Shades of PowerJanuary 10, 2010 Toronto, ON
A women only fundraiser to raise awareness about mental health challenges for women of colour in the GTA.
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Resolutions for Biodiversity, VancouverJanuary 11, 2010 Vancouver, BC
This lecture will provide an overview of bio-diversity statistics, threats to biodiversity and what you can do to help.
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Climbing Mount Sustainability: Business Responses to Environmental ChallengesJanuary 13, 2010 Saskatoon, SK
The relationship between business and society has never been more influential or important. What actions are businesses taking with respect to environmental challenges and concerns? Where are they leading and where are they struggling?
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Build a School in Afghanistan: Stones Into SchoolsJanuary 13, 2010 Toronto, QC
This event is a promotion of Greg Mortenson's bestseller: "Stones Into Schools".
Tickets will be sold on behalf of Central Asia Inst. and the Toronto public library foundation.
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Environmental Sciences Symposium - 16th AnnualJanuary 16, 2010 to January 16, 2009 Guelph, ON
Each year, U of Guelph students stage a symposium which involve academics, private industry, and government representatives. The aim is to discuss pressing environmental issues.
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Environmental Sciences Symposium - 16th AnnualJanuary 16, 2010 Guelph, PE
Speakers will include representatives from Bosch Canada, HP-Eco-Solutions, Walmart Sustainability, Terra Choice, Leader of Green Party, Aboriginal Chief of Ontario. Topic will be the examination of the traditional economic model vs the environment.
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World Future Energy SummitJanuary 18, 2010 to January 21, 2009 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
The event provides an ideal networking opportunity for for industry leaders, investors, scientists, investors and researchers to achieve a cleaner world.
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Open House Art ShowJanuary 18, 2010 Toronto, ON
Support of local artists: bring your best piece of art to Olivia Chow's office and share it with your friends and neighbours.
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An Evening with Rafe MairJanuary 18, 2010 Vancouver, BC
Rafe will be the keynote speaker for the evening, focusing on his views of civil liberties and free speech during the upcoming Olympic Games.
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Can Feminism Pay the BillsJanuary 18, 2010 to January 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
A night of creative, comedic, academic, grassroots, and musical responses to the topic of feminism and money.
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Tallgrass Prairie: One of Canada's Most Threatened Native HabitatsJanuary 20, 2010 Toronto, PE
The Alderville Savannah is Ontario's most threatened habitats . The site is on the Rice Lake plains , with the largest remnant of Tallgrass Prairie in Eastern Ontario. The topic will be how to rejuvenate this plant by perhaps using selective traditional burning techniques etc.
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10th National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment: The New Green Economy (Jan. 20 - 22)January 20, 2010 to January 22, 2010 Washington, DC, USA, ON
more than 1000 scientists, students, educators, policymakers and educated citizens will converge on a highly interactive platforms Speakers and topical symposia to explore how to move toward a true green economy.
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From Palestine to Parliament Hill: Canadian MPs report back from the West Bank and GazaJanuary 21, 2010 Toronto, ON
Three Canadian MPs joined a Canadian led delegation to the West Bank and Gazato document living conditions of Palestinians and to witness the devastation of Israel's war on Gaza.
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From Palestine to Parliament Hill: Canadian MPs report back from the West Bank and GazaJanuary 21, 2010 Toronto, ON
Three Canadian MPs joined a Canadian-led delegation to the West Bank and Gaza from August 7-14, 2009, to document the living conditions of Palestinians, and to witness the devastation of Israel's war on Gaza.
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Dinner for Dignity For AllJanuary 22, 2010 Ottawa, ON
The Dignity for all campaign is hosting a Dinner for Dignity event.
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Sierra Youth Coalition ConferenceJanuary 22, 2010 to January 24, 2010 Edmonton, AB
The Sierra Youth Club is the youth arm of the Sierra Club working towards local sustainability.
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Raptors We Have Known with Ken and KevinJanuary 23, 2010 Cambridge, ON
Father and son team, Ken and Kevin Dance hold presentation about hawks, owls and eagles.
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No Prorogue RallyJanuary 23, 2010 London, ON
No Prorogue Rally.
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No Prorogue in Toronto RallyJanuary 23, 2010 Toronto, ON
No Prorogue Rally
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No Prorogue in Halifax RallyJanuary 23, 2010 Halifax, NS
No Prorogue Rally
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No Prorogue in Vancouver RallyJanuary 23, 2010 Vancouver, BC
No prorogue rally.
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No Prorogue in Calgary RallyJanuary 23, 2010 Calgary, MB
No prorogue Rally.
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No Prorogue in Montreal RallyJanuary 23, 2010 to February 23, 2010 Montreal, QC
No prorogue rally.
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Cape Farewell Discussion with Chris Giesler and David NobleJanuary 26, 2010 Cambridge, ON
This event features discussions by two Cape Farewellers. Both Chris and Dave will relate their experiences and allow for Q/A period. This event coincides with Cape Farewell exhibit.
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Ontario Coalition for Social JusticeJanuary 26, 2010 Kitchener, ON
Waterloo Region of Ont. Coalition for Social Justice is planning for a forum to discuss: "Access to Recreation for all Youth.
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The Canadian Institute's BC Power ConferenceJanuary 26, 2010 to January 27, 2010 Vancouver, BC
There is much debate in the province as to how much power is required, what is a fair price for new power and the environmental impact of new power projects.
BC Power: A Forum for Discussion and Debate
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Renewable Energy InfrastructureJanuary 26, 2010 to January 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
Top three topics:
1) Understand the regulatory framework of the Green Energy Act and its impact on your organization.
2) Learn how to use the Feed-In Tariff Program (FIT) to your advantage.
3) Gain insights into the approval process for renewable energy projects
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In The Dead of Winter Music FestivalJanuary 26, 2010 to January 30, 2010 Halifax, NS
The In the Dead of Winter festival is an acoustic based festival that will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada annually on the last weekend of January. The goal of the festival is to bring a diverse group of acoustic musicians together to not only perform but to also meet one another in a
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Moniker Premium Domain Auction at DOMAINfest Global 2010January 28, 2010 Santa Monica CA USA
Simultaneous Live and Online Bidding on premium high-quality domain names.
The live auction will be followed by the Moniker Extended Premium Auction with Online Bidding Only
Thursday, January 28, 2010 to Thursday, February 4, 2010.
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Get Down with Dirt! (the Movie)January 28, 2010 Toronto, ON
Dirt! The movie tells the ammazing tells the amazing story of the earth we stand on every day and how we depend on it for life. One teaspoon of earth has billions of good critters that make life possible every day.
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Guelph Organic Conference & Expo - 29thJanuary 28, 2010 to January 31, 2010 Guelph, ON
Topics include: youth farming,organic seeds and biodiversity, worm ranching,edible weeds, friendly fungi, biodynamics and an organic response to climate change challenge.
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Pedagogical leadership: Lead from where you standJanuary 29, 2010 Toronto, ON
This event will be a series of panel discussions followed by table discussions regarding early childhood development as gleaned from child and family centres in Ontario.
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Forum Against Police Violence and ImpunityJanuary 29, 2010 to January 31, 2010 Montreal, QC
The Forum Against Police Violence and Impunity is a Montreal-based collaborative effort by grassroots social justice activists and community organizers to create a space that will allow for discussion, sharing experiences, and developing strategies in the on-going struggle to live free
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Regenesis (Environmental & Social Justice Group) General Meeting - All WelcomeJanuary 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
Regenesis is a grassroots environmental, social justice and humanitarian organization. It believes that a healthy planet and healthy society are mutually dependent.
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Seven Days From A Gaza Diary, A ReadingJanuary 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
Inaugural Event at New Toronto Art and Culture Venue - Beit Zatoun
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The Centre for Civic Governance - Making Green Jobs HappenJanuary 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Centre for Civic Governance at the Columbia Inst. is presenting a forum for all sectors on: Making Green Jobs Happen.
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63 Years On: Japanese Military Sexual Slavery and the Lives of the "Comfort" WomenFebruary 02, 2010 Toronto, ON
63 Years On, by award winning Korean director Kim Dong Wong introduces 5 international survivors of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Experiences of approximately 200,000 sex slaves from 13 different countries who were used by the Japanese soldiers during second world war.
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Cheat or Cheated? Gender Injustice in SportFebruary 02, 2010 Toronto, ON
Hart House Debating Cub will present a student debate on whether gender testing is necessary at the elite sport level.
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An Evening with Angela DavisFebruary 02, 2010 Ottawa, ON
The former professor at the University of California and political activist will be addressing the audience on issues relating to identity.
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SafeVibeLaunch PartyFebruary 04, 2010 Vancouver, BC
SafeVibe is a movement for everyone who wants to keep predators out of the bars and put an end to sexual assault.
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Africa's New Frontier: Innovation. Technology. Prosperity.February 04, 2010 to February 05, 2010 Ottawa, ON
This conference aims to enrich our conversation about Africa, highlighting good news stories from Africa, and drawing on lessons learned, projecting trends, and focusing on the many ways in which Canada–-Africa relations support innovation on the continent.
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Cowichan Folk GuildFebruary 05, 2010 Duncan, BC
Singer/Songwriter Ben Sures - Friday February 5, 2010
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Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of Non-Violent Resistance in Bil'in in the West BankFebruary 05, 2010 Toronto, ON
Since 2005, the people of Bil'in, a farming village in the West Bank, have been demonstrating non-violently against the ever-expanding illegal Israeli settlements and the separation wall which encroaches on and divides their land. The village has organized weekly protests with active participation
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Just Work!? Vulnerabilities in the Global Workforce - Community Movements ConferenceFebruary 05, 2010 to February 07, 2010 Peterborough
Discussions centre around internationally focused worker rights, fairness and justice for workers and worker problems in the global arena.
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Indigenous Peoples AssemblyFebruary 05, 2010 to February 08, 2010 Neskonlith, BC
The Secwepemc Nation (so-called Chase, British Columbia, Canada) and the Native Youth Movement are inviting Indigeneous Peoples throughout the Western Hemisphere and the World to come and join us at Assembly at Neskonlith unsurrendered Secwepemc Territory.
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Ontario Coalition for Social Justice AssemblyFebruary 06, 2010 Hamilton, ON
Focus: Local Organizing + inspiring film Poor No More.
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The Future of FoodFebruary 06, 2010 Vancouver, ON
This event is important to raise awareness about man-made threats to our future food supply, i.e. GM seeds, etc.
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The Use of Mercury in Gold MiningFebruary 08, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining in developing countries is the largest remaining intentional use of mercury on the planet. Mercury is a highly toxic pollutant.
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Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with AddictionFebruary 09, 2010 Toronto, ON
A discussion of the topic of addiction as perceived by the author..
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Transition to Low Carbon Economy: the Dutch Approach an lessons for CanadaFebruary 09, 2010 Toronto, ON
The presentationswill elaborate on funding tactics, regulatory barriers to innovation, the role of government, the private sector and other actors in the transition process.
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Federal town hall forum and homeless memorialFebruary 09, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Conservative, Liberal , NDP, Green Parties of Canada were invited to answer questions relating to poverty caused by the recent recession and its harsh impact on impoverished communities.
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Beyond Copenhagen: Finding Our Way to climate action - public panel and discussionFebruary 09, 2010 Halifax, NS
Following the unproductive Copenhagen Conference this discussion deals with: where do we go from here, if we want to live on a healthy and safe planet?
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Oil Sands And The Potential To Build A Renewable Energy EconomyFebruary 10, 2010 Saskatoon, SK
Peter Prebble, Director of Energy & Water Policy with the Saskatchewan Environmental Society, will review the enormous consequences of climate change, the long lived nature of greenhouse gases, and the outcome of the international negotiations at the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference.
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Climate Change, Oil Sands And The Potential To Build a Renewable Energy Society in SaskatchewanFebruary 10, 2010 Saskatoon, SK
This talk will examine the damage that oil sands development has brought to Alberta and how Saskatchewan can avoid this fate. Also ideas will be presented as to how Saskatchewan could benefit from renewable energy generation.
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Stop the Seal Hunt- Seal ProtestFebruary 12, 2010 Toronto, ON
This is a protestl Volunteers will hand out literature, stickers, taking videos and photos. Volunteers will also educate people about seal hunt.
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WinterfolkFebruary 12, 2010 to February 15, 2010 Toronto, ON
Winterfolk was formed to entertain, educate, enlighten, engage and encourage our community about various folk music styles including roots, blues, folk and more. Winterfolk is presented by The Association of Artists for A Better World, a registered Non-Profit Organization, in the Province of
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Allies in Protecting the Environment: First Nations and the LandFebruary 17, 2010 Toronto, ON
First Nations are an important ally and key player in protecting the native plant species and habitata from urban sprawl and poor planning.
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Best Start Resource Centre Annual ConferenceFebruary 17, 2010 to February 19, 2010 Toronto, ON
The childs concerns will be addressed from preconception through to child health.
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My Nuclear Neighbour - CBC TV at 10 pmFebruary 18, 2010 Canada - wide
The story of two women in Peace River Alberta who travel to Kincardine, Ontario searching for answers to questions that are devastating their communities.
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Gender and Sexual IdentityFebruary 18, 2010 to February 19, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Participants of this workshop will develop an awareness and understanding of what this experience can be like, and how to create more accessible and welcoming environments for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, two-spirited, transsexual, queer and questioning individuals.
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Is Marx Back?February 19, 2010 Toronto, ON
The economic crisis has rekindled interest in and anxieties over Marxism. However in the past Marxism could never regain its power over capitalism.
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Frostbite Music FestivalFebruary 19, 2010 to February 21, 2010 Whitehorse, YT
It was way back in 1979 when organizers of the very first Frostbite Music Festival had the crazy idea of bringing musicians up to the Yukon in the dead of winter. Now, 32 years later, Frostbite can lay claim to having brought some of the most exciting acts way north of 60. From Parachute Club to Ani
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Your Food, Your Choice: Grounds for Change (one-day conference)February 20, 2010 Toronto, ON
This conference will celebrate a forward thinking company taking GMOs off its shelves and a man who has fought against the odds. Be inspired by how the organic sector perseveres in producing the healthiest, safest food possible.
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The right to the city: Rally for a national housing programFebruary 20, 2010 Vancouver, BC
A homeless person dies every 12 days in BC. Between the early 1970s and 1990s Canada had one of the best housing programs in the world. The UN now calls Canada's housing crisis a "national emergency".
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Come Join Us for a Sunday of FunFebruary 21, 2010 Toronto, ON
A Fundraiser will be put on for the Women's Toronto Bookstore andthaday will befilledwith programming, performances, music, art, food.
Family friendly event
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Upwind Downwind 2010: Air Knows No BoundariesFebruary 22, 2010 Hamilton, ON
The Conference is designed to promote continued awareness of air quality issues and to address new matters that relate to transboundary air pollution, health and climate change. Featured speakers include the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario.
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Public Forum: Financial Crisis and OpportunityFebruary 22, 2010 Toronto, ON
John Dillon, an economist and prolific writer is examining this issue based on many years of following economic stories and analyzing national and international economic outcomes.
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Toronto Greenhouse - Green Finance Business ForumFebruary 23, 2010 Toronto, ON
The purpose of the panel discussion and meeting is to foster growth in the environmentally friendly business community.
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REAP Business Workshop: Renewable Energy options for small businessFebruary 23, 2010 Calgary, AB
This symposium is meant for owners or operators of small or medium businesses who are looking for options for greener power.
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Energy Conservation - The low hanging fruitFebruary 25, 2010 Sarnia, ON
This seminar will outline a systemativ approach to an effectice energy management, demonstrate the use of infrared thermography and identifying payback periods identifying the "low hanging fruit" in energy conservation.
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Seahorse Social: Cabaret & open micFebruary 25, 2010 Toronto, ON
Seahorse Social is a unique collaborative pub night creating space for queer women, trans folk and allies. This event is trans inclusive.
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Regenesis (Environmental and Social Justice Group) - General Meeting - All WelcomeFebruary 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
Regenesis is a grassroots environmental, social justice and humanitarian organization. It believes that a healthy planet and a healthy society are mutually dependent. We recognize changes need to occur in our individual lives, in our society, in politics and in commerce to ensure health and
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Solar Power SystemsFebruary 27, 2010 Peterborough, ON
A demonstration and study of photovoltaic installation, grid tied solar electric sytem by Generation Solar.
Free event.
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Israeli Apartheid Week, PeterboroughMarch 01, 2010 to March 04, 2010 Peterborough, ON
We are very proud to announce the schedule of events for IAW Peterborough 2010.
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Ottawa Israeli Apartheid Week 2010March 01, 2010 to March 05, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Students Against Israeli Apartheid Carleton and Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights uOttawa are very excited and proud to announce the confirmed speakers for Ottawa's Israeli Apartheid Week 2010:
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Israeli Apartheid Week in EdmontonMarch 01, 2010 to March 06, 2010 Edmonton, AB
Presented by Palestine Solidarity Network–U of A and Palestine Solidarity Network–Edmonton
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Toronto Israeli Apartheid WeekMarch 01, 2010 to March 06, 2010 Toronto, ON
We are very proud to announce our preliminary list of confirmed speakers along with the specific themes of each evening for IAW 2010. See for a complete list of events, topics, and speakers, including:
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Waterloo Israeli Apartheid WeekMarch 01, 2010 to March 06, 2010 Waterloo, ON
This year, IAW happens in the wake of Israel's barbaric assault on the people of Gaza. In Waterloo, a full week of films, actions and a panel discussion will make the point that these latest massacres further confirm the true nature of Israeli Apartheid. Events will take place at Wilfrid Laurier
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Israeli Apartheid Week 2010 - KingstonMarch 01, 2010 to March 08, 2010 Kingston, ON
Hello everyone! We are very proud to present you Kingston’s second Israeli Apartheid Week! This year’s theme is Solidarity in Action: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions. Please take a look at our schedule and join us for an amazing line-up of speakers, events, installations, screenings, and
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Israeli Apartheid WeekMarch 01, 2010 to March 14, 2010
The Sixth International Israeli Apartheid Week: Solidarity in Action: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions.
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The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak OilMarch 02, 2010 Toronto, ON
This is a film screening about how Cuba responded to peak oil challenge in the 1990s. Followed by a discussion on creating a low energy society.
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Growing Food in the City (Mar 3 - Oct 2)March 03, 2010 to October 02, 2010
This practical, hands-on course is open to everyone, no prior education or gardening experience is required. It will teach you how to produce organic food in thr city.
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Bring Food Home Conference 2010 (March 4 - 6)March 04, 2010 to March 06, 2010 Kitchener, ON
Conference Segments are Following:
1) Training for Emerging Farmers
2) Community Food Security
3) Strengthening Regional Economies
4) Sustaining Food Production
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CFI Leadership and Art & Science ConferenceMarch 04, 2010 to March 07, 2010 Toronto, ON
Topics for discussion: Is art an evolutionary adaptation? How do museums sell science? Why do we appreciate Art? Science & Ethics.
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Israeli Apartheid Week - MontrealMarch 04, 2010 to March 11, 2010 Montreal, QC
Join us and over 40 cities around the world this year in marking the 6th annual Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW). IAW is a week of lectures, workshops, film screenings, and cultural events to educate about Israel/Palestine, and also to give momentum to the growing campaign of Boycotts, Divestments, and
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See the Change, Be the Change: Environmental Film FestivalMarch 05, 2010 to March 07, 2010 Saskatoon, SK
This festival takes its inspiration from the Ghandian philosopphy that "you must be the change you wish to see in the world." in this case regarding environmental issues.
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Second world conference on early childhood education for peaceMarch 05, 2010 to March 10, 2010 Morelia, Mexico, ON
This conference focuses on child development in such a way that the children will recognize that cutural or physical differences do not mean that humans are any different due to those parameters.
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GreenEdge Conference 2010March 06, 2010 Toronto, ON
The main focus of the conference is clean technology as it applies to green buildings, renewable energy and the "base of the pyramid".
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River Run March & Rally for Grassy NarrowsMarch 06, 2010 Toronto, ON
This event is in memory of industrial powers like Abitibi poisoning the Wabigoon River with mercury and causing terrible health and economic problems.
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Beautiful Destruction – Alberta Tar Sands Aerial PhotographsMarch 06, 2010 to March 28, 2010
A unique perspective on the landscape of the Alberta Tar Sands. This exhibition is being hosted at galleryDK in Toronto.
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No One Can Stop the Rain: Benefit Show for 4strugglemagMarch 07, 2010 Toronto, ON
No One Can Stop The Rain is a benefit show which contains the views, thoughts and emotions of North American political prisoners and friends.
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Israeli Apartheid Week - WinnipegMarch 08, 2010 Winnipeg, NB
This will be a whole week of panel discussions and film features relating to the political situation in Palestine.
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1st International Green Ceo Summit, Green Techno Conference, Enviro Eco-Tourism Expo (Mar. 8 - 11)March 08, 2010 to March 11, 2010 Bali, Indonesia
This meeting includes insights to strategic thinking on Environment Sustainability Initiatives- Brain of the Firm, articulating and championing the vision of environmental sustainability and to design the business strategy,
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Harper's Canada: Women and Children first?March 09, 2010 Toronto, ON
At the recent World Economic Forum, Stephen Harper claimed "he will champion a major initiative to improve the health of women and children. The discussion is whether Harper kept this promise.
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Israel Apartheid Week - WinnipegMarch 09, 2010 to March 10, 2010 Winnipeg, MB
As part of Israeli Apartheid Week at the University of Manitoba, Canadian Dimension is co-sponsoring two public lectures by Mordecai Briemberg.
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Gathering Our Voices 2010 - Provincial Aboriginal youth Conference - "Our Health, Our Environment"March 10, 2010 to March 13, 2010 Vancouver, BC
Conference Work Shops will aim to promote healthy living in Aboriginal Communities as well as providing education to Aboriginal youth on the environment and climate change.
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Trans film night: "All About My Mother"March 11, 2010 Toronto, ON
"About My Mother is a 1999 Spanish dramadirected by Pedro Almodovar. The screenplay deals with complex issues such as AIDS, trans lives, sex work, family, faith and existensialism.
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Building Strong Communities by Fostering Resiliency in Youth and FamiliesMarch 11, 2010 Mississauga, ON
This event will bring together experts from CAMH and the local community to discuss ways in which we can keep our communities strong. Panel discussion with Regent Park youth.
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NDP Socialist Caucus public hearing: "Should Ontario end funding of Catholic schools?"March 12, 2010 Toronto, ON
Panel discussion of the topic. Public will be allowed 5 mins to comment at the end.
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UN International Day to Eliminate Racial DiscriminationMarch 12, 2010 Toronto, ON
Keynote speaker is Prof. Grace Edward Gabaluzi followed by a multi racial panel discussion.
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Don't get good at what you don't want to be doing.March 15, 2010 to May 17, 2010 Toronto, ON
This Intensive Self-Employed Artist's Course concentrates on enabling the artist to treat his work as part of a business enterprise and will teach marketing techniques pertinent to artistic endevour.
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From the beginning to the Origin: the life and influences of Charles Robert DarwinMarch 18, 2010 Cambridge, ON
Dr. Ryan Gregory from U of Guelph returns for the second in our new series of fireside chats on evolution.
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Urban Shaman Gallery Exhibition: Writing HomeMarch 18, 2010 to March 27, 2010 Winnipeg, MB
Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal Art, Main Gallery presents
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Urban Shaman Gallery Exhibition: Being UnwrittenMarch 18, 2010 to March 27, 2010 Winnipeg, MB
Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal Art, Marvin Francis Media Gallery presents
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Communicature 101: An Evening with Mark LakemanMarch 20, 2010 to March 22, 2010 Duncan, BC
A joint discussion with Mark Lakeman, co-founder of City Repair which improves the connection between human communities and the natural world.
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Earthdream: An Environmental Film FestivalMarch 21, 2010 Mahone Bay, NS
Films include: Age of Stupid, The End of the Line, H2Oil, Food, Inc, and Feast or Famine
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Living Colors UniteMarch 22, 2010 Edmonton, AB
A multicultural celebration of ethnic diversity eventually joining all participants, by joining colored cloth to the Circle of Life Unity Hoop. Aboriginal hoop dancing followed by guest speaker on race relations.
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Beyond Our WallsMarch 22, 2010 Grande Prairie, AB
Sally Armstrong, the winner of the Amnesty International Award was invited to visit this community, as a guest speaker for this event.
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World Water Day at the BiosphereMarch 22, 2010 Montreal, QC
To mark World Water Day! Lecture: A Watersshed of Change: A glodal look at water issues by Dr. Mark Servos, Scientific Director of the Canadian Water Network.
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Life After Growth: Why the Economy is Shrinking and What to Do About ItMarch 22, 2010 Toronto, ON
Peak Oil expert and author Richard Heinberg will be speaking in Toronto about the present economic recession which could represent a break from the past economies.
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The Global Fight for Climate Justice-Book LaunchMarch 23, 2010
As capitalism continues with business as usual, says activist Ian Angus, climate change is fast expanding the gap between rich and poor.
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On Thin Ice: The Natural SolutionMarch 23, 2010 to March 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
Wildlands League ia charitable conservation organizationwhose mandate is to protect Ontario's wild lands and natural areas. Thin ice is a campaign to preserve terrestrial carbon in order to save the polar bears.
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Robert F.Kennedy Jr. at UWO - Our Environmental DestinyMarch 24, 2010 Toronto, ON
More than just an advocate for the environment, Kennedy is an architect and agent of change in the modern world".
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Globe 2010March 24, 2010 to March 26, 2010 Vancouver, BC
The Conference will focus on Climate Change and Energy, Finance and Sustainability, Better Cities, Automobile Industry. About 1200 participants are expected.
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FIlm: The Dupes (Al-Makhdu'un)March 25, 2010 Toronto, ON
Set in 1950s Iraq, The Dupes is a stark, beautifully photographed black and white film tracing the destinies of three Palestinian refugees brought together by dispossession, despair and hope for a better future.
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Green Roots Symposium: Sustainability Through Education and PartnershipsMarch 26, 2010 to March 27, 2010 Halifax, NS
The symposium will encompass two events: The Third Annual SENSE Synposium and a celebration of work done by community groups.
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Radical SimplicityMarch 26, 2010 to March 28, 2010 Tatamagouche, NS
In this area of extremesof both wealthy and poverty, how much is fair and enough for you, your neighbours, other creatures and future generations.
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Yoga Day for Amnesty InternationalMarch 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
Beit Zatoun is pleased to host Yoga Day for Human Rights in support of Amnesty
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Music: Nowruz & SpringMarch 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
Stepping Towards Green-WorkshopMarch 27, 2010 Peterborough, ON
This work shop is aimed at youth councillors and teaches how to motivate youth and reconnect them to nature.
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Changing Gears: Increasing Young People Cycling in NS workshopMarch 27, 2010 Dartmouth, NS
This event has been dedicated toward getting young people to utilize their bikes for basic transportation more and more.
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Spoken Word - Rafeef ZiadahApril 02, 2010 Toronto, ON
With audience favourites like "Baghdad" and "Shades of Anger" and new pieces including "Trail of Tears". Come hear pieces from Hadeel performed live with music by the incredible "Lal".
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Responsible Purchasing: How Consumers, Retailers, and Manufacturers are Trying to Buy a Better WorldApril 05, 2010
Strategies government and corporate purchasers are usingto buy more environmentallyand socially responsible goods and services.
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Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid - Winnipeg LaunchApril 06, 2010 to April 07, 2010 Winnipeg, MB
Please join Yves Engler as he launches his new book: "CANADA AND ISRAEL: BUILDING APARTHEID"
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Kanehsatake: 270 Years of ResistanceApril 07, 2010 Montreal, QC
Free Film Screening on the 20th anniversary year of the Oka Crisis.
Preceded by remarks by a member of the Kanehsatake Mohawk Community, and a participant in the events of 1990.
Part of QPIRG Concordia’s KEEPING IT REEL Subversive Cinema Series.
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Forces of Nature: An Earth Day CelebrationApril 07, 2010 to April 11, 2010 Toronto, ON
In collaboration with Earth Day Canada, Tafelmusik presents a one-of-a-kind Earth Day celebration entitled Forces of Nature!
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Women's open mic night - That's Women's Work - Arts gallery and rental spsceApril 08, 2010 to April 09, 2010 Toronto, ON
An invitation to all singers, writers, musicians, comedians. Try new material, connect with the community or try first public appearance.
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Music: Harp from Latin AmericaApril 09, 2010 Toronto, ON
Captivating and Ethereal Latin Rhythms!
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FilKONtarioApril 09, 2010 to April 11, 2010 Hamilton, ON
Secular progressive community passover third seyderApril 10, 2010 Toronto, ON
David Wall and Toronto Jewish Folk Choir retell in song the story of the exodus of the Jews from Egyptian slavery to freedom.
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Women and girls who are victims of human rights abusesApril 11, 2010 Toronto, ON
The event will deal with the plight of women and girls who are victims of human rights abusesas a result of armed conflict and who are now living in Canada, many in our city.
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Ontario Nonprofit Network 2010 Provincial ConferenceApril 12, 2010 to April 13, 2010 Toronto, PE
The ONN is holding its annual province wide forum for non-profits and charities in Ontario. This conference helps to coordinate the various non-profit organizations.
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Eco Tours and Exhibition 2010 (Apr. 12 - 16)April 12, 2010 to April 16, 2010 Missiissauga, ON
Objective is to equip emerging sustainability leaders from Africa with the skills and knowledge needed to begin to address the challenges, and to explore the opportunities that Climate Change presents to the sustainable urban development of these countries.
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Solar Energy for Today and Tomorrow (course)April 12, 2010 to May 03, 2010 Victoria, BC
Harnessing solar energy today is not only possible but practical.Explore real world applications.
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Ontario Nonprofit Network 2010 Provincial ForumApril 13, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Ontario Nonprofit Network is holding its annual province-wide forum for nonprofits and charities in Ontario. This is a chance to come together and collaborate with your nonprofit colleagues on broad, cross-sectoral issues.
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FemCab 2010April 13, 2010 Toronto, ON
The only cabaret in town where politics and art come together an irreverant, humorous, shameless celebrartion of women's success.
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The Race to Sustainability: Essential Tools for Clean Technology CommercializationApril 14, 2010
NI is holding a live cross-Canada webcast on Apr.14. The tools presented here will assist in obtaining the funding necessay for various green programs.
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The Art of PeaceApril 14, 2010 Calgary, AB
The group uses story, puppetry, music, laughter yoga, breathing or visual arts to help young people focus on peace with self, nature, family, community and the world.
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Making the Most of the Water We Have (course, Apr.14-18)April 14, 2010 to April 28, 2010 Victoria, BC
Join leading practitionrs in water policy and sustainable management to learn about contemporary water issues.
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Ian McEwanApril 15, 2010 Vancouver, BC
About Ian McEwen's new novel "Solar", it is a darkly comic, satirical look atclimate change - a stylish new work by one of the world's greatest living writers.
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Environmental Speakers NightApril 15, 2010 Palgrave, ON
Ruth Zaugg will be sharing a presentation on how to cut down a little on our meat and dairy consumption. Recipes and sample foods will be available.
Other speakers will appear re: other green topics, re: disposal of computers and accessories.
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Poetry Reading & Book Launch: Ehab LotayefApril 16, 2010 Toronto, ON
Launch for Ehab Lotayef's poetry book "To Love a Palestinian Woman" Ehab Lotayef's collection of poetry, "To Love a Palestinian Woman" from TSAR Publications of Toronto will be launched at the Beit Zatoun on Friday, April 16 at 6:00 PM. Ehab will read from his poetry in Arabic and in translation.
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Celebrate 10 Years of Authentic Journalism with Narco NewsApril 17, 2010 Brroklyn NY USA
A benefit for the Fund for Authentic Journalism.
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Weekly Film and Discussion EveningsApril 18, 2010 to June 21, 2010 Toronto, ON
This is a series of film and discussion evenings on Family of Origin Dysfunction Issues.
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Live Green St. Andrew's College FestivalApril 20, 2010 Aurora, ON
For detailed information please contact college by phone: Devin Healy: 647-236-9270
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Earthfest 2010April 21, 2010 Kitchener, ON
This event includes bands, arts, food, activities...all earth-friendly fare.
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6th Global Investigative Journalism ConferenceApril 22, 2010 to April 25, 2010 Geneva, Switzerland
Like our brilliant colleagues in Lillehammer, we are aiming for a hundred panels, workshops, roundtables and plenary conferences. We are going to place a focus on the financial and economic crisis and some famous panelists, familiar with the obscure matter of hedge funds and tax havens, have already
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London Lesbian Film FestivalApril 23, 2010 to April 25, 2010 London, ON
The London Lesbian Film Festival is held every year in London, Ontario and aims to portray the richness and diversity of lesbian experiences as well as strengthening lesbian & gay communities. Held throughout 3 days, with 2-3 hours of screening time, films presented within the Festival project
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Carlton Place Environmental FairApril 24, 2010 Carleton Place, ON
Local family oriented day based on educational, environment focused activities, businesses, groups etc.
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Procession of the SpeciesApril 24, 2010 Kitchener, PE
Procession of the Species is a community arts-based Earth Day celebration where people flood the street to flaunt their favorite species.
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CHEMERICAL- a shocking tale about the products use to clean our homes and bodies.April 25, 2010 Toronto, ON
This is a documentary film with a shocking message about the toxicity of house cleaning chemicals.
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Drink This! Voices from Downstream of the Tar SandsApril 27, 2010 Halifax, NS
This event will demonstrate the effects the tar sands development has on the people downstream of the greatest project on earth.
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Wild Wonders - Selections from the International Wildlife Film FestivalApril 28, 2010 Nelson, NB
The TLC of BC offers some woderful documentaries such as: Wild Wonders, Nature's Great Events, Wetlands and Wonder, Disturbance.
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Biodiesel BasicsApril 29, 2010 Sarnia, ON
A comprehensive overview of bio-diesel manufacture; why pilot trials are necessary and what other details need to be addressed.
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Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary FestivalApril 29, 2010 to May 09, 2010 Toronto, ON
Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival is North America's largest documentary festival, conference and market. Each year, the Festival presents a selection of more than 150 cutting-edge documentaries from Canada and around the globe. Hot Docs, running April 29 - May 9, 2010, will
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Darwin's Nightware: A documentaryApril 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
This film exposes an immoral and greed motivated scenario where fish from Africa is traded for weapons for insurgencies in the interior of Africa etc. Russian pilots and even Tanzanian prostitutes enter the picture.
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The Oath: A DocumentaryApril 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
This documentary offers a disturbing look inside Al-Qqaida through the eyes of two former personal bodyguards. Filmed i Yemen the film shows weapons in close proximity to children.
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Gasland: A documentaryApril 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
Recenly developed gas fracking techniques have resulted in a slew of environmental problems, including a poisoned water table which threatens family water supply.
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Meaningful Work : Green Jobs + Social Innovation RetreatApril 30, 2010 to May 02, 2010 AB
This program is an opportunity to provide a forum for young professionals to network with successful persons involved in the green industry.
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Doors Open Whitby 2010May 01, 2010 Whitby, ON
Part of the Doors Open Ontario 2010 series of events.
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May Day MarchMay 01, 2010 Toronto, ON
This is a family friendly march to commemorate the plight of workers around the globe.
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Future Folk (Sulong Theatre Collective)May 02, 2010 Toronto, ON
Over the course of 45 mins, the play Future Folk, will allow the audience to live through the 24 months of service required by Filipino nannies under Canada's Live-In Caregiver Program.
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I bought a Rainforest: A documentaryMay 02, 2010 to May 03, 2010 Toronto, ON
An amusing story of young man trying to find the tree he planted in the Rainforest twenty years prior to the event of planting.
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18th European Biomass Conferenceans ExhibitionMay 03, 2010 to May 07, 2010 Lyon, France
For 30 years now, the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition has combined a very renowned international Scientific Conference with an Industry Exhibition.
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According to the Earth (Ecology + Art= Culture)May 05, 2010 Sarnia, ON
Shawn McKnight will share in his extraordinary and exceptional exploits and accomplishments in the environmental projects that he participated in.
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Reading & Film: Refusing to be EnemiesMay 06, 2010 Toronto, ON
Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta talks about her book, Refusing to be Enemies: Palestinian and Israeli Nonviolent Resistance to the Israeli Occupation, which presents the voices of over 100 practitioners and theorists of nonviolence. The vast majority are either Palestinian or Israeli reflecting on their own
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American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein-a documentaryMay 06, 2010 Toronto, ON
Finkelstein is the son of a Holocaust survivor, the victim of an academic witchhunt, and a fierce opponent of Israeli's repression of Palestinians. This is the story of his struggles.
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Reading and Films: Refusing to be EnemiesMay 06, 2010 Toronto, ON
Maxine Kaufman Lacosta talks about her book: Refusing to be Enemies which projects the voices of Isreali and Palestinian opponents to Israeli occupation. There is also a showing of the film of the book.
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Exhibit: Wall Hangings from BoliviaMay 07, 2010 Toronto, ON
Reception: Friday May 7, 7pm to 9pm
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Cochabamba Report BackMay 07, 2010 Toronto, ON
Report back in Toronto, May 7, from delegates who attended World People's Conference on Climate Change in Cochabamba, Bolivia, Apr.19 - 22.
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World Fair Trade DayMay 08, 2010 Toronto, ON
Beit Zatoun is hosting World Fair Trade Day which falls on the day before Mother's Day - surprise! Guaranteed - you will find something for your Mom and/or yourself.
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Primitive LivingMay 09, 2010 to May 14, 2010 Golden Lake, ON
A week of instruction into tracking and nature awareness, bow drill fire starting, bowl burning, stone and fire cooking, primitive shelters.
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Flicks: 15th Saskatchewan International Youth Film FestivalMay 12, 2010 to March 15, 2010 Saskatoon, SK
Founded in 1995, Flicks produces the only annual film festival exclusively for young people in the province of Saskatchewan. Now entering its 15th year, Flicks represents a opportunity for children and youth to view international films they would otherwise not have the opportunity to see, as well as
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A very merry un-anniversaryMay 12, 2010 to May 13, 2010 Toronto, ON
Over the past ten years Peace Theatre provided arts-based peace-building programming to 10,000 at-risk children and youth in Toronto. We can't allow it to close. Come out for this charity event!
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Film: Memory & Memorialization - Remembering the NakbaMay 13, 2010 Toronto, ON
The screening of two short videos and a moderated discussion explores the basis of memory and the human need to memorialize. For many the Nakba references a specific history, for others it provokes questions of memory and personal loss, of collective loss and finally, the loss of truth or recorded
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Problematic Substance use PregnancyMay 14, 2010 London, ON
This will be an intensive all-day workshop to increase the knowledge of health and addiction professionals about prenatal use of alcohol, tobacco, cocaine etc.
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Chelmsford Fiddle & Stepdance FestivalMay 14, 2010 to May 15, 2010 Chelmford, ON
Greenpiece Actions Training OpportunityMay 14, 2010 to June 16, 2010 Halifax, ON
This is an intensive weekend long training program that includes an introduction to Greenpiece and non-violent direct action, legal briefing, action simulation and much more.
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Workshop: Activist Groups & the LawMay 15, 2010 Toronto, ON
Legal expert and area specialist Richard Bridge will be hosting a workshop on legal guidance for NGOs, Non-Profits and charities.
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Workshop: Activist Groups and the LawMay 15, 2010 Toronto, ON
Workshop for individuals and formal and informal groups seeking expert information and guidance about Canadian law relating to Non-profit organizations and charities.
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EcoMentors Train-the-TrainerMay 15, 2010 Oakville, ON
Earth Day Canada"s EcoMentors program provides training, supprtand rewards for youth across Canada to facilitate peer-led environmental workshops in their communities.
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Medical miracles: doctors, saints, and healing in the modern worldMay 17, 2010 Ottawa, ON
A talk by Dr Jacalyn Duffin, Hannah Chair, History of Medicine, Queen’s University.
Modern culture may separate medicine and miracles, but their histories are closely intertwined
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The Global Forest, with Diana KroegerMay 17, 2010 Toronto, ON
In this talk, Diana will espouse the intrinsic values of particular trees and explain her hopes of reforesting the planet.
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Sharing Our Fairtrade StoriesMay 17, 2010 Toronto, ON
Elizabeth Fedorkow will speak about her recent visitto Peru and coffee farmers/members of Cepicafe & Centrocafe
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The CO2 Crisis from the top down.May 19, 2010 Toronto, ON
An Evening with Alana Mitchell, environmentalist, information from the top down, the story of why the CO2 issue has fizzled out in the media.
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Socialism 2010, An international, educational conference in TorontoMay 20, 2010 to May 23, 2010 Toronto, ON
Socialist studies. For more info:
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People's Street SummitMay 21, 2010 Vancouver, BC
The summit's theme is "Universities and Communities: transition to a sustainable future." The proposition is that the oil and pharmaceutical industries are the problem and that universities are serving the interest of corporations and not communities.
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It takes a university: Child care and post secondary institutionsMay 21, 2010 to May 22, 2010 Vancouver, ON
There is a child care wait time crisis at Canadian post-secondary institutions. There are 1500 children on the waiting list for access to childcare at U. of Br. Columbia.
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An Evening with Peter Steven, author of The NewsMay 25, 2010 Toronto, ON
Accoding to Peter Steven the news media is suffering from a massive crisis in basic quality. Also the myths and prospects for on-line news.
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Value of Water Program: Lessons fronm Abroad and the homefront: Governance, Technology and InnovationMay 26, 2010 Toronto, ON
Future issues with drinking water purity need to be studied in the face off population growth and increasing variety of pollutants. Pollution of ocean waters is of serious concern.
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Climate Adaptation Workshop & Policy DialogueMay 26, 2010 to May 27, 2010 Ottawa, ON
This event consists of a Workshop the first day and a Policy Dialogue the second to discuss technical details offered by experts and also how these change environmental policy.
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Media Matters: Practical Guidance for advocates dealing with the mediaMay 27, 2010 Hamilton, ON
Despite years of advocacy, many in the media continue to perpetuate damaging myths about sexual assault, incest and date rape. Discussion as to how to handle high profile media cases of sexual crime.
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Yorkton Film FestivalMay 27, 2010 to May 30, 2010 Yorkton, SK
Established in 1947, The Yorkton Film Festival is the self-proclaimed oldest film festival in North America, presenting a variety of shorts, documentaries and videos from Canadian & International filmmakers. In the 63 years of its existence, the Festival has developed a tradition of recognizing
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Fairy Tales International Gay & Lesbian Film FestivalMay 27, 2010 to June 04, 2010 Calgary, AB
Through Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers and later, the Fairytales Presentation Society, the Fairy Tales International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival will be seeing it's 12th year in the upcoming month of May. The three main objectives the Festival sets to accomplish are: to bring a rich
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Congress 2010 of the Humanities and Social SciencesMay 28, 2010 to June 01, 2010 Montreal, QC
A world class scholarly event, the the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciencesis a national celebration of intellectual life and scholarly work in Canada. Each year over 8,000 researchers, graduate students, practitioners and policy makers from across the country gather to share research and
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The 2010 Montreal Anarchist BookfairMay 29, 2010 to May 30, 2010 Montreal, QC
The 2010 Montreal Anarchist Bookfair will take place on the weekend of May 29 - May 30 at the CEDA (2515 Delisle, metro Lionel Groulx).
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Emergency Picket Today May 31- 5:00 - 7:00 pm outside Israeli Consulate in TorontoMay 31, 2010 Toronto, ON
Israel has used military force on the peaceful flotilla taking humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip. Israel has murdered several unarmed civilians (at least 10 confirmed so far). Again we see the Israeli apartheid state acting with full impunity outside the boundaries of international law
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West Bank Graphic Novel Series LaunchJune 01, 2010 Toronto, ON
West Bank Graphic Novel Stories is a graphic novel featuring twelve stories drawn and written by university students of An-Najah National University in the city of Nablus, Palestine.
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Exhibit: Stitching for Peace and JusticeJune 03, 2010 Toronto, ON
Reception: Thursday, June 3, 7:00 to 9:00 pm
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Book Launch: Izzeldin Abuelaish - I Shall Not HateJune 04, 2010 Toronto, ON
Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish is the doctor from Gaza whose three daughters were killed during the War on Gaza in January 2009.
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Carden Nature FestivalJune 04, 2010 to June 06, 2010 Orillia, ON
A whole lot of nature related activities such asbird watching, exploring, monarch butterfliesinsects, reptiles, wilderness hikes.
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Toronto Hydro's Great Exchange EventJune 05, 2010 to June 20, 2010 Toronto, NU
Bring in your old electric appliances and get free exchanges and gift certificates. This is to upgrade to new, more efficient models.
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WHEN's Leaside EcoFair - Women's Healthy Environs NetworkJune 05, 2010 to July 05, 2010 Toronto, ON
WHEN is an organization which warns women of potential dangers to homebound chemical products and other environmental concerns. This fair is related to safety, environment, kids, family.
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The Biosphere is 15 years old! Open House, June 5 & 6June 06, 2010 Montreal, ON
Open House at the only environmental museum in North America! Ecological Solar House. Six giant moving screens. What you can do as an eco-citizen.
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A People's Visit to the Metro Convention CentreJune 08, 2010 Toronto, ON
Bring Large Placards and Signs Describing the Worlds We Wish to Live In
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BC Sustainable Energy Assoc. - Wind Turbines/Wind FarmsJune 10, 2010 Vancouver, ON
Focus is on clean energy from wind turbines, financing and maintenance of wind farms, learning from the experience of those who have constructed wind farms.
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Community Supported EnergyJune 10, 2010 Red Deer, AB
Alberta is the only province in Canada without a Green Energy Strategy and the only province which does not subsidize wind power initiatives. Its time to rethink this lack of future foresight.
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Gree Party of Ontario Annual General Meeting & Policy CoferenceJune 11, 2010 to June 13, 2010 Ottawa
2010 Green Party of Ontario Annual General Meeting/Policy Conference Details
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Ecofest BarrieJune 12, 2010 Barrie, ON
The festival will include short workshops and forums, information, demonstrations, solar and wind power demos, reducing waste, etc.
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Trash Fusion Design Awards ShowJune 12, 2010 Barrie, PE
This is a community based and community focused event to encourage teamwork in environmental design leading to a $1000 prize.
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World Oceans Week RallyJune 12, 2010 Ottawa, ON
World Oceans Rally on Parliament Hill. Celebration of the Oceans in a family day of arts, crafts, games, music, speakers.
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Toronto Tree FestivalJune 12, 2010 Toronto, ON
Celebration of the importance of the tree: annual tree tour, performances, eco art, green market, tree planting.
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Iraq 7 years later - The legacy of invasionJune 13, 2010 to July 13, 2010 Vancouver, ON
Seven years after the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq, Hadani Ditmars returned to a land she last visited in 2003 when she went to research her book, "Dancing in the No-fly Zone".
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Community Power Projects for Sarnia-LambtonJune 17, 2010 Sarnia, ON
This presentation will deal with the basic concepts of Community Power, discuss the structure and progress for establishing this Co-op and a speaker from another Renewable Ontarion Energy Coop.
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The Canadian Water SummitJune 17, 2010 to June 18, 2010 Toronto, ON
Join leaders from business, government and civil society to help shape Canada's water future.
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Lesser Slave Lake North Country Community Association North Country FairJune 18, 2010 to June 20, 2010 Driftpile Valley, AB
NCF fundraiser in Grande Prairie December 12.. at Better Than Fred's admission $5.00 and the bands will start after the UFC Pay Per View.
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Tottenham Bluegrass FestivalJune 18, 2010 to June 20, 2010 Tottenham, ON
Nestled in the heart of the Village on a 100 acre farm formerly owned by the Abrams Family, the Tottenham Conservation Area provides the perfect setting for our Festival. The natural ampitheatre surrounding the beach provides the only venue large enough to hold this music, the outdoors. Weekend
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People's Summit, before the G20 MeetingJune 18, 2010 to June 20, 2010 Toronto, ON
The 2010 People's Summit is civil society's alternative 'Counter Summit' happening the week before the G8 and G20 Summits in Huntsville and Toronto this June 25th - 27th. Together we will create a space where diverse local and international movements can democratically organize to advocate and
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Eyewitness Report: Israeli Massacre On Freedom FlotillasJune 18, 2010 to August 18, 2010 Vancouver, ON
Kevin Neish from Victoria, B.C., witnessed the Israeli Commando raid on the six ships carrying 600 activists and 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid.
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Nomadic MassiveJune 19, 2010 Toronto, ON
A night of civil rights celebration; a night for women's justice and global social justice. Fundraiser.
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The 2010 People's Summit: "Building a Movement for a Just World"June 19, 2010 to June 20, 2010 Toronto, ON
NGO's, trade unionists, artists, impacted communities and anyone else who cares will protest various issues of global significance in front of G-20.
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Colonialism, Capitalism and Migration: No is IllegalJune 19, 2010 to June 20, 2010 Toronto, PE
Panel focuses on the realities of Canadian Immigration and border patrols in light of free trade and globalization of ecenomies and assets.
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Public Forum: Resisting the G-20June 20, 2010 Toronto, ON
An Anti-Capitalist approach to understanding and resisting the G-20 Agenda
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Public engagement, climate change and Canada's oil sandsJune 21, 2010 Toronto, ON
Leaders in Canada's oil industry have acknowledged that the industry's environmental record is "not good" and that it has a big problem. Several speakers will address this issue.
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The Legacy of Occupation and the Challenges for Independent Media in the Middle EastJune 21, 2010 Toronto, ON
The outside world remains highly indifferent to the plight of civilians struggling for survival and basic human rights in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine. This plight is the centre of focus for many journalists.
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Walmart: The Face of Global GreedJune 21, 2010 Toronto, ON
As part of our international response to the billion dollar meeting of the G8 and G20 in Toronto, UFCW Canada, Canada’s largest private sector union, is presenting WALMART: THE FACE OF GLOBAL GREED - an essential International Summit about the worlds most egregious corporate benefactors of
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Alinanait Arts FestivalJune 21, 2010 to July 01, 2010 Iqaluit, NU
Come to Canadas Arctic and celebrate the arts under the midnight sun!
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The On Solar FIT Program: Opportunities and Challenges for FarmersJune 22, 2010 London, ON
An evening of networking featuring agricultural and solar industry leaders.
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Nickel Independent Film FestivalJune 22, 2010 to June 26, 2010 St. John's, NL
Established in 2001, the Nickel Independent Film Festival continues to support local, Canadian and even foreign short films, features, documentaries and music videos. In addition to screenings of films and videos, the festival stages actor's workshops, question and answer periods with filmmakers,
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Day of Action for Indigenous RightsJune 24, 2010 Toronto, ON
Demand that Canada sign and implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
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Confront the Invasion: A Night of Solidarity with the Mapuche Peoples & All Our Indigenous NationsJune 24, 2010 Toronto, ON
BECAUSE they come to Plan our Hunger, Displacement & Death through War, Occupation & Economic Adjustment….
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The H20il Documentary ScreeningJune 24, 2010 Sussex, NB
The screening of this important documentary film dealing with two vital issues: water quality world-wide and oil depletion/pollution, esp. in ocean environments.
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Toronto Community Day of ActionJune 25, 2010 Toronto, ON
Justice for our Communities!
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Shout Out for Global JusticeJune 25, 2010 Toronto, ON
Speakers include Maude Barlow, Leo Gerard, Amy Goodman, John Hilary, Naomi Klein, Vandana Shiva, Pablo Solon, Clayton Thomas-Mueller.
Tickets: $14 for Council of Canadians members, $20 for non-members (incl. 1 year membership).
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Creating a Culture of Nature Connection - Presentation & StorytellingJune 25, 2010 Burlington, PE
Stories of indigeneous cultural tools and skill sets used to connect people with nature. Also descriptions of "cultural mentoring" by Mark Morey.
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Toronto City Roots FestivalJune 25, 2010 to June 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
The seventh annual festival will take place June 25-27, 2010.
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Peace Rally at the G8/G20 SummitJune 26, 2010 Toronto, ON
Troops out of Afghanistan NOW!
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Saturday Night FeverJune 26, 2010 Toronto, ON
2010 fever is upon us! This June, the G8/G20 will be holding a world leaders summit in Toronto and are bringing with them more than 15,000 cops and soldiers to fortify the downtown core.Saturday, June 26 is a night to reclaim our streets and show the world that Toronto is alive, empowered, and ready
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People First! We Deserve Better - Public Rally and MarchJune 26, 2010 Toronto, PE
Right in the middle of G-20 conferences rallies and demonstrations are planned to demonstrate in favor of human rights, decent jobs, social justice.
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Fireworks for PrisonJune 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
A Demonstration Against Prison. Anarchists are organizing this as a part of the larger mobilization in opposition to the G20 meetings.
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Solidarity with the Toronto 900 - Hamilton RallyJune 30, 2010 Hamilton, ON
A rally in solidarity with the Toronto 900 and against police brutality.
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Solidarity with the Toronto 900 - London rallyJune 30, 2010 London, ON
A rally in solidarity with the Toronto 900 and against police brutality.
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Solidarity with the Toronto 900 - Windsor rallyJune 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
A rally in solidarity with the Toronto 900 and against police brutality.
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Solidarity with the Toronto 900 - Ottawa rallyJune 30, 2010 Ottawa, ON
A rally in solidarity with the Toronto 900 and against police brutality.
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Pride and Politics: Queer rights in Canada and the government's role then and nowJune 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
Gary Kinsman and Patrizia Gentile provide a startling history of queer surveillance and regulation in Canada in The Canadian War on Queers: National Security as Sexual Regulation, while in Losing Control: Canada's Social Conservatives in the Age of Rights Tom Warner discusses the progress and status
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Public Forum: Emergency Townhall MeettngJune 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
Peaceful Rally at Novotel Resulted in Mass Arrests
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Help the G20 DetaineesJune 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Coordinating Committee of the Greater Toronto Workers Assembly is requesting volunteers to help in the aftermath of the G20 Summit. Imprisoned activists are being periodically released from the courthouse on 2201 Finch Avenue West. There are two ways you can help over the next few days starting
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Rally for a Public Inquiry Concerning the Actions at the G20July 01, 2010 Toronto, ON
Our Chief of Police misinformed the public as to laws that were passed. Our police arrested innocent and peaceful protesters. Those protesters were held in detention centres with little food or water.
Are you outraged? WE ARE! Come join us for a peaceful protest!
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Manifestation contre la répression et en solidarité avec les arrêtés du G20July 01, 2010 Montreal, QC
Face à la violence policière, aux attaques contre notre résistance et aux arrestations sans précédant des manifestantEs anti-G20, la Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes – CLAC 2010 - appelle l’ensemble des mouvements sociaux à se mobiliser en solidarité avec les victimes de
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The Stan Rogers Folk FestivalJuly 02, 2010 to July 04, 2010 Canso, NS
It's not often that the memory of one man can motivate an entire town to come together and build on a dream. But Stan was no ordinary guy - his commanding baritone voice and his incredible legacy as a songwriting craftsman, have been etched within the Canadian and Maritime landscape - and within the
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Solidarity with the Toronto 900! - Vancouver RallyJuly 04, 2010 Vancouver, BC
During the G20 Summit in Toronto this weekend, 40,000 people reclaimed the streets and shutdown the city. Over 900 were brutally arrested and detained, most without criminal charges.
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Telling Our Stories: Disability Should Not Equal PovertyJuly 07, 2010 Toronto, ON
This event will bring together ODSP recipients, agency workers and members of the general public to learn more about what it is really like to live on ODSP.
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Winnipeg Folk FestivalJuly 07, 2010 to July 11, 2010 Winnipeg, MB
The Winnipeg Folk Festival is…
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Canterbury Folk FestivalJuly 09, 2010 Ingersoll, ON
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Vancouver Island MusicFestJuly 09, 2010 to July 11, 2010 Vancouver Island, BC
Vancouver Island MusicFest has been bringing great roots and world music to the Comox Valley and Vancouver Island since 1995. Produced by the Comox Valley Folk Society, MusicFest is a not-for-profit, cost recovery, volunteer driven event with over 1100 volunteers and 300 community sponsors who
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Mariposa Folk FestivalJuly 09, 2010 to July 11, 2010 Orillia, ON
Mariposa Folk Foundation is a member-based, registered charitable arts organization.
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Northern Lights Festival BorealJuly 09, 2010 to July 11, 2010 Sudbury, ON
What could be more relaxing than a weekend in the park, listening to music that touches your soul, and enjoying good food and drink with family and friends. Children laugh and the stars shine overhead. A brief rain shower doesnt dampen the spirits, but under the umbrella, it brings everyone a little
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Global Solidarity ConferenceJuly 09, 2010 to July 11, 2010 Hamitlon, ON
LabourStart, the news and campaigning website of the international trade union movement, is pleased to announce its first-ever Global Solidarity Conference, to be held at the McMaster University School of Labour Studies in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada on 9-11 July 2010.
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Day of Action for Civil LibertiesJuly 10, 2010 Toronto, ON
Today is a day of action for civil liberties. There will be a mass demonstration and march at Queen's Park in Toronto. Community members and organizations in other regions are encouraged to organize their own local events on the same day, to pressure all levels of government to support civil
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Harrison Festival SocietyJuly 10, 2010 to July 18, 2010 Harrison Hot Springs, BC
The Harrison Festival Society produces:
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Ottawa's 10th Youth Action GatheringJuly 12, 2010 to July 16, 2010 Ottawa, ON
re you interested in making a positive change in your community? Are you seeking for a powerful training opportunity to learn about how to create an environmentally and socially just society? YOU are invited to Ottawa's 10th YOUTH ACTION GATHERING (YAG), a truly eco-responsible, skill-building,
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Gaza Freedom Flotillas Talk and FundraiserJuly 14, 2010 Toronto, ON
Help launch a Canadian boat to Gaza. Join us for a talk and fundraiser.
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Ness Creek Music FestivalJuly 15, 2010 to July 18, 2010 Saskatoon, SK
Mission Statement
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South Country FairJuly 16, 2010 to July 18, 2010 Fort Macleod, AB
South Country Fair is held at the FISH & GAME PARK, on Lyndon Road. Once in Fort Macleod, 25th Street (the West bound one way). Just as you are leaving town, take the Golf Course turn (right) onto Lyndon Road, and go down the hill and past the Golf course, about a mile. The Fair is on your right at
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Vancouver Folk Music FestivalJuly 16, 2010 to July 18, 2010 Vancouver, BC
The struggle continues! Keeping up the pressure to fight provincial cuts to the arts.
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Folk on the Rocks FestivalJuly 16, 2010 to July 18, 2010 Yellowknife, NT
Folk on the Rocks has come a long way since founder Rod Russell and his band of folkie go-getters re-booted a small outdoor gig on the shores of Frame Lake, and transported it over to long Lake in the summer in 1980.
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Dawson City Music FestivalJuly 16, 2010 to July 18, 2010 Dawson City, YT
The Dawson City Music Festival is a multi-disciplinary, multi-venue music festival, taking place in Dawson City, Yukon each July. Christened "Canada's tiny, perfect festival" by the Georgia Straight, our festival has been successfully run by volunteers since its inception in 1979.
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Home County Folk FestivalJuly 16, 2010 to July 18, 2010 London, ON
Home County Folk League, a non-profit organization, was formed in 1973 to produce the Home County Folk Festival. For the past 35 years, the festival has grown to be Londons largest FREE admission musical and arts festival as well as one of the last few FREE admission folk festivals in Canada.
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Stewart Park FestivalJuly 16, 2010 to July 18, 2010 Perth, ON
Heritage Perth has majestic stone buildings, beautiful parks and superb shopping and entertainment. Downtown Heritage Perth has over seventy fine restaurants and great shops all within five square blocks. Explore the unique gift stores, antique shops and galleries with work by local artisans or take
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Festival Memoire et RacinesJuly 21, 2010 to July 25, 2010 Quebec, QC
The Memoire & Racines Festival laid down roots at Saint-Jean-Bosco Park in Saint-Charles-Borromée, Quebec in 1995 and has not moved since then. It is a magnificent open green space, spotted with shady trees and situated along side the winding Assomption River. This association with Bosco Park
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Calgary Folk Music FestivalJuly 22, 2010 to July 25, 2010 Calgary, AB
Get your annual music and culture fix at the 31st annual Calgary Folk Music Festival July 22-25, 2010 at Prince's Island Park. See over 62 artists from 13 countries on 7 stages.
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Art of being Green FestivalJuly 23, 2010 to July 25, 2010 Lanark, ON
This Festival includes a large exhibitor and trade show, great local food, two workshop tents, children's programs and an entertainment tent.
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Hillside FestivalJuly 23, 2010 to July 25, 2010 Guelph, ON
Hillside began in 1984 as local gathering of musical friends in Guelph, Ontario. Today, it is one of Canada's best-loved music festivals with over 50 musical performances on five stages over three days during the last weekend in July.
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Peoples March Against Jason KennyJuly 24, 2010
Join the People's March Against Jason Kenney on July 24th to demand an END to censorship of dissenting voices.
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Divers/CitéJuly 26, 2010 to August 01, 2010 Montreal, QC
Divers/Cité is an event whose mission is to present an arts and music festival that illustrates and celebrates the value of diversity in a spirit of sharing, solidarity and openness with the world. Eighteen years of constant growth and expansion has established Divers/Cité as an internationally
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Catch 22 Harper Conservatives - 1st Toronto area meetingJuly 28, 2010 Toronto, ON
Had enough of the Harper Conservatives and their wrecking ball? Ready to help defeat them in the next federal election? Join us for our first Toronto-area campaign meeting.
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Fresh Media EventJuly 29, 2010 West Vancouver, BC
This event will be dialogue/salon style. Keep your eyes open and scrounge up great examples of 'fresh' media or innovative uses of new technology from the past and upcoming month.
Cost: $5 (or by donation)
Registration: Online at
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Zapitistas book launchJuly 29, 2010 Winnipeg, MB
Fernwood Publishing and Mondragon Bookstore and Coffeehouse invite you to join us for the launch of Alex Khasnabish's new book, "Zapatistas: Rebellion from the Grassroots to the Global" the first in the Rebels Series.
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Blueberry Bluegrass and Country Music Society FestivalJuly 30, 2010 to August 01, 2010 Stoney Plain, AB
This year's Blueberry Bluegrass & Country Music Festival is on July 30, 31 and August 1, 2010 at the Homecoming Park (formerly Stony Plain Exhibition Park) in beautiful Stony Plain, just minutes from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
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Mill Race Folk SocietyJuly 30, 2010 to August 01, 2010 Cambridge, ON
The festival runs on Friday from 7pm to 11pm, Saturday from 1 pm to 11pm, and Sunday from 1pm to 11pm.
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Canmore Folk Music FestivalJuly 31, 2010 to August 02, 2010 Canmore, AB
Canmore's appetite for music led to the formation of the Canmore Folk and Blues Club in the early 1970s". The Club was incorporated under the Societies Act on May 6th, 1975. It is a Registered Charity, #0857516-22. The Club, through the Canmore Folk Music Festival and its outreach program in the
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FolkoramaAugust 01, 2010 to August 14, 2010 Winnipeg, MB
Folklorama began in 1970 as a one time multicultural event to celebrate Manitoba's Centennial. It was so successful it has returned every year since then.
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Special Green Screens workshop: Remixing Our WorldAugust 04, 2010 Toronto, ON
Participants will arrange cut-out images from magazines to critically address environmental issues and superimpose them on an untouched landscape – remixing the portrayal of our environment and challenging how we think about it.
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Lunenburg Folk Harbour FestivalAugust 05, 2010 Lunenburg, NS
The Lunenburg Folk Harbour Festival brings the best in traditional and contemporary folk music to the beautiful UNESCO World Heritage Site of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. We are Nova Scotia's longest-running folk festival and have showcased great Nova Scotian, Canadian, and international talent during
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Edmonton Folk FestivalAugust 05, 2010 to August 08, 2010 Edmonton, AB
Edmonton Folk Music Festival, staged in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in beautiful downtown Gallagher Park, happens each year in the second weekend in August. We thank the many sponsors who support this event and enable us to offer world-class music at affordable prices.
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Great Woods Music FestivalAugust 05, 2010 to August 08, 2010 Beausejour, MB
Great Woods Park and GWMF Music Society will proudly present the 14th annual indoor-outdoor Blues/Rock/Roots music festival in a beautiful 120-acre park and campground on the banks of the Brokenhead River, at a very unique venue, The Moonrise Cabana on August 6-9, 2009.
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Celebrating protection of Great IslandAugust 06, 2010 NS
Nova Scotia Nature Trust, the province’s leading land conservation organization, is very pleased to invite you to a special celebration on Friday, August 6th, at 10:30 am at the Vogler’s Cove Community Centre (8544 Highway 331, Vogler’s Cove).
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Regina Folk FestivalAugust 06, 2010 to August 08, 2010 Regina, SK
The Regina Folk Festival (RFF) was first held way back in 1969 on the Regina Campus of the University of Saskatchewan. Organized by a few individuals, the enthusiasm and support shown for this first event led to the creation of the Regina Guild of Folk Arts (RGFA) Since that time, the RGFA has
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Celtic Roots FestivalAugust 06, 2010 to August 08, 2010 Goderich, ON
The aim of the Goderich Celtic Roots Festival and Celtic College is to foster the preservation and continuation of traditional Celtic art forms through exposure, participation and education. Forming new generations of artists and participants is absolutely essential to the survival of these living
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Red Rock Folk FestivalAugust 06, 2010 to August 08, 2010 Red Rock, ON
The Live From the Rock Folk Festival is a very special event taking place on the northern shore of the world's largest lake the second weekend of every August. Its an amazing gathering of an eclectic group of people who together form a magical community in the park. Many of our supporters come
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Langley Eats Local 2010August 07, 2010 Langley, BC
Calling all residents of the Lower Mainland! Langley Environmental Partners Society and the Langley Agricultural Advisory Committee are organizing a local food fair on Saturday August 7th from 11am – 4pm. This locally focused food fair will be held at the most delightful of venues, The Fort Wine
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20th Anniversary Under The Volcano Festival of Art & Social ChangeAugust 08, 2010 North Vancouver, BC
20th Anniversary Under The Volcano Festival of Art & Social Change
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Youth! Camera! Action! Summer Eco- Video CampAugust 09, 2010 to August 29, 2010 Toronto, ON
About Youth Camera Action: Unique to the city of Toronto, Youth Camera Action! is an environmental video production program specifically designed for youth between the ages of 13 -- 18 years. This action packed two-week summer program is open to youth across the Greater Toronto Area and provides a
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OMEP XXVI World CongressAugust 11, 2010 to August 13, 2010 Goteborg, Sweden
Lectures, workshops re: children's education, visits to preschools, primary schools, social activities.
Theme of Congress is "Children, Citizens of a challenged world".
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Geothermal System Information Session and TourAugust 12, 2010 Georgetown, ON
Are you thinking about a cost-effective, greener, and more efficient way to heat and cool your home? HERE! Halton Enablers of Renewable Energy will be having its first ever Geothermal Information Session and GeoTour in Georgetown on Thursday, August 12 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. HERE!’s thermal
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Radiant City - Outdoor Movie EventAugust 13, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Join Ecology Ottawa for a movie under the stars as part of the 10 year anniversary for the Centretown Movies Festival (
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R.D. Lawrence Literary FestivalAugust 13, 2010 to August 14, 2010 Minden, ON
Join us in the beautiful Haliburton Highlands as we celebrate literary artists! Located right in the heart of Minden, the Minden Hills Cultural centre features the Agnes Jamieson Gallery, the Minden Hills Museum (which features many buildings you can discover firsthand from historic Minden) and the
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Salmon Arm Roots & Blues FestivalAugust 13, 2010 to August 15, 2010 Salmon Arm, BC
The Salmon Arm Folk Music Society is a non-profit charitable organization that presents year-round concerts as well as the Annual Roots and Blues Festival the third weekend every August.
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Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland GamesAugust 13, 2010 to August 15, 2010 Fergus, ON
Ottawa Folk FestivalAugust 13, 2010 to August 15, 2010 Ottawa, ON
The Ottawa Folk Festival is held in the middle of August in beautiful Britannia Park in Ottawa's west end. The Festival has been recognized as one of the "Top 50 Ontario Festivals" by Festival & Events Ontario.
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Trout Forest Music FestivalAugust 13, 2010 to August 15, 2010 Ear Falls, ON
Welcome to the Trout Forest Music Festival!!
Catch The Trout!
It's Music in the Woods!
Join us at the Ear Falls Waterfront Park next August 13th to 15th for the 15th Annual Trout Forest Music Festival.
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Intentional Communities ConferenceAugust 13, 2010 to August 15, 2010 Louisa VA, USA
The 2010 Communities Conference at Twin Oaks Community will be held August 13-15th, and we're looking forward to another great weekend of workshops, sharing circles, hanging out and working together. The tentative theme for this year's conference will be "Putting Down Roots: Laying the Foundations
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COCAL (Coalition of Contingent Academic Labour) IX ConferenceAugust 13, 2010 to August 15, 2010 Quebec City, QC
The host for the Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor (COCAL IX) will be the Syndicat des chargées et chargés de cours de l'Université Laval (SCCCUL) which is affiliated with the Fédération des enseignantes et enseignants du Québec (FNEEQ-CSN).
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Montreal International Women's ConferenceAugust 13, 2010 to August 16, 2010 Montreal, QC
Women of Diverse Origins and the International Coordinating body invites you to register now for the Montreal International Women's Conference taking place August 13-16 2010. Women from around the world will gather under the theme: For a Global Militant Women's Movement in the 21st Century! They
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Water Quality & Conservation: ActionH20 SummitAugust 14, 2010 to August 15, 2010 Wolfville, NS
The Sierra Club -- Atlantic Chapter invites you to attend its first ActionH20 Summit on Water Quality and Conservation. Sierra Club Canada has recently launched ActionH20, a national water campaign that provides grassroots groups, community leaders and municipal staff with tools and resources to
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Church Street Fetish FairAugust 15, 2010 Toronto, ON
The CWVBIA and Steamworks are proud to announce the 7th Annual Church Street Fetish Fair, a celebration of the leather, fetish and fantasy communities. Over 30,000 people were in attendance last year!!!
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New Brunswick Green Festival 2010August 16, 2010 to August 22, 2010 Clairville, NB
Just 30 minutes North of Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, GF10 is run primarily by volunteers and RAIN OR SHINE it will feature a full spread of natural, organic and local products coupled with many practical and affordable eco-friendly energy saving items and suppliers, with lots of great music and
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Townhall meeting - education cuts in Vancouver - Mt.PleasantAugust 18, 2010 Vancouver, BC
There are major cuts in education planned for next year and the following years, including possible school closures in the inner-city.
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H2Oil - BurlingtonGreen Eco-Film FestivalAugust 19, 2010 Burlington, ON
H2Oil follows a voyage of discovery, heartbreak and politicization in the stories of those attempting to defend water in Alberta against tar sands expansion. Unlikely alliances are built and lives are changed as they come up against the largest industrial project in human history.
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Keepers of the Water ConferenceAugust 19, 2010 to August 23, 2010 Hatchet Lake, SK
The 2010 Keepers of the Water Conference is scheduled for August 19 - 23 at Hatchet Lake on Wollaston.
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Summerfolk 2010August 20, 2010 to August 22, 2010 Owen Sound, ON
The Summerfolk site is erected by scores of volunteers and artisans and takes on the appearance of a small village. It features a 4000 seat main stage, five side stages, Over 40 artisans exhibiting their talents in the craft area, more than a dozen food booths, a sandy beach, a children's area with
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The Womyn's GatheringAugust 20, 2010 to August 22, 2010 Louisa VA 23093 USA
The 27th annual Womyn's Gathering, proudly presented by Twin Oaks.
Threads of Strength: workshops, yoga, meditation, song, dance, DIY, sweats, laughter, and dreams!
$40-$140 Sliding Scale
Open to: womyn, women, trans-womyn, girls, mothers, dykes, grrls, and all non-male ID folks!
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Green Party Convention 2010August 20, 2010 to August 22, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Trinity-Spadina riding association and the Toronto Greens are proud to play host to the 2010 Green Party Convention, which will be held in Toronto on August 20-22nd, 2010. This exciting convention will be held at one of the greenest convention facilities in the country, The Metro Toronto
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Can Change Festival - 4th AnnualAugust 21, 2010 North Bay, ON
The North Bay Environmental Action committee is proud to bring the 4th annual Can Change Festival to our city’s scenic waterfront!
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Green Lifestyle ShowAugust 21, 2010 Toronto, ON
Green Lifestyle Show : Small is possible, We are the Solution.
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Community Orchard Harvest Festival - Ben Nobleman ParkAugust 26, 2010 Toronto, ON
Come and celebrate Toronto's first community orchard in a park with free food, music, information booths, a free raffle and children's activities. The event is being produced by local gardening group Growing for Green, the founders of the orchard, in partnership with Parks, Forestry and Recreation.
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Annual Social Justice Retreat, Algonquin ParkAugust 26, 2010 to August 29, 2010 Huntsville, ON
This is the 13th Annual Social Justice Retreat to discuss social justice issues locally of importance.
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Ottawa River Summit 2010August 27, 2010 Ottawa, ON
On August 27, 2010, Ottawa Riverkeeper, in cooperation with the National Capital Commission (NCC), will be hosting an exciting one-day summit in Canada’s Capital Region to bring leaders together to discuss the health and future of the Ottawa River and its tributaries. The Summit will bring
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Art of Being Green - A Celebration of Renewable Energy, Adaptation and Green LifestylesAugust 27, 2010 to August 28, 2010 Lanark Highlands, ON
The Art of Being Green Festival is a family-friendly event showcasing products and services to help you save energy and save money. The festival includes a large vendor/exhibitor trade show, two workshop tents, Canadian entertainment, children's programming and great local food. We are located just
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Eaglewood Folk FestivalAugust 27, 2010 to August 29, 2010 Pefferlaw, ON
The Eaglewood Folk Festival is dedicated to presenting exciting and diverse original folk/roots music while promoting arts & culture, ecological awareness, multiculturalism and health & wellness in a sustainable environment of unity, positive energy and artistic excellence.
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2010 EcoMentors Conference - Environment Conference for Ontario Youth!August 28, 2010 Toronto, ON
The 2010 EcoMentors Conference is an exciting, interactive and FREE day of environmental workshops and training activities that will inspire and equip you as a young eco-leader to facilitate change in your community. Plus, network with a diverse group of environmentally-engaged youth and
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Burning ManAugust 30, 2010 to September 06, 2010
What Is Burning Man?
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goBeyond Youth Action GatheringAugust 31, 2010 to September 05, 2010 North Vancouver, BC
The goBeyond Youth Action Gathering, supported by the Sierra Youth Coalition (SYC), the Sustainable High Schools Project, and the BC Campus Climate Network, is taking place from August 31st to September 5th, 2010. We are inviting high school and post-secondary
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Ashkenaz FestivalAugust 31, 2010 to September 06, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Ashkenaz Festival is the largest Jewish cultural event in Canada, and among the largest events of its kind internationally. The Festival takes place biennially at Toronto's Harbourfront Centre and satellite locations throughout Toronto. Each edition of this multidisciplinary event showcases
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LEAF Treetenders Training - York RegionSeptember 02, 2010 to September 11, 2010 Markham, ON
LEAF Toronto will be running our Treetenders volunteer stewardship training workshop again this season! This 15 hour training program is designed for individuals who want to gain tree-related knowledge and skills. If you've always wanted to learn more about how trees work, tree planting and tree
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Community: Ramadan IftarSeptember 03, 2010 Toronto, ON
Break the day’s fast in community with others and help raise emergency funds for the victims of the devastating floods in Pakistan.
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Shelter Valley Folk FestivalSeptember 03, 2010 to September 05, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Shelter Valley Folk Festival celebrates music, juried art, wellness, sustainable living and harvest food in the heart of Northumberland County through an annual Labour Day Weekend festival.
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Montreal Festish WeekendSeptember 03, 2010 to September 05, 2010 Montreal, QC
The MONTREAL FETISH WEEKEND returns for its 6th consecutive annual edition on September 3-4-5, Labor Day Weekend 2010. VIP PASSES are now available at the reduced price of $150 cad.
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Nova Scotia Environmental Network (NSEN) Annual GatheringSeptember 10, 2010 to September 12, 2010 Scotsburn, NS
NSEN will partner with Sierra Club of Canada - Atlantic Chapter and the Pictou County Watershed Coalition for a fabulous annual provincial gathering at the beautiful Stonehame Lodge & Chalets in Scotsburn, Pictou County:
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Go Green ExpoSeptember 10, 2010 to September 12, 2010 Thunder Bay, ON
Thunder Bay and Northwestern Ontario residents are invited to the first-ever Go Green Expo to learn new ways to make their homes and workplaces more eco-friendly, while saving money and helping the environment.
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Photo Exhibit: Hyphen Islam-ChristianitySeptember 11, 2010 Toronto, ON
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Winnipeg Green Lifestyle & Organic Living ShowSeptember 11, 2010 to September 12, 2010 Winnipeg, MB
Living Green simply means being informed about what you eat, wear, drive and buy and how those choices affect the earth and your health. Join us at this fun, fashionable and family oriented event and discover information, products, services and resources from a local and national experts ready to
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Tour de Greenbelt 2010September 11, 2010 to September 12, 2010 Niagara Region, ON
From kids with training wheels to avid cyclists, this event allows you to experience rural hospitality, savour fresh, local food and explore that Ontario's Greenbelt has to offer - natural beauty, cultural diversity and engaging recreation. Re-discover the joy of a leisurely bike ride and come
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Film: Hyphen Islam-ChristianitySeptember 12, 2010 Toronto, ON
The short documentary film is an integral part of a project which produced a 800-plus photographs collected in the book by the same name. It offers a more dynamic and fast-moving testimony of ordinary people, Christians and Muslims, living together in peace in what has been at various times a
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World Clean Air CongressSeptember 12, 2010 to September 16, 2010 Vancouver, BC
The IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress will bring together specialists from academia, industry, consulting, environmental advocacy groups, and government to present innovative ways to improve air quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize environmental impacts. The technical program will
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Rally to Remove Government Funding for Separate Catholic School SystemSeptember 13, 2010 Toronto, ON
A rally to demand to end of the discriminatory, wasteful, anti-secular and UN-reprimanded tax-payer funded separate catholic school system!
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Sustainability for Leaders Level 1September 13, 2010 to September 14, 2010 Montreal, QC
The Natural Step Canada invites you to register for our upcoming Sustainability for Leaders Course (Level 1): A Transformative Approach to Sustainability Thinking, Strategy, and Results. This is a 2-day intensive and interactive course for current and emerging sustainability practitioners.
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University of Toronto dis/Orientation 2010September 13, 2010 to September 17, 2010 Toronto, ON
Disoriented by globalization? After the G20 summit, it’s easy to feel like we’re traipsing through a 21st century rendition of Orwell’s 1984. Stephen Harper and other global “leaders” say that their policies will resolve the world’s woes, but when we look at the facts, when we listen
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Harvest and Jazz Blues FestivalSeptember 14, 2010 to September 19, 2010 Fredericton, NB
The Best International Festival Experience on Canada's East Coast!
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Pedalling to Parliament - "Pedal for the Planet" RallySeptember 15, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Pedalling to Parliament - "Pedal for the Planet" hits Ottawa
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Climate Reality: A Conversation with Dr. James Hansen, Naomi Klein & Clayton Thomas-MullerSeptember 15, 2010 Toronto, ON
A public event on climate science and climate justice with the world’s foremost climate scientist and author of "Storms of My Grandchildren", Dr. James Hansen; the author of "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism", Naomi Klein and Indigenous Environmental Network’s Tar Sands
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The Tyee Fellowship FundsSeptember 15, 2010 to September 30, 2010 Vancouver, BC
The Tyee Fellowship Funds are a way for readers to make tax deductible donations, and give independent journalists from all over B.C. the support they need to work on longer series that relate to important issues of public interest. The support to file freedom of information requests, run up phone
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The Age of Stupid - BurlingtonGreen Eco-Film FestivalSeptember 16, 2010 Burlington, ON
"Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite stars as a man living alone in the devastated future world of 2055, looking at old footage from 2008 and asking: why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?"
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Atlantic Film FestivalSeptember 16, 2010 to September 25, 2010 Halifax, NS
The fourth major film festival in Canada is the international Atlantic Film Festival, held every September in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Strong East Coast roots support a unique format for AFF with its distinctive focus on film and music. Large enough to attract the world's most notable actors, directors
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Film: Waltz with BashirSeptember 17, 2010 Toronto, ON
Almost 30 years after the event, the massacre at Sabra and Shatila within the Lebanon War of 1982 remains a chilling memory to the inhumanity and abuse of military power over the lives and deaths of ordinary people.
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Criticize Israel - Go to Jail?September 17, 2010 Vancouver, BC
Dr. Michael Keefer, author of the book Antisemitism Real and Imagined, speaks on threat to free speech posed by informal coalition of MPs (CPCCA) who are working to expand definition of antisemitism to make it illegal to criticize Israel. Free.
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The Persecution of Robert LatimerSeptember 17, 2010 Toronto, ON
An Unflinching Look at Canada's Most Prominent Case of 'Mercy Killing':
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RCEN 2010 Conference - Conserving Biodiversity Pays: The Values of Ecosystem ServicesSeptember 17, 2010 to September 19, 2010 Montreal, QC
In this, the International Year of Biodiversity, the 2010 RCEN Annual General Assembly is focusing on biodiversity across Canada and our planet.
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The Really Really Free MarketSeptember 18, 2010 Ottawa/Vanier, ON
Full Circles Ottawa a Freecycling community would like to invite the public to the first ever RRFM (Really Really Free Market).
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Dign'it(y) Toronto with Craig Cardiff and Elizabeth Shepherd!September 18, 2010 Toronto, ON
Join us in Toronto Saturday September 18, 1:00-3:00pm outside the Parkdale Library (Queen & Cowan streets) for the inaugural Dig'n'it(y) street music benefit for Canada Without Poverty and the CWP Advocacy Network!
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Great Canadian Shoreline CleanupSeptember 18, 2010 to September 26, 2010
The 17th Annual Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup
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Poetry: Mahmoud DarwishSeptember 19, 2010 Toronto, ON
Beit Zatoun is pleased to be a sponsor and offer a venue for the Second International Festival of Poetry of Resistance.
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Poetry: Rabindranath Tagore - 150th AnniversarySeptember 19, 2010 Toronto, ON
Presented by the Krittibas Literary Group of Toronto (Founder director: Asoke Chakravarty) as part of the Festival of Poetry of Resistance. The Krittibas Literary Group is also celebrating an anniversary year - its 5th year of presenting in Toronto.
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IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2010September 19, 2010 to September 24, 2010 Montreal, QC
Water is the lifeblood of the world and never more so than in Montréal, Canada, where 4,500 water professionals will gather in September 2010 for the International Water Association (IWA) World Water Congress and Exhibition.
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Poetry: With Fire in Our Hearts - Con fuego en el CorazonSeptember 20, 2010 Toronto, ON
This portion is the closing event of the 5-day Festival. To be followed by a dinner at Steelworkers Hall (25 Cecil Street ) at 7:00 pm.
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Disorientation: An alternative side of student lifeSeptember 20, 2010 to September 24, 2010 Montreal, QC
MONDAY, September 20, 2010
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Energy Save - Canadian Institute ConferenceSeptember 22, 2010 to September 23, 2010 Toronto, ON
Rising energy costs, stricter environmental regulations and the constant challenge to increase the bottom line mean that businesses need to ensure they operate in a much more cost-effective manner. Implementing energy efficient measures in your company can lead to significant cost savings.
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National Compost ConferenceSeptember 22, 2010 to September 24, 2010 Ottawa, ON
In 1990, a gathering of environmental advocates spanning academia, community, business and government leaders helped create the reality of The Compost Council of Canada. Paralleling the passion and struggles of those who believe in the importance of organics recycling, conservation of natural
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International Interdisciplinary Conference on the EnvironmentSeptember 22, 2010 to September 25, 2010 Tucson, Arizona, USA
The Interdisciplinary Environmental Association (IEA) is an organization of academics, practitioners, and concerned citizens from a wide range of disciplines and perspectives who believe that environmental problems require an interdisciplinary approach that needs to be clearly reflected in an
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Criticize Israel - Go to Jail?September 23, 2010 Vancouver, BC
Dr. Michael Keefer, author of the book Antisemitism Real and Imagined, speaks on threat to free speech posed by informal coalition of MPs (CPCCA) that is intent on expanding definition of antisemitism to make it illegal to criticize Israel. Sponsored by the Seriously Free Speech Committee and CUPW,
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Criticize Israel - Go to Jail?September 23, 2010 Burnaby, BC
Dr. Michael Keefer, author of the book Antisemitism Real and Imagined, speaks on threat to free speech posed by informal coalition of MPs (CPCCA) who are working to expand definition of antisemitism to make it illegal to criticize Israel.
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Gender and Political Violence: A Conversation with Dedé MirabalSeptember 23, 2010 Toronto, ON
The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, observed yearly on November 25, was designated by the United Nations to commemorate the death of three of the Mirabal sisters. They were assassinated by the Trujillo regime in the Dominican Republic in 1960.
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Green Building Festival 2010September 23, 2010 to September 25, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Green Building Festival is an annual 2 day conference and trade show featuring the best green building projects, practioners and products in Canada. Come and see cutting edge, market ready strategies, products and tools to help you inject some green into your business.
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Criticize Israel - Go to Jail?September 24, 2010 Victoria, BC
Dr. Michael Keefer, author of the book Antisemitism Real and Imagined, speaks on threat to free speech posed by informal coalition of MPs (CPCCA) who are working to expand definition of antisemitism to make it illegal to criticize Israel.
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Criticize Israel - Go to Jail?September 24, 2010 Victoria, BC
Dr. Michael Keefer, author of the book Antisemitism Real and Imagined, speaks on threat to free speech posed by informal coalition of MPs (CPCCA) who are working to expand definition of antisemitism to make it illegal to criticize Israel. Free.
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Green FairSeptember 25, 2010 Thornbury, ON
The Blue Mountains Public Library in Thornbury, Ontario annually hosts a Green Fair that showcases sustainable talents in a market style setting. This year we are planning our event for Saturday, September 25 from 1:00-4:00pm.
We still have space open for Vendors! Please contact for space
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Criticize Israel - Go to Jail?September 25, 2010 Nanaimo, BC
Dr. Michael Keefer, author of the book Antisemitism Real and Imagined, speaks on threat to free speech posed by informal coalition of MPs (CPCCA) who are working to expand definition of antisemitism to make it illegal to criticize Israel. Free.
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Crtiicize Israel - Go to Jail?September 25, 2010 Courtenay, BC
Dr. Michael Keefer, author of the book Antisemitism Real and Imagined, speaks on threat to free speech posed by informal coalition of MPs (CPCCA) who are working to expand definition of antisemitism to make it illegal to criticize Israel. Free.
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S.E.E. 'n' Green Show - sustainability expoSeptember 25, 2010 to September 26, 2010 Langley, BC
The sustainability expo that brings the community its local producers, farmers and businesses with sustainable, environmental and ethical business practices. S.E.E. 'n' Green Show 2010 is at George Preston Center - 20699 42 Ave, Langley, BC on Sep 25th 9 am - 7 pm and 26th 9 am - 5 pm. Tickets $5 at
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EcoShift, with Dr. David SuzukiSeptember 26, 2010 Winnipeg, MB
A day of environmental awareness highlighted by ecological demonstrations, youth and student initiatives and a local "Green Vendor Showcase". The day will conclude with a keynote address by renowned environmental advocate, Dr.David Suzuki.
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Criticize Israel - Go to Jail?September 27, 2010 Edmonton, AB
Dr. Michael Keefer, author of the book Antisemitism Real and Imagined, speaks on threat to free speech posed by informal coalition of MPs (CPCCA) who are working to expand definition of antisemitism to make it illegal to criticize Israel.
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Antisemitism Real and Imagined: the attack on open debate and effective democratic discourseSeptember 28, 2010 Regina, SK
Professor Keefer is on a cross-Canada book tour to discuss his recent book, Anti-Semitism Real and Imagined: Responses to the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism. In a 27 August 2010 review in the Globe and Mail Gerald Caplan wrote:
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North American Association for Environmental Education - 2010 ConferenceSeptember 28, 2010 to October 02, 2010 Buffalo NY
Join the New York State Outdoor Environmental Educators
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Environmental Decline and Climate Change as a Moral IssueSeptember 28, 2010 to October 05, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Sept 28th to Oct 5th – Environmental Decline and Climate Change as a Moral Issue will be held at St. Paul’s University and other locations in Ottawa. This week-long series of a Retreat and five community Round Tables offers an opportunity for leaders in various religious groups to have a
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Film: Remembering IinninimowinSeptember 29, 2010 Toronto, ON
Remembering Inninimowin is a two-year long documentary film project on the personal journey of a Cree woman, Jules Arita Koostachin, the documentarist, as she starts to remember her first language, Inninimowin (Cree). The body of work is a film-based documentary that follows the process of
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Criticize Israel -- Go to Jail?September 29, 2010 Winnipeg, MB
Dr. Michael Keefer, author of Antisemitism Real and Imagined, speaks on growing threat to free speech on Israel/Palestine. Increasingly, accusations are made that criticism of the state of Israel and its actions and policies constitute what they call a "new antisemitism." Instead of engaging in a
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Antisemitism Real and ImaginedSeptember 29, 2010 Winnipeg, MB
Dr. Michael Keefer, author of the book Antisemitism Real and Imagined, speaks on threat to free speech posed by informal coalition of MPs (CPCCA) who are working to expand definition of antisemitism to make it illegal to criticize Israel.
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West Coast Green 2010September 29, 2010 to October 01, 2010 San Francisco
West Coast Green is the largest and only conference + expo showcasing green innovation for the built environment. Join 11,000 thought leaders and forward thinkers from 20 countries as they gather to create meaningful and lasting positive change.
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Bay Street Film FestivalSeptember 30, 2010 to October 03, 2010 Thunder Bay, ON
Established in 2005, the Bay Film Festival is an independent film Festival taking place in Thunder Bay, Ontario showcasing films that features local, national, and international films with the theme "films for the people." Chosen stories often display stories that are relevant to audiences, enabling
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New Brunswick Environmental Network Annual General AssemblyOctober 01, 2010 to October 03, 2010 Moncton, NB
Contact us or visit our website for more details.
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London EcoFestOctober 02, 2010 London, ON
EcoFest will be a FREE, waste-free event that will appeal to families and citizens concerned about the environment. Our EcoFest will involve a number of local food and arts based venues to engage appreciation of what our region has to offer. Our Round Table will look to identify common ground for
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No Fare is Fair: Campaign for Free TransitOctober 02, 2010 Toronto, ON
Come to the park to celebrate the campaign to win free and accessible transit for the GTA
Food - Music - Puppets - Entertainment
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Join the Socialist Contingent on October 2October 02, 2010 Washington DC
We March for Jobs, Peace, Justice and the Socialist Alternative That Can Win Them
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Anti-Oppression Training for VolunteersOctober 02, 2010 to October 03, 2010 Toronto, ON
Anti-oppression and anti-transphobia trainings are for students and community members interested in volunteering at the Centre. The Centre provides you with this training, along with other more specific volunteer training. If you are a new volunteer, you must attend both training days (lunch will be
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Ride for RenewablesOctober 03, 2010 Toronto, ON
YES to 100% renewable electricity grid!
NO to nuclear and coal!
Free. All cyclists welcome.
Meet at the wind turbine at Exhibition Place, end in the beaches (15 km ride).
Visit 6 green energy projects including wind, solar thermal, solar PV, geothermal, CHP and conservation.
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Water, Trees & Communities: Canadian Urban Forest ConferenceOctober 05, 2010 to October 08, 2010 Truro, NS
The Canadian Urban Forest Conference is held every two years, alternating between an eastern and western host community. The CUFC has come to be recognized as THE educational & networking event for those working in the field of urban forest management; attracting top caliber presentations by leading
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Water, Trees & Communities: Canadian Urban Forest ConferenceOctober 05, 2010 to October 08, 2010 Truro, NS
The Canadian Urban Forest Conference is held every two years, alternating between an eastern and western host community. The CUFC has come to be recognized as THE educational & networking event for those working in the field of urban forest management; attracting top caliber presentations by leading
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Politics and Environmental ProtectionOctober 06, 2010 Montreal, QC
L'heure juste (speaker series): The Rt. Hon. Herb Gray and Mr. Clifford Lincoln, in conversation, on the topic "Politics and Environmental Protection).
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Book launch: Celebrating "Case Critical:" A new edition of a classic social work textOctober 06, 2010 Toronto, ON
Help us celebrate the publication of Ben Carniol’s new book
CASE CRITICAL: Social Services and Social Justice in Canada, 6th Edition
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Remixology 2: Harnessing the crowdOctober 06, 2010 Vancouver, BC
Come get media fresh!
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Green Screens presents: Crapshoot: The Gamble With Our WastesOctober 06, 2010 Toronto, ON
Free program.
A hazardous mix of waste is flushed into the sewer every day. The billions of litres of water -- combined with unknown quantities of chemicals, solvents, heavy metals, human waste and food -- where does it all go? And what does it do to us?
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Alexandra Cousteau Breakfast Forum - Sustainability NetworkOctober 07, 2010 Toronto, ON
Sustainability Network Presents Alexandra Cousteau and her Expedition Blue Planet at the Centre for Social Innovation.
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Book Launch: Random Acts of CultureOctober 07, 2010 Toronto, ON
Join us to celebrate culture, art, community, and Clarke Mackey's new book,
Random Acts of Culture: Reclaiming Art & Community in the 21st Century
CHECK OUT the Dufferin Grove Farmers' Market, pizza from the wood ovens, and more!
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Mark Crispin Miller Lecture- Ghost Democracy: The Disappearance of the Vote in the United StatesOctober 07, 2010 Toronto, ON
Mark Crispin Miller is a Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University and a well-known public intellectual. His writings on film, television, propaganda, advertising and the culture industries have appeared in numerous journals and newspapers the world over, and on his blog
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Yves Engler presents "Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid"October 07, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Join Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights for a presentation by Montreal author Yves Engler about his new book Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid.
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The Benefits of Choosing OrganicOctober 07, 2010 Toronto, ON
Learn more about the benefits of choosing Organic at this informative evening with Big Carrot in-store Nutritionist- Sarah Dobec, CNP.
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Confronting Impunity: Women's Struggles for Justice, Historical Memory, and Reparation in GuatemalaOctober 07, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Gender and Reparations Project, in association with the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC), the Centre for Feminist Research (CFR) and the Graduate Program in Women's Studies, present a panel discussion:
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Sustainability, The Environment And CommunityOctober 07, 2010 Toronto, ON
Mayoral debate with the leading candidates on:
Planning, Community, the Environment and Sustainability
What will the new mayor do to improve sustainability and engage Torontonians in their vision for the health and design of the city?
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Antimatter Film FestivalOctober 08, 2010 to October 16, 2010 Victoria, BC
For over 10 years, the Antimatter Film Festival has been dedicated to the exhibition and nurturing of film and video as art, encompassing screenings, installations, performances and media hybrids into the Festival presentation. Screenings will take place in Victoria, B.C., where there is minimal
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Global Work Party with 350.orgOctober 10, 2010
10/10/10 will be a day of work parties all over the world. Will you join us?
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A Woman Among Warlords: Malalai Joya's struggle for AfghanistanOctober 10, 2010 Calgary, AB
A Woman Among Warlords: Malalai Joya's Struggle for Afghanistan
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YWCA Week Without Violence (third week of October)October 10, 2010 to October 16, 2010
The YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association) Week Without Violence aims to develop and implement practical solutions to violence in our communities.
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The Philippine Women Centre of Ontario 10th year anniversary: Maleta Art ExhibitOctober 10, 2010 to October 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
This October, Philippine Women Centre of Ontario (PWC-ON) invites everyone to celebrate a decade filled of shared laughter, tears, music and militancy. The round of events will kick off at the opening of the Maleta [Suitcase] Art Exhibit on October 10th. Maleta is a community-based arts project
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The Global EconomyOctober 12, 2010 Toronto, ON
Discussion and post-Keynesian analysis of current events with historian William Krehm
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Unheard VoicesOctober 12, 2010 Toronto, ON
Documentary screening and panel discussion on homelessness and affordable housing
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Solar Power International : North America's Largest B2B Solar EventOctober 12, 2010 to October 14, 2010 Los Angeles
Solar Power International (SPI), previously called Solar Power Conference and Expo, was created in 2004 when the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) joined together in partnership to fill an obvious void: North America was missing a
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Real aid, true solidarity: An anti-war benefit evening for Afghanistan and Palestine featuring Malalai JoyaOctober 12, 2010 to October 17, 2010 Vancouver, BC
Real aid, true solidarity: An anti-war benefit evening for Afghanistan and Palestine featuring Malalai Joya
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Building Green: A Net Zero HomeOctober 13, 2010 Saskatoon, SK
A Net Zero home is defined as a home that generates as much energy as it uses on an annual basis. Many tried and proven technologies are available to reduce energy consumption and related GHG emissions from residential homes. Each of the technologies has a different cost and related benefits.
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Shaping the Future of Food Policy in Canada: A Kitchen Table TalkOctober 13, 2010 Toronto, ON
Cross-country kitchen table talk with Ontario farmer Colleen Ross.
We want to hear from you! Come and contribute your ideas for a "People's Food Policy" for Canada. Guest speakers and discussion on 10 critical food policy issues.
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RuckusOctober 13, 2010 to October 14, 2010 Toronto, ON
Anti-racism, anti-oppression conference for youth of colour with workshops, speakers and more.
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Waste Reduction Conference 2010October 13, 2010 to October 15, 2010 Lake Louise, AB
more info on website
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Society of Environmental Journalists Conference 2010October 13, 2010 to October 17, 2010 Missoula, Montana, USA
We'll feature SEJ's typical impressive array of speakers, panels and workshops. They'll include Montana celebrities, Obama administration officials and experts filling you in on regional, national and international topics. Expect sessions on environmental law and politics (Montana likely has the
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Planet in Focus Environmental Film & Video FestivalOctober 13, 2010 to October 17, 2010 Toronto, ON
Planet in Focus International Environmental Film & Video Festival is Canada's preeminent festival of its kind. For ten years we have championed the explosive growth and evolution of environmental cinema.
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Book Reading: Our Way to FightOctober 14, 2010 Toronto, ON
A multi-media world premiere, with text and voice
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Cambridge Kitchen Table TalkOctober 14, 2010 Cambridge, ON
Join a group of Cambridge residents concerned about and active in food issues for a discussion about Cambridge's food system and community.
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Environmental All Candidates MeetingOctober 14, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Toronto Green Community will be hosting an All Candidates Meeting on environmental issues in North Toronto for Wards 16 (Eglinton-Lawrence), 22 (St. Paul's) and 26 (Don Valley West). Join us on October 14 to find out the environmental views of your City Council candidates.
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Pull the Plug: A fundraiser for Media Democracy Day 2010October 14, 2010 Vancouver, BC
Like amazing tunes? Like prizes and free stuff? Like great, open, innovative, creative media? Then you'd best be at Pull the Plug: A fundraiser for Media Democracy Day 2010!
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Bioneers 2010October 15, 2010 San Rafael, California, USA
The Bioneers Conference is a leading-edge forum -- join us in San Rafael, California, October 15-17 (with intensives October 14 and 18), 2010. At this premiere environmental conference, social and scientific innovators focus on solutions inspired by nature and human ingenuity.
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Competing Notions Of Feminism In IslamOctober 15, 2010 Toronto, ON
Lecture by author Farzana Hassan
Admission: $5 (Student- $4)
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National BDS Conference: Carrying Forward the Momentum against Israeli ApartheidOctober 15, 2010 to October 17, 2010 Montreal, QC
The movement for boycott, divestment, and sacnations against Israeli apartheid is growing. Now is the time to reflect on the successes of the BDS movement to date, as well as to work to consolidate and intensify our efforts in solidarity with the people of Palestine, who continue to suffer under the
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Biodiversity in the Credit River Watershed: Stewardship Forum & Volunteer Appreciation EventOctober 16, 2010 Mississauga, ON
Join Credit Valley Conservation and its community partners at this new and exciting FREE event. Learn how you can make a change for a healthier environment. Participate in a hands-on learning atmosphere, network with friends and community groups, engage in group discussion, and appreciate the
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Abilities Arts FestivalOctober 17, 2010 Toronto, ON
Celebration of disability arts and culture with music by Martin Deschamps, break dancing, films, forums, visual art and a children’s program.
Various prices, some events free
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17 - 23 October: National Co-op Week (week of the third Thursday of October)October 17, 2010 to October 23, 2010
National Co-op Week highlights the success of co-operatives and credit unions and promotes the co-operative movement and its activities.
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National School Safety WeekOctober 17, 2010 to October 23, 2010
National School Safety Week encourages schools to promote student safety.
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Green Connections Sustainable Business ConferenceOctober 18, 2010 Vaughan, ON
Green-Connections is a networking and mentoring group of small businesses. We are dedicated to exploring and sharing environmentally-friendly practices, products and ideas. Our goal is to encourage all businesses to 'Go Green'.
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EcoCare Conference - Healthcare and the EnvironmentOctober 18, 2010 to October 19, 2010 London, ON
EcoCare 2010 - The only conference in Canada to speak directly to the link between health care and environment.
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Sustainability Awareness Week - University of AlbertaOctober 18, 2010 to October 23, 2010 Edmonton, AB
A week-long celebration, with more than 60 events, coordinated by the Office of Sustainability with help from 30+ student groups and campus organizations.
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Sustainable Living Seminars - Simple and Sustainable LivingOctober 19, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Old Ottawa East Community Activities Group and Sustainable Living Ottawa East present Sustainable Living Workshops developed and delivered by Tucker House Seventh Generation Learning Series.
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Gord Miller Moderates Barrie Mayoral DebateOctober 19, 2010 Barrie, ON
ord Miller, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, will be in Barrie on Oct 19th to moderate a debate between the mayoral candidates.
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Waste Reduction Week in Canada (third full week of October)October 19, 2010 to October 25, 2010
Waste Reduction Week in Canada aims to raise public awareness of over consumption and of the environmental impacts of waste accumulation.
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That's Women's Work - call for artists, artisans, furniture makers, designers, textile makers, seamstresses, potters, creators and buildersOctober 20, 2010 Toronto, ON
A call for artists, artisans, furniture makers, designers, textile makers, seamstresses, potters, creators and builders.
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Forks Over Knives (Be The Change Film Series)October 20, 2010 Collingwood, ON
Be The Change Film Series - presented by Investors Group (Live music 6:30pm/ Film screening 7:00pm /Discussion with guest speaker 9:30pm)
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imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts FestivalOctober 20, 2010 to October 24, 2010 Toronto, ON
The imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival is an international festival that celebrates the latest works by Indigenous peoples on the forefront of innovation in film, video, radio, and new media. This year, the festival presents a selection of the most compelling and distinctive Indigenous works
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CBSR Summit on Corporate Social ResponsibilityOctober 21, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Summit is Canada’s premier conference on CSR, and this year’s theme is “Collaborating for Sustainable Change: New Approaches to Accelerate Innovation”. The gathering will focus on new, creative ideas to maximize efforts in CSR using a collaborative approach and explore the ways that
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The Reality And Future Of Genetically Enginered FoodsOctober 21, 2010 Toronto, ON
Coordinator of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, will present on the issue of genetic engineering and answer your questions. Genetically engineered fish and pigs are in competition to be the first GE animals in our food system. How did we get here? What GE foods are already on the market
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Afghanistan Outside the Wire with Scott TaylorOctober 21, 2010 Halifax, NS
Free, public lecture and film screening. All welcome. War Correspondent Scott Taylor will be providing a preview of his upcoming documentary "Outside the Wire." The film is a compilation of interviews and experiences from Taylor's five unembedded visits to Afghanistan since January 2007. His most
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Petits d'Hommes: An International Symposium on the Rights of the ChildOctober 21, 2010 to October 23, 2010 Moncton, NB
The Office of the Ombudsman and Child and Youth Advocate of New Brunswick, in partnership with AOMF, AFAPDP and ARCNDH, is hosting an international symposium on the rights of Francophone children and youth and the institutional mechanisms necessary for the implementation of these rights.
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World Green Energy Symposium & ExpoOctober 21, 2010 to October 23, 2010 Philadelphia
The 2010 World Green Energy Symposium, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia USA October 21-23, 2010 demonstrates the power of New Energy by providing a platform for connections, education, information exchange, contracting & business networking opportunities in the industry.
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Mothers and the Economy: The Economics of Mothering ConferenceOctober 21, 2010 to October 23, 2010 Toronto, ON
This conference on Mothers and the Economy: The Economics of Mothering will examine the interface between mothers-motherhood-mothering and the economy, bringing together the fields of economy, law, sociology and political philosophy to address theoretical and politically urgent issues of mothering
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Mothers and the Economy: The Economics of Mothering ConferenceOctober 21, 2010 to October 23, 2010 Toronto, ON
This conference on Mothers and the Economy: The Economics of Mothering will examine the interface between mothers-motherhood-mothering and the economy, bringing together the fields of economy, law, sociology and political philosophy to address theoretical and politically urgent issues of mothering
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Human Approaches to World Peace: Public Speech by Dalai LamaOctober 22, 2010 Toronto, ON
His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama will give a public speech at the Rogers Centre which will discuss the following:
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CETA: Treat or Trick?October 22, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Just in time for Halloween, Canadian and European Union trade negotiators are in Ottawa putting together a monster free trade pact. But this Harper-era trade deal is no treat. It's a trick that threatens farmers, First Nations, public water, municipal democracy, public services, workers cultural
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Take Back the Night MarchOctober 22, 2010 Toronto, ON
March in Toronto’s Take Back the Night and remember 30 years of struggle:
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Organizing in Crisis: Anti-Capitalist Dilemmas and PrioritiesOctober 22, 2010 Toronto, ON
Nick Dyer-Witheford, Associate Professor and the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at the University of Western Ontario, will deliver a lecture entitled, “Organizing in Crisis: Anti-Capitalist Dilemmas and Priorities”.
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Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions ConferenceOctober 22, 2010 to October 24, 2010 Montreal, QC
On October 22 to 24, 2010, a historic conference will take place in Montreal which aims to consolidate and move forward the movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid.
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Gathering for Tamil asylum-seekersOctober 23, 2010 Burnaby, BC
For the past six weeks No One is Illegal-Vancouver have gathered in front of the Burnaby Youth Custody prison where approximately 90 Tamil refugee mothers and children are being incarcerated.
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The Toronto Jewish Book FairOctober 23, 2010 to October 31, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Toronto Jewish Book Fair, established in 1976, is one of the largest Jewish Book Fairs in North America. The week-long event features sales of a wide range of books of Jewish interest, and over 25 international and Canadian authors who explore contemporary Jewish life, big ideas, politics, and
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Seeds of Diversity Canada - Annual General MeetingOctober 24, 2010 Fredericton, NB
Seeds of Diversity Canada is holding our Annual General Meeting in Fredericton this year. This is a rare occasion for our national organization. Please join us and meet the board, staff and other members. Everyone is welcome, admission free. Speaker to be announced.
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Canzine 2010October 24, 2010 Toronto, ON
Zine fair and festival of alternative culture with readings by Mark Sedore, Teri Vlassopoulos and others, workshops, book-pitching and more.
Admission: $5 (inlcudes copy of Broken Pencil)
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The True Cost of CoalOctober 24, 2010 Vancouver, BC
Art & Anarchy and CIPO-Vancouverinvite you to join the Beehive Collective for a visual workshop on “The True Cost of Coal”. The workshop will take place on October 24 at 7:00 pm at Spartacus books in Vancouver.
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Vegetable Gardening In The CityOctober 25, 2010 Toronto, ON
Talk by Young Urban Farmers' Chris Wong
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Holocaust Survivor MemoirsOctober 26, 2010 Toronto, ON
Readings of memoirs by Anka Voticky, Willie Sterner, Agnes Tomasov and Marian Domanski.
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Dr. Norman Finkelstein - Israel and Palestine: Past, Present, and FutureOctober 26, 2010 Montreal, QC
In his lecture - Israel and Palestine: Past, Present, Future - Dr. Norman Finkelstein will speak on the present situation in Gaza, the attack on Gaza Aid Flotilla, the current stage of the peace process, and the prospect of another regional war.
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Questioning the Boycott of Israel: A Path to Justice or an Obstacle to Peace?October 26, 2010 Toronto, ON
The University of Toronto Middle East History and Theory Workshop
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Primary Health Care MattersOctober 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
Symposium on environmental health issues, LGBT patient-centred care, Brazilian leprosy projects and more.
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Dr. Norman Finkelstein: Israel and Palestine: Past, Present, and FutureOctober 27, 2010 Ottawa, ON
In his lecture - Israel and Palestine: Past, Present, Future - Dr. Norman Finkelstein will speak on the present situation in Gaza, the attack on Gaza Aid Flotilla, the current stage of the peace process, and the prospect of another regional war.
$15 for non-students, $10 for students (with ID)
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From Palestine to Canada: Defending the rights of human rights defendersOctober 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
A lecture with Ala Jaradat, Addameer and Barbara Jackman, Jackman & Associates.
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Eradicating Malaria: Prospects And PerilsOctober 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
Dr Nicholas White, 2010 Gairdner Global Health Award Recipient will speak on his ground-breaking research relating to Artemisinins in treating and eliminating malaria.
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Lake Ontario EveningsOctober 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
Presentations on toxics in Lake Ontario, where the chemicals are coming from and more.
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Crisis Book LaunchOctober 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
crisis book: an anthology thing is about crises, whether they be economic, personal or even artistic. the participating writers and artists live in Europe, Asia and the Americas, and the works they have contributed were mostly made over the course of 2009.
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International Festival of Authors readingOctober 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
Now in its 31st year, the International Festival of Authors (IFOA) brings together the best writers of contemporary world literature for 11 days of readings, interviews, lectures, round table discussions, and public book signings each October.
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Insomniac Fall LaunchOctober 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
INSOMNIAC PRESS invites you to join us in celebrating the work of some of the fabulously talented women who have published books with us.
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Who’s Your Daddy: Fathering For Dummies (and Hip Hoppers, Hipsters and POC too!)October 27, 2010 to November 02, 2010 Toronto, ON
Please join me for the launch of my fourth book, Fatherhood 4.0: iDad Applications Across Cultures. It will be a night of brutally frank conversations about Baby Daddyhood, as seen through the eyes of some blog-addicted, media savvy, POC pops weaned on everything from the Cosby Show and George
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Indigenous Sovereignty Week, 2nd annualOctober 27, 2010 to November 04, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Wednesday Oct 27, 7:00pm
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The Net Zero Energy Life in CanadaOctober 28, 2010 Vancouver, BC
Montreal architect Sevag Pogharian is pushing the borders of net zero buildings by creating the Alstonvale Net Zero House, one of the Winning Projects in Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's EQuilibrium (TM) Sustainable Housing Demonstration Initiative. The Alstonvale Home strives to:
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13th Annual Nature Trust Dinner and Silent AuctionOctober 28, 2010 Halifax, NS
We're pleased to invite you to join us for the Nature Trust annual gala dinner and conservation celebration, hosted by Stephanie Domet. This year's guest speaker is Dr. George Archibald (photo: G Sundar), co-founder of the International Crane Foundation.
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Have A Say In Our Food SystemOctober 28, 2010 Toronto, ON
Make your voice heard at the People's Food Policy Project's Kitchen Table Talks. Join the conversation that has already engaged over a thousand Canadians. Ontario's PFPP animator, Clare Giovanetti of
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Unveilling the Myths that Fuels Anti-Semitism in the Muslim WorldOctober 28, 2010 Montreal, QC
Prominent Canadian Secular Muslim, Dr. Tarek Fatah, to speak in Montreal October 28th
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Norman Finkelstein: This time we went too farOctober 28, 2010 Toronto, ON
Dr. Norman Finkelstein is a prolific author and speaker who has dedicated his career to the analysis of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Author of numerous books on Israel-Palestine, Dr. Finkelstein will speak to his most recent work, "This time we went too far," which deals with Israel's brutal 2009
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Women And HomelessnessOctober 28, 2010 Toronto, ON
This year, we are celebrating our 45th anniversary. Please come and join us in the festivities on October 28th, 2010 at the City of Toronto Archives as we donate our historical records to the City. We'll have music, singing, maybe some dancing and, of course, some speeches. This is a very special
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Dr. Norman Finkelstein - Israel and Palestine: Past, Present, and FutureOctober 29, 2010 Edmonton, ON
In his lecture - Israel and Palestine: Past, Present, Future - Dr. Norman Finkelstein will speak on the present situation in Gaza, the attack on Gaza Aid Flotilla, the current stage of the peace process, and the prospect of another regional war.
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Music to Float a Boat: Canadian Boat to Gaza FundraiserOctober 29, 2010 Toronto, ON
Soulful sound makers from East and West raise their voices to help launch the Canada Boat to Gaza. The Canada Boat to Gaza is the ambitious vision of Canadian advocates for justice, peace and rights for Palestinians. The goal is to raise $300,000 to send a Canadian-registered ship as part of the
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Nine months after the disaster: Aid, human rights and elections - a Haitian perspectiveOctober 29, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Toronto Haiti Action Committee and Students in Solidarity with Haiti invites you to a free Public Forum with Haitian attorney Mario Joseph of the Bureau Des Avocats Internationaux and Berthony Dupont, Editor of Haiti Liberté to discuss the current political and human rights situation in Haiti
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The Great Turning: Towards a Just & Sustainable World, with David KortenOctober 29, 2010 to October 30, 2010 Ottawa, ON
The Great Turning: Towards a Just & Sustainable World
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David Korten to speak in OttawaOctober 29, 2010 to October 30, 2010 Ottawa, ON
David Korten, internationally-renowned economist and author of "When Corporations Rule the World", will be speaking in Ottawa on the evening of October 29th at 7 p.m. at the Bronson Centre.
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An Evening with Robert Meeropol, son of Ethel and Julius RosenbergOctober 30, 2010 Toronto, ON
Join us as Robert Meeropol* visits Toronto for the only Canadian stop during a series of 20 events in 20 cities in 20 months, reflecting on 20 years of the Rosenberg Fund for Children's work helping the children of targeted activists. Robert will also outline the dramatic new developments that have
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Dr. Norman Finkelstein - Israel and Palestine: Past, Present, and FutureOctober 30, 2010 Vancouver, BC
In his lecture - Israel and Palestine: Past, Present, Future - Dr. Norman Finkelstein will speak on the present situation in Gaza, the attack on Gaza Aid Flotilla, the current stage of the peace process, and the prospect of another regional war.
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Living the Solution ~ The Sevenfold Path of PeaceOctober 30, 2010 to November 01, 2010 London, ON
Empower Yourself and Be the Change that Changes Everything
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National UNICEF DayOctober 31, 2010
National UNICEF Day honours the traditional Halloween fundraising campaign for UNICEF.
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The US in the Middle East: Peace Processes and War FeversOctober 31, 2010 Toronto, ON
The 4th annual James Graff Memorial Lecture presented by Phyllis Bennis, Senior Policy Analyst, Writer and Co-Founder of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. As a longtime analyst of the region, Bennis will address the current political situation in the Middle East and discuss complex
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Stop Canada's cultural genocide at Barriere Lake and workshopNovember 01, 2010 to November 02, 2010 Toronto, ON
Do Canada's apologies for residential schools and other injustices against Aboriginal Peoples mean anything, or is Canada simply following the same policies of termination and assimilation it has pursued since the 1800s? Come find out, and hear the remarkable story of the strength of the Algonquins
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CanWEA 2010 - Canadian Wind Energy Conference and ExhibitionNovember 01, 2010 to November 03, 2010 Montreal, QC
CanWEA's 26th Annual Conference and Exhibition will gather over 2,500 wind energy professionals from all over the world to discuss the opportunities and the latest developments in the Canadian wind energy industry. The impressive exhibition hall will feature over 250 exhibiting companies and will
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Journalism Week at McGill campusNovember 01, 2010 to November 05, 2010 Montreal, QC
The Daily Publications Society is holding their third annual Journalism Week on McGill campus. Open to the public, this week-long series of panels and workshops aims to teach tangible skills and promote discussion around hot topics in the changing field of journalism.
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A Conversation with a War CriminalNovember 02, 2010 Toronto, ON
"Where do we go from here?"
This exclusive event with Condoleezza Rice will give the audience a candid look into the rationalizations of a war criminal.
Google 'Condoleeza Rice Toronto' for details.
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Solar Energy MeetingNovember 02, 2010 Oakville, ON
Interested in solar energy options for your home? Attend the Oakville Public Meeting for the HERE! Halton Enablers of Renewable Energy Project on Tuesday, November 2 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Oakville Town Hall (Oakville Room). At this meeting, you will learn about solar energy technologies and
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Local Government Efforts to Address Climate ChangeNovember 03, 2010 Toronto, ON
SPEAKER: Scott Pasternack, Supervisor, Policy Development, Toronto Environment Office, City of Toronto
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The Trouble With BillionairesNovember 03, 2010 Vancouver, BC
Join us at this free event to hear from award winning journalist and best-selling author Linda McQuaig, with tax law professor and author Neil Brooks: an eye-opening and provocative discussion about the damage extreme wealth causes to equality and a healthy, functioning society.
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CEC annual public meeting & webcast of the North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Project (Nov 3 & 4)November 03, 2010 to November 04, 2010 Washington DC
The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) invites you to participate in the annual public meeting of the North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Project, to be held in Washington, DC, USA, on 3-4 November 2010.
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Vancouver International Writers Festival: Sara GruenNovember 04, 2010 Vancouver, BC
In the four years since its release 'Water for Elephants' has sold millions of copies worldwide and is now available in 44 languages. Her highly anticipated new novel, Ape House, will be released this September and we are happy to announce a special event with her. This is a rare opportunity to this
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Solar Energy Meeting - MiltonNovember 04, 2010 Oakville, ON
Interested in solar energy options for your home? Attend the Milton Public Meeting for the HERE! Halton Enablers of Renewable Energy Project on Thursday, November 4 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Oakville Seniors Activity Centre (Cafeteria). At this meeting, you will learn about solar energy
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Ontario Urban Forest Council Annual ConferenceNovember 04, 2010 to November 05, 2010 Thorold, ON
At this conference we will explore the many ways through which our urban forests contribute to our social, psychological and physical health, for individuals and their communities. It has been common knowledge for years that trees provide an important service namely, the conversion of CO2 to oxygen.
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Vancouver Asian Film FestivalNovember 04, 2010 to November 07, 2010 Vancouver, BC
This years Vancouver Asian Film Festival will present an array of feature films, shorts and documentaries influenced, produced or directed by Asians. The VAFF provides a forum for independent North American Asian filmmakers to showcase their work to both Asian and non-Asian audiences. The aim of the
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Ontario Environment Network Fall Conference and AGMNovember 05, 2010 to November 06, 2010 North Bay, ON
Theme: International Year of Biodiversity
Details forthcoming.
Save the date!
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A symposium on the direction of feminist cultural productionNovember 05, 2010 to November 06, 2010 Toronto, ON
Performing Feminist Culture is a symposium organized by WIAprojects on the topic of feminist cultural production Feminist cultural practice in the 21st century has been splintered into a myriad of practices, concerns and communities. Such a shift has created more inclusive feminisms in which
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Biodiversity: Maintaining Community and Ecological HealthNovember 05, 2010 to November 07, 2010 North Bay, ON
OEN Fall Conference and Annual General Meeting - November 5-6, 2010
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18th Annual Rendezvous with Madness film festivalNovember 05, 2010 to November 13, 2010 Toronto, ON
Workman Arts presents the 18th Annual Rendezvous with Madness film festival, set to hit the big screen November 5th-13th with over 20 programs of feature and short films. RWM continues to revel in the mysteries of the mind, exploring the facts and mythologies surrounding mental illness and
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Media Democracy Day VancouverNovember 06, 2010 Vancouver, BC
The School of Communication at Simon Fraser University,, and the Vancouver Public Library present Media Democracy Day Vancouver 2010. This year's event will take place Saturday, November 6th from 12 PM-5 PM at the Vancouver Public Library, Central Library, 350 West Georgia Street. FREE
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Media Democracy Day VancouverNovember 06, 2010 Vancouver, BC
The School of Communication at Simon Fraser University,, and the Vancouver Public Library present Media Democracy Day Vancouver 2010. This year's event will take place Saturday, November 6th from 12 PM-5 PM at the Vancouver Public Library, Central Library, 350 West Georgia Street. FREE
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Launch and Fundraiser: 2011 Political Prisoners Calendar and 4strugglemagNovember 06, 2010 Toronto, ON
Mega-fun launch for two awesome projects with political prisoners: The 2011 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar ( AND 4strugglemag Issue 17 (
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Green Energy Introductory Seminar at Kortright CentreNovember 06, 2010 Woodbridge, ON
Technologies covered in this program include solar (photovoltaic), wind electrical energy and domestic solar hot water systems. The objective is to enable home or cottage owners to decide what technologies make sense for them, considering their own motivations and resources available. Motivations
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Feeding Africa: Scientific And Social IssuesNovember 07, 2010 Torotno, ON
Lecture by microbiologist/ethics prof Obidimma Ezezika
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Von Allan launches all-ages graphic novel titled 'Stargazer' at Ottawa's Perfect BooksNovember 07, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Von Allan will be signing copies of his new graphic novel "Stargazer" (ISBN: 978-0-9781237-2-7) at Ottawa's Perfect Books, an independent bookstore in the heart of the capital. Von will be chatting with fans and talking comics, graphic novels and art from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
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Nuclear Issues Discussion DayNovember 07, 2010 North Bay, ON
Nuclear Issues Discussion Day
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Photography retrospective: Second IntifadaNovember 08, 2010 Toronto, ON
An evening of photography and discussion with Jon Elmer, photojournalist to mark the 10th anniversary of the Second Intifada. Popular protests erupted throughout Israel-Palestine in October 2000 and Israel's harsh military actions quickly transformed the uprising into a war that redefined the nature
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Press conference: Jason Kenney’s “anti free speech” conference sponsorship to be exposedNovember 08, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) will hold press conference on Monday in Ottawa, releasing a video to the media and Members of Parliament which challenges the Harper government’s mounting attacks on free speech.
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Photography Retrospective: Second IntifadaNovember 08, 2010 Toronto, ON
An evening of photography and discussion with Jon Elmer, photojournalist to mark the tenth anniversary of the Second Intifada.
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Rise of the new sexism and how to fight itNovember 09, 2010 Toronto, ON
We're told that women have achieved equality, and that we should embrace a new sexualized form of liberation, but is this empowering? Join us as we discuss the rise of the new sexism and how we can fight for women's liberation today.
Speaker: Pam Johnson
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Project Hope Open HouseNovember 09, 2010 Toronto, ON
Project Hope is hosting the first Open House at its new home at Beit Zatoun. An exciting opportunity to meet each other and get to know Project Hope.
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Project Hope Open HouseNovember 09, 2010 Toronto, ON
Project Hope is hosting the first Open House at its new home at Beit Zatoun
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14th Toronto Reel Asian International Film FestivalNovember 09, 2010 to November 14, 2010 Toronto
Founded in 1997, The Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival is a unique showcase of contemporary Asian cinema and work from the Asian diaspora. Works include films and videos by East and Southeast Asian artist in Canada, the U.S., Asia and all over the world. The Festival, founded by
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Olive Harvest - Olive WarNovember 09, 2010 to November 21, 2010 Toronto, ON
Exhibition: Tuesday, November 9 to Sunday, November 21
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Crash Course in Blogging for WomenNovember 10, 2010 Toronto, ON
**** Reserved for women of colour ****
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Are Billionaires Dangerous?November 10, 2010 Toronto, ON
U of T students will open the evening with a free formal debate on the resolution “Be it resolved that billionaires are a menace to society” followed by an address by writer Linda McQuaig, currently a columnist at the Toronto Star, on the themes of her recent book The Trouble with Billionaires.
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Workshop on Community Engagement in Global HealthNovember 10, 2010 Toronto, ON
Workshop on Community Engagement in Global Health facilitated by Dr. Jim Lavery, Research Scientist, Centre for Research on Inner City Health, Centre for Global Health Research and McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health. Presented by The Graduate Student Alliance for Global Health (GSAGH) guided
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Toronto Reel Asian International Film FestivalNovember 11, 2010 Toronto, ON
This contemporary cinema showcase features more than 50 films and videos from over 10 countries by local and international Asian filmmakers.
$5-$20, passes $25-$80
Innis Town Hall (2 Sussex), Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts (10268 Yonge) and other venues
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Naomi Klein and Hawksley Workman G20 legal defence fundraiserNovember 11, 2010 Toronto, ON
During the G20 summit in June this year, the residents of Toronto bore witness to the largest mass arrest in Canadian history as approximately 1,200 people were assaulted, harassed, beaten and arrested by the police. More than 250 were charged and six remain in jail. Others are out on bail under
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The Real News: Reporting realityNovember 11, 2010 Toronto, ON
Join Lia Tarachansky, The Real News Middle East correspondent, for a look at independent media in the region and on the net. Recently returned from Israel/Palestine, Lia will show some of the videos she's done in the region. Her stories dig deep to answer the central questions at the heart of the
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The Real News: Reporting RealityNovember 11, 2010 Toronto, ON
Join Lia Tarachansky, The Real News Middle East correspondent, for a look at independent media in the region and on the net. Recently returned from Israel/Palestine, Lia will show some of the videos she's done in the region. Her stories dig deep to answer the central questions at the heart of the
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Waterloo Six Nations Solidarity Teach-InNovember 12, 2010 Waterloo, ON
Concerned settlers' of Waterloo Region on the Grand River Territory are organizing a teach-in before and after Christie Blatchford speaks about her new book Helpless: Caledonia's Nightmare of Fear and Anarchy and How the Law Failed All of Us at the University of Waterloo. Blatchford's book is very
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G20-Toronto Debrief (O4J Keynote)November 12, 2010 Ottawa, ON
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Voice of Women for Peace 50th Anniversary ConferenceNovember 12, 2010 to November 14, 2010 Toronto, ON
50th Anniversary Reception, Gala Dinner, Conference and AGM
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The Green Connection 2010November 14, 2010 Toronto, ON
Fall's premiere local green networking event
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Community Power ConferenceNovember 15, 2010 to November 16, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA) is hosting its second annual Community Power Conference this November. The event is Ontario’s single largest annual gathering of Community Power producers, proponents and supporters. Together with the Power Networking Centre trade show, the
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G20 Reading WeekNovember 15, 2010 to November 20, 2010
We need to educate ourselves, our families, colleagues, neighbours, and communities about the issues that brought us into the streets of Toronto during the latest G20 summit, and about the ideas that inspire us to create a better world. Thankfully, this task is not so difficult--there is a wealth of
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Trans Day and Week of Remembrance - series of eventsNovember 15, 2010 to November 25, 2010 Toronto, ON
The Centre for Women and Trans People will commemorate this year's Trans Day of Remembrance by offering a full Trans Week of Remembrance for Two Spirit, Intersex, and Trans people, and all who have been impacted by anti-trans violence and discrimination. A week is not enough -- together let's
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Lecture & Tour: Life in Crisis - AgainNovember 16, 2010 Toronto, ON
The current global crisis is not the first the earth has experienced. In fact, there have been several cataclysmic events when many species on the planet died out. These presentations will review the past five great extinctions, examining what went extinct and what might be the possible causes for
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Corporate and Community Social Responsibility ConferenceNovember 16, 2010 Ottawa, ON
The third annual Corporate and Community Social Responsibility (CCSR) conference will be held on Tuesday, November 16th, 2010 at Algonquin College in Ottawa to celebrate and showcase excellence in CCSR. This year's theme is Achieving Social Innovation through Corporate and Community Collaboration.
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Canada: Most Pro-Israeli Country? A lecture by Yves EnglerNovember 16, 2010 Waterloo, ON
Has the Harper Government Made Canada the Most Pro-Israel Country in the World?
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Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid- A lecture by Yves EnglerNovember 17, 2010 Toronto, ON
Many Canadians are concerned about Harper’s “Israel no matter what” policy and his claims that Canadian values are Israeli values. They are concerned by the Harper government's open attacks and defunding of groups who in any way have defended the rights of Palestinians. Under Harper, the
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Greenbuild 2010 - International Conference & ExpoNovember 17, 2010 to November 19, 2010 Chicago, Illinois, USA
Greenbuild is the world's largest conference and expo dedicated to green building. Thousands of building professionals from all over the world come together at Greenbuild for three days of outstanding educational sessions, renowned speakers, green building tours, special seminars, and networking
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The Gay International?November 18, 2010 Toronto, ON
Panel: Queer Rights Activism Across Borders
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Imperialist Canada Book LaunchNovember 18, 2010 Toronto, ON
Imperialist Canada exposes Canada's imperialist past and present, at home and across the globe. Todd Gordon interweaves histories of indigenous dispossession in Canada with the cold facts of Canadian capital's oppression of peoples in the global South. The book digs beneath the surface of Canada's
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CJPME fundraising dinner with Haneen Zoabi: The new generation of Palestinian leadershipNovember 18, 2010 to November 20, 2010 Various
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is delighted to announce that it will be hosting Ms. Haneen Zoabi as keynote speaker for its third annual fundraising tour, Nov. 18-20. Ms. Zoabi is the first Palestinian-Israeli woman elected to sit in the Israeli Knesset as a
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Big TentNovember 18, 2010 to November 20, 2010 Houston, Texas
The BigTent Conference is an unprecedented 3 day gathering of youth leaders, educators, advocates and young people who will share strategies, philosophies and tools to advance the health and wellbeing of families and children. The conference combines inspiring presentations, practical workshops,
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11th Annual aluCine Latin Media FestivalNovember 18, 2010 to November 21, 2010
aluCine is the premiere showcase of cutting-edge Latin short film and video. From its beginning aluCine has included and international showcase to promote critical dialogue between Latin and non-Latin artists. For 2010, aluCine continues the productive rethinking of issues around programming, and
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Green Living ShowNovember 19, 2010 to November 21, 2010 Moncton, NB
Announcing the creation of the first ever “Green” Consumer Show in Atlantic Canada to be held on November 19th-21st, 2010 at the Moncton Coliseum, Moncton, NB - the “Green Living Show”.
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The Atlantic Green ShowNovember 19, 2010 to November 21, 2010 Moncton, NB
Announcing the creation of the “Atlantic Green Show”.to be held on November 19th-21st, 2010 at the Moncton Coliseum, Moncton, NB.
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Rewriting a Country: Towards a Just and Peaceful CanadaNovember 19, 2010 to November 21, 2010 Alberta, ON
Conference towards a just and peaceful Canada:
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DIY-Punk Matinee!November 20, 2010 Toronto, ON
No Apathy! works to maintain a safe environment for all who participate in our events; forms of oppression such as homophobia, transphobia, sexism, or racism are not welcome at No Apathy! shows. Let's work together to build a community based on mutual respect as well as shared ideals. About No
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Green Tech Computer TossNovember 20, 2010 Toronto, ON
Learn about recycling computers, watch a free movie, join a jam session, and donate your old used computers to be put to good use.
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Vancouver International Writers Fest: Gary ShteyngartNovember 21, 2010 Vancouver, BC
Vancouver International Writers Festival and the Cherie Smith JCGV Jewish Book Festival present Gary Shteyngart The author of Super Sad True Love Story in conversation with Eleanor Wachtel. $21.00 / $19.00 students & seniors
Tickets: call 604-257-5111
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Renewable Energy TourNovember 21, 2010 Hamilton, ON
Interested in renewable energy for your home? Attend the tour hosted by the Halton Environmental Network on Sunday November 21 in the Flamborough area. The tour will feature 3 homes with solar panels, solar hot water systems, and geothermal systems. In addition to viewing working systems up close,
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Organic Connections 2010 ConferenceNovember 21, 2010 to November 23, 2010 Saskatoon, SK
Planning for the Fourth Biennial Organic Connections Conference and Trade Show are underway! The Organic Connections Board of Directors is creating another major prairie event with a focus on the future. According to President Debbie Miller, “the organic sector has reached a critical point in time
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YMCA World Peace Week 2009 (from the third to the fourth Saturday of November)November 21, 2010 to November 28, 2010
YMCA World Peace Week 2009 provides opportunities to explore world peace from personal, community and international perspectives.
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Linked Oppressions: Racism, Homophobia and TransphobiaNovember 22, 2010 to November 25, 2010 Toronto, ON
Linked Oppressions: Racism, Homophobia and Transphobia
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Opération Tendre la main (last full week of November and first full week of December)November 22, 2010 to December 06, 2010
Opération Tendre la main aims to raise public awareness of violence in communities.
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Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie - Film and Green Networking EventNovember 23, 2010 Toronto, ON
Tuesday, November 23, film screening of "Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie" – a portrait of the famous scientist, environmentalist, and broadcaster. Movie preceded by a green networking opportunity. Come out and meet like-minded Torontonians!
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GREAT G.R.E.E.N. ConferenceNovember 23, 2010 to November 24, 2010 Ohsweken, Brantford, ON
GREAT will host a GREEN Conference on the Six Nations Reserve. The event will feature several speakers, activities and a select number of Green-related educational and training facilities, services and businesses on the Grand River Territory and Golden Horseshoe area.
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Just Food Kitchen Table Talk: Food, Environment & GovernanceNovember 24, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Canada is deciding on national food and farming directions. What kind of food do you want to eat? As an eater, farmer, environmentalist, urban dweller, business – what needs to change?
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Earth Summit 2012 Campaign Launch - Celebrate SustainabilityNovember 24, 2010 Vancouver, ON
Join us in shaping our common future! A fundraiser featuring an eco-fashion show of award winning designers, live painting show to a contemporary violin performance, dancing and a Call to Action by leading sustainability thinkers will launch the Earth Summit 2012, Canada-wide Campaign. The Campaign
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GreenWorks Green Energy Career FairNovember 24, 2010 Kingston, ON
If your company or organization works or trains workers in the Green Energy sector, take this opportunity to exhibit at GreenWorks, a series of Green Energy Career fairs being held across the province!
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Art Exhibition: Divided and FoundNovember 25, 2010 to January 09, 2010 Toronto, ON
As with many plants and trees, the cactus and poppy are important symbols for Palestinians, representing their relationship to the land of Palestine. In villages and farms, the cactus was planted to form natural fences, and their sweet fruit was enjoyed in the late summer months. Many of the
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Measuring, Reporting and Reducing your Environmental FootprintNovember 25, 2010 Toronto, ON
The ecological and environmental impacts of companies are being much debated. Greenhouse gas/carbon, water and waste footprints are among the popular measures today spurred on by reporting systems such as the Carbon Disclosure Project, the Global Reporting Initiative and large retailers. What is
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Tom Rand presents Kick the Fossil Fuel HabitNovember 25, 2010 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
Thursday November 25, 2010 the Niagara Environmental Corps (NEC) will be hosting Tom Rand at Niagara College’s Niagara-on-the-Lake campus. Beginning at 7pm in the Yerich Auditorium students, staff, faculty and the community are welcome to attend this free one hour presentation from the
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Everyone's Downstream IV--Tar sands production and resistance: developing locally, expanding globallyNovember 25, 2010 to November 28, 2010 Edmonton, AB
Everyone's downstream is an annual conference that brings together community members, activists and others fighting the global infrastructure of the tar sands gigaproject.
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Buy Nothing Day (day after American Thanksgiving Day)November 26, 2010
Buy Nothing Day encourages people to buy nothing for 24 hours in order to raise public awareness of issues related to consumerism.
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Community: ABCD Concert FundraiserNovember 26, 2010 Toronto, ON
Blast these chilly nights and experience an exotic and exhilarating night of romantic movement and music while helping to educate and build a bright future for the children of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, Africa.
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Public Forum: Earth GrabNovember 26, 2010 Montreal, QC
"Earth Grab: The rush to grow ‘biomass' for fuels and industry will be worth trillions - but won't feed people, or stop climate change." Farm leaders from the Global South describe the reality and propose alternatives.
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Community: ABCD Concert FundraiserNovember 26, 2010 Toronto, ON
Blast these chilly nights and experience an exotic and exhilarating night of romantic movement and music while helping to educate and build a bright future for the children of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, Africa.
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Oxjam for Pakistan flood reliefNovember 27, 2010 Halifax, NS
Oxfam Canada-Halifax chapter would like to invite you to a special fundraising concert for Pakistan Flood Relief. Local musicians, such as Telfer, Michael Redden, Light Brights and 3 Sheet, will be rocking it out at Durty Nelly's pub (on the corner of Argyle & Sackville St.) in support of Oxfam
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Pushing Forward: Growing your career in the good food movementNovember 27, 2010 Toronto, ON
The booming food sector is providing a number of exciting opportunities for today’s job seekers and those looking for a change of career. Already making up one out of every eight of Toronto’s jobs, food jobs are providing a key component of the City’s employment market and economy.
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In RetrospectNovember 28, 2010 Toronto, ON
A conversation about 10 years of Palestine solidarity activism in Toronto
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Canadian Renewable Fuels Association SummitNovember 29, 2010 to December 01, 2010 Ottawa / Gatineau, ON
The Canadian Renewable Fuels Association (CRFA) is hosting its 7th Annual Summit in Canada’s National Capital Region – Ottawa / Gatineau from November 29 – December 1, 2010 at the Hilton Lac Leamy Hotel. This year’s theme is Growing Beyond Oil: Delivering Canada’s Energy Future and will
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Transition Ottawa Peak Oil Discussion GroupNovember 30, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Meet nearby advocates for peak oil awareness. Come to our informational monthly discussion group meeting to discuss ideas and actions on how to survive the consequences of the inevitable decline in oil production. Please RSVP by November 23rd to ensure the meeting is not cancelled.
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Café Scientifique: GMOs : A Question of Ethics, Survival, or Health?November 30, 2010 Ottawa, ON
Genetically modified organisms have already begun appearing on our plates. For some, these products promise a better world: a world without famine, in which agricultural chemicals are used less and less. Others see GMOs as a threat to the environment and to health. Should we be afraid of genetically
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Cities Alive - Green Roof and Wall ConferenceNovember 30, 2010 to December 03, 2010 Vancouver, BC
Whether you are a skeptic or not, headlines around the world are recognizing global warming as a major threat facing us right now. Can we make more of a difference in shaping our future? Can we slow down the impacts of global warming?
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World AIDS Day (fixed date; part of National AIDS Awareness Week)December 01, 2010
World AIDS Day aims to increase public awareness of HIV and AIDS and commemorates those who have died of AIDS.
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The Changing Coastal Zone Of Lake Ontario And Associated Ecological/Environmental IssuesDecember 01, 2010 Toronto, ON
TODD HOWELL, Great Lakes Ecologist, Water Monitoring and Reporting Section, Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Branch, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
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National Green Building ConferenceDecember 01, 2010 to December 02, 2010 Toronto, ON
National Green Building Conference
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An Evening of Authors & AnimalsDecember 02, 2010 Toronto, ON
An Evening of Authors & Animals
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Eco-village builders, dreamers, sought - meeting in DurhamDecember 04, 2010 Durham,West Grey, ON
Meeting for those wanting to build or live on an eco-village in southern Ontario. I am seeking others to join with me to slowly explore the various aspects of creating such a place to live, people with similar visions, beliefs and lifestyles. Also, I have very little experience with eco-villages
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Apartment613’s Kitchen Talk, at Zen KitchenDecember 04, 2010 Ottawa, ON
We at the local community blog Apartment613 are really into food. We think that the opportunity to talk a bit more about how and what we eat is a good way to spend a few hours (especially if it includes munching on the delicious fare at Zen Kitchen).
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Green Connections NetworkDecember 13, 2010 Newmarket, ON
Looking for something new in Networking?
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Evolver Ottawa - Take Back the PowerDecember 17, 2010 Ottawa, ON
The presentation will be lead by Darryl McMahon, who has expertise in peak oil, climate change, electric vehicles, renewable energy options etc. This will be followed by a screening of the documentary: The End of Suburbia.
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