-973-3012
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Media Bistro Career CircusAugust 04, 2011 New York City
Redefine Your Career
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Launch with the Headliner: Susan Evans Shaw & "Canadians at War"August 04, 2011 Hamilton, ON
Please join Susan Evans Shaw on the release of her unique heritage travel guide Canadians at War: A Guide to the Battlefields of World War I.
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Great Woods Music FestivalAugust 04, 2011 to August 06, 2011 Beausejour, MB
reat Woods Park www.greatwoodspark.com and GWMF Music Society will proudly present the 16th annual indoor-outdoor Blues/Rock/Roots music festival in a beautiful 120-acre park and campground on the banks of the Brokenhead River, at a very unique venue, The Moonrise Cabana on August 4-6, 2011.
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Edmonton Folk Music FestivalAugust 04, 2011 to August 07, 2011 Edmonton, AB
Beginning in 1980 with one staff and 300 volunteers, the Edmonton Folk Music Festival has grown and matured to become one of the leading folk festivals in the world. Now boasting a volunteer force of over 2000, the festival in a not-for-profit society dedicated to bringing in the best of folk music
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Lunenburg Folk Harbour FestivalAugust 04, 2011 to August 07, 2011 Lunenburg, NS
olk Harbour is as much a concept, a feeling, as a place, a time, or a festival. Born from a shared passion for music, it's about finding yourself immersed for a few short days in a happening where your senses are fed with musical delights, scenic beauty, and shared experiences.
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Halo-halo: A workshop series for newcomer queer and trans youthAugust 04, 2011 to September 17, 2011 Toronto, ON
Springtide Resources (formerly Education Wife Assault) and our Young Women's Program bring you ‘Halo-halo', a workshop series for newcomer queer and trans youth to understand the issues that we & our communities experience, and build our skills in community organizing.
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National Student Food Summit 2011: Food Connects us allAugust 05, 2011 to August 07, 2011 Toronto, ON
Meal Exchange's National Student Food Summit 2011, is a three day event from August 5-7th at the University of Toronto, for all post-secondary students involved in food issues on campus. The summit will include keynote speakers, panels, and workshops, exploring hunger from a local, national,
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Celtic College and Festival, GoderichAugust 05, 2011 to August 07, 2011 Goderich, ON
The aim of the Goderich Celtic Roots Festival and Celtic College is to foster the preservation and continuation of traditional Celtic art forms through exposure, participation and education. Forming new generations of artists and participants is absolutely essential to the survival of these living
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Festival of Friends, HamiltonAugust 05, 2011 to August 07, 2011 Hamilton, ON
The TD Festival of Friends is as outdoor music, art, and crafts festival in Hamilton, ON. It has been produced annually since 1976. Admission to the Festival will always remain, free to everyone.
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Live from the Rock Folk Festival, Red RockAugust 05, 2011 to August 07, 2011 Red Rock, ON
The “Live From the Rock” Folk Festival is located in Pull- a- Log Park on the scenic shores of Lake Superior. Bring a friend, a lawn chair (low ones are best), waterproof tarp, rain gear, warm clothes for the evening, a flashlight, bug spray, sunscreen, a hat, comfortable foot wear, reusable
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Regina Folk FestivalAugust 05, 2011 to August 07, 2011 Regina, SK
It seems that more and more music festivals are popping up all over the world, but for emerging artists, landing a slot at a festival, even as an opening band, may seem out of reach – a goal for “later” in your career. Festivals can be an invaluable way of exposing your band to new fans and
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Leon Rosselson - UK TroubadorAugust 06, 2011 Toronto, ON
The great English radical singer-songwriter, Leon Rosselson, will be touring North America this summer. Beit Zatoun is pleased to host him in Toronto - he will feature many songs from his newest album - The Last Chance: Eight Songs on Israel-Palestine.
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Ontario Poetry Society: Grass Roots Poetry FestivalAugust 07, 2011 Sarnia, ON
You are invited to attend and participate in The Ontario Poetry Society's members book launch, readings and open mic: The Grass Roots Poetry Festival.
Sign-up sheet at the door. Free Admission. Open to the Public.
More information: www.theontariopoetrysociety.ca.
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Queer West Arts FestivalAugust 08, 2011 to August 14, 2011 Toronto, ON
Events and Topics of discussion will be:: "What Do Queer Neighbourhoods do for Cities?"; Queer Eyes and Queer Ears - Bicycle Art Gallery Tour & After Party; A Queer Story: A Writing Workshop; "240 mind-blowing minutes of Caribana Soca, explosive dance, electrifying rock and a few ballads to bring
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Free Favorites at Four presents: Roadsworth: Crossing the LineAugust 10, 2011 Toronto, ON
Filmmaker Alan Kohl provides a portrait of an artist who provokes debate about the significance of art in urban spaces.
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Cape Breton Land Conservation & Success ShowcaseAugust 10, 2011 Baddeck, NS
Land Conservation and Success Showcase, highlighting our newest property in the Mabou Highlands!
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Herbs of RiverwoodAugust 10, 2011 Mississauga, ON
eople have used plants for healing since they first walked the earth and plants continue to hold amazing medicinal activity. Healing herbs grow all around us, not just in exotic or distant places. The first step in learning what plants have to offer to humans is to get to know the plants. Join Susan
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LEAF's Milne Hollow and the Don River: A Natural History Walking TourAugust 10, 2011 Toronto, ON
Meeting Location: Picnic benches by the parking lot accessed from the south side of Lawrence Ave., just east of the Don Valley Parkway off ramp
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A Hike in Indian WoodsAugust 10, 2011 Cambridge, ON
Join our Education Team on a family hike that highlights the sights, smells, and sounds of nature. We will discover wildflowers, identify trees, and various birds and animals along the trail. NOTE: This presentation and hike is geared for children ages 6 and over. Please bring adequate rain gear,
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Growing Sprouts Workshop at EverdaleAugust 11, 2011 Hillsburgh, ON
Discover the benefits of growing your own sprouts. We’ll explain the nutritional advantages of sprouts, the best types of seeds to use, and the process for cultivating healthy sprouts. You’ll also set up your own jar with seeds for sprouting at home.
$30, including tax
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Labour walks : A catalytic walking conversation in Union StationAugust 11, 2011 Toronto, ON
Kellie Scanlan and Denise Hampden will be hosting the second of three walking conversations on labour history in Toronto. Kellie has extensive labour, union and popular education experience.
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Power Summer Camp - MaritimesAugust 11, 2011 to August 14, 2011 NS
Power Summer will include training in popular education, action & strategy, communications, messaging, campaign planning, and other quintessential organizing skills, while building our understanding of climate justice and how we build a movement to get it. These 3 day, weekend long camps will use
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Pat Mattaini Mestern presentations at the Fergus Scottish FestivalAugust 12, 2011 to August 13, 2011 Fergus, ON
Fergus Scottish Festival is a three day event. Author Pat Mattaini Mestern will give presentations in the Heritage Tent at 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on August 12; and at 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on August 13.
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Fergus Scottish FestivalAugust 12, 2011 to August 14, 2011 Fergus, ON
The Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games has enjoyed success since its beginning in 1946. Begun by Alex Robertson, the games have had two locations, Victoria Park and more recently, the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex (Fergus). The Games exemplify all things Scottish with a focus on
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Trout Forest Music Festival, Ear FallsAugust 12, 2011 to August 14, 2011 Ear Falls, ON
There will be artists from a variety of genres and from all over the country coming together to spend aweekend making magic in the woods at Ear Falls. This August will be artists that are eqqually at home at any large festival in the country. But instead of battling the tens of thouusands, we get to
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Farewell to Summer - Health Walk at RiverwoodAugust 13, 2011 to July 13, 2011 Mississauga, ON
The Riverwood Conservancy and the City of Mississauga Recreation and Parks are working together to provide a series of informative and healthy walks at Riverwood and Erindale. The first half of the walk will be led by a TRC volunteer where participants learn about the park and its features. Then
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Tribute to Woodstock 2011August 13, 2011 Waterloo, ON
Join the local environmental initiative!
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Tribute to Woodstock 2011August 13, 2011 Waterloo, ON
Join the local environmental initiative!
Celebrate with FANTASTIC LOCAL bands, local environmental groups with INFO BOOTHS!!! AND FREE BYO-tshirt TYE-DYE. (some shirts will be sold for $2)
Join us at this free public festival and explore the possibility that one person can truly make a difference!
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Food from Small Spaces Fair - Urban Backyard, Balcony and Rooftop Food GrowingAugust 13, 2011 Toronto, ON
This is an eco fair on everything related to growing food in small, difficult, vertical, or rooftop spaces.
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Geological Hike with Alan MorganAugust 13, 2011 Cambridge, ON
If you couldn’t join us in July for Alan Morgan’s guided geological hike, you’re in luck, because he’s back to do it again! Join University of Waterloo, Emeritus Professor, and member of the rare Environmental Advisory Committee, Alan Morgan, on this guided tour on the trails at rare. Alan
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Nature Matters - Hyland Creek Park Habitat EnhancementAugust 13, 2011 Surrey, BC
Our event is a community based project where SNAP, in conjunction with SHARP, will work alongside residents and volunteers to perform habitat enhancement in Hyland Creek Park, Surrey.
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Extending the Harvest WorkshopAugust 13, 2011 Chesterville, ON
Learn how to dehydrate, blanch, freeze, pickle, brine and can in this 2-part series with Redhead Pantry chef Shaun Funk!
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Sharing The Road – A weekend storytelling workshopAugust 13, 2011 to August 14, 2011 Salt Spring Island, BC
Instructor: Naomi Steinberg
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National Capital Vegetarian Association Summer BBQ and PotluckAugust 14, 2011 Ottawa, ON
The NCVA will be providing veggie burgers/dogs to the first 100 people so arrive early and bring your appetite. Condiments and drinks will also be available. This is a potluck event so please bring a VEGAN dish (with ingredient list) that serves between 10-12, as well as your own plate, cutlery, and
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Organic Garden TourAugust 14, 2011 Ottawa, ON
10 am. Visit the Heritage Academy Schoolyard Vegetable Garden where Derek Rhodenizer will discuss the Academy’s 5-year relationship with COG-Ottawa’s Growing-Up-Organic project to help students grow
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High Park Invasive Species RemovalAugust 14, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join the High Park Stewards for Himalayan Balsam Removal. This is a very tall and pretty but invasive plant. It is important to cover your arms, legs, feet and head as there may be red ants. Please bring water and sunscreen. There will be another invasive plant removal option for those who prefer to
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NEW! NFB Reel InstituteAugust 15, 2011 to August 19, 2011
Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 4:30 PM
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Photovoltaic Training CourseAugust 15, 2011 to August 19, 2011 Woodbridge, ON
To meet the growing demand for trained installers and educators, Kortright has developed a five-day training session that includes theory, hands-on laboratory, and installation components that prepare you to write the NABCEP (North American Board Certified of Energy Practitioners) entry level
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Fusion Landscaping - Create Your Own OasisAugust 16, 2011 Mississauga, ON
Peel Region’s popular workshop “Fusion Landscaping” comes to Riverwood. “Fusion Landscaping” is a new trend in garden design that brings together traditional gardening ideas with modern, eco-friendly plants and flowers. The result is a stunning landscape that will reduce water use and
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Fundraiser Concert for Africa Famine ReliefAugust 16, 2011 Toronto, ON
David Celia and other artists perform to support the Horn of Africa Relief Fund.
Benefit for: International Red Cross/Red Crescent
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1.4 Billion Reasons To End Extreme Global PovertyAugust 16, 2011 Toronto, ON
Presentation on the facts of extreme poverty and how to be a part of the solution.
Admission: Free (donations welcome)
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Harvest Time at the Green Thumbs Kids ClubAugust 17, 2011 Ottawa, ON
One of the most popular kids’ events of the season at Pinhey’s Point has been the Green Thumbs Club! Get your kids interested in gardening this Wednesday August 17, as Pinhey’s Point Historic Site.
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Fiction funnies at Drawn and QuarterlyAugust 17, 2011 Montreal, QC
A night of fiction writers reading, discussing humour.
Featuring Cordelia Strube ( Lemon ), Katrina Best and Teri Vlassopoulos.
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International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation (ICEPR'11)August 17, 2011 to August 19, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Environmental pollution is considered the most important threat to human being and other creature lives. Every day at different places, thousands of various types of pollutants and chemicals from different sources are exposed to the environment. These sources include industries, vehicles, and even
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nternational Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation (ICEPR'11)August 17, 2011 to August 19, 2011 Ottawa, ON
The aim of ICEPR’11 is to bring together the Canadian and international community working in the field of environmental sciences, engineering, and technology, and to foster an environment conducive to present advances in this field. This conference will also provide a golden opportunity to develop
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Green DrinksAugust 17, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Informal social event for people who are passionate about environmental and sustainability issues. More information at www.greendrinks.org/
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Book Launch: Women in IsraelAugust 18, 2011 Toronto, ON
Women in Israel
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Can It! Food PreservationAugust 18, 2011 Langley, BC
Can you do the home canning-can? Come and learn how to safely preserve your summer harvest! This hands-on workshop will guide you through the steps of canning peaches. Participants will take home a jar of preserves. Please bring your own apron, paring knife, and cutting board.
Sliding scale: $5-40
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Book launch: Women in IsraelAugust 18, 2011 Toronto, ON
Doors open at 5:45 - Admission Free - Accessible on demand via portable ramp; washrooms not accessible Tasty refreshments (non-alcoholic) and Zatoun oliveoil+za'atar dipping.
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Benefit Concert For Animal RightsAugust 18, 2011 Toronto, ON
Live music by Jay Pollock, Mercy Flight, Monster Beach and Picturesound, plus comedy and an auction. Benefit for: Stop U of T Animal Research. Admission: $10, stu $7
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Older LGBT Social In North TorontoAugust 18, 2011 Toronto, ON
LGBT and LGBT-friendly adults 55 and over meet and mingle with coffee and snacks.
Admission: Free
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Power Summer Camp - OntarioAugust 18, 2011 to August 21, 2011 Barrie, ON
Power Summer will include training in popular education, action & strategy, communications, messaging, campaign planning, and other quintessential organizing skills, while building our understanding of climate justice and how we build a movement to get it. These 3 day, weekend long camps will use
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Chronically QueerAugust 18, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Qmunity presents a social support group for lesbian, gay, trans, and bi people living with disabilities.
Free admission
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Cycling In The CityAugust 19, 2011 Toronto, ON
Outdoor panel discussion.Admission: Free
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Kensington Foodies Roots WalkAugust 19, 2011 to August 20, 2011 Toronto, ON
Explore 200 years of immigrant food history. Admission: $45, stu/srs $40, child $30.
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Twin Oaks Communities Conference 2011August 19, 2011 to August 21, 2011 Virginia, USA
The Communities Conference is a networking and learning opportunity for anyone interested or involved in co-operative or communal lifestyles. Join us for a weekend of sharing and celebration!
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Northern Lights Bluegrass & Old Tyme Music FestivalAugust 19, 2011 to August 21, 2011 Saskatoon, SK
The Northern Lights Bluegrass and Old Tyme Music Society Inc. is a not for profit organization formed to promote, encourage, foster and cultivate the preservation, appreciation, understanding, enjoyment, accessibility, support and performance of traditional instrumental and vocal music in
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Salmon Arm Roots & Blues FestivalAugust 19, 2011 to August 21, 2011 Salmon Arm, BC
The Salmon Arm Folk Music Society is a non-profit charitable organization that presents year-round concerts as well as the Annual Roots and Blues Festival the third weekend every August.
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Summerfolk, Owen SoundAugust 19, 2011 to August 21, 2011 Owen Sound, ON
At Summerfolk, you can 'feel the rhythm' of a festival that has been presenting the very best in folk music for three and a half decades. A beautiful site and friendly people create an energy that will envelop you at this, one of Canada's favourite folk festivals.
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Masala! Mehndi! Masti!August 19, 2011 to August 21, 2011 Toronto, ON
Festival of South Asian culture with music by Devis n' Divas, dance from GhuMMMo!, South Asian films and more. Admission: Free.
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Art in the Forest WorkshopAugust 20, 2011 Hadashville, MB
This one-day event will feature six artists at work in the forest. You are welcome to bring your art supplies to work on your own project, register for one or more of three art workshops, take a nature walk, or simply observe the artists as they create art inspired by the beauty of the forest.
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Edible Garden TourAugust 20, 2011 Duncan, BC
Cowichan Green Community is pleased to announce its second annual Edible Garden Tour, a Valley-wide exploration of some of the most striking and tasty gardens the Valley has to offer.
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Can't Stop the SerenityAugust 20, 2011 Halifax, NS
Admission is $10.00
A screening of Joss Whedon's cult classic where science fiction meets western. Door prizes, trivia and a silent auction sweeten the deal. All proceeds go to Equality Now and the Avalon Centre.
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Arab Spring: Human Rights In The Middle East And North AfricaAugust 20, 2011 to September 20, 2011 Toronto, ON
Talk by Human Rights Watch's Sarah Leah Whitson.
Admission: Free
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Ashkenaz FestivalAugust 21, 2011 Toronto, ON
Ashkenaz is thrilled to announce that this year’s Annual Summer Yiddish Concert will feature the Canadian debut of Serendipity4, a veritable supergroup including the legendary star of song, stage and screen Theodore Bikel, along with renowned Dutch Yiddish singer Shura Lipovsky, virtuoso Bosnian
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Food Forests Workshop at EverdaleAugust 21, 2011 Hillsburgh, ON
Food Forests are employed in permaculture design to create extremely productive, low maintenance systems, on a small amount of land. They provide multiple yields such as food, fibre, medicine, mulch, habitat and fodder for both wildlife and domestic animals, and of course, beauty. If participants
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Democracy, Can't We Do Better Than That?!August 21, 2011 Toronto, ON
Raymond Lotta, author of America In Decline, gives a speech followed by a moderated discussion.
Admission: Free
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2011 Communications Workers of America National Women's ConferenceAugust 21, 2011 to August 23, 2011 Chicago, IL
This conference is designed with a unique blend of presentations to learn about the past & how to bring about positive change in the future.
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The Reason For HopeAugust 22, 2011 Toronto, ON
CD release party with live music by Mary Stewart, Robyn Dell'Unto, the Danger Bees, Crush Luther and others to raise funds for metastatic beast cancer research.
Benefit for: Canadian Breast Cancer Network
Admission: $6
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Ecocity World Summit 2011August 22, 2011 to August 26, 2011 Montral, QC
Ecocity 2011 is 9th in the International Ecocity Conference series founded in 1990 by Richard Register. The first summit was held in Berkeley, California on the theme “Cities and towns are the largest things humans build and the way we’re building them is destroying the planet. Why not, instead,
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Ecocity World Summit 2011August 22, 2011 to August 26, 2011 Montreal, QC
Ecocity 2011 is 9th in the International Ecocity Conference series founded in 1990 by Richard Register. The first summit was held in Berkeley, California on the theme “Cities and towns are the largest things humans build and the way we’re building them is destroying the planet. Why not, instead,
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Art or Mentoring: Creating a Culture of Nature ConnectionAugust 22, 2011 to August 27, 2011 Georgetown, ON
Join us as the international Art of Mentoring movement continues and grows in Ontario in 2011! The Art of Mentoring is a week long immersion into a living culture of nature connection, community building, and self awareness. This week long workshop provides participants with inspiration, knowledge,
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John Bacher book TalkAugust 23, 2011 St Catherines, ON
John Bacher, author of the newly-released biography, Two Billion Trees and Counting (Dundurn), which discusses the legacy of Edmund Zavitz, recognized as Ontario's "Father of Reforestation", will present his book from 7 to 9pm.
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Free Favorites at Four presents: Nomad's LandAugust 24, 2011 Toronto, ON
They're civilians, yet the military runs their lives. By marrying a member of the Armed Forces, these women inherited a lifestyle they hadn't necessarily chosen.
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2011 National Convention & 8th Annual LGBT Media SummitAugust 25, 2011 to August 28, 2011 Philadelphia
For 21 years, NLGJA has drawn journalists, public relations professionals, and media industry leaders together for its annual convention. The 2011 National Convention & 8th Annual LGBT Media Summit comes to Philadelphia this year. Over the course of a few short days, more than 300 attendees have the
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Ottawa Folk FestivalAugust 25, 2011 to August 28, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Set amidst the natural beauty of Hog's Back Park, the Ottawa Folk Festival is a four-day celebration of music, dance, visual arts and community featuring an eclectic mix of musical performances on two evening and five daytime stages, plus participatory music workshops, special children's and family
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Social justice summer retreatAugust 25, 2011 to August 28, 2011 ON
The lingering effects of the 2008 financial collapse. This annual event brings together people from a variety of social movements - activists from all walks of life. You, friends and family are invited to join us for a wonderful time of relaxation and renewal.
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Peterborough Folk FestivalAugust 26, 2011 Peterborough, ON
We're a three-day festival in the heart of the beautiful city of Peterborough, Ontario - this year Friday August 26- Sunday August 28, 2011. With lots of music, workshops, food and craft vendors, we're certain that you'll love our festival as much as we do!
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Eaglewood Folk Festival, PefferlawAugust 26, 2011 to August 28, 2011 Pefferlaw, ON
A great Canadian summer music experience occurs every August in Pefferlaw (Georgina). On the fourth weekend of August, over 1000 gather annually to participate in the Eaglewood Folk Festival, a three-day celebration of diverse and original folk/roots music. A mix of established singer songwriters
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Barrie FairAugust 26, 2011 to August 28, 2011 Barrie, ON
It's Great to be a Kid, Daily Horse and Livestock shows, Agricultural, Homecrafts and 4-H exhibits, Family Entertainment, Demo Derby, Daily Music Entertainment, Midway and more. Location is TBA.
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Biodynamic CompostingAugust 27, 2011 Toronto, ON
Workshop on building soil health and supporting the living matrix. Admission: $25.
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Tibet FestAugust 27, 2011 Vancouver, BC
The Trans-Himalayan Aid Society, the Tsengdok Monastery Association, and the Tibetan Cultural Society of B.C. present a day that celebrates Tibetan music, dance, food, and art. Proceeds benefit the government initiative to relocate 1,000 Tibetan refugees to Canada.
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Farm Flicks: Botany of DesireAugust 27, 2011 Halifax, ON
A two-hour PBS documentary about our relationship with plants, seen through the "eyes" of the plants themselves. Based on Michael Pollan's book Botany of Desire.
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Inuit And First Nations Arts And CultureAugust 28, 2011 Toronto, ON
Traditional singing, drumming and storytelling, plus the Tundra Trek exhibit.
Admission: Free w/ admission.
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Free Favorites at Four presents: Waban-Aki: People from Where the Sun RisesAugust 31, 2011 Toronto, ON
Having dedicated nearly four decades to chronicling the lives of Canada's First Nations, director Alanis Obomsawin returns to the village where she was raised to craft a lyric account of her own people.
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SSO Benefit ConcertSeptember 01, 2011 Toronto, ON
Gavin Slate, Robyn Dell'Unto, Nancy Lim and others perform, plus baked goods and prizes.
Benefit for: Schizophrenia Society of Ontario
Admission: $10 plus a canned food donation to Serving Charity
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Shelter Valley Folk FestivalSeptember 02, 2011 to September 04, 2011 Grafton, ON
Shelter Valley Folk Festival began around a kitchen table in the fall of 2003, imagined by local songwriter and arts advocate Aengus Finnan. A dedicated group of friends and strangers (a lawyer, a social worker, an art therapist, a recent art college grad, a songwriter, an engineer, a newspaper
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Concert For JapanSeptember 03, 2011 to September 04, 2011 Toronto, ON
Rock/indie artists Atomic Tom, the Envy and others, Japanese drummers and DJs perform at this cross-cultural benefit concert.
Benefit for: Ashinaga/Japan Earthquake Relief Fdn/Global Giving
Admission: $75/ day; $130 both days (ticketbreak.com)
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Permaculture Design Course in Downtown Montreal (part-time, evenings and weekends)September 03, 2011 to October 08, 2011 Montreal, QC
As Spring approaches, we look forward to the next seasons with excitement and feeling invigorated to share permaculture. Looking to gain knowledge and solutions for a more sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle? Interested in making a shift for a thriving life personally, locally, or globally?
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Cookstown FairSeptember 05, 2011 Cookstown, ON
4-H Showmanship, Homecraft & School/Jr. Exhibits, A Small Family Fair.
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Public Names for Public Spaces RallySeptember 06, 2011 Toronto, ON
The City wants to sell out the names of Toronto's parks, subway stations, and public spaces to big business. Join the Toronto Public Space Initiative at our rally this September to put a stop to it!
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2011 National Editors ConferenceSeptember 07, 2011 to September 09, 2011 Australia
The fifth IPEd National Editors Conference, presented by The Society of Editors NSW (Inc.) and IPEd, will be held in Sydney from 7–9 September 2011.
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Owen Sound FairSeptember 08, 2011 to September 10, 2011 Owen Sound, ON
Large 4-H Shows, Quality Quilt Competition, Midway, Demo Derby, Truck & Tractor Pull, Domestic Exhibits, "Old MacDonald's Farm", Petting Area, Antique Tractor Pull
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Fix Our World FestivalSeptember 09, 2011 to September 11, 2011 Hamilton, ON
We expect thousands of music lovers, environmentalists, socially and globally conscious individuals, and persons wanting to make a difference to attend this 3 day event at McQuesten Park, located across from Limeridge Mall, Hamilton's largest Shopping Centre. Fix Our World Festival is going to be
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Chalk 4 PeaceSeptember 10, 2011 Winnipeg, MB
"Chalk4Peace" is a very simple, fun and inexpensive way for people to come together to express themselves through the non-violent act of chalk drawing (which is not illegal, nor vandalism). This is a grassroots event which raises awareness about global peace and takes donations for War Child Canada
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The Case Of Water In The Unrecognized Bedouin Arab VillagesSeptember 12, 2011 Toronto, ON
Lecture on the health and ethical issues surrounding the Israeli Bedouin-Arab community's water supply with Nadav Davidovitch and Izzeldin Abuelaish.
Admission: Free
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Canada's Outdoor Farm & Canadian Energy ExpoSeptember 13, 2011 to September 15, 2011 Woodstock, ON
Canada's largest agricultural trade show.
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A Refugee Camp in the Heart of the CitySeptember 15, 2011 to September 18, 2011 Halifax, ON
An interactive awareness event put on by Doctors Without Borders. Learn about the challenges of a real refugee camp by touring through this reconstruction of one.
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Ottawa Eco Fair 2011September 17, 2011 Ottawa, ON
The 8th annual Ottawa EcoFair - celebrating green living ideas, products and services with Ottawa's grassroots community on display!
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The Great Canadian Shoreline CleanupSeptember 17, 2011 Halifax, ON
Cleanup the shoreline and win big if you collect the most trash.
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FemFestSeptember 17, 2011 to September 24, 2011 Winnipeg, MB
Winnipeg's Annual Festival of Plays by Women for Everyone.
For schedule and other details, please visit: http://sarasvati.ca/fem-fest/
To reserve tickets, please contact 586-2236.
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An Afternoon In The PinkSeptember 18, 2011 Toronto, ON
Local talent and food.
Benefit for: Canadian Breast Cancer Fdn
Admission: $40
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Beaches Terry Fox RunSeptember 18, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join runners, walkers, bikes, wheelchairs and others in support of cancer research. Routes from 2-10K. Registration 8:15 am, run 9 am.
Benefit for: Terry Fox Fdn
Admission: Pledges/donations
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Gianni Giro Bike-A-ThonSeptember 18, 2011 Toronto, ON
Fundraising event.
Benefit for: Dr Michael Fehlings & Krembil Neuroscience Centre
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Organic Magic with WormsSeptember 21, 2011 Toronto, ON
Etobicoke Master Gardeners present Organic magic with worms featuring guest speaker Cathy Nesbitt of Cathy's Crawly Composters. Learn all about worms and vermicomposting - a viable solution for your organic waste. Discover how to convert organic matter (food scraps and paper) into nature's finest
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Finlegsig Meeting: Topic is translating the Dutch Civil CodeSeptember 21, 2011 Amsterdam
Translating the Civil Code of the Netherlands into English. Experiences and directions from the translators.
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Resistance across borders: Medea Benjamin speaksSeptember 21, 2011 Toronto, ON
Medea Benjamin, currently banned from entering Canada due to her peace activism, will attempt to enter Canada and speak on Canada-US border issues, and her work for peace! Other great speakers will also attend to discuss Canada's borders and justice.
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Michael Riordon (Our Way to Fight) joins author Noah Richler on the "War & Peace" panelSeptember 22, 2011 Kingston, ON
In What We Talk About When We Talk About War, Noah Richler explores how Canada's view of itself has changed from a nation of peacekeepers to a country at war. In Our Way to Fight, Michael Riordon tells stories of non-violent peace activists on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. How is
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Online News Association's 2011 Conference & Awards BanquetSeptember 22, 2011 to September 24, 2011 Boston, MA
ONA's conference is the premier gathering of highly engaged digital journalists who are shaping the future of journalism and technology. Record-breaking numbers of journalists travel to ONA's conference each year to learn about new tools, techniques and technologies, to discuss advancements and
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Small World Music FestivalSeptember 22, 2011 to October 02, 2011 Toronto, ON
Small World Music Society is a charitable organization that presented its first event in 1997. Since then, close to 400 presentations have solidified its reputation as Toronto’s most adventurous and visionary world music concert presenter.
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Doug Larson Book SigningSeptember 23, 2011 Stoney Creek, ON
Award-winning scientist, lecturer, instrument maker, musician and now author, Doug Larson will sign copies of his newly-released book, Storyteller Guitar (Dundurn).
More info: http://www.dundurn.com/authors/doug_larson.
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Looking back, moving forward: War resisters in North AmericaSeptember 23, 2011 to September 24, 2011 Toronto, ON
A gathering that will address issues of war and peace from the vantage point of those struggle against militarism in North America.
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JAWS FALL CAMPSeptember 23, 2011 to September 25, 2011 N.C.
Three tracks to help you focus on your professional and personal growth will be offered at JAWS CAMP 2011. JAWS CAMP (Conference and Mentoring Project) has a 26-year history of bringing great programs to JAWS members. 2011 is no exception. The three-track program will offer attendees an opportunity
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Projet ÉCOSPHÈRE, Foire de l'environnement et de l'habitation saineSeptember 23, 2011 to September 25, 2011 Brome, QC
Projet ÉCOSPHÈRE, Foire de l'environnement et de l'habitation saine avec 190 exposants et 40 conférences, c'est le festival de l'environnement numéro 1 au Québec. Tous les sujets de l'environnement, alimentation bio, santé, mode et design, technologies renouvelables et habitation écologique.
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Atlantic Eco ExpoSeptember 23, 2011 to September 25, 2011
$5.00 admission. Guest speakers, cooking demonstrations, eco-fashion and celebrity appearances.
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Shifting the FrameSeptember 24, 2011 Toronto, ON
Beit Zatoun is offering two workshops to help progressive communities and organizations better develop and communicate their messages.
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Go global expoSeptember 24, 2011 to September 25, 2011 Toronto, ON
Are you interested in studying, working, or volunteering overseas? On September 24th-25th, Verge Magazine's Go Global Expo gives you the chance to interact with dozens of organizations offering volunteer travel, undergraduate and graduate programs overseas, internships abroad and professional
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International Press Institution World Congress/Taipei 2011September 24, 2011 to September 27, 2011 Taiwain
The Congress theme - The Asian Media Century? 21st Century Developments from New Technologies to Press Freedom will focus attention on developments in Asia in general and East Asia in particular, with a special emphasis on cross-Strait relations, China's rise to power, covering a nuclear North
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Word on the Street KitchenerSeptember 25, 2011 Kitchener, ON
The Word On The Street is a national celebration of literacy and the written word. On one extraordinary Sunday each September, in communities coast to coast, the public is invited to participate in hundreds of author events, presentations and workshops and to browse a marketplace that boasts the
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The Word on the StreetSeptember 25, 2011 Varies
The Word On The Street is a national celebration of literacy and the written word.
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Diversity and equity leadership institute (DELI)September 25, 2011 to September 28, 2011 Tatamagouche, NS
Neuroscience research reveals that behaviour is dictated by how we feel rather than what we think. Developing greater emotional intelligence – self-awareness, empathy and relationship-building – is recognized as foundational for leaders, especially regarding diversity issues. This cutting-edge,
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Toronto Idealist Grad FairSeptember 26, 2011 Toronto, ON
Make a difference in your career!
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Ottawa Tar Sands ActionSeptember 26, 2011 Ottawa, ON
There comes a time when you need to take a stand. When sending letters and signing petitions isn't enough. When together we must say, "enough is enough -- not on our watch."
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Rally for Toronto: Save City Services, Defend Good Jobs!September 26, 2011 Toronto, ON
Rob Ford plans massive cuts.
Come to City Hall and stop him.
5:30pm: Rally for Toronto: Save City Services, Defend Good Jobs!
7:30pm: Takeover Nathan Phillips Square!
*Camp-out against the cuts – bring your tent and sleeping bag, bring food, and bring supplies to share if you can!
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Walk A Mile In Her ShoesSeptember 29, 2011 Toronto, ON
Men walk in high heels to raise awareness and funds to end violence against women.
Benefit for: White Ribbon Campaign
Admission: Pledges
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Volunteer Futures ConferenceSeptember 29, 2011 to September 30, 2011 Richmond, BC
Annual Training Event for Anyone Involved in Non-Profits
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The 2011 Society for News Design conferenceSeptember 29, 2011 to October 01, 2011 St. Louis
Registration for SND STL will cost $300 until April 30; after that the price rises. So the sooner you act, the less you'll spend to hear keynote speakers like Dave Gray of Explane, and Rob King of ESPN.
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Prosecuting Ecocide - live streamed from London EnglandSeptember 30, 2011
Defining and prosecuting ecocide, the large scale long term destruction of our environment is essential to our efforts to live sustainably. A demonstration trial will be held and live streamed from the UK Supreme Court on Fri 30th Sept 2011.
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FitFest DenverSeptember 30, 2011 to October 01, 2011 Denver
Mindy Mylrea's FitFest Fitness Conference and ExpoTour in Denver!
Join me at FitFest, Denver for new ideas and the best dynamic training sessions you have ever attended!
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Toronto Palestine film festivalOctober 01, 2011 to October 08, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Toronto Palestine Film Festival (TPFF) is pleased to announce that it will be returning for its fourth year! This year, TPFF will take place from October 1-7, 2011. We are excited to build on our previous years' successes and bring you a fantastic fourth season. Mark your calendars and follow us
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Toronto Palestine film festivalOctober 01, 2011 to October 08, 2011 Toronto, ON
The Toronto Palestine Film Festival (TPFF) is pleased to announce that it will be returning for its fourth year! This year, TPFF will take place from October 1-7, 2011. We are excited to build on our previous years' successes and bring you a fantastic fourth season. Mark your calendars and follow us
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EQUATOR Network at the Clinical Trials Methodology Conference 2011October 03, 2011 Bristol, United Kingdom
FIRST EQUATOR Seminar: 'Getting your trial published: CONSORT 2010 and other reporting guidelines' Target audience: Clinical and non-clinical professionals involved in planning, conducting and publishing randomised trials. Preparing a publication of a randomised trial to ensure all important details
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Power and Dissent: A Workshop on Power and Nonviolent Political ActionOctober 03, 2011 Ottawa, ON
A one evening workshop that looks at some of the dynamics of power and resistance: what power is, it's types and sources, how it plays out, and so on.
This workshop also serves as an introduction to the Politics of Resistance Workshop Series.
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Walk 21 - International Conference on Walking and Liveable CommunitiesOctober 03, 2011 to October 05, 2011 Vancouver, BC
"Transforming the automobile city: walking steps up!"
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Core All Energy 2011October 05, 2011 Halifax, ON
Keynote speakers on shale gas, wind turbines, tidal power and more. Presented by the Maritimes Energy Association.
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General Assembly to plan Occupy Toronto Market ExchangeOctober 07, 2011 Toronto, ON
Please participate in a nonviolent, consensus-building spirit. Listen more than you speak, respect the ideas of others, unite in kindness and community. Our solidarity is our greatest asset.
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Celtic Colours International Festival, Cape BretonOctober 07, 2011 to October 15, 2011 Sydney, NS
ince 1997, the Celtic Colours International Festival has featured hundreds of musicians from all over the Celtic world and attracted tens of thousands of visitors to Cape Breton Island. For nine days in October, Cape Breton Island is home to a unique celebration of music and culture as the Celtic
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Geek Girl ConOctober 08, 2011 to October 09, 2011 Seattle
Who is GeekGirlCon? GeekGirlCon is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting awareness of and celebrating the contribution and involvement of women in all aspects of the sciences, science fiction, comics, gaming and related Geek culture through conventions and events that emphasize both the
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Power and Dissent: A Workshop on Power and Nonviolent Political ActionOctober 10, 2011 Ottawa, ON
A one evening workshop that looks at some of the dynamics of power and resistance: what power is, it's types and sources, how it plays out, and so on.
This workshop also serves as an introduction to the Politics of Resistance Workshop Series.
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The Decade On Biodiversity: A Saskatchewan PerspectiveOctober 12, 2011 Saskatoon, SK
The United Nations declared 2011-2020 the Decade on Biodiversity, to highlight the importance of biodiversity and to increase understanding of the vital role it plays in sustaining life on Earth. In his lecture, Branimir will talk about the meaning and function of biodiversity, and its implication
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Growing Native Trees From Seed - 2 day intermediate course/workshopOctober 12, 2011 to October 13, 2011 Guelph, ON
Come and learn about how to grow native trees from seed!
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12th Annual Environmental Film FestivalOctober 12, 2011 to October 16, 2011 Toronto, ON
The 12th Annual Planet in Focus Film Festival takes place Oct. 12–16, 2011 in Toronto. Our film programs will include stories and explorations of urban and rural spaces; wildlife; social, cultural and political environments; farming; First Nations perspectives; public health; climate change;
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Our Choice: A Plan To Solve The Climate CrisisOctober 13, 2011 Toronto, ON
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore introduces a multimedia presentation on environmental issues and solutions.
Admission: $39.50-$149.50
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World Food Day ForumOctober 13, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Join us for our annual World Food Day Forum, this year, featuring a conversation with:
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Haiti Beyond the HeadlinesOctober 13, 2011 Toronto, ON
· Free public forum. Eyewitness reports on weak and inadequate post-earthquake reconstruction
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25th Anniversary OCFF ConferenceOctober 13, 2011 to October 16, 2011 Niagara Falls, ON
The 25th anniversary OCFF conference will be the best networking event for Ontario's folk music community in 2011.
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One World Film FestivalOctober 13, 2011 to October 16, 2011 Ottawa, ON
The One World Film Festival brings together filmmakers, activists, students, and members of the public concerned about human rights and environmental sustainability. Now in its 22nd year, the OWFF features four evenings of documentary film screenings, panel discussions, Q&A's with visiting
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The 3rd International Festival of Poetry of ResistanceOctober 14, 2011 to October 16, 2011 Toronto, ON
The 3rd International Festival of Poetry and Resistance (IFPOR) is in honour of oppressed people everywhere. In 2009, it focused on freedom for the Cuban Five and in 2010, on self-determination of peoples. This year, it is taking place in Toronto October 14 - 16, 2011, at various locations:
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Forests: Rooted in Our CommunityOctober 15, 2011 Mississauga, ON
On Saturday, October 15th, 2011 Credit Valley Conservation will be hosting its annual Stewardship Forum. The day will be filled with a series of indoor presentations and outside activities that will engage you in discussion and hands-on learning. With over 30 speakers from cross the watershed and
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Meet the Producers at Healthy Foods & MoreOctober 15, 2011 Waterloo, ON
Visit Healthy Foods & More in Waterloo and meet the people (and cows!) who produce our local organic food. (www.healthyfoodsandmore.com)
This event is part of Organic Week 2011 (www.organicweek.ca)
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The Work that ReconnectsOctober 15, 2011 Toronto, ON
The "Work that Reconnects" is a transformative process developed by Joanna Macy to awaken us to - and root us in - the source of our collective power to effect change: The compassion and insight that enable us to experience our interconnection with all life.
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Occupy VancouverOctober 15, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Occupy Vancouver is this city's version of the Occupy Wall Street protests that are now in their fourth week. There, participants are protesting against the feeling their government has left them behind while the gap between the rich and poor widens.
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Occupy VictoriaOctober 15, 2011 Victoria, BC
Occupy Victoria is this city's version of the Occupy Wall Street protests that are now in their fourth week. There, participants are protesting against the feeling their government has left them behind while the gap between the rich and poor widens.
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Occupy NelsonOctober 15, 2011 Nelson, BC
Occupy Nelson is this city's version of the Occupy Wall Street protests that are now in their fourth week. There, participants are protesting against the feeling their government has left them behind while the gap between the rich and poor widens.
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Occupy KelownaOctober 15, 2011 Kelowna, BC
Occupy Kelowna is this city's version of the Occupy Wall Street protests that are now in their fourth week. There, participants are protesting against the feeling their government has left them behind while the gap between the rich and poor widens.
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Occupy AlbertaOctober 15, 2011 Edmonton, AB
Occupy Alberta is this city's version of the Occupy Wall Street protests that are now in their fourth week. There, participants are protesting against the feeling their government has left them behind while the gap between the rich and poor widens.
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Occupy CalgaryOctober 15, 2011 Calgary, AB
Occupy Calgary is this city's version of the Occupy Wall Street protests that are now in their fourth week. There, participants are protesting against the feeling their government has left them behind while the gap between the rich and poor widens.
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Occupy OttawaOctober 15, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Occupy Ottawa is this city's version of the Occupy Wall Street protests that are now in their fourth week. There, participants are protesting against the feeling their government has left them behind while the gap between the rich and poor widens.
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Occupy MontrealOctober 15, 2011 Montreal, QC
Occupy Montreal is this city's version of the Occupy Wall Street protests that are now in their fourth week. There, participants are protesting against the feeling their government has left them behind while the gap between the rich and poor widens.
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Occupy MonctonOctober 15, 2011 Moncton, NB
Occupy Moncton is this city's version of the Occupy Wall Street protests that are now in their fourth week. There, participants are protesting against the feeling their government has left them behind while the gap between the rich and poor widens.
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Occupy Saint JohnOctober 15, 2011 Saint John, NB
Occupy Saint John is this city's version of the Occupy Wall Street protests that are now in their fourth week. There, participants are protesting against the feeling their government has left them behind while the gap between the rich and poor widens.
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Occupy St. John’sOctober 15, 2011 St. John’s, NL
Occupy St. John’s is this city's version of the Occupy Wall Street protests that are now in their fourth week. There, participants are protesting against the feeling their government has left them behind while the gap between the rich and poor widens.
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Occupy Toronto Market ExchangeOctober 15, 2011 to November 03, 2011 Toronto, ON
Ours is a struggle uniting many peoples and many causes. We come together in peace and in solidarity, to speak out against a world beset by inequality.
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Racism and Criminalization in Harper's CanadaOctober 16, 2011 Vancouver, BC
With the recent Harper Conservative majority, an omnibus crime bill is being proposed that will double the budget for policing, expand prisons, enforce mandatory minimum sentences, and focus on punitive instead of rehabilitative programs. This U.S.-style approach will further criminalize poor people
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"Dirt The Movie" ScreeningOctober 17, 2011 Kitchener, ON
Join local organic food system thinkers in a short discussion following this film that explores problems and solutions related to our relationship with the soil. www.dirtthemovie.org
This event is part of Organic Week 2011 www.organicweek.ca
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IPCC 2011: Communicating SustainabilityOctober 17, 2011 to October 19, 2011 Cincinnati, OH USA
As the inhabitants of the Earth come to grips with environmental change, they rely on effective written, oral and visual communication to understand nature, climate change, and many other issues related to sustainability. The theme "Sustainability/Communication" refers to the many different ways in
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National Co-op Week (week of the third Thursday of October)October 17, 2011 to October 23, 2011
National Co-op Week highlights the success of co-operatives and credit unions and promotes the co-operative movement and its activities.
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Local Food: What's In It For You?October 18, 2011 Burlington, ON
"Local Food: What's In It For You?" will be an interesting gathering of people interested and involved in creating, forwarding accessibility, and consuming locally made food and beverages in Burlington. Visit with local farmers, local food producers, retailers, chefs and social agencies all making
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"Dirt The Movie" ScreeningOctober 18, 2011 Marys, ON
Join local organic food system thinkers in a short discussion following this film that explores problems and solutions related to our relationship with the soil. www.dirtthemovie.org
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"Fresh the Movie" ScreeningOctober 19, 2011 Guelph, ON
Join local organic food system thinkers in a short discussion following this film that profiles practical alternatives to the industrial food system.
This event is part of Organic Week 2011 www.organicweek.ca
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PEN Canada International Festival of Authors BenefitOctober 19, 2011 Toronto, ON
Words by Design: An Evening with Bruce Mau and the awarding of the PEN Canada One Humanity Award.
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Waste Reduction Week in Canada (third full week of October)October 19, 2011 to October 25, 2011
Waste Reduction Week in Canada aims to raise public awareness of over consumption and of the environmental impacts of waste accumulation.
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Reel Food Film Festival 2011October 20, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Thurs. October 20: *Our Daily Bread*, and short films, plus action on food issues
Thurs. October 27: *Fresh: The Movie*, and short films, plus action on food issues
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"Dirt The Movie" ScreeningOctober 20, 2011 Elora, ON
Join local organic food system thinkers in a short discussion following this film that explores problems and solutions related to our relationship with the soil. www.dirtthemovie.org
This event is part of Organic Week 2011 www.organicweek.ca
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Amplify! A Fundraiser for Media Democracy Days 2011October 20, 2011 Vancouver, BC
The Media Democracy Day 2011 (November 11-13) team is excited to announce that for the third year running, we will be hosting a fundraising concert, co-hosted by VancouverisAwesome.com.
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Building Local Economy for Our Changing Times, with Mike NickersonOctober 20, 2011 Ottawa, ON
As bringing in products from far away becomes more expensive, local job opportunities will expand. With more people working to provide for local needs, citizens will have more reason to interact with each other, leading to greater engagement in local affairs and the consequent uplift in spirits that
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Ottawa International Writers FestivalOctober 20, 2011 to October 25, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Some confirmed highlights for the Fall Season include: Michael Ondaatje, Irshad Manji, Chef Michael Smith, Wayne Johnston, Adrienne Clarkson, Guy Vanderhaeghe and much, much more!
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"Dirt The Movie" ScreeningOctober 21, 2011 Waterloo, ON
Join local organic food system thinkers in a short discussion following this film that explores problems and solutions related to our relationship with the soil. www.dirtthemovie.org
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Canada World Youth's 40th AnniversaryOctober 21, 2011 Winnipeg, MB
CWY is working in partnerships with Kijabe Environmental Volunteers (KENVO).
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Ecofest PeterboroughOctober 21, 2011 to October 22, 2011 Peterborough, ON
Welcome to the first annual ecology festival, Ecofest Peterborough, taking place this October 21st and 22nd at Lansdowne Place. Join us for:
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Indignez-vous / Hope in ResistanceOctober 21, 2011 to October 22, 2011 Montreal, QC
The Council of Canadians and a number of Québec and First Nations organizations, student and labour groups, are holding a major conference in Montréal, October 21-22, 2011. INDIGNEZ-VOUS! HOPE IN RESISTANCE was inspired by the title of Stéphane Hessel's recent book "Indignez-vous!" Mr. Hessel has
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YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard) FestivalOctober 22, 2011 Toronto, ON
Politicians, businesses, neighbourhood groups and citizens share ideas on how to make Toronto a better city by promoting citizen-based community development.
Admission: Free
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T.O's Eco ChaseOctober 22, 2011 Toronto, ON
Searching for an inspiring, informative GREEN EVENT?
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Take a Bite Out of Climate Change - Bus TourOctober 22, 2011 Guelph, ON
Join us on a biodiesel-powered bus tour of three local organic farms in Wellington County and learn about the climate-change mitigating potential of local organic agriculture. We'll visit Ignatius Farm, Everdale Organic Farm, and Mapleton's Organic to see organic farming in practice and discuss the
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Justice for Victims of Police KillingsOctober 22, 2011 Montreal, QC
The families of people killed by the police, their friends and their allies are organizing the second annual commemorative vigil and march to remember those who have lost their lives at the hands of the police. These families, who face an uphill battle in uncovering the truth and obtaining justice
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Rally for Abortion Rights - Don't Lose the Right to Choose!October 22, 2011 Toronto, ON
Anti-choice organizations in Ontario are mobilizing to attempt to pressure the provincial government to defund abortion in this province. Join this counter-rally to defend reproductive rights! Don't lose the right to choose!
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Thinking Outside the Ballot Box for Social JusticeOctober 22, 2011 Vancouver, BC
An afternoon with Brigette DePape and friends
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Winnipeg Green Lifestyle & Natural Living ShowOctober 22, 2011 to October 23, 2011 Winnipeg, MB
The Green Lifestyle & Natural Living Show, the 2nd Annual event is a celebration of all things green. It's about living a natural, healthy, eco-friendly life in Winnipeg.
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Winnipeg Green Lifestyle & Natural Living ShowOctober 22, 2011 to October 23, 2011 Winnipeg, MB
The Green Lifestyle & Natural Living Show, the 2nd Annual event is a celebration of all things green. It's about living a natural, healthy, eco-friendly life in Winnipeg.
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Ottawa International Walking FestivalOctober 22, 2011 to October 23, 2011 Ottawa, ON
This is Ottawa's only non-competitive walking event, now in its fourth year. We are non-profit and entirely volunteer-driven. People of all ages are welcome, especially families. On Oct 22, distances of 5 km [1 hour] and 10 km [2 hours] will be possible. On Sunday Oct 23, distances from 5 km [1
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Nonviolence - 2-day workshopOctober 22, 2011 to October 23, 2011 Ottawa, ON
This workshop is for people interested in promoting peace, nonviolence & social change in their communities. It is useful for individuals who:
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Public Forum with Steve Early and John Borsos on the challenges facing workers in Canada and the U.S.October 24, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join Steve Early and John Borsos for a public forum on the challenges facing workers in Canada and the U.S.
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Connected Construction Writers Association Annual Conference 2011October 24, 2011 to October 25, 2011 Texas
his two-day annual conference features professional development for writers, engaging programs on construction issues and trends, and a first-ever Habitat for Humanity work project with your CWA peers. Plus evenings designed for fun and memorable networking! Mark your calendar and plan to arrive
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IMNA Audience Summit Strategies for Legacy & Emerging News AudiencesOctober 24, 2011 to October 25, 2011 Las Vegas
Join INMA in a specialized Audience Summit focused on print, digital, mobile and emerging platforms.
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Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference 2011October 25, 2011 to October 27, 2011 Vancouver, BC
The Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference is the largest, most comprehensive scientific research and policy conference in the region. The 2011 conference, co-hosted by Environment Canada and the Puget Sound Partnership, presents the latest scientific research on the state of the ecosystem. The conference
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90th Annual ACP/CMA National College Media ConventionOctober 26, 2011 to October 30, 2011 Orlando
The National College Media Convention is the largest gathering of college journalists and advisers in the world. Associated Collegiate Press and College Media Advisers partner to prepare nearly 400 practical and professional learning sessions, from high-profile keynotes to specific, problem-solving
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Reel Food Film Festival 2011October 27, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Thurs. October 20: *Our Daily Bread*, and short films, plus action on food issues
Thurs. October 27: *Fresh: The Movie*, and short films, plus action on food issues
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Bring Food HomeOctober 27, 2011 to October 29, 2011 Peterborough, ON
Bring Food Home is Ontario's bi-annual conference connecting food and farming leaders working towards a sustainable food system. We hope that you can join us and be a part of transforming the future of food.
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Book launch/celebration for "¡VIVA! Community Arts and Popular Education in the Americas"October 28, 2011 Toronto, ON
The public is invited to a free book launch/celebration of "¡VIVA! Community Arts and Popular Education in the Americas
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Coming Home to Earth: Work that Reconnects WorkshopOctober 28, 2011 to October 30, 2011 Dexter, OR, United States
The Work that Reconnects Lost Valley Educational Center will be hosting the "Coming Home to Earth: Work that Reconnects" Workshop to be held October 28-30, 2011 in Dexter, Oregon near Eugene. Based on eco-philosopher Joanna Macy's "The Work That Reconnects" the workshop weaves her study of deep
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Getting Your Message OutOctober 29, 2011 Toronto, ON
This is the second of two workshops at Beit Zatoun to help progressive communities and organizations better develop and communicate their messages.
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Society for Ecological Restoration - Symposium & AGMOctober 29, 2011 Toronto, ON
Reflecting on the International Year of Forests: Restoring the Forests of Ontario
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Bells Corners Eco-FairOctober 29, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Eco-Fair with Displays, Demonstrations, Forums and Discussion Groups, Presentations, of eco-friendly products, topics and services; including solar power, climate change, food production, personal care, lifestyles. Keynote speaker - Elizabeth May. 100-mile lunch, give-aways and prizes. Electronic
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J'ACCUSEOctober 29, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join us for an evening of powerful dramatic readings from Hassan Diab, Emile Zola, and others who have broken the silence and spoken out about the injustices they face.
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Peace SymposiumOctober 30, 2011 Halifax, NS
Price: $20-100
A day to discuss peace and food security with speakers Susan Stephen, Mark Austin and Joan Baxter, plus a dinner and chorale event.
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Caledon Eco Doors OpenOctober 30, 2011 Caledon, ON
Discover Caledon properties where residents use renewable energy, water saving technologies and garden sustainably. Information worth sharing!
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National UNICEF DayOctober 31, 2011
National UNICEF Day honours the traditional Halloween fundraising campaign for UNICEF.
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Michael Parenti: "Imperialism Today and the 99% Solution"November 01, 2011 Toronto, ON
Michael Parenti is an internationally known award-winning author and lecturer, one of the leading progressive political analysts today.
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Book launch - Michael Ignatieff: The Lesser Evil?November 01, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Join Derrick O'Keefe at People's Coop Bookstore to celebrate the release of his new book Michael Ignatieff: The Lesser Evil? Doors at 6:30pm. There'll be drinks and light refreshments. In addition to buying the book, you are strongly encouraged to take out a membership with the oldest independent
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Bring Your Boomers: Intergenerational Dialogue PartyNovember 01, 2011 Vancouver, BC
As technology and globalization speed forward, the generations have become divided. "Bring Your Boomers" celebrates three generations of influencers, innovators and idealists, coming together in dialogue around new and old forms of civic participation, influencing how we collectively shape our city,
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Global Clean Energy CongressNovember 01, 2011 to November 03, 2011 Calgary, AB
the Global Clean Energy Congress will bring together leading experts from around the world in the field of clean energy technologies and strategies.
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Adoption Awareness MonthNovember 01, 2011 to November 30, 2011
Adoption Awareness Month promotes adoption as a way of forming a family.
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Measuring, Reporting and Reducing your Environmental FootprintNovember 02, 2011 Toronto, ON
In this program we will examine how waste, water, energy, emissions and greenhouse gas environmental footprints are the basis for comparative advantage in Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility and Socially Responsible Investment reports today.
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SmartFutures: Connecting Energy, Technology & CommunitiesNovember 02, 2011 to November 03, 2011 Ajax, ON
The Durham Strategic Energy Alliance is hosting our Signature Conference Event in November. This year's theme is: SmartFutures: Connecting Energy, Technology & Communities, covering topics related to the smart energy ecosystem. A successful energy ecosystem must consist of a truly integrated network
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SmartFutures: Connecting Energy, Technology & CommunitiesNovember 02, 2011 to November 03, 2011 Ajax, ON
The Durham Strategic Energy Alliance is hosting our Signature Conference Event in November. This year’s theme is: SmartFutures: Connecting Energy, Technology & Communities, covering topics related to the smart energy ecosystem. A successful energy ecosystem must consist of a truly integrated
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11th Annual SEAAIR ConferenceNovember 02, 2011 to November 04, 2011 Chiang Mai, Thailand
The theme of the conference is 'University Social Responsibility', and subthemes include:
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31st Annual Preconferences And Conference Issues in Book and Serial AcquisitionNovember 02, 2011 to November 05, 2011 Charleston, South Carolina
The Charleston Conference is an informal annual gathering of librarians, publishers, electronic resource managers, consultants, and vendors of library materials in Charleston, SC, in November, to discuss issues of importance to them all. It is designed to be a collegial gathering of individuals from
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Japanese Internment During WWII And MississaugaNovember 03, 2011 Toronto, ON
Talk by author/historian Alan Skeoch.
Admission: Free
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Conference: Higher education, globalization and social justiceNovember 03, 2011 to November 04, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Higher education has become more international, even globalized. Countries such as Canada have developed mass systems for higher education; these systems now serve the majority of the population through a highly diversified system of institutions. While the globalization of higher education presents
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Conference: Higher education, globalization and social justiceNovember 03, 2011 to November 04, 2011 Vancouver, BC
This conference will focus on both the opportunities and dangers of
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Spreading Roots: Working Together to Protect our Urban TreesNovember 03, 2011 to November 05, 2011 Toronto, ON
We're talking trees. And collaboration.
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John Pilger: "The War You Don't See"November 04, 2011 Toronto, ON
The film "The War You Don't See" will be screening on November 4th at 7 p.m. at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Released in 2010, the film by renowned Australian radical journalist John Pilger examines how the business media conceals the truth. Everyone is welcome. A donation of $4
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Facilitation Workshop 101November 05, 2011 Toronto, ON
A major part of movement building is lots of meetings. Meetings can be inspiring, hellish, or somewhere in between. The quality of a meeting depends a lot on good facilitation. Facilitators aren't supposed to run the show, and they do more than keep track of who wants to speak. Come learn and share
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Occupy Kelowna General Assembly and RallyNovember 05, 2011 Kelowna, BC
Occupy Kelowna is a representation of the whole community. We are business owners, mothers, fathers, starting wage and career workers, union members,retirees, students and even council candidates past and future. We are the 99% of Kelowna citizens who feel unrepresented. We are the 80% that have not
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Blood on the Tracks: An Evening with Peace Activist and Vietnam Veteran S. Brian WillsonNovember 07, 2011 Toronto, ON
S. Brian Willson is a Vietnam veteran and peace activist. In September 1987, Willson lost both his legs when he was run over by a U.S. government munitions train during a nonviolent blocking action. He recently published a memoir, Blood on the Tracks.
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Atlantic Green ForumNovember 07, 2011 to November 08, 2011
In it's third successful year, the 2011 Atlantic Green Forum will examine issues surrounding "The Green City" including the value of urban parks, challenges in design and maintenance of industrial commercial green spaces, and the value of green space and park development for social and health
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* Features * Columnists * In Cahoots * Blogs * Books * Photos * What's Up * Polls * Activist Toolkit * Issues HoNovember 07, 2011 to November 09, 2011 Vancouver, BC
This three day professional development will guide you through identifying why groups struggle, how to intervene effectively when needed, and how to empower groups to find solutions. With hands-on exercises and role-plays, plus examples from the participants themselves, this course is an excellent
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Write Now: Introduction to Creative Writing with Ruth E. Walker and Gwynn ScheltemaNovember 07, 2011 to December 12, 2011 Durham Region, ON
Fee: $125 [$110 for writing association members]
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Conservation Arboriculture, at Riverwood ConservancyNovember 08, 2011 Mississauga, ON
This presentation examines aspects of tree morphology, aging processes, tree survival strategies, co-evolution and micro-ecology associated with aging trees, and veteran tree management techniques. Philip van Wassenaer's (B.SC., MFC) presentation includes a comprehensive overview of the different
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Diversity in Politics: Where do we stand?November 08, 2011 Toronto, ON
With the three recent elections - provincial, federal and municipal - still fresh in our minds, let's step back and take this opportunity to look at diversity in elected office.
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Social Justice Hot Topics in the MediaNovember 08, 2011 Toronto, ON
SocialJust Connect is a not for profit organization with the aim of inspiring and promoting social change through community involvement initiatives.
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Ottawa Good Food Box - Volunteer OrientationNovember 09, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Interested in food security issues and public health? Want to support a non-profit community-based initiative? Looking to connect with your community and meet new people?
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Remember Peace?November 09, 2011 Kingston, ON
Authors Michael Roirdon and Heather Menzies join anti-war activist Michelle Robidoux on a panel entitled Remember Peace? moderated by novelist and poet Steven Heighton.
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Communications for a Digital WorldNovember 10, 2011 London, UK
A one-day conference by the Media Trust on communicating in a digital world.
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Voices For JusticeNovember 10, 2011 Toronto, ON
Fundraising dinner for human rights.
Benefit for: Human Rights Watch
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(In)Equality Matters: Social Justice and the EconomyNovember 10, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join us in person or live on the web!
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Annual Dame Nita Barrow Lecture: Shanthi Dairiam Speaking on Women's Human RightsNovember 10, 2011 Toronto, ON
Shanti Dairiam, Founder of International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific and Expert Member of the UN's Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women , speaks about women's global and local organizing for human rights. Dairiam is the 14th Annual Dame Nita Barrow visiting
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Book Launch: "Birth of Capitalism"November 10, 2011 Winnipeg, MB
Join us for the book launch of University of Manitoba History Department Professor Henry Heller's new book "The Birth of Capitalism".
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Rethink Afghanistan: Rebel Films screening and discussionNovember 11, 2011 Toronto, ON
This documentary, by acclaimed Director Robert Greenwald, about the ongoing war in Afghanistan features experts from Afghanistan, the U.S., and Russia discussing critical issues like military escalation, how escalation will affect Pakistan and the surrounding region, the cost of war, civilian
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ACORN 2011 - Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional NetworkNovember 11, 2011 to November 13, 2011 Dartmouth, NS
12th Annual ACORN
Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network Conference & Trade Show
"Farms and Communities: Growing Together"
For more information or to register: http://acornconference.wordpress.com/
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Media Democracy Day Vancouver 2011November 11, 2011 to November 13, 2011 Vancouver, BC
The School of Communication at Simon Fraser University, OpenMedia.ca, and the Vancouver Public Library present Media Democracy Day Vancouver 2011.
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Socialist Party of Ontario Policy AssemblyNovember 12, 2011 Peterborough, ON
Join us at the first annual policy assembly of the Socialist Party of Ontario.
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Day School: Understanding and Fighting AusterityNovember 12, 2011 Toronto, ON
What are some of the forces that are driving the current crisis? How is it pushing forward the agenda of business and governments to get working people and our organizations to tighten our belts and accept their calls for austerity? What forms is resistance taking around the world? What are the
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Nonviolence - 2-day workshopNovember 12, 2011 to November 13, 2011 Ottawa, ON
This workshop is for people interested in promoting peace, nonviolence & social change in their communities. It is useful for individuals who:
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Eco Fair at the BarnsNovember 13, 2011 Toronto, ON
* energy auditors and vendors of solar systems
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Stop the Cuts Network - Training WorshopsNovember 13, 2011 Toronto, ON
There's one question on everyone's minds: What is happening with the City cuts? And how do we stop them? Join us for these interactive workshops where we discuss Rob Ford's newest timeline to squash public services; how these cuts are connected to an austerity agenda that is provincial, federal and
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3rd Annual Community Power Conference 2011November 14, 2011 to November 16, 2011 Toronto, ON
Join us to learn and discuss how to:
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Indigenous Sovereignty Week Toronto 2011November 14, 2011 to November 26, 2011 Toronto, ON
Indigenous Sovereignty Week gathers people together to build local relationships around the dissemination of ideas of Indigenism and to contribute to building a cross-Canada movement for Indigenous rights, self-determination, and justice for Indigenous communities.
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SPRiNG - Superfluous Corporate Sustainability vs. the Real DealNovember 15, 2011 Toronto, ON
Topic: Superfluous Corporate Sustainability vs. the Real Deal
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(In)Equality Matters: Social Justice and the EconomyNovember 15, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Incensed by skyrocketing corporate profits and plummeting average incomes? Overwhelmed by the constant rise and fall of global markets? Director Carole Poliquin explored the unprecedented power of the markets in her 1998 documentary "Turbulences." Join Inter Pares and the Canadian Film Institute for
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Occupy Toronto faces eviction TONIGHTNovember 15, 2011 Toronto, ON
One month and three days after Occupy Toronto began, activists on site were handed eviction letters from the city demanding they take down their tents and vacate the park by the deadline of between 12:01 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 16, 2011, even though the official eviction notice
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Surviving the Future / Environment and EnergyNovember 16, 2011 Waterloo, ON
Alternatives Journal invites you to a very special evening of ideas and debate exploring Canada's environmental past and the challenges of the future at "Deep Roots, New Shoots".
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Food for All - A Food Action Plan for Ottawa - JustfoodNovember 17, 2011 Ottawa, ON
"A Food Action Plan for Ottawa: A Community Vision" is a response to local food issues and concerns. It tackles challenges such as building a local food system, ensuring access to good food for everybody, greening our city through urban agriculture, and promoting health through food security and
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Public Forum: Coups, Free Trade & Human RightsNovember 18, 2011 Toronto, ON
"Coups, Free Trade and Human Rights", a public forum on the changing face of Canadian foreign policy in Latin America and the Caribbean will take place. Organized by Common Frontiers, Toronto Haiti Action Committee, and Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity Network, the forum will feature guest
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Ontario Environment Network - Fall Conference and Annual General MeetingNovember 18, 2011 to November 20, 2011 Lakefield, ON
Conference Theme: The ABC's of Community Restoration through Earth Literacy
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Class Dismissed: Capital's War on Workers and DemocracyNovember 18, 2011 to November 20, 2011 Edmonton, AB
The conference will explore the current attack on workers and unions seen in places like the United States and Britain, and look at the warning signs that this anti-public sector worker wave is already on its way to Alberta and Canada. We will also explore the accompanying attack on democracy and
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Facilitation workshop 201November 19, 2011 Toronto, ON
This workshop will address the challenges of facilitating debates about tactics, strategy and other priorities. Participants are encouraged to arrive with specific challenges they have or are navigating in their activist work. This workshop is geared to people with some facilitation experience.
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MOVE Transportation CharetteNovember 20, 2011 Toronto, ON
Evergreen and the Institute without Boundaries have organized 10 interdisciplinary teams to address 10 different sustainable transportation challenges based on the future needs of the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area (GTHA). They will propose design solutions for 10 geographic locations based on a 2040
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Becasue I Am A Girl: Creating The Most Direct Route To Social ChangeNovember 20, 2011 Toronto, ON
This week Leanne Nicolle will be speaking on the topic, "Because I Am a Girl: Creating the Most Direct Route to Social Change." Leanne is the Director of Community Engagement at PLAN CANADA, and founder of girl!impact. The impact of a girl on her community is profound regardless of where she lives.
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The German Leap: Innovation in Sustainable Design and the Cleantech Sector in the World's Leading Green EconomyNovember 21, 2011 Toronto, ON
In a presentation sponsored by the German Foreign Office, Chris Turner showcases the latest and greatest innovations in German cleantech and sustainable design. For more than a decade now, Germany has been the global pacesetter in renewable energy and sustainable industrial development. It is a
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What To Expect In Durban And Why It MattersNovember 21, 2011 Toronto, ON
Panel discussion on the global climate change talks with author/environmental journalist Alanna Mitchell.
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Canada's war in Libya introduced by Derrick O'KeefeNovember 22, 2011 Toronto, ON
From March 24 until October 31, Canada was at war in Libya. This involvement included not just the use of Canadian jets flying dozens of bombing runs, but also overall leadership of NATO's military operations, under Canada's Lieutenant General Charles Bouchard. All three major political parties
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Public Services, Good Jobs, Healthy CommunitiesNovember 23, 2011 Toronto, ON
Rob Ford's slash and burn agenda is all about privatizing and reducing public services, eliminating good jobs, and undermining communities. Come to an important community meeting to hear how these attacks will affect us in the East End,and how we can oppose the Ford agenda.
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GreenSkills unConferenceNovember 23, 2011 Toronto, ON
CEA in partnership with Citizenship and Immigration Canada is hosting the first ever GreenSkills Un-Conference hosted on November 23, 2011 at the YMCA Metro Central Auditorium.
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The Two Faces of Mexico and the Protection of Indigenous Peoples Rights - A talk by María Estela Barco from ChiapasNovember 23, 2011 Toronto, ON
María Estela Barco is Coordinator of DESMI, a non-governmental organization based in the state of Chiapas that works with Ch'ol and Tzotzil communities to promote sustainable development and the rights of Indigenous Peoples. María Estela has a long history of accompanying campesino and Indigenous
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Roots to Grow: The Need for Radical Spaces in Movement-BuildingNovember 24, 2011 Vancouver, BC
Roots to Grow invites panelists from a variety of spaces to share their experiences and lead a discussion that will help position Rhizome Cafe as part of a network of radical spaces, and as part of a legacy and tradition of resistance.
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Occupy, Strike, Resist! How Do We Beat the 1%?November 24, 2011 Toronto, ON
2011 has been a historic year of revolt. There have been revolutions across the Arab world, general strikes across Europe, a massive campaign to stop the Keystone XL pipeline, and a massive working class fightbacks in Wisconsin and Ohio. Now, the Occupy movement has spread to over 1,700 countries
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Diabetes Toronto Health talkNovember 25, 2011 Toronto, ON
Health Discussion Free Admission
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Growing Healthy Communities - Children, Youth and Food in OttawaNovember 25, 2011 Ottawa, ON
We are planning a community discussion to celebrate initiatives that increase access to healthy, nutritious, sustainable food for children and youth in Ottawa. This event would serve as a forum to discuss the current climate of food access for children and youth, our success stories, lessons learned
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Building Our Way Towards Safer Communities? Prison Capacity Expansion and the Need for an Alternative ApproachNovember 25, 2011 Winnipeg, MB
Governments across Canada are in the process of establishing close to 10,000 new prisoner beds at a construction cost of more than $3.6 billion and counting, with millions more in expenditures to operate and manage new penal infrastructure. With most provinces and territories not having factored in
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Whole Life Expo 2011November 25, 2011 to November 27, 2011 Toronto, ON
Now in its 25th year, the Whole Life Expo is Canada's largest showcase of natural health, alternative medicine and eco-friendly lifestyles. The weekend event attracts thousands of natural health experts, practitioners of alternative medicine and freethinking individuals who come together for three
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Buy Nothing Day (day after American Thanksgiving Day)November 26, 2011
Buy Nothing Day encourages people to buy nothing for 24 hours in order to raise public awareness of issues related to consumerism.
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NDP Socialist Caucus Annual Federal ConferenceNovember 26, 2011 Toronto, ON
The NDP Socialist Caucus will host a conference on November 26 to decide its position on the federal NDP leadership race.
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Downtown East Rally for Housing and Public ServicesNovember 26, 2011 Toronto, ON
Rob Ford and his cronies are set on destroying all of our public services at a time when we need more! On November 28th, Ford and his supporters on council plan to bring forward a budget that will see devastating cuts to services like libraries, childcare, shelters, programs at community centres,
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Community READ-IN: because the cuts leave us outNovember 27, 2011 Toronto
Join us for an afternoon to celebrate public services and protest Ford's cuts!
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Steven Page and Friends Live & UnleashedNovember 28, 2011 Toronto, ON
An evening in support of the Ontario SPCA
Hosted by Comedian Colin Mochrie and Actress Debra McGrath
Presented by Iams
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National Summit for the Charitable and Nonprofit SectorNovember 28, 2011 to November 30, 2011 Ottawa, ON
The National Summit, supported by the Agora Foundation, is hosted by Imagine Canada with partners Community Foundations of Canada and United Way of Canada.
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AFP Congress 2011November 28, 2011 to November 30, 2011 Toronto, ON
To me, Congress has always been a great chance to learn about new ideas, brush up on my skills and meet colleagues and friends. It’s three inspiring days that I look forward to all year. And I’m not alone. Last year over 1,000 people made Congress 2010 our best year yet. Congress 2011 promises
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Community Power WorkshopNovember 29, 2011 Aurora, ON
Join Windfall Centre for a hands-on interactive workshop where Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA) experts will provide you with the basic tools required to get a community solar power project started in your community. Community owned - community controlled and generating economic,
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Magazines Canada Webinar: Generating Buzz for Your Small MagazineNovember 30, 2011
Join Matthew Blackett, publisher, creative director and one of the founders of Spacing Magazine, for a session on making sure your small magazine gets noticed. From public debates on pressing local and national issues to buttons celebrating Toronto's subway stations, Blackett and the Spacing team
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"Revenge of the Electric Car" Free ScreeningNovember 30, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Plug'nDrive Ontario is proud to provide a free screening of the documentary, 'Revenge of the Electric Car' on November 30th in Ottawa.
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PTAC Resource Access and Ecological Issues ForumNovember 30, 2011 Calgary, AB
This event will focus on the ecological research coordinated by PTAC (on behalf of CAPP) in 2010 and 2011. The event provides technical updates of research funded projects, which includes projects related to footprint restoration, strategies for revegetating sensitive landscapes, seismic line
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AIDS Action Now! poster/virus and day with(out) artNovember 30, 2011 Toronto, ON
It is 30 years into the AIDS epidemic, and we are still struggling. New forms of AIDS-phobia, discrimination and inequality continue to emerge including the increasing criminalization of people living with HIV. In Toronto, we are still facing proposed cuts to municipal funding for essential social
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Secure the Future of Medicare: a Call to CareNovember 30, 2011 Ottawa, ON
Secure the future of medicare: a call to care
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Journalism Skills ConferenceNovember 30, 2011 to December 01, 2011 Ireland
The NCTJ's Journalism Skills Conference brings together decision makers in journalism's education, training and industry sectors and is a must-attend annual event for those who are passionate about quality multimedia journalism.
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What's Next Toronto? - Breenbuild themeDecember 01, 2011 Toronto, ON
We're taking the Greenbuild theme "NEXT" and bringing it home to the Greater Toronto Area.
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Digitial Publishing Asia Specific 2011, The New Imperative: Digitalize, Transform, CollaborateDecember 01, 2011 to December 02, 2011 Beijing, China
This year, most agency leaders have highlighted the fantastic value proposition publishers offer, and told them they have every reason to be keep growing in confidence. The powerful numbers also tell the truth, Internet users in China, which currently has the largest population globally, is
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Education for Activists Conference: 4th Annual Toronto Socialist Action Trotsky SchoolDecember 02, 2011 to December 03, 2011 Toronto, ON
'Revolutionary Socialists and the National Question'
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Fall Reflections, with Canadian Organic Growers OttawaDecember 04, 2011 Ottawa, ON
You are invited to Fall Reflections by Canadian Organic Growers Ottawa
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Water in the Urban Landscape: Planning for Water's FlowDecember 05, 2011 Calgary, AB
How can we plan to deliberately integrate and respect water's flow in our urban landscape? On-the-ground examples of innovative place-making can inform our decision-making.
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Movie - SPOIL free/pwyc screening and discussionDecember 05, 2011 Toronto, ON
Enbridge Inc. is planning to build a pipeline for heavy crude oil from the Alberta tar sands across B.C. to the coast of the pristine Great Bear Rainforest. The tar sands in northern Alberta are arguably one of the world’s most environmentally-devastating extractive industries and the proposed
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Cheap Night at The Movies at rare - "The Future of Food"December 06, 2011 Cambridge, ON
In 2011, The Future of Food continues to be shown throughout the world at film festivals, in classrooms, and as part of environmental, farming and cultural events. The film continues to enjoy the support of a wide range of organizations from the Organic Consumers Association, to the Soil Association
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International Human Rights Day: From Volunteerism to ActivismDecember 10, 2011 Winnipeg, MB
50 years ago (June 6th, 1961), Canadian University Services Overseas was born of a number of university based organizations that had recently started sending volunteers overseas. As CUSO volunteers, they were part of an international movement of people with a commitment to social development and a
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G20 to C-10: Repression, Austerity, and the Prison BoomDecember 11, 2011 Toronto, ON
Attempts have been made to shatter our movements. Since the 2010 G20 meeting in Toronto, the legal system has kept many silent, unable to speak about their experiences of repression. Join us on December 11 to hear from those charged with conspiracy at the G20 and those about to go to prison.
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Food Drive and Join us for a "Green" MovieDecember 17, 2011 Toronto, ON
Help Us Support Our Local Food Bank
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Pray for Peace Day CelebrationDecember 18, 2011 Toronto, ON
Pray for 30 seconds in your own style for peace between India and Pakistan. On a designated day a few months from now, let's ask people to give 30 seconds or a minute of their time no matter where they are to pray according to their personal or religious styles for peace between India and Pakistan,
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rare: Winter Solstice HikeDecember 21, 2011 Cambridge
The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year. It is a time of transition, of looking back at the old year and looking forward to the new. Many cultures around the world have celebrated the winter solstice for hundreds, even thousands of years as they watched the days grow shorter and wait
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